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Tuk-Tuk Driver Who Took Bomber to Shrine Steps Forward

Lite Beer

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Trail is cold (more than 48 hours after the bombing), no individual or group claimed responsibility, RTP got zip... What a major cluster F sad.png

Thailand will be in news all over the world as the country where everyone gets away with murder, even after waving and smiling into the cameras... This all is beyond belief and that permanent babble about "well planned", "well organized network", etc. I can't hear anymore. Let's face it - we have an incompetent, inferior and ineffective government with a police force that elevates any Monty Python scene above the level of Shakespeare. This all could be topped only by the statement of some police official that Thailand soon will become THE crime investigation hub of Southeast Asia... sick.gif

From what I recall the USA is more incompetent in the 9/11 case how did a couple of dumb guys hijack so many planes? and did what they did that shows how incompetent the US authorities are wouldn't you say!

9/11 is out of comparison because there is a great possibility that it was an inside job. Discussing 9/11 here would destroy the thread, thus please let's stay focused. Discussing on what exact level of incompetence the RTP is operating doesn't help either and can't defer from the fact that incompetence is the key to why the perpetrators haven't yet been caught. We all know that all around the world by now each call, each email, each posting, everything is recorded and stored. But the call made by the bomber while getting away from the crime scene on a motorbike taxi can't be traced, especially as there is such a short time window? Give me a break!

I don't think I destroyed the thread I focused on what you were focusing ridiculing the country you are residing in so I'm just ridiculing the US authorities for their incompetence

I'm with you yuv06 - whenever it comes to american authority bashing I'm in, but now we are talking about the RTP's work and you are right - they're ridiculous!

In my opinion, that CSI LA guy alone does a better job than the whole bkk RTP together. They should employ him as he's worth a million dollars. There are good policeman in the RTP, but they are very rare. What happens to proper policemen here with a solid attitude and work ethics can be seen in an excellent Thai movie called "The macabre case of Prompiram"... The plot being a true story, the investigating police officer is transferred to another boring province as "reward" for putting all those involved in a most despicable gang rape and murder in jail.

There are similar reports coming from my home country in Europe - police officers who are on a big case, such as a network of drug lords, money launderers, human traffickers, you name it... are told to stop the investigation and/or are transferred to an inactive post whenever they get close to cracking the case wide open.

This happens all over the world! There are sinister forces working on the backstage of any country and we (slaves to the system) are just clueless and dispensable pieces in the game. Those "forces" could not care less about the 22 dead, letting alone the injured, and there is a big chance that they are involved. I feel sorry for any RTP policeman who entered the force because he thought he could bring positive change and fight for justice. We live in a sick world and in a system that is anything but fair, and it does not matter if you live in Thailand, the US, Britain, Greece or the Czech republic...


Edited by MockingJay
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Have the Police put out a press release with a clear picture of the "Gucci" T-Shirt the bomber was wearing, as posted by several people on the web? Possibly the single most useful image to assist in recognition of him? No, thought not.

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There's a shop in that Soi that sells only second-hand steel pipes. I once had a need for about 2 metres length of 8" internal diameter, 5-8 mm thickness steel pipe, and found it in that shop. As far as know, there are not too many shops specialised in selling used steel pipes. The police might want to investigate whether the that shop has recently sold any steel pipe of the type and size used in the bombs.

You're not suggesting that he bought the steel pipe in the soi and then made the bomb in the back of the tuk-tuk on the way to the shrine, are you?

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This guy is the lead suspect, right? Otherwise we can skip the trial and move directly to punishment.

I'd say that there would be a pretty good chance that he will be skipping the trial and receiving his punishment as soon as they find him, he's the most wanted man in Thailand for more reasons than one.
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There is no excuse for this man not to have come forward immediately.The dalay may have cost the police their only chance to catch the multi murderer/s.Hopefully this will not be the case but the bomber has had plenty of time to leave the country now .

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Amazing how laziness goes out the door when some cash is waived around. This despite holding possibly crucial evidence that can catch this madman.

It may not be laziness.

It may be fear.

Depending on who is behind this, witnesses may fear retaliation.

Chances are this is not a "lone gunman" kind of thing.

A numerous different "organizations" could be behind it.

Young idealistic fools can be convinced to do many things.

In fact, there is a good chance the perp is actually dead and disposed of already.

He may never be found alive or at all.

Smart criminals cover their tracks.

and this is Thailand.

Blowing yourself to bits will probably make it very tricky for the police to catch you!

