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Signing Out button takes me to Booking.com?


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When I press the Sign Out button it takes me to booking.com.. now I'm not sure if this is a little mistake, or on purpose but sometimes the ads on this site are getting very spammy. I know the purpose is to make money (I do internet marketing too) but there is a limit when it gets too much and actually starts bringing down the quality of the site.

Another thing is the incredibly annoying pop up window I get when I click on the links in the Email Newspaper, which is incredibly difficult to close on a mobile device to actually see the forum post.

Hope someone will look into these as it's pretty annoying.

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Just another in a long line of recent forms of beggings

It is funny when one considers TV would not be as rich nor successful as it is.. if not for reader,member,contributors.

So this one is it for me. I have slowly been coming less & less anyway since all the pop-ups...tons of adverts etc.

But this final tripwire diversion for pay at log-out?

Just close your browser tab & then delete the cookie/clear your browser cache

Same as logging out anyway & no need to make the ungrateful any wealthier

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I just tried it - I am in Europe now.

And yes: sign out > booking.com

It is a pitty.

I like booking.com, because they give a very good description of the rooms they offer, and all incl prices. Of course I always check with other hotel sites as well, but I usually end up with booking.com.

But they are starting to get on my nerves with their aggressive e marketing. Use them, and next go on Faceboook, and there they pop up again!

The time will come that I will happily pay a small % extra for the privilege of using a different hotel site that does not have the same bad manners.

Only 1 problem: who is who / it is a cartel anyway - Some posters said booking.com and agoda are really the same company?

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You are talking about two different things in your post, which makes it a bit difficult to discuss in the same topic.

Item 1:

When I press the Sign Out button it takes me to booking.com.

Item 2:

Another thing is the incredibly annoying pop up window I get when I click on the links in the Email Newspaper, which is incredibly difficult to close on a mobile device to actually see the forum post.


  1. Do you have both things occurring on the same device? What device, with what operating system?
  2. Regarding item 1, what inconvenience does this cause, compared to the screen that was previously shown upon signing out?
  3. Regarding item 2, could you post a screen shot for a better understanding of what you get on your screen?
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  1. Regarding item 1, what inconvenience does this cause, compared to the screen that was previously shown upon signing out?

Some people get offended by adverts being thrust upon them against their will; whereas some other people aren't bothered by them and just consider them background noise.

Of course most people realise that some advertising is needed on a free site such as this, but there is a limit, and if there's too much advertising, people who are particularly offended by ads will stop visiting the site.

Personally, I'm not too bothered by adverts, but I do think it's definitely strange to be taken to a Booking.com advert when you log out of this site. It looks unprofessional and cheap, and maybe even looks like there's a bug or malware on the site. Am I inconvenienced or offended by it? No. But I can see how people for whom advertising rubs them up the wrong way could think that this is a step too far.

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Item 1:

When I press the Sign Out button it takes me to booking.com.

  • Regarding item 1, what inconvenience does this cause, compared to the screen that was previously shown upon signing out?

Highjack = "To take control of (something) without permission or authorization and use it for one's own purposes"

This is highjacking plain & simple...

A user clicks log-out & it is no surprise to be taken to a log-out screen

Inconvenience? To be re-directed to a site not wanted or requested? Perhaps none..that is not the question/problem

If I steal from you without your noticing or it does not inconvenience you that is ok?

Answer not needed as I no longer click log-out...But TV is still wrong to use such tactics

Edited by mania
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Highjack = "To take control of (something) without permission or authorization and use it for one's own purposes"

Not sure if it is the same thing, but also very annoying....

on the daily news email I look down and 'open in new tab' all the topics I wish to read, last few months = some pages will be a full re direct to True website, full page of what True has to offer.. !! this happen lots of times.

so now have to leave my email open and try to remember what it was in the list I wanted to read.. always used to delete email after opening what I wanted to read, now have to try to remember not to..

Yes I do have True internet, only option in this area for past 12 years....... never had True TV........ had to use for some months True mobile when they bought Hutch. but that was a couple or 3 year years ago [just hopeless the only way to use phone at home was to stand in an area in the garden] ..

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  • 5 weeks later...

