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When will tourists go back to Thailand?


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A little honesty folks - it's primarily a sex tourism market. Yeah, the street food and beaches bring in the backpackers, but it's the easy girls that draw the crowds.

The problem with Thailand's image is that the police force is inadequate to provide safety. Compounding this poor image is the fact that the police force can't solve any of the random attacks, political reprisal crimes and bombings. The more unsolved incidents that occur, the more damage will be done to tourism, because Thailand will be considered "an unsafe destination". When I first started coming to Thailand in the 90's, it was considered very safe, safer than the U.S. But, now you look at the carnage on the roads and in the streets, and it no longer should be considered a safe destination.

I think that might have been more true 10-20 years ago, but not today. I've seen more and more couples visiting than ever before. Beer bar areas are getting smaller and smaller...or pushed back to places like Soi Buakow. Lots of backpackers, as always, but seems to be more mid-range couples and singles visiting also. Ignore a few red light districts, and Thailand has a lot to offer tourists like this.

Thailand has many problems today. Not sure if any will be resolved soon. The police force is a big one. Road fatalities is another.


Yep. The sex tourist areas are dying on their arse it seems, whilst 'normal' tourism is thriving. The old guard will deny it til the end, but Thailand isn't their little playground any more.

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The ex-american expert above sees: "carnage on the roads and streets" and it's only "easy girls that draw the crowds"

Could you let us know where the carnage filled streets and roads that you walk down are located? Or do you puke up what you see on your idiot box television? How boring and unoriginal your conversations must be.

Where are the bars filled to the rim with these tourists looking for easy girls?

Do tell.

He may have gone a little overboard but recently an American Tourist being chased down the street and hacked to death by a taxi driver and 2 British Backpackers viciously murdered, etc. this was not happening to my knowledge when I first started coming here and I would say that qualifies as carnage. I don't go to the bars so I don't see it and don't care.

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But the numbers have always bounced back quickly, with the draw of cheap street food, beautiful beaches, ancient temples and friendly locals winning each time.

Honestly there is only "street food" and "temples" left and that will not attract many tourists ...

Beaches are dirty and full of garbage and as the friendly locals go ... gigglem.gif

and you're here because...?

In fact, reading all the posts, I'm rather surprised any of you stay here as it's so tortuous. At least most of you now where the airport is. :)

Edited by TEFLKrabi
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If Thailand wants crowds of Chinese Tourists, well go for it. But then, live with the consequences.

They do want it. It is clear that the new market is China, Japan, Korea, India, Middle East.

'Westerners' can moan as much as they like about the state of Thailand and tourism. The authorities have turned their backs on the Western tourist, so you are wasting your time moaning and thinking that all of a sudden, there will be an about-turn and with clean beaches and polite tuk-tuk drivers.

It ain't going to happen, so go look elsewhere for your holiday or expat living.

Meanwhile, my little hotels in Phuket continue to be full every night with clean, polite and friendly Chinese and Korean families - no cancellations since the Bangkok bomb.

This is the Phuket low season, and my occupancy rate is about 98%. High season should be interesting..

Some will accuse me of gloating, but I saw where tourism was going in Phuket, and made the changes so that my businesses would survive and expand. Others sat on their bar stools and moaned....

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Tourists will always come to Thailand as the other alternatives in SE Asia does not have the same infrastructure, western food etc. Vietnam and Cambodia are improving all the time but they just can't compete with Thailand.

One or two terror attacks in Bangkok won't change that.

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A hell a lot of dislikes and I even agree with many of them. But why are you in Thailand ?

Because I live here with my wife and our children ( and my dogs );

In many countries; for example France, there are many people who don't like the government and many other things but they still live in the country .

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High season they will come. Bali had bombings and that didn't deter tourists for long. Of course it will take an initial hit to numbers and also those easily scared off by travel warnings. It hasn't been declared an attack on foreign tourists in particular.

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Think about it.

How often do you hear about mass shootings and other atrocities ( never refered to as terrorism ) in The United States?

Tourism is still thriving there.

In fact, people are still digging tunnels, climbing fences and wading rivers just to get into the U.S.

Most people, myself included, have that " It could never happen to me!" attitude.