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There's a shop in that Soi that sells only second-hand steel pipes. I once had a need for about 2 metres length of 8" internal diameter, 5-8 mm thickness steel pipe, and found it in that shop. As far as know, there are not too many shops specialised in selling used steel pipes. The police might want to investigate whether the that shop has recently sold any steel pipe of the type and size used in the bombs.

You're not suggesting that he bought the steel pipe in the soi and then made the bomb in the back of the tuk-tuk on the way to the shrine, are you?

It would certainly be worth the police investigating and I suspect the perp lived very nearby so maybe it would also be worth the Police showing images of the perp around all those living in the area including this shop.

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Trail is cold (more than 48 hours after the bombing), no individual or group claimed responsibility, RTP got zip... What a major cluster F sad.png

Thailand will be in news all over the world as the country where everyone gets away with murder, even after waving and smiling into the cameras... This all is beyond belief and that permanent babble about "well planned", "well organized network", etc. I can't hear anymore. Let's face it - we have an incompetent, inferior and ineffective government with a police force that elevates any Monty Python scene above the level of Shakespeare. This all could be topped only by the statement of some police official that Thailand soon will become THE crime investigation hub of Southeast Asia... sick.gif

From what I recall the USA is more incompetent in the 9/11 case how did a couple of dumb guys hijack so many planes? and did what they did that shows how incompetent the US authorities are wouldn't you say!

9/11 is out of comparison because there is a great possibility that it was an inside job. Discussing 9/11 here would destroy the thread, thus please let's stay focused. Discussing on what exact level of incompetence the RTP is operating doesn't help either and can't defer from the fact that incompetence is the key to why the perpetrators haven't yet been caught. We all know that all around the world by now each call, each email, each posting, everything is recorded and stored. But the call made by the bomber while getting away from the crime scene on a motorbike taxi can't be traced, especially as there is such a short time window? Give me a break!

The problem with all this information is that there is all this information which has to be sorted through.

As for " making a phone call" how do you know a phone call was really made? Any halfway organized terrorist would know how easy it would be to trace such a call. My opinion is it was what's known as blowing smoke rings- diversionary tactic

The all too easily identifiable yellow t shirt also is a smoke ring, bet there is a dark coloured shirt and a hat in that bag he's carrying, all too easy to slip behind an obstacle and change the shirt and tuck the long hair into a cap, take off the arm covers, maybe there's even tattoos under it- or just another costume diversion.That's the image I would track from the last CCTV of the yellow shirt.

And this person is extremely skinny, which is a detail not easily hidden, yet is missing from all the Be On Lookout notices.

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Trail is cold (more than 48 hours after the bombing), no individual or group claimed responsibility, RTP got zip... What a major cluster F sad.png

Thailand will be in news all over the world as the country where everyone gets away with murder, even after waving and smiling into the cameras... This all is beyond belief and that permanent babble about "well planned", "well organized network", etc. I can't hear anymore. Let's face it - we have an incompetent, inferior and ineffective government with a police force that elevates any Monty Python scene above the level of Shakespeare. This all could be topped only by the statement of some police official that Thailand soon will become THE crime investigation hub of Southeast Asia... sick.gif

From what I recall the USA is more incompetent in the 9/11 case how did a couple of dumb guys hijack so many planes? and did what they did that shows how incompetent the US authorities are wouldn't you say!

9/11 is out of comparison because there is a great possibility that it was an inside job. Discussing 9/11 here would destroy the thread, thus please let's stay focused. Discussing on what exact level of incompetence the RTP is operating doesn't help either and can't defer from the fact that incompetence is the key to why the perpetrators haven't yet been caught. We all know that all around the world by now each call, each email, each posting, everything is recorded and stored. But the call made by the bomber while getting away from the crime scene on a motorbike taxi can't be traced, especially as there is such a short time window? Give me a break!

The problem with all this information is that there is all this information which has to be sorted through.

As for " making a phone call" how do you know a phone call was really made? Any halfway organized terrorist would know how easy it would be to trace such a call. My opinion is it was what's known as blowing smoke rings- diversionary tactic

The all too easily identifiable yellow t shirt also is a smoke ring, bet there is a dark coloured shirt and a hat in that bag he's carrying, all too easy to slip behind an obstacle and change the shirt and tuck the long hair into a cap, take off the arm covers, maybe there's even tattoos under it- or just another costume diversion.That's the image I would track from the last CCTV of the yellow shirt.

And this person is extremely skinny, which is a detail not easily hidden, yet is missing from all the Be On Lookout notices.

If you mean "Skinny as a woman" ... I would say "Bingo"

if you mean "Skinny" and wearing really baggy clothes to hide gender, i would say, "Give that man a cigar"

if you are saying that we are searching for the wrong "man" .. I would say .. very possible.

