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Julian Assange case: UK to make formal protest to Ecuador


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Julian Assange case: UK to make formal protest to Ecuador

LONDON: -- The UK is to make a formal protest to the government of Ecuador over the country's decision to "harbour" Julian Assange, the Foreign Office has said.

The Wikileaks co-founder sought asylum at London's Ecuadorean embassy in 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden.
UK officials said the bill for policing the embassy, which stands at £12m ($18.8m; €16.8m), was "unacceptable".
Earlier, Swedish prosecutors dropped two sex assault claims against Mr Assange, who had denied the claims.

Mr Assange still faces the more serious accusation of rape, which he also denies.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-33907874

-- BBC 2015-08-14

Sweden drops some sex cases against Assange


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Ecuador, a shithole poor country that has no business in harboring a wanted fugitive, what do they

get out of it only god knows, not that the Ecuadorian people are known to carry the justice and

equality torches of the world, they do well to care about their 15 millions mostly poor peasants

they seems un abele to provide for... and this Aggange, if he was a man and innocent he would

go out and face his accusers in a court of law, and nor cower like a rat in an embassy of a

country he never gave a toss before...

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Ecuador, a shithole poor country that has no business in harboring a wanted fugitive, what do they get out of it only god knows, not that the Ecuadorian people are known to carry the justice and equality torches of the world, they do well to care about their 15 millions mostly poor peasants

they seems un abele to provide for... and this Aggange, if he was a man and innocent he would go out and face his accusers in a court of law, and nor cower like a rat in an embassy of a country he never gave a toss before...

Nonsense. You would do exactly the same if you were in his shoes. Or would you be stupid enough to risk life in prison over some very dodgy allegations?

If I were in UK government, I would be making a formal complaint to Sweden. They could have ended this fiasco years ago.

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Ecuador, a shithole poor country that has no business in harboring a wanted fugitive, what do they

get out of it only god knows, not that the Ecuadorian people are known to carry the justice and

equality torches of the world, they do well to care about their 15 millions mostly poor peasants

they seems un abele to provide for... and this Aggange, if he was a man and innocent he would

go out and face his accusers in a court of law, and nor cower like a rat in an embassy of a

country he never gave a toss before...

Nonsense. You would do exactly the same if you were in his shoes. Or would you be stupid enough to risk life in prison over some very dodgy allegations?

If I were in UK government, I would be making a formal complaint to Sweden. They could have ended this fiasco years ago.

If I were in UK Government, I would be telling Ecuador to send him out or close their embassy.

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But it was okay for the UK to "harbour" Thaksin!

It was okay for the UK to "Harbour" Abdul Hamza - The most repulsive Muslim Terrorist in the world!

It was okay for the UK to "Harbour" Nelson Mandela and welcome the filthy mass murderer and they very nearly allowed a statue to be erected in Trafalgar Square for him.

Julian Asange is innocent until proven guilty and they are acting this way. This is why I hate the UK. Idiots running it!

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Ecuador, a shithole poor country that has no business in harboring a wanted fugitive, what do they

get out of it only god knows, not that the Ecuadorian people are known to carry the justice and

equality torches of the world, they do well to care about their 15 millions mostly poor peasants

they seems un abele to provide for... and this Aggange, if he was a man and innocent he would

go out and face his accusers in a court of law, and nor cower like a rat in an embassy of a

country he never gave a toss before...

Nonsense. You would do exactly the same if you were in his shoes. Or would you be stupid enough to risk life in prison over some very dodgy allegations?

If I were in UK government, I would be making a formal complaint to Sweden. They could have ended this fiasco years ago.

If I were in UK Government, I would be telling Ecuador to send him out or close their embassy.

But the UK can Harbour mass murderers - Nelson Mandela, Terrorists - Abdul Hamza and Thaksin but Ecuador cant Harbour a man who has not been proven guilty yet? Get real! The government dont like having their fireworks pissed on do they?

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Ecuador, a shithole poor country that has no business in harboring a wanted fugitive, what do they

get out of it only god knows, not that the Ecuadorian people are known to carry the justice and

equality torches of the world, they do well to care about their 15 millions mostly poor peasants

they seems un abele to provide for... and this Aggange, if he was a man and innocent he would

go out and face his accusers in a court of law, and nor cower like a rat in an embassy of a

country he never gave a toss before...

