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Paiboon shrugs off Thaksin's charter jibes

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Paiboon shrugs off Thaksin's charter jibes
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- It's not surprising that Thaksin Shinawatra is critical of the charter draft because he doesn't stand to gain from it, Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC) member Paiboon Nititawan said Sunday.

The draft reflects the desire of people nationwide and various sectors of society according to surveys and public hearings, Paiboon said in response to comments made by the fugitive former prime minister on YouTube.

On Friday during a trip to Finland, Thaksin criticised the charter draft as the "worst draft in terms of democracy''.

Paiboon said Thaksin was entitled to his opinion.

"I am not surprised that this charter draft is the worst in the opinion of Thaksin. What he wants most is the 1997 charter because he stands to gain the most so it is not surprising that he would go against this reform charter draft.''

"We have to see the results of the vote by the National Reform Council on whether it would accept the charter or not,'' he said.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Paiboon-shrugs-off-Thaksins-charter-jibes-30266707.html

-- The Nation 2015-08-16

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"What he wants most is the 1997 charter because he stands to gain the most..." OR because it the Constitution was calling a "revolution in Thai politics... A bold attempt at conferring greater power to the Thai people than had ever been granted before."[17] It was highly praised for the participative process involved in its drafting, its enshrinement of human rights, and its significant advances in political reform.[2] It was viewed as successful in fostering democratic development and increasing political stability.[18] Its measures to politically empower and protect citizens were also praised.[19] The new constitution was cited for its role in bringing down the Ministers of Public Health and Agriculture during corruption scandals in the government of Chuan Leekpai. There was also praise for the ease with which the constitution could be amended. Public faith in democracy in general and constitutional agencies like the Constitutional Court and the National Counter Corruption Commission is very high (Wikipedia)


Paiboon said Thaksin was entitled to his opinion.

And he has expressed it, now he can go back to doing whatever runaway fugitives do in the desert.


"Paiboon said Thaksin was entitled to his opinion."

But only because Thaksin's outside the country. Were he in Thailand, he of course would certainly not be entitled to sharing his opinion in this way, just like the rest of those who would question the junta's actions.


This is the same guy who just a couple of weeks ago favoured a 500 meter no alcohol zone around 'schools' instead of the proposed 300 meters.


"Paiboon said Thaksin was entitled to his opinion."

But only because Thaksin's outside the country. Were he in Thailand, he of course would certainly not be entitled to sharing his opinion in this way, just like the rest of those who would question the junta's actions.

Uuuum, you don't seem to have a problem expressing your opinions, and lots of other posters manage to criticize the government in practically every post they make. As far as I know, none of them has been dragged out of their homes and given a lobotomy.


"Paiboon said Thaksin was entitled to his opinion."

But only because Thaksin's outside the country. Were he in Thailand, he of course would certainly not be entitled to sharing his opinion in this way, just like the rest of those who would question the junta's actions.

Uuuum, you don't seem to have a problem expressing your opinions, and lots of other posters manage to criticize the government in practically every post they make. As far as I know, none of them has been dragged out of their homes and given a lobotomy.

Uuuum, TVF servers aren't in Thailand, dude. Maybe TVF took a page from Thaksin's play book. Ya think? Just sayin'...


"Paiboon said Thaksin was entitled to his opinion."

But only because Thaksin's outside the country. Were he in Thailand, he of course would certainly not be entitled to sharing his opinion in this way, just like the rest of those who would question the junta's actions.

Uuuum, you don't seem to have a problem expressing your opinions, and lots of other posters manage to criticize the government in practically every post they make. As far as I know, none of them has been dragged out of their homes and given a lobotomy.

Uuuum, TVF servers aren't in Thailand, dude. Maybe TVF took a page from Thaksin's play book. Ya think? Just sayin'...

The servers may not be in Thailand but posters in Thailand are still bound the country's rules. TVF has to abide by them as well which is why there are rules covering what you can say. There's a post at the top of the page to confirm that.

