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Notorious occult conman accused of new sex scandal

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This man truly is a master of the occult black arts. How else do you explain people behaving this stupidly? Sure everyone would like to improve their life. It beggars belief that a woman would pay money and have sex with this man to accomplish that end. Maybe she should try it the old school way ... make merit, visit the temple and follow the eight fold path. Sure this guy is a creep but these women are following the same road that keeps the Nigerians in the letter writing/bank account business. There are no short cuts and sometimes life sucks ... get over it and move on.

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Okay, have you heard the story of the Australian man in Thailand ? He talked to a Thai lady and told her that he would take her to Australia, and he paid for a few drinks and food for her. He said that sex between the two of them would greatly improve the chances of him taking her to Australia, so the lady went ahead with various sexual acts with him.

A. Lady was a silly cow. Keep your legs crossed before getting married. I wouldn't want someone who would fall to such a stupid request.

B. 'Greatly improve' does not count for 100% certainty.

C. The lady was thinking of gaining something for this "trade" so was she completely innocent? I would say that the decent types of Thai ladies do not jump into bed thinking that will open the gates of heaven for them.

D. I do not endorse such actions but it was not rape so maybe morally wrong but not criminal per se.


Im afraid that your overall view is sexist and dated. It is based on the presumption that women never want sex and only engage in sexual activity for payment. It is a bit sad to think that you believe that all women feel this way. I would have to guess that most women do engage in sex at times for reasons other than personal physical pleasure (as do men), but their reasons are not necessarily financial.

In answer to your question: "taking advantage" of something is not always a bad thing. I willingly let my students "take advantage" of my knowledge and experience, for example. In fact, I'd be disappointed if they didn't. Would you think that's a bad thing?

So far as a woman taking advantage of a man: if that is something that he wants, then there is no problem. If, on the other hand, either party "takes advantage" through dishonesty or misrepresentation, then fraud is the real issue. So in your example, if the Aussie told the lady a story that he knew was false, then he is wrong. And if the lady pretended to believe him - or pretended that she was having sex because she loved him when the real reason was something else, then that was equally wrong.

Meanwhile, I seriously hope that you overcome your feelings of sexual inadequacy and come to realize that women have sexual desires and feelings of their own. You're probably not near as undesirable as you think.

Erm...who is that post directed against?

If you had been paying attention to the thread you would know it was Seastallion post #8......

very possibly Tonbridgbrit #9 but I suspect the latter.


Im afraid that your overall view is sexist and dated. It is based on the presumption that women never want sex and only engage in sexual activity for payment. It is a bit sad to think that you believe that all women feel this way. I would have to guess that most women do engage in sex at times for reasons other than personal physical pleasure (as do men), but their reasons are not necessarily financial.

In answer to your question: "taking advantage" of something is not always a bad thing. I willingly let my students "take advantage" of my knowledge and experience, for example. In fact, I'd be disappointed if they didn't. Would you think that's a bad thing?

So far as a woman taking advantage of a man: if that is something that he wants, then there is no problem. If, on the other hand, either party "takes advantage" through dishonesty or misrepresentation, then fraud is the real issue. So in your example, if the Aussie told the lady a story that he knew was false, then he is wrong. And if the lady pretended to believe him - or pretended that she was having sex because she loved him when the real reason was something else, then that was equally wrong.

Meanwhile, I seriously hope that you overcome your feelings of sexual inadequacy and come to realize that women have sexual desires and feelings of their own. You're probably not near as undesirable as you think.

Erm...who is that post directed against?

If you had been paying attention to the thread you would know it was Seastallion post #8......

very possibly Tonbridgbrit #9 but I suspect the latter.

I have and that wasn't clear at all.


So, this is a conman ?

Okay, have you heard the story of the Australian man in Thailand ? He talked to a Thai lady and told her that he would take her to Australia, and he paid for a few drinks and food for her. He said that sex between the two of them would greatly improve the chances of him taking her to Australia, so the lady went ahead with various sexual acts with him.

In the end, he never took her to Australia. The police were never able to punish him with any court case or penalty. And there are rumours that he did this with three different women.

He's not a conman.

He's a convicted rapist who also exploits gullible woman who believe in the superstisious BS he sells.

He's a sexual predator.

As was the Aussie you mention.