Nonsense. You would do exactly the same if you were in his shoes. Or would you be stupid enough to risk life in prison over some very dodgy allegations?

If I were in UK government, I would be making a formal complaint to Sweden. They could have ended this fiasco years ago.

If I were in UK Government, I would be telling Ecuador to send him out or close their embassy.

Then you belong in the UK government and are also happy to be prodded and pushed around by the US president.

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Ecuador, a shithole poor country that has no business in harboring a wanted fugitive, what do they

get out of it only god knows, not that the Ecuadorian people are known to carry the justice and

equality torches of the world, they do well to care about their 15 millions mostly poor peasants

they seems un abele to provide for... and this Aggange, if he was a man and innocent he would

go out and face his accusers in a court of law, and nor cower like a rat in an embassy of a

country he never gave a toss before...

"if he was a man and innocent he would

go out and face his accusers in a court of law, and nor cower like a rat in an embassy of a

country he never gave a toss before..."

The main reason he does not want to go to Sweden is, he would most likely face extradition to USA for his Wikileaks job and there risk life emprisonment...not same.

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Ecuador, a shithole poor country that has no business in harboring a wanted fugitive, what do they

get out of it only god knows, not that the Ecuadorian people are known to carry the justice and

equality torches of the world, they do well to care about their 15 millions mostly poor peasants

they seems un abele to provide for... and this Aggange, if he was a man and innocent he would

go out and face his accusers in a court of law, and nor cower like a rat in an embassy of a

country he never gave a toss before...

Nonsense. You would do exactly the same if you were in his shoes. Or would you be stupid enough to risk life in prison over some very dodgy allegations?

If I were in UK government, I would be making a formal complaint to Sweden. They could have ended this fiasco years ago.

If I were in UK Government, I would be telling Ecuador to send him out or close their embassy.

Then you belong in the UK government and are also happy to be prodded and pushed around by the US president.

Don't talk silly, completely tangential.

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Ecuador, a shithole poor country that has no business in harboring a wanted fugitive, what do they

get out of it only god knows, not that the Ecuadorian people are known to carry the justice and

equality torches of the world, they do well to care about their 15 millions mostly poor peasants

they seems un abele to provide for... and this Aggange, if he was a man and innocent he would

go out and face his accusers in a court of law, and nor cower like a rat in an embassy of a

country he never gave a toss before...

You should read the news more carefully...UK wants to jail Assange even if they don t have any procedure against him...

This situation is a fiasco created by US who obviously asked its lapdog UK to do the dirty work for them and even one of the "rape victim" said she was railroaded by the police during the interrogation.

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Nonsense. You would do exactly the same if you were in his shoes. Or would you be stupid enough to risk life in prison over some very dodgy allegations?

If I were in UK government, I would be making a formal complaint to Sweden. They could have ended this fiasco years ago.

If I were in UK Government, I would be telling Ecuador to send him out or close their embassy.

But the UK can Harbour mass murderers - Nelson Mandela, Terrorists - Abdul Hamza and Thaksin but Ecuador cant Harbour a man who has not been proven guilty yet? Get real! The government dont like having their fireworks pissed on do they?

A non-sequitur.

Nelson Mandella is now dead, ultimately became President of South Africa and was never harboured in the UK embassy.

Abdul Hamza was far from harboured, couldn't get him out but, ultimately did.

Thaksin... OMG waiting to get that in weren't you. Mass murderer,terrorist, which? When he was in the UK he had not been convicted of anything. He was banned from the UK and his visa cancelled when he was convicted.

Let me explain, this guy is holed up in the UK avoiding arrest from the UK authorities and is costing UK taxpayers a lot of money. I see it like the Libyan Embassy seige. where a killer was allowed to escape free as a bird. Foreign Embassies should not be a place of refuge for foreigners to avoid arrest ad infinitum. Let him go to Ecuador, no problem with that.

Edited by jacko45k
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Ecuador, a shithole poor country that has no business in harboring a wanted fugitive, what do they

get out of it only god knows, not that the Ecuadorian people are known to carry the justice and

equality torches of the world, they do well to care about their 15 millions mostly poor peasants

they seems un abele to provide for... and this Aggange, if he was a man and innocent he would

go out and face his accusers in a court of law, and nor cower like a rat in an embassy of a

country he never gave a toss before...