Perhaps the reason is that very few of the top people read this forum or maybe they aren't very good at English.


I saw nothing wrong with the last Constitution, it was voted on and passed by "the people" .

Read it, it removed the protection for elected officials and made them responsible for their actions in office.

Those of you criticizing the new constitution need to read the last constitution. It is available online in both Thai and English. What I can not find is a copy of the new proposed constitution.


"On Friday during a trip to Finland, Thaksin criticised the charter draft as the "worst draft in terms of democracy''.

What this man knows about Democracy, could easily fit on the back of a Postage stamp!


All pots calling kettles colours, kettles calling pots same colours! All are rich elite pri*ks wanting power and control of the country, so their agendas, families and friends get advantage and profit from their authority. Not unlike many other countries, by the way.


"Paiboon said Thaksin was entitled to his opinion."

But only because Thaksin's outside the country. Were he in Thailand, he of course would certainly not be entitled to sharing his opinion in this way, just like the rest of those who would question the junta's actions.

Uuuum, you don't seem to have a problem expressing your opinions, and lots of other posters manage to criticize the government in practically every post they make. As far as I know, none of them has been dragged out of their homes and given a lobotomy.

Uuuum, TVF servers aren't in Thailand, dude. Maybe TVF took a page from Thaksin's play book. Ya think? Just sayin'...

The servers may not be in Thailand but posters in Thailand are still bound the country's rules. TVF has to abide by them as well which is why there are rules covering what you can say. There's a post at the top of the page to confirm that.

Perhaps the reason is that very few of the top people read this forum or maybe they aren't very good at English.

Or, realising that if / when democracy is restored we don't have a vote, they really don't care what we think?


Paiboon shrugs off Thaksin's charter jibes

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- IT IS hardly surprising that Thaksin Shinawatra is critical of the charter draft - as he doesn't stand to gain from it, Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC) member Paiboon Nititawan said yesterday.

But the draft reflected the desire of people nationwide and various sectors of society according to surveys and public hearings, Paiboon said, in response to comments made by the fugitive former prime minister on YouTube.

On Friday during a trip to Finland, Thaksin criticised the charter draft as the "worst draft in terms of democracy''.

Paiboon said Thaksin was entitled to his opinion.

"I am not surprised that this charter draft is the worst in the opinion of Thaksin. What he wants most is the 1997 charter, because he stands to gain the most [from that], so it is not surprising that he would go against this reform charter draft.

"We have to see the results of the vote by the National Reform Council on whether it will accept the charter or not,'' he said.

Under this charter draft, Paiboon said Thaksin had the right to run for election but no right to hold a political post.

Paiboon complimented Pheu Thai Party for voicing bold opinions and recommendations on the charter draft, as he believed that was useful and right in a democratic sense.

In a statement released last week, Pheu Thai said the new charter did not respect the sovereign power of the people and sought to ensure the coup-makers’ continuation in power through a largely unelected Senate and a provision for an "outsider" prime minister.

Phumtham Wechayachai, caretaker secretary-general of Pheu Thai, called on CDC chairman Borwornsak Uwanno to portray courage and not throw the prime minister a political "hot potato".

He said the CDC should decide on the appointment of the National Strategic Reform and Reconciliation Commission (NSRRC) under the new draft charter and not pass the decision to the PM, as he could be accused of seeking gains for himself.

Phumtham said several controversial issues in the charter were not clear yet and the charter drafters wanted Cabinet and the National Council for Peace and Order to make such decisions.

"I would like Borwornsak to be bold and make the decisions. If he does good deeds he would be honoured, otherwise he would carry the sin or guilt with him forever. If he is not sure, then call a debate before a public referendum. Pheu Thai is ready to join the debate,'' he said.

Anusorn Iamsa-ard, caretaker deputy spokesman of Pheu Thai, said the party's economic team believed the sagging economy would not recover if democracy was not fully restored.

"Many provisions in the charter draft are not democratic and it should be called the 'suicidal charter' because we want to deceive foreign countries that we have democracy but we allow the continuation of dictatorship,'' he said.