And indeed, I agree. You notice how people want to criticise the 'occult' man for this, but not all those who are doing this want to criticise the Aussie. However, the problem is, is that we'ill never see the law changed to tackle men like the Aussie. It's not going to be practical or easy.


So, this is a conman ?

Okay, have you heard the story of the Australian man in Thailand ? He talked to a Thai lady and told her that he would take her to Australia, and he paid for a few drinks and food for her. He said that sex between the two of them would greatly improve the chances of him taking her to Australia, so the lady went ahead with various sexual acts with him.

In the end, he never took her to Australia. The police were never able to punish him with any court case or penalty. And there are rumours that he did this with three different women.

So the Aussie conned women too, but there the similarity ends. This guy was convicted of hundreds, not a few, and of a worse sort of offence, "sexual assault," not of being a cad like your hypothetical Aussie, so your comparison is questionable at best.

Regardless, two wrongs don't make a right.


Im afraid that your overall view is sexist and dated. It is based on the presumption that women never want sex and only engage in sexual activity for payment. It is a bit sad to think that you believe that all women feel this way. I would have to guess that most women do engage in sex at times for reasons other than personal physical pleasure (as do men), but their reasons are not necessarily financial.

In answer to your question: "taking advantage" of something is not always a bad thing. I willingly let my students "take advantage" of my knowledge and experience, for example. In fact, I'd be disappointed if they didn't. Would you think that's a bad thing?

So far as a woman taking advantage of a man: if that is something that he wants, then there is no problem. If, on the other hand, either party "takes advantage" through dishonesty or misrepresentation, then fraud is the real issue. So in your example, if the Aussie told the lady a story that he knew was false, then he is wrong. And if the lady pretended to believe him - or pretended that she was having sex because she loved him when the real reason was something else, then that was equally wrong.

Meanwhile, I seriously hope that you overcome your feelings of sexual inadequacy and come to realize that women have sexual desires and feelings of their own. You're probably not near as undesirable as you think.

"So in your example, if the Aussie told the lady a story that he knew was false, then he is wrong." Yes, he has done it to three different women, he never had any intention of taking them to Australia, he used the issue of Australia to have sex with them. He used the issue of a future gift/prize to have sex with them.

"And if the lady pretended to believe him", can you please not be absurd. The lady was hurt afterwards, she certainly did not pretend to believe him, she really did believe him. Who wants to charge her with being 'silly' ? What's the punishment for being cheated ? How much is the fine or how long is the community service ?

"Meanwhile, I seriously hope that you overcome your feelings of sexual inadequacy and come to realize that women have sexual desires and feelings of their own. You're probably not near as undesirable as you think." Can you please stop jumping to such absurd conclusions ? :)

There has been two occasions in my life where a lady (two different women) wanted to have some sex with me, and the lady knew that she was far richer than me. They had loads of money themselves, two thousand or five thousand baht was nothing to them. They weren't interested in taking my money, but I didn't have sex with them. That's because, even though they were beautiful, well, I just simply didn't fancy some sex. I have no problems saying here that I've had sex with a stack of Thai women, I've had no problems paying them. I hang around in bars where most/all the customers are foreigners. So I'm in the same situation as the bulk of the foreign men here.

Okay, can we all agree on the following. A foreigner is in bar in Thailand, a bar where the customers are mostly/all are foreigners. He takes one of the girls out to his hotel, he's not stupid, he knows it's about money. He has sex, and the lady is now waiting by the bed, for some money. That's when he pretends to not know it's about money, and says he hasn't got any. He then took out 200 baht from his pocket, said sorry, and that was the money for the taxi. Do we agree that such men need a smack in the mouth ?

And yes, where I stay, us foreign men do actually know that there's at least two foreign men in our area who have done this several times. Most of us shun those two men, they're basically crap people. The Thai women spread the information, but you sometimes get newly arrived women who don't know who those guys are.


So, this is a conman ?

Okay, have you heard the story of the Australian man in Thailand ? He talked to a Thai lady and told her that he would take her to Australia, and he paid for a few drinks and food for her. He said that sex between the two of them would greatly improve the chances of him taking her to Australia, so the lady went ahead with various sexual acts with him.

In the end, he never took her to Australia. The police were never able to punish him with any court case or penalty. And there are rumours that he did this with three different women.