What court of law, he has not been charged with anything.

He is simply wanted for questioning. I too would consider something is not as it seems is people want to question me and I invite them to come see me and ask what they want but they refuse and want to drag me off to another country to do it.

What possible difference can it make to Sweeden where they question him?

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Ecuador, a shithole poor country that has no business in harboring a wanted fugitive, what do they

get out of it only god knows, not that the Ecuadorian people are known to carry the justice and

equality torches of the world, they do well to care about their 15 millions mostly poor peasants

they seems un abele to provide for... and this Aggange, if he was a man and innocent he would

go out and face his accusers in a court of law, and nor cower like a rat in an embassy of a

country he never gave a toss before...

The bigger picture my boy is the US want him at any cost to stand trial for the leaks his website announced to the world that severely embarrassed it, spying on there allies etc etc.

Sweden is but a pawn in this, the charges of rape are so that he can be extradited to the US once he has been arrested and all charges dropped due to insufficient evidence, they will throw him in to some shit hole and forget all about him, the Australian government won't help as were just a prawn of the us...and yes a prawn not a pawn.

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Ecuador, a shithole poor country that has no business in harboring a wanted fugitive, what do they

get out of it only god knows, not that the Ecuadorian people are known to carry the justice and

equality torches of the world, they do well to care about their 15 millions mostly poor peasants

they seems un abele to provide for... and this Aggange, if he was a man and innocent he would

go out and face his accusers in a court of law, and nor cower like a rat in an embassy of a

country he never gave a toss before...

"if he was a man and innocent he would

go out and face his accusers in a court of law, and nor cower like a rat in an embassy of a

country he never gave a toss before..."

The main reason he does not want to go to Sweden is, he would most likely face extradition to USA for his Wikileaks job and there risk life emprisonment...not same.

that should read..................The only reason

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Nonsense. You would do exactly the same if you were in his shoes. Or would you be stupid enough to risk life in prison over some very dodgy allegations?

If I were in UK government, I would be making a formal complaint to Sweden. They could have ended this fiasco years ago.

If I were in UK Government, I would be telling Ecuador to send him out or close their embassy.

But the UK can Harbour mass murderers - Nelson Mandela, Terrorists - Abdul Hamza and Thaksin but Ecuador cant Harbour a man who has not been proven guilty yet? Get real! The government dont like having their fireworks pissed on do they?

A non-sequitur.

Nelson Mandella is now dead, ultimately became President of South Africa and was never harboured in the UK embassy.

Abdul Hamza was far from harboured, couldn't get him out but, ultimately did.

Thaksin... OMG waiting to get that in weren't you. Mass murderer,terrorist, which? When he was in the UK he had not been convicted of anything. He was banned from the UK and his visa cancelled when he was convicted.

Let me explain, this guy is holed up in the UK avoiding arrest from the UK authorities and is costing UK taxpayers a lot of money. I see it like the Libyan Embassy seige. where a killer was allowed to escape free as a bird. Foreign Embassies should not be a place of refuge for foreigners to avoid arrest ad infinitum. Let him go to Ecuador, no problem with that.

He is "holed up" because the Ecuador government granted him asylum, which like any government they are entitled to do.

The UK government want the police to arrest him, even though the law courts now admit the extradition ruling against him was incorrect interpretation of the law and have since ruled differently. This to the enforce a European Arrest Warrant - issued by Sweden after their second prosecutor has previously given permission to travel. The first prosecutor, the Stockholm prosecutor, was replaced by the Gothenburg prosecutor as she has dismissed the case. A politician MP and lawyer, known to be connected to the Gothenburg prosecutor, also suddenly represented the women after the first dismissal.

The prosecutor has refused to travel to London and conduct the interview with Assange; or do it by Skype. Even though that has happened before.

It looks like someone wants Assange in custody and extradited to Sweden, and are prepared to go to a lot of trouble to effect it.

The UK policing of the embassy is ridiculous and no more than, at great cost to the taxpayer, a show to someone.

Assange as broken no laws in the UK, and has not been charged with any offence. He has not been convicted of any offense, and the offenses in question are not offenses under British law. At least one of the women in question alleges that the Swedish police coerced her and that she made it clear she wanted no action only the results of an HIV test.

Does this not seem all a little unusual to you?