He condemned the draft for allowing a non-elected PM and more than half the Senate being appointed. Many bodies would be so the 'dictatorship' could continue and allow dual structures, like transforming the NCPO to the NSRRC, whose members would serve a five-year term that can be extended to 10 years.

"It is impossible that people will accept this charter draft," he claimed.

Cabinet had earlier suggested that the NSRRC be made up of 20 members, 11 of them ex-officio, including the heads of legislative, executive and judicial branches, the Supreme Commander, heads of the three military branches, the national police chief, former Parliament president, former PM, former Supreme Court president and nine specialists.

Lt General Nakhon Sukprasert, an NRC member from Roi Et, said the CDC would meet today to conduct a final review of the draft before forwarding it to the NRC for consideration on Saturday.

The NRC has postponed a meeting of all its panels and representatives of the Cabinet to explain their calls for changes to the draft from today because the NRC needs time to debate questions to be put in the public referendum.

Nakhon said he was satisfied with the charter, as he believed it would help reduce conflicts and the country's problems, and it would ensure that people enjoy rights and liberty.

He rated the charter a 75-per-cent success and believed the NRC would vote for the draft. "It would be a pity if it rejects the draft,'' he said.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Paiboon-shrugs-off-Thaksins-charter-jibes-30266715.html

-- The Nation 2015-08-17


The first sentence says it all about Thaksins attitude toward anyone or anything that he will not gaqin personal gain or satisfaction from. He has to be one of the most self centered, selffish people who have ever walked on this earth.


The first sentence says it all about Thaksins attitude toward anyone or anything that he will not gaqin personal gain or satisfaction from. He has to be one of the most self centered, selffish people who have ever walked on this earth.

so, good point.

Look at the people who are supporting the constitution.

They wrote it for their own benefit.

The 1997 constitution was a great constitution and it was truly democratic. The generals/elites hated it because of how it enabled normal people and threatened their own power base and their perceived source of wealth. Thaksin was just the person who filled the political void that the new constitution opened up. And, yes, he used it to his advantage. He saw how to play according to the new rules and took full advantage of that.

But let's be clear - the reason we no longer have the 1997 constitution isn't due to the faults of the constitution. It's because the Generals / Elites have a hammer and every problem is a nail.


The first sentence says it all about Thaksins attitude toward anyone or anything that he will not gaqin personal gain or satisfaction from. He has to be one of the most self centered, selffish people who have ever walked on this earth.

No doubt he is an egomaniac but to say he is in any way unique is not even close to the truth as reading the daily news from Thailand clearly shows.


"...It's not surprising that Thaksin Shinawatra is critical of the charter draft because he doesn't stand to gain from it..."

...and neither do the majority of the people in the north and northeast.


I saw nothing wrong with the last Constitution, it was voted on and passed by "the people" .

Read it, it removed the protection for elected officials and made them responsible for their actions in office.

Those of you criticizing the new constitution need to read the last constitution. It is available online in both Thai and English. What I can not find is a copy of the new proposed constitution.

hang on... it was Hobson's Choice they HAD to vote for it or the Army stayed and it will be the same this time around as the majority do not want the military junta running the country.

They will vote in an elitist and flawed charter on the 'half a loaf is better than none' principal


I thought he said many and many and many times that he will not get involved in politics ever, ever, ever again! So he poops out and eats it back? Or is he what the Native Indians of North America use to say "Pale face speak with fork tongue"!!!


The first sentence says it all about Thaksins attitude toward anyone or anything that he will not gaqin personal gain or satisfaction from. He has to be one of the most self centered, selffish people who have ever walked on this earth.

No doubt he is an egomaniac but to say he is in any way unique is not even close to the truth as reading the daily news from Thailand clearly shows.

I think there's a man in the USA who could trump Thaksin's egotism.


