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Protecting Young Thai Girls

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You genuinely believe that the old man who's deliberately targeted the 17 year old isn't imagining she's 14 or 15 while he's puffing away on top of her??

If so, you're incredibly naïve

Absolutely nailed it

Why don't we make it illegal to have impure thoughts while we're about it?

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Sorry but you haven't plucked anything.

I'm not applying Western morals to Thailand, I'm applying universal morals because I doubt that any Thai parent of any 17 year old girl, all things being equal, would sanction the defilement of his daughter by a decrepit old foreigner 3 times her age.

Older customers - from what I've seen - do pay more. Apparently it compensates for the disgust factor.

Young men tend to prefer girls of similar ages because they regard 17 year olds - quite understandably - as inexperienced and childish, attributes which apparently turn the deviants on.

You genuinely believe that the old man who's deliberately targeted the 17 year old isn't imagining she's 14 or 15 while he's puffing away on top of her??

If so, you're incredibly naïve17 is illegal. 18 is legal. That's it.

17 isn't illegal unless you've picked her up in a brothel or other establishment that facilitates prostitution.

I wouldn't recommend that you try this. Although there is a lower age of consent, this would apply to people of similar ages in a married relationship or at the very least with parental consent. A well known Thai pop star was prosecuted for having sex with an under 18 girl a few years ago. Stick to girls 18+ and you should be fine.

Edited by brewsterbudgen
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I couldn't tell you what happens in girly bars, because I've never been in one. But I've been in plenty of the normal kind, and I can't imagine anyone getting punched for saying they didn't think old men should be sleeping with young girls.

Live your life how you choose, but don't kid yourselves that the rest of the world finds it anything other than distasteful.

This subject has been repeated ad nauseum quite frankly. You don't have to come to Thailand to find old men having sex with young girls, it just depends on how deep your pockets are. You can find beautiful young hookers catering to the rich and famous (and old) in plenty of affluent countries, so nothing is going to change because people like you bitch about it.

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Says the person who thinks he knows what "the rest of the world" finds distasteful.

These guys are no different than some frothing at the mouth bible thumper, they think they speak for the world, but in fact they are just a pathetic whining voice in the wilderness.

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Predatory foreigners? Give me a break! Most of the girls who come to places like Pattaya to work in bars have already been preyed on by either members of their own family, or local village guys, who have got them pregnant, abandoned them, and the family has then sent them out to earn money any way they can. No questions asked.

Absolutely correct.

A more useful set of laws would be those that protect girls from "Deadbeat Dads" and make the men accept responsibility and provide for their children.

This would do a lot to solve the problem being discussed here. The (Thai or foreign) men who have used, abused, impregnated and then abandoned a Thai girl might think twice if there is going to be a lifetime of repercussions, and the young Thai girl may not end up in Pattaya selling her ass to take care of someone's bastard.

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I really don't get the problem with prostitution, we got it legal in the Netherlands too and as long as people are not forced or underage, then I don't see the problem. People should be free to sell their body and others should be free to pay for it. I hate religious people telling what to do and what not to do. Forcing beliefs upon others is crazy. If you don't want it don't use it that is it.

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I've seen a few threads on this forum in which men aged 50-60 years old and up seem to revel in how close they can get to breaking the laws of decency and the land when it comes to paying to bed young Thai sexual partners aged 17-18.

"The younger, the better" seems to be the order of the day provided they don't go below the legal age.

I find this morally repugnant and I know I'm not alone

Compared to Western girls of the same age, 17-18 year old Thai girls aren't as mature or experienced so, with that in mind, do they really have the emotional capacity to make a decision to have sex with a man 3 times their age?

I don't think so

Should Thailand enact laws that make it illegal for a foreign male over the age of 50 to have sexual relations with any Thai female under the age of 22?

I think it should.

So your talking about a 17 - 18 yo prostitute right? Your concerned about her moral protection or her ability to make decisions? In her case I think u r too late! And on what basis or fact do you know these girls are less mature than Western girls? I'd say their life experience / survival in some cases would make them far more mature. And are you saying it would be ok for eg a 25 yo man to sleep with this girl but not a 60 yo?

I think most here would find any form of exploitation or U/A sex objectionable but your post is pure twaddle

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I really don't get the problem with prostitution, we got it legal in the Netherlands too and as long as people are not forced or underage, then I don't see the problem. People should be free to sell their body and others should be free to pay for it. I hate religious people telling what to do and what not to do. Forcing beliefs upon others is crazy. If you don't want it don't use it that is it.

Who mentioned anything about religious beliefs?