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All of this talk that the horrible US has done this, done that, demanded this, demanded that...yet nobody has offered one shred of evidence the US has done any of it.

The alleged crimes were committed in Sweden, charges were brought in Sweden, the prosecutors are from Sweden. Assange is hiding to avoid providing testimony to Sweden.

The UK responded to an EU arrest warrant issued by Sweden and arrested Assange.

Assange managed to con some friends into putting up bail for him, whereupon he violated the terms of his bail by entering the Ecuadorian Embassy and requested asylum, which was granted.

His bond was called when he failed to appear on the EU arrest warrant and his friends lost their bail money.

Now the UK wants him for jumping bail and Sweden still wants to chat with him about the alleged rape charges.

I fail to see the US in this picture at all, but then I don't really believe in unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, as do some of you.

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If he was not guilty of the rape charges he would have nothing to fear in Sweden. To say that the US can or would interfer with the Swedish courts is utter BS. I hope the slimeball rots and his tratorous mate cowering in Russia and giving away secrets for money rots with him. Slimeballs both. UK should simply chuck out the Ecuadorians who have an appalling human rights record and really are Moscow's bum boys.

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I think the UK sent the formal request to the wrong country. He has only jumped bail in UK, the penalty for which is loss of bail surety, so that has been satisfied.

The only reason police are guarding the place now is because Swedish authorites wont question him there. The UK should be formally requesting whoever is wanting the place guarded. Ecuador certainly dont need the guards there.

If Sweden dont put up the cash then why not just take the guards away. No one is forcing the UK to have police there.

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Ecuador, a shithole poor country that has no business in harboring a wanted fugitive, what do they

get out of it only god knows, not that the Ecuadorian people are known to carry the justice and

equality torches of the world, they do well to care about their 15 millions mostly poor peasants

they seems un abele to provide for... and this Aggange, if he was a man and innocent he would

go out and face his accusers in a court of law, and nor cower like a rat in an embassy of a

country he never gave a toss before...

Face them in a court of law? You have got to be kidding. This charge of rape in my humble opinion is just another trumped up charge like the two that were dismissed. When people that reveal the truth come under attack governments attack their character to discredit them first move. If Assange(not Aggange) ever tried to defend himself in a court of law well he would loose(you cannot win against the system) and disappear into a black prison hole for years. As long as you stay in the news your a pain in the governments side they want to make you irrelevant history to cover up their misdeeds SAP. He must must be thrown in jail much like a woman languishing in Leavenworth for 35 years at present for revealing government shenanigans. I am surprised ezzra you usually write a good well balanced reply this one is full of spelling errors and half truths. Calling Ecuador a shithole(spelling error) is really beneath you. Ecuador's poor peasants are really no worse off than a lot of the surrounding countries and maybe even better off. Why do you think that 100's of thousands of workers from surrounding countries flock to Thailand? Sunshine and good food? Hardly.

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I have a hard time believing that both the UK and Sweden would be in cohoots with the US to this degree. It beggars believe, TBH. The UK and Sweden may be concerned about what he will release about them when he gets out, but there is no way that they would back the US to this point, especially Sweden.

He has made a laughing stock of the laws and judicial systems of two countries. No need to looker deeper than that for a reason for their pursuit of him.

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I have a hard time believing that both the UK and Sweden would be in cohoots with the US to this degree. It beggars believe, TBH. The UK and Sweden may be concerned about what he will release about them when he gets out, but there is no way that they would back the US to this point, especially Sweden.

He has made a laughing stock of the laws and judicial systems of two countries. No need to looker deeper than that for a reason for their pursuit of him.

You might have a hard time believing but most of us don't, The US pull many strings, have you not notice how they dictate world affairs?

Not a good idea to get off side with the US just go ask the Australian Labour Party, since goff was thrown out the "new" Labour has been a staunch supporter of all US aggression...wops i mean US world policing.

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If he was not guilty of the rape charges he would have nothing to fear in Sweden. To say that the US can or would interfer with the Swedish courts is utter BS. I hope the slimeball rots and his tratorous mate cowering in Russia and giving away secrets for money rots with him. Slimeballs both. UK should simply chuck out the Ecuadorians who have an appalling human rights record and really are Moscow's bum boys.

And Britannia is America's bum girl.

It's not Sweden that is the fear. If you don't know why that is try doing some research.

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