Paiboon does have a point. Nothing to gain for Thaksin as all the gains are skewed heavily on the side of the establishment and their military handyman. If 1997 was a people charter, this will be the establishment charter gift wrapped by the junta.


"Paiboon said Thaksin was entitled to his opinion."

But only because Thaksin's outside the country. Were he in Thailand, he of course would certainly not be entitled to sharing his opinion in this way, just like the rest of those who would question the junta's actions.

Uuuum, you don't seem to have a problem expressing your opinions, and lots of other posters manage to criticize the government in practically every post they make. As far as I know, none of them has been dragged out of their homes and given a lobotomy.

You fail to mention the salient fact that the ThaiVisa set are nearly all falang. That we can express ourselves, though severely restrained in doing so, is irrelevant to Thailand. Under the current administration there is no freedom of speech but you cannot bring yourself to so state.


The first sentence says it all about Thaksins attitude toward anyone or anything that he will not gaqin personal gain or satisfaction from. He has to be one of the most self centered, selffish people who have ever walked on this earth.

so, good point.

Look at the people who are supporting the constitution.

They wrote it for their own benefit.

The 1997 constitution was a great constitution and it was truly democratic. The generals/elites hated it because of how it enabled normal people and threatened their own power base and their perceived source of wealth. Thaksin was just the person who filled the political void that the new constitution opened up. And, yes, he used it to his advantage. He saw how to play according to the new rules and took full advantage of that.

But let's be clear - the reason we no longer have the 1997 constitution isn't due to the faults of the constitution. It's because the Generals / Elites have a hammer and every problem is a nail.

"They wrote it for their own benefit" is an assumption you seem to base your attitude on.

BTW the 2007 constitution was even better than the 1997 version. It clearified lots of things. Personally I still think the 2008 version should have been used as starting point for further 'tuning'. At least the seven years since it's acceptance shown what areas still needed to be clearified or protected from greedy politicians.


"...It's not surprising that Thaksin Shinawatra is critical of the charter draft because he doesn't stand to gain from it..."

...and neither do the majority of the people in the north and northeast.

Pray tell us more. It would seem that trying to restrict the might of the local elite will only help peoples self-entitlement. No one to 'suggest' how to vote.


"On Friday during a trip to Finland, Thaksin criticised the charter draft as the "worst draft in terms of democracy''.

What this man knows about Democracy, could easily fit on the back of a Postage stamp!

The Red Shirts won 4 elections in a row. and, please, let's not re-run that Taksin bought elections. That would put you in the company of those in the US who can "prove" Obama was born in Kenya and, to pick another example that the English Admiralty allowed the Germans to sink the Lusitania. They're nutters and surely you wouldn't wish to be associated with them.


Paiboon does have a point. Nothing to gain for Thaksin as all the gains are skewed heavily on the side of the establishment and their military handyman. If 1997 was a people charter, this will be the establishment charter gift wrapped by the junta.

Well the 'people's charter' of 1997 (who worked on it by the way?) was improved in the 2007 version and a better approach to reforms would have been a further improvement on the 2007 version.

To call the new charter an 'establishment' version only seems to try to suggest something bad without feeling the need to explain.

BTW how does the 'establishment' version compare to the one you have in Singapore?


The first sentence says it all about Thaksins attitude toward anyone or anything that he will not gaqin personal gain or satisfaction from. He has to be one of the most self centered, selffish people who have ever walked on this earth.

No, it only says about what Paiboon's attitude is towards Thaksin.

Obviously, both Paiboon and Thaksin are passionate politicians. But only Paiboon is able to exercise his freedom to critisize political opposition within Thailand.


The first sentence says it all about Thaksins attitude toward anyone or anything that he will not gaqin personal gain or satisfaction from. He has to be one of the most self centered, selffish people who have ever walked on this earth.

No, it only says about what Paiboon's attitude is towards Thaksin.

Obviously, both Paiboon and Thaksin are passionate politicians. But only Paiboon is able to exercise his freedom to critisize political opposition within Thailand.

Well I guess that keeps you post count up, not much more.

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