Once upon a time, many, many years ago, when in Catholic churches all over the world the Mass was still read in Latin, the Vice-President of Coca-Cola was received by the Pope in a private audience. The chamberlain announced the visitor and ushered him in, then, as protocol required, withdrew to a far corner of the room, so as not to be privy to the conversation. The distant murmur reaching his ears was suddenly interrupted by a loud "No" uttered by the Pope, shortly afterwards by "Definitely not" and little later by "Absolutely not", this last exclamation accompanied by a gesture to the chamberlain to show the visitor out.

Done that, the chamberlain inquired of the Pope what that had been about. "This man", said the Pope, agitated, offered a two million dollar donation to the church if, for one year, in every church instead of concluding the Mass with 'Ite, missa est' (Go forth, the Mass is ended), the priest will say 'Ite, bibite Coca-Cola' (Go forth and drink Coca-Cola)"

The above is a joke, of course, but let us look at today's world, where most everybody is connected to the world-wide web via a computer or other device. On many websites, when I log out, the webmaster tells me "You have successfully logged out". That may be reassuring when logging out of an e-banking site, but with other sites it makes me wonder whether the webmaster thinks I am stupid.

The display on my computer screen after logging out of a site is analogous to the outside back cover of a magazine looking in my face when I close it. If I were publishing a magazine, would I leave that page blank except for the text "You have successfully closed the magazine"? Of course not. The outside back cover is the most expensive advertising space of a magazine and I would sell that space to the highest bidder, regardless whether he would be advertising a brand of Cognac, real estate, or even another publication as long as it were not directly competing with mine.

Therefore, I do not mind that the webmaster of Thaivisa does not acknowledge my logout with the message "You have successfully logged out", and instead I admire the advertising genius displayed by showing the home page of another website and feel good knowing that the income earned from this by Thaivisa will help defray the costs of running the site.

And back in the Catholic church, in response to the priest's "Ite, missa est", the congregation chants in unison "Deo gratias" (Thanks be to God)

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I do mind though that after logging iyt I have to press back to go to TV again, press logout again, get told I pressed the wrong button.

It is not the booking site that us irritating, it is that TV does not recognize the process TV takes me in to.

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Are you saying that when you click on "Sign Out" you are not really getting logged out of Thaivisa?

Sorry, missed your question.

After logging out I get taken to the mentioned website. The only way to return is by pressing 'back', which takes me to the general forum page. On this page I can press the 2 options on the right hand side, with 'sign out' giving me an error message, and 'stevenl' taking me to my profile. Pressing any of the options under my profile also gives an error message, so I think I am fully signed out.

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In that case, something is really wrong the way this works. Correctly logged out, you should not see the Sign Out button when you click to go back to the previous page, but the Sign In button.

Trying to recreate your problem earlier, I did not click on the back arrow but typed in the address field to load the Thaivisa page afresh and this way got the page with the Sign In button. I shall experiment with your way when I get back to my PC (am on the tablet at the moment)

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I get the same thing on my PC (Windows 7, Chrome Version 45.0.2454.99 m)

After clicking on Sign Out on the Thaivisa page and getting the hotel page, I click on the back arrow at the top left of the screen:


This brings me back to the Thaivisa page, which shows me still logged in, ie the Sign Out button is still displayed at the top right of the screen:


Only after I click on a forum title does the Sign Out button change to Sign In. The same thing is the case when, after clicking on Sign Out and getting to the hotel page, I press the Backspace key on the keyboard.

Earlier in this topic, I made fun of websites that, after I log out, display a page saying "You have successfully logged out" but now I see it differently. I find it commendable that a Thaivisa member should not only log out after he finishes a session, but also reassure himself that he has really been logged out. The way the logout currently works on Thaivisa does not give us this reassurance and I wonder if there is an easy way to fix this.

I'd like to see how other websites handle this but I cannot remember offhand what other site brings me to a different website on logout, although I vaguely remember having come across this once.

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Thaivisa is the only website I've ever seen that takes the user to a completely different website after signing out. It's definitely non-standard behaviour. As this is a strange thing to be doing, and will cause confusion or irritation to many users, why not simply drop this redirect and revert to the normal sign-out procedure?

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