Often things like this come from religious beliefs, most prude people on earth are religious people (at least in public). Its the freedom to do with your body what you want, if you want to sell sex you can do it. Why should others decide that for you ? (if not forced and legal)

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Can somebody please recap and accurately summarize Thai law related to prostitution.

Buying sex is not illegal unless the prostitute is under 18 or trafficked. Many aspects of selling sex are illegal, such as soliciting, brothels and other aspects linked to promiscuity. Like many laws in Thailand it's often a grey area and down to the intepretation of the police. However prostitution has always been part of Thai culture; they just prefer it under the radar. The barfine system operating in most farang bar areas keeps things (mostly) legal.

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Sure nothing is black and white but in general it comes from religion (every religion on the world tells you how to be have and either promises a reward if you do or a punishment if you don't) Now of course there is a broader spectrum then the two extremes.

I don't believe there is any religion that has writings stating it's wrong for a guy to have heterosexual sex with a girl, no matter how young.

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Sure nothing is black and white but in general it comes from religion (every religion on the world tells you how to be have and either promises a reward if you do or a punishment if you don't) Now of course there is a broader spectrum then the two extremes.

I don't believe there is any religion that has writings stating it's wrong for a guy to have heterosexual sex with a girl, no matter how young.

No idea, but I believe sex for money is something that is bad in Christianity. As for the age of a girl that is something that is set by law and is a good thing.

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An interesting article here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/3699814.stm

Argentina - 15
Bahamas - 16
Canada - 14
Colombia - male 14, female 12
India - 18
Indonesia - male 19, female 16
Hungary - 14
Peru - male 14, female 12
Tunisia - 20
UK - 16
US - federal age 16

It's a tricky question - we don't all mature at the same time, physically or mentally. Just one example of how sometimes legislation has to take a 'one size fits all' approach.

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I agree, and its a case of trying to cover the majority and not specific instances, as allsorts of factors can influence, such as financial, environmental and of course family.

You cant legislate for everything, just try to cover as broad a spectrum as is practical, but as said many times, its all becomes irrelevant if ANY law is not not enforced and consequence are real and harsh enough to be a deterrent.

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Can somebody please recap and accurately summarize Thai law related to prostitution.

Buying sex is not illegal unless the prostitute is under 18 or trafficked. Many aspects of selling sex are illegal, such as soliciting, brothels and other aspects linked to promiscuity. Like many laws in Thailand it's often a grey area and down to the intepretation of the police. However prostitution has always been part of Thai culture; they just prefer it under the radar. The barfine system operating in most farang bar areas keeps things (mostly) legal.

I see . So if a "John " picks up a prostitute and she is over 18 he cannot be prosecuted for an offense under Thai law? What is the definition of trafficking? If somebody picks up a girl of legal age, say 32, and it turns out later she was forced to work as a prostitute by a husband, pimp, or boyfriend would the John be guilty of an offense even though he assumed she was a willing participant in the sex trade?

Edited by metisdead
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Predictable cries of ageism when someone suggests that 50+ year old men actively pursuing 18 year old Thai girls for sexual relationships is morally repugnant.

Can't really expect anything else given the sheer numbers of sexpats and sex tourists on the forum but I think most right-thinking people in our home countries would fully support the imposition of a law that criminalised it.

If what you say was true... Then there would already be such laws in the west making it illegal for 50 year olds to sleep with 18-22 year olds...

It may get some judging , but as far as I know... No laws against it...

Also agree that I would Not want my daughter to date an old man when she was 18-22... But don't think that everything that I wouldn't want my daughter to do should be illegal

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Can somebody please recap and accurately summarize Thai law related to prostitution.

Buying sex is not illegal unless the prostitute is under 18 or trafficked. Many aspects of selling sex are illegal, such as soliciting, brothels and other aspects linked to promiscuity. Like many laws in Thailand it's often a grey area and down to the intepretation of the police. However prostitution has always been part of Thai culture; they just prefer it under the radar. The barfine system operating in most farang bar areas keeps things (mostly) legal.
I see . So if a "John " picks up a prostitute and she is over 18 he cannot be prosecuted for an offense under Thai law? What is the definition of trafficking? If somebody picks up a girl of legal age, say 32, and it turns out later she was forced to work as a prostitute by a husband, pimp, or boyfriend would the John be guilty of an offense even though he assumed she was a willing participant in the sex trade?

Depends on the country. In Sweden it is perfectly legal to sell yourself (if it is "pimp-free" etc) but it's illegal to buy sex no matter what.