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How the hell can he not see the guy? Did the guy put on a helmet? Did he pay him?

How many people a day do you think a driver carries?

Back in the day, I drove taxi and also was a waiter.

Unless you were "fit and firm' in a short skirt, you were just part of the blur of life.

Oh, did I mention that the rider sits BEHIND the driver?

The miracle is, he even remembered taking this fare at all, and probably because he was wearing yellow on a Friday, and on a special Friday .. where Blue would have been the correct choice I beleive.

OK, Losworld, you got your posting and a reply ... run along now.

True. If you've been a witness of a crime then you know just how difficult it is to remember someones features. If you don't know that person or see them regularly. Even after a very short time it's hard to do accurately. People remember the unusual - like a gaudy T-Shirt, distinctive arm bands, odd hair styles, accessories etc.

Motor cycle taxi drivers rely on high volume, many customers, quick turn around. Most are looking for the next customer or driving away as soon as your're off and paid. Why would they study the features of every single customer and try to commit to memory?

Part of the UK police forces recruitment tests are about watching videos, then answering some simple questions on what you saw. You do that straight after watching the video, not days or hours later. Surprisingly difficult to do consistently and accurately. The mind memory plays tricks.

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Surely, they can run a face recognition through the immigration computers to find out who this guy is and where he came from. He certainly doesn't look thai, so they must be able to track down some information. Everyone gets a photo taken and passport scanned on entry to the country.

Edited by Phuketboy
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Desperation time….why would you single that woman out..just because she happens to be in close proximity to the suspect….she looks very calm and her actions completely natural and non-suspicious….what tv show are these guys watching now?

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Surely, they can run a face recognition through the immigration computers to find out who this guy is and where he came from. He certainly doesn't look thai, so they must be able to track down some information. Everyone gets a photo taken and passport scanned on entry to the country.

Is there a clear image of "his" face CCTV? Not that I've read. The sketch is just a guide and IMO has too much weight - the guy ( if it is a guy) looks really, really skinny- almost feminine in fact look at the calves in the one image where s/he's walking away.

Using females in these type of attacks is good planning, everyone always assumes " male".

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How the hell can he not see the guy? Did the guy put on a helmet? Did he pay him?

How many people a day do you think a driver carries?

Back in the day, I drove taxi and also was a waiter.

Unless you were "fit and firm' in a short skirt, you were just part of the blur of life.

Oh, did I mention that the rider sits BEHIND the driver?

The miracle is, he even remembered taking this fare at all, and probably because he was wearing yellow on a Friday, and on a special Friday .. where Blue would have been the correct choice I beleive.

OK, Losworld, you got your posting and a reply ... run along now.

True. If you've been a witness of a crime then you know just how difficult it is to remember someones features. If you don't know that person or see them regularly. Even after a very short time it's hard to do accurately. People remember the unusual - like a gaudy T-Shirt, distinctive arm bands, odd hair styles, accessories etc.

Motor cycle taxi drivers rely on high volume, many customers, quick turn around. Most are looking for the next customer or driving away as soon as your're off and paid. Why would they study the features of every single customer and try to commit to memory?

Part of the UK police forces recruitment tests are about watching videos, then answering some simple questions on what you saw. You do that straight after watching the video, not days or hours later. Surprisingly difficult to do consistently and accurately. The mind memory plays tricks.

Agree, and it doubles the effect if it is of a different race because other races do " look alike"

Get off the motorcycle a few kilometers away, change the shirt behind a corner you already know has no CCTV, put on hat, tuck the hair up, switch the glasses into sunglasses, Voila! 5 seconds, unrecognizable.

Edited by FBlue72
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If this is an organized thing, then they love to boast of their accomplishment... (go to aljazzera TV) who likes to publish terrorist activities...

to me, if it is a foreigner... he obviously lives in the 21st century... knowing "it" can be caught on video at anytime... I just can't imagine someone with brains to plan such an act would leave themselves so easily wide open to be caught...

so i think they are chasing a dead rabbit down the hole.. just publicity rather than real actual solution... grabbing at straws...

unless the bomber is a retard put up for the job... "hey look at me, i'm on TV.... doh!"

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Desperation time….why would you single that woman out..just because she happens to be in close proximity to the suspect….she looks very calm and her actions completely natural and non-suspicious….what tv show are these guys watching now?

Presumably they're seeking her out because they think she might have useful information.

It's not like a TV show, where everyone is a suspect...