A hex on them Aussie conmen ! clap2.gif

If it makes you feel any better my wife has been making me pay for the actions of this dastardly Aussie for the last 6 years ! whistling.gif

Well, in your case, you're married with her. Your wife has to, you know, make a few sacrifices and gets some benefits. And you've got to, you know, give up a few things, and you get some benefits. Good for both of you, and hopefully, you will be okay for another 6, or 16, or 26 years. :)


cheesy.gif How stupid are some people? The woman in this case definitely at the top of the stupid list!

took your spot eh. Tough luck. You'll get another chance.


So, this is a conman ?

Okay, have you heard the story of the Australian man in Thailand ? He talked to a Thai lady and told her that he would take her to Australia, and he paid for a few drinks and food for her. He said that sex between the two of them would greatly improve the chances of him taking her to Australia, so the lady went ahead with various sexual acts with him.

In the end, he never took her to Australia. The police were never able to punish him with any court case or penalty. And there are rumours that he did this with three different women.

What's new there.......haven't men been making false promises to women down through the ages to have their "wicked" way with them. Isn't it supposed to be common knowledge what goes on in the movie world with directors, producers (or whoever) and the "Couch Interviews".

There's nothing new, but it's still a con, right ?

Okay, have you heard the story of the Australian man in Thailand ? He talked to a Thai lady and told her that he would take her to Australia, and he paid for a few drinks and food for her. He said that sex between the two of them would greatly improve the chances of him taking her to Australia, so the lady went ahead with various sexual acts with him.

A. Lady was a silly cow. Keep your legs crossed before getting married. I wouldn't want someone who would fall to such a stupid request.

B. 'Greatly improve' does not count for 100% certainty.

C. The lady was thinking of gaining something for this "trade" so was she completely innocent? I would say that the decent types of Thai ladies do not jump into bed thinking that will open the gates of heaven for them.

D. I do not endorse such actions but it was not rape so maybe morally wrong but not criminal per se.

"Lady was a silly cow. Keep your legs crossed before getting married." I'd rather blame the man who carried out the con, rather than the lady who was conned.

"I do not endorse such actions but it was not rape so maybe morally wrong but not criminal per se." It wasn't rape, but it was a con or a scam. But this type of con or scam, it's very hard to legislate against it. They're not going to be able to.


..."she was required to have sex with him in order "to make the sexual charm potent". Harn charged her Bt50,000 for the ritual. However, a month had passed without the ritual yielding any result so she realised that she had been duped."

You can never expect that sort of result. The magician gets his wage for trying. Just like a doctor. 50,000 THB is quite a chunk of money! Have Sex and be paid for it, I like that... was she pretty?


for defrauding and sexually abusing a Thai woman who paid him Bt50,000 to conduct a ritual to regain her estranged foreign husband.

I Love Thailand...you can not make this stuff up...everyday life here is more bizarre than science fiction...


My survey of the 3 closest Thais came to the universal conclusion the woman is a moron (kwai).

Yes, but dig a little deeper and the odds are at least one has consulted an astrologer and better odds are that all three believe in at least one fairy tale.


Im afraid that your overall view is sexist and dated. It is based on the presumption that women never want sex and only engage in sexual activity for payment. It is a bit sad to think that you believe that all women feel this way. I would have to guess that most women do engage in sex at times for reasons other than personal physical pleasure (as do men), but their reasons are not necessarily financial.

In answer to your question: "taking advantage" of something is not always a bad thing. I willingly let my students "take advantage" of my knowledge and experience, for example. In fact, I'd be disappointed if they didn't. Would you think that's a bad thing?

So far as a woman taking advantage of a man: if that is something that he wants, then there is no problem. If, on the other hand, either party "takes advantage" through dishonesty or misrepresentation, then fraud is the real issue. So in your example, if the Aussie told the lady a story that he knew was false, then he is wrong. And if the lady pretended to believe him - or pretended that she was having sex because she loved him when the real reason was something else, then that was equally wrong.

Meanwhile, I seriously hope that you overcome your feelings of sexual inadequacy and come to realize that women have sexual desires and feelings of their own. You're probably not near as undesirable as you think.

Erm...who is that post directed against?

If you had been paying attention to the thread you would know it was Seastallion post #8......

very possibly Tonbridgbrit #9 but I suspect the latter.

I have and that wasn't clear at all.