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consenting adults' is the

Worthy sentiment but 'two

well-worn line that these

men reel off with a really

smug look on their faces

as if it trumps anything you

could possiblysay


I have to say, I'd definitely be

in favour of that law. There's

nought wrong with older

guys going with younger

women but a line's gotta be

drawn somewhere.

you really should take up haiku, you know, mix it up a bit

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OP seems to be missing out on or blind to the many 12/13/14 year old Thai girls with their Boy friends not far short of 30! Now in Farangland..that would be a long time in Jail and on a sex offenders list!

Ohhhh but wait somebody already mentioned Thailands lack of enforcing any laws let alone making new ones or imposing a sense of common decency!

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OP, somewhat justifiable, stating about preserving the innocence of young thai women on a forum of people who have chosen to live in a moral depricit country where laws are not enforced and where thais themselves value NOT the protection of young innocent people.......good luck !

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Can somebody please recap and accurately summarize Thai law related to prostitution.

Buying sex is not illegal unless the prostitute is under 18 or trafficked. Many aspects of selling sex are illegal, such as soliciting, brothels and other aspects linked to promiscuity. Like many laws in Thailand it's often a grey area and down to the intepretation of the police. However prostitution has always been part of Thai culture; they just prefer it under the radar. The barfine system operating in most farang bar areas keeps things (mostly) legal.

I see . So if a "John " picks up a prostitute and she is over 18 he cannot be prosecuted for an offense under Thai law? What is the definition of trafficking? If somebody picks up a girl of legal age, say 32, and it turns out later she was forced to work as a prostitute by a husband, pimp, or boyfriend would the John be guilty of an offense even though he assumed she was a willing participant in the sex trade?

So if a "John " picks up a prostitute and she is over 18 he cannot be prosecuted for an offense under Thai law? --> correct.

What is the definition of trafficking?--> complex. trafficking covers a lot of different things. read the law for more info.

If somebody picks up a girl of legal age, say 32, and it turns out later she was forced to work as a prostitute by a husband, pimp, or boyfriend would the John be guilty of an offense even though he assumed she was a willing participant in the sex trade?

--> no, the customer won't be liable, except if he knew about the girl's condition, but even then, this is difficult to prove.

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let me pluck apart your deficient logic for you:

"morally decent" : a question of perspective. you come with your Western morals and apply them to Thailand.

"my 17 year old daughter accepting a modest wad of cash for spreading her legs for an elderly sexpat" : this brings up a world of questions. first, why would my daughter want to sell herself for a modest wad of cash? If it's out of poverty, why does the age of the customer make a difference? Should old customers have to pay more? Is 17 years of age ok for having sex with someone? No? Or except if the person is old? Is there a law prohibiting prostitution of 17 year olds? yes? What about 18 year old? Is the whole prostitution thing wrong?

=> it all boils down to you wanting to impose your morals to others

"younger sexpats are not engaged in the pursuit of younger girls" : that's your perception because there are so much older sexpats than younger ones (because the 50-60 age range has the money and time to come stay in Thailand). I'd risk the assumption that young sexpats like young girls just like older sexpats.

"The suggestion that men are somehow hardwired to desire 17-18 year old girls is drivel. Men are hardwired to impregnate as many women as they possibly can but, lo and behold, most of us manage to conduct monogamous relationships without too much difficulty. I think paying a 17 year old, poorly-educated Thai girl is the worst kind of exploitation of her situation that should arouse in us compassion and a desire to protect, not have us unzipping our fly."

=> you are deflecting the debate. 17 years old is illegal. your original post was about 18 years old. And then again, just because "some manage to conduct monogamous relationships", it should be the rule for everyone. Again you try to impose your superior self-righteous morals - a law has been made to protect underage girls and underage prostitutes, let's stick to it. We don't need you for that.

Sorry but you haven't plucked anything.

I'm not applying Western morals to Thailand, I'm applying universal morals because I doubt that any Thai parent of any 17 year old girl, all things being equal, would sanction the defilement of his daughter by a decrepit old foreigner 3 times her age.

Older customers - from what I've seen - do pay more. Apparently it compensates for the disgust factor.

Young men tend to prefer girls of similar ages because they regard 17 year olds - quite understandably - as inexperienced and childish, attributes which apparently turn the deviants on.

You genuinely believe that the old man who's deliberately targeted the 17 year old isn't imagining she's 14 or 15 while he's puffing away on top of her??

If so, you're incredibly naïve

You're not going to prove your point by stating more misconceptions...

I'm applying universal morals

--> urban legend. there is no such thing. the "morals" we have in the Western world are heavily tainted by religion(s) (judeo-christianism)

I doubt that any Thai parent of any 17 year old girl, all things being equal, would sanction the defilement of his daughter by a decrepit old foreigner 3 times her age.

--> again you are wrong, there are (too) many Thai parents who have absolutely no qualms letting foreigners of any age have sex with their sons or daughters (many of whom have already given birth to a child from a Thai boyfriend) as long as they get money.