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Desperation time….why would you single that woman out..just because she happens to be in close proximity to the suspect….she looks very calm and her actions completely natural and non-suspicious….what tv show are these guys watching now?

If you look at the vid it is strange that they form a line 3 persons right in front of the bomber! Being released by police (the 2 guys) I bet the police a following them

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Desperation time….why would you single that woman out..just because she happens to be in close proximity to the suspect….she looks very calm and her actions completely natural and non-suspicious….what tv show are these guys watching now?

The red shirt guy who gets up off the bench to give yellow shirt the seat and then appears to be blocking yellow shirt and glances back at him as he leaves has a police style haircut.

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How the hell can he not see the guy? Did the guy put on a helmet? Did he pay him?

How many people a day do you think a driver carries?

Back in the day, I drove taxi and also was a waiter.

Unless you were "fit and firm' in a short skirt, you were just part of the blur of life.

Oh, did I mention that the rider sits BEHIND the driver?

The miracle is, he even remembered taking this fare at all, and probably because he was wearing yellow on a Friday, and on a special Friday .. where Blue would have been the correct choice I beleive.

OK, Losworld, you got your posting and a reply ... run along now.

True. If you've been a witness of a crime then you know just how difficult it is to remember someones features. If you don't know that person or see them regularly. Even after a very short time it's hard to do accurately. People remember the unusual - like a gaudy T-Shirt, distinctive arm bands, odd hair styles, accessories etc.

Motor cycle taxi drivers rely on high volume, many customers, quick turn around. Most are looking for the next customer or driving away as soon as your're off and paid. Why would they study the features of every single customer and try to commit to memory?

Part of the UK police forces recruitment tests are about watching videos, then answering some simple questions on what you saw. You do that straight after watching the video, not days or hours later. Surprisingly difficult to do consistently and accurately. The mind memory plays tricks.

Agree, and it doubles the effect if it is of a different race because other races do " look alike"

Get off the motorcycle a few kilometers away, change the shirt behind a corner you already know has no CCTV, put on hat, tuck the hair up, switch the glasses into sunglasses, Voila! 5 seconds, unrecognizable.

As you mentioned and from there do you think he could have doubled back to Hualampong and got on a train to somewhere? Maybe to Cambodian border or to the north just a guess!

Edited by yuv06
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Comparing the best news organisation in the world with ANY Thai media is hilarious. The Beeb actually takes its mission seriously.

looks like the others handed themselves in too..


Notice how the BBC puts together a timeline of events, with the available photos of the suspect, and an explanatory graphic of the shrine site to try to make some sense out of the information.

While the Thai media just parrots the latest utterances of Police and Government officials.

Yeah, I guess I'm among the "Thai Bashers" at the moment; although it is simply out of frustration, and directed mostly at the media and the popinjays in uniform.

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Notice how the BBC puts together a timeline of events, with the available photos of the suspect, and an explanatory graphic of the shrine site to try to make some sense out of the information.

While the Thai media just parrots the latest utterances of Police and Government officials.

Yeah, I guess I'm among the "Thai Bashers" at the moment; although it is simply out of frustration, and directed mostly at the media and the popinjays in uniform.

Well, phoenixdoglover, aren't you going to take responsibility for what you stated by taking it back? Thai media are actually doing what you disrespectfully claimed they haven't.

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Do tuk tuks have reg plates? If so can they enhance pictures - guessing the motorbike driver does - can they not trace him from that or are the cameras too old?

Just brought to my attention that Police have captured a suspect down south - asian in general appearance, tallish with somewhat slim legs.

Believe this is recently breaking news

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Agree, and it doubles the effect if it is of a different race because other races do " look alike"

Get off the motorcycle a few kilometers away, change the shirt behind a corner you already know has no CCTV, put on hat, tuck the hair up, switch the glasses into sunglasses, Voila! 5 seconds, unrecognizable.

As you mentioned and from there do you think he could have doubled back to Hualampong and got on a train to somewhere? Maybe to Cambodian border or to the north just a guess!

Why risk traveling when you can just walk to a well stocked-up apartment and watch the news for the next week or two.

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Do tuk tuks have reg plates? If so can they enhance pictures - guessing the motorbike driver does - can they not trace him from that or are the cameras too old?

The Tuk Tuk driver has already come forward and the info he offered is next to useless. The motorcycle driver's might be of interest - say yellow shirt bomber got off after few kilometers, ducked into an alley or behind a building as I wrote earlier, an area already checked for no CCTV, changed the shirt, put in a hat and sunglasses, caught another taxi. Despite changing clothes, his extremely thin physique would be easy to spot IF there is a new point to check CCTV from.

Edited by FBlue72
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