As they are the only two posts where the words 'taking advantage of' are used and discussed I would have thought it was abundantly clear.....


If you had been paying attention to the thread you would know it was Seastallion post #8......

very possibly Tonbridgbrit #9 but I suspect the latter.

I have and that wasn't clear at all.

As they are the only two posts where the words 'taking advantage of' are used and discussed I would have thought it was abundantly clear.....

Guess we'll have to disagree because wasn't clear at all to me.

Obviously we aren't all that clever eh…...


I think some people are missing the point here. Her complaint was not that he talked into having sex with him but that he didn't deliver on his promise to return the estranged foreign husband.

It's a case of false advertising. If the husband had returned there would have been no complaint lodged.

The man is obviously incompetent and I think he needs to go back to his old job of grilling the carcasses of stillborn babies.

He was later sentenced to a combined 100 years in prison for sexual assaults on many women, and got it reduced to 75 years due to his useful confession. However, he was released in April this year and returned to his old ways.

Pretty much tells you everything you need to know about the Thai criminal "justice" system...

Amazing, simply amazing.

Does someone from the govt. want to explain just how exactly that kind of thing can happen?

Pardoned by????


2005+75 years doesn't seem to add up to 2015 to me!

You would think this particular list of crimes would not qualify him for an early release of 65 year after serving 1/7th of his sentence whatever the amount of good behaviour while inside.


'Later in 2005, his former wife filed a complaint accusing him of raping or convincing women to have sex with him by claiming this would make them more attractive to men while also recording videos to blackmail them later. Harn was arrested on July 10 that year. He was later sentenced to a combined 100 years in prison for sexual assaults on many women, and got it reduced to 75 years due to his useful confession. However, he was released in April this year and returned to his old ways.'

How did he earn a further 65 year reduction? Should be locked up for life.

He used a majic potion that actually worked while in prison.


So, if a woman has sex with a man in order to improve whatever life she has, that's called taking advantage of him ??

Yes, the Ozzy never charges thousands of baht, but he does get sex though. That's worth at least a thousand, more like two thousand baht, per day, right ?

The women 'cheated' by the Ozzy paid in sex, they also believed that the man would help them into a new and improved life.

The British landed gentry used to send convicts to Australia for a life of slavery for stealing a loaf of bread to feed their supressed families too.

They were sent by the court, it wasn't slavery and a sentence of life was never given for stealing a loaf of btead, but apart from them facts you're correct...

Off topic, but.....The British penal system, like many other countries' was absolutely barbaric back then. They were hanged for much less than a loaf of bread a hundred year or so earlier. The law even provided for execution of children who showed disrespect for their parents. Pick pockets used to work on the people gathered to watch the slow hanging of pickpockets. P.S. (The so-called humane ":drop" system of hanging was introduced in about 1875-1880. Humane?? If you are paralyzed, you can hardly dance on the string while you suffocate to death.) Aristocracy were offered beheading because it was humanely quick, usually.


Okay, have you heard the story of the Australian man in Thailand ? He talked to a Thai lady and told her that he would take her to Australia, and he paid for a few drinks and food for her. He said that sex between the two of them would greatly improve the chances of him taking her to Australia, so the lady went ahead with various sexual acts with him.

A. Lady was a silly cow. Keep your legs crossed before getting married. I wouldn't want someone who would fall to such a stupid request.

B. 'Greatly improve' does not count for 100% certainty.

C. The lady was thinking of gaining something for this "trade" so was she completely innocent? I would say that the decent types of Thai ladies do not jump into bed thinking that will open the gates of heaven for them.

D. I do not endorse such actions but it was not rape so maybe morally wrong but not criminal per se.

"Lady was a silly cow. Keep your legs crossed before getting married." I'd rather blame the man who carried out the con, rather than the lady who was conned.

"I do not endorse such actions but it was not rape so maybe morally wrong but not criminal per se." It wasn't rape, but it was a con or a scam. But this type of con or scam, it's very hard to legislate against it. They're not going to be able to.

Cheating a woman out of a fixed price for sex (however absurd the price might have been) should be treated as rape, imho.

There's quite a few Farangs here that promise a Thai lady a rose garden for sex, like a house which in fact still belongs to their Farang parents or a bank. Those should be also treated as "conmen" and forced to keep their promises.

Feel free to ask me what I think of "occultism" when it comes to Western economics.

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