Older customers - from what I've seen - do pay more. Apparently it compensates for the disgust factor.

--> it's up to the girl. not up to you

Young men tend to prefer girls of similar ages because they regard 17 year olds - quite understandably - as inexperienced and childish, attributes which apparently turn the deviants on.

--> wrong. young Thai girls living for some time with older (Thai) sugar daddies is relatively commonplace in Thailand

You genuinely believe that the old man who's deliberately targeted the 17 year old isn't imagining she's 14 or 15 while he's puffing away on top of her??

--> there are several breaches of logic in your assumptions. first, I think the dirty old men don't deliberately target girls because they are 17. I think they will bypass that unnecessary step and rather directly target persons looking 14-15 without looking at their real age in the first place.

your second mistake is taking the role of the thought police - making assumptions about people's thoughts is dangerous and should therefore be off limits, especially to bigots.

Also, I can only notice that you again deliberately talk about ages of 17 and even 14, as these are just below the legal limits set by Thai law.

For other readers, legal ages in Thailand are:

- 18 for any legal sex (i.e. promiscuous/prostitution)

- 15 for non-promiscuous, non-commercial sex, i.e. boyfriend with the consent of the family, getting engaged, etc.

personally I think the ages defined by the law are sufficient.

at some point, people have to take responsibility for their actions.

probably not everyone is mature enough at 18 yo to make all kinds of decision, but laws cannot be made to suit every and each person's needs.

and finally... it's just about sex... sex isn't a big deal, at least not as big as the "universal morals" (LOL) want to have us believe.

Edited by manarak
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Compared to Western girls of the same age, 17-18 year old Thai girls aren't as mature or experienced so, with that in mind,

i think this remark is utter twaddle, what qualifies the OP to the arbiter of the maturity of thai women vs "Western" women?

as for chasing 17-18 year olds, it is pretty unsavory in my opinion and certainly not for me.

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I assume that your next trip will be to Yemen and you'll preach on the largest square about them not having intercourse with 9 year old girls... because hey, you are consistent right? Surely there are bigger issues in the world, especially in Thailand, than which adult is having sex with another adult regardless of age.

But i want to point out that you are in fact preaching how people should live their lives (not haing sex with someone under 22). And because you realize how bizarre your preaching is you're also demanding a law against such behaviour.

So if I might summarize your particularly feeble argument, you're basically saying, "Girls are being abused in Yemen, why are you looking at what depraved old men are doing in Thailand? At least we're paying!"

Ok well, I live in Thailand. The topic is about Thailand and the few baht you might pay won't fade the scars on the young mind of a 17-22 year old Thai girl who's had to indulge your fantasies.

If you're one of the elderly men exploiting these young girls, then I don't really expect you to agree with my point of view but at least try and back your argument with more than childish suggestions I look at exploitation elsewhere.

Am i one of the few males here that agree with you????. first of all if a 25 yo had sex with a young hooker, maybe aged 20, i do not suppose anything would be said, but i feel sick thinking about the old,fat, depraved perverts of 60 upwards that think it is ok, my mind cannot take something like that in. Especialy if they have daughters back home, its horrible

So to be clear: it's not about the age of the girl, it's about the age of the man. And 60 year old men should not be having sex with 20 year old women. But for some strange reason it's OK for a 60 year old woman to have to suffer a fat old geezer on top of her. I think you need to rethink your views on what other people are allowed to do and not allowed. Maybe our older brothers should be restricted to self-abuse with their own fantasies. DO you have any constraints on what fantasies they're allowed?


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The OP's premise - that 21 year old Thai women are categorically less mature than Western counterparts - is egregiously racist.

It's true. Anyone who has bought up a family here , has friends with families, who mix with their western counter parts ( cousins) even friends who have had families both in the west and in Thailand will state that it is a fact.

Nothing to do with racism..its to do with the society they are brought up in....

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Consenting adults can do what they want. I don't see what age really has to do with it if the girl is of legal age. If the girl is a hooker as is likely the case under your scenario and typically where this happens, I would say she has plenty of experience and couldn't care less about the Sexpat's experience or anything else about him other than getting paid. Plenty of young hookers in the west getting bought by old guys every day as well. Nothing unique about Thailand. If the girl is underage then I absolutely agree with you. That is the real problem in Thailand and the Thai men are probably bigger perps than the Sexpats.

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Just protecting young girls is sexist.

Well it has to go both ways if you are going to do a law.

It then should applied to young males as well.

So an senior adult (male or female) would not

take advantage of a younger (male or female) adult.

Not than I am in favor of doing this,

but if you are going to do something

then you have to do it right.

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