I'm sure some even look at this as a bonus..." I hope the baht goes down and I can have enev more fun for every dollar I exchange".

Party on Dude!

This will not hurt Thailand's tourist image any more than it was damaged previously.

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But the numbers have always bounced back quickly, with the draw of cheap street food, beautiful beaches, ancient temples and friendly locals winning each time.

Honestly there is only "street food" and "temples" left and that will not attract many tourists ...

Beaches are dirty and full of garbage and as the friendly locals go ... gigglem.gif

and you're here because...?

In fact, reading all the posts, I'm rather surprised any of you stay here as it's so tortuous. At least most of you now where the airport is. smile.png

Really ... another "If you dont like then ..." blink.png Maybe you could read my signature ...

I live here with my thaiwife but on her suggestion we are starting to look for another country to settle in - happy with the info ?

Been to Krabi once, that really suxx big time ... gigglem.gif

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Well, the less backpackers the better. I cannot stand those gap year piss ants. They come here for 3 weeks and think they're Gods because they're traveling to Thailand and eating street food with their Chang and Full Moon Party singlets. Ahhhhhhhhh....

Some backpackers, the real ones, and you know the ones I'm talking about are great....great to talk with and have real adventures.... not these bums on a 6 week vision quest.

I don't mind tourists except for the dipstick backpackers and some of the arabs and africans causing problems

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But the numbers have always bounced back quickly, with the draw of cheap street food, beautiful beaches, ancient temples and friendly locals winning each time.

Honestly there is only "street food" and "temples" left and that will not attract many tourists ...

Beaches are dirty and full of garbage and as the friendly locals go ... gigglem.gif

and you're here because...?

In fact, reading all the posts, I'm rather surprised any of you stay here as it's so tortuous. At least most of you now where the airport is. smile.png

And you are posting a reply because...?

In fact, reading all your post, I'm rather surprised you post here as it's so tortuous. At least you now know where the close browser button is.

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If Thailand wants crowds of Chinese Tourists, well go for it. But then, live with the consequences.

They do want it. It is clear that the new market is China, Japan, Korea, India, Middle East.

'Westerners' can moan as much as they like about the state of Thailand and tourism. The authorities have turned their backs on the Western tourist, so you are wasting your time moaning and thinking that all of a sudden, there will be an about-turn and with clean beaches and polite tuk-tuk drivers.

It ain't going to happen, so go look elsewhere for your holiday or expat living.

Meanwhile, my little hotels in Phuket continue to be full every night with clean, polite and friendly Chinese and Korean families - no cancellations since the Bangkok bomb.

This is the Phuket low season, and my occupancy rate is about 98%. High season should be interesting..

Some will accuse me of gloating, but I saw where tourism was going in Phuket, and made the changes so that my businesses would survive and expand. Others sat on their bar stools and moaned....

and then you woke up ...cheesy.gif

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Tourists will always come to Thailand as the other alternatives in SE Asia does not have the same infrastructure, western food etc. Vietnam and Cambodia are improving all the time but they just can't compete with Thailand.

One or two terror attacks in Bangkok won't change that.

The tsunami, coups, street massacres and crimes against tourists haven't stopped them coming in the past and neither will this bomb. Amazing Thailand and its tourists are resilient.

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Saw recent trailers for the movie "No Escape."

Not good timing for Thailand's tourist industry and will probably be banned by the Junta from showings in Thailand.

You must have missed the news item from a week or so back about the film.


No ban - yet.

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Still unsolved murders, other scams, no longer cheap. They killed the golden goose years ago! If it was not for Chinese tourists. They would be in big trouble

If it was not for Chinese tourists. They would be in big trouble. Chinese tourists spending money??

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If everyone hates the place so much really have to wonder why so many are still here or on a Thailand forum.

Came here in '87, part of the package was Pattaya. It was full of bargirls, there were touts everyehere and jetski scams. Far as I can see not much has changed except more delelopment but the tourists are still coming.

The most common cause I see for people changing to Cambodia is cheaper bar girls. Not there is an issue the Thais should address to keep a certain sector on bang for budget. I'm past all that now so when here live in a quiet Thai zone, life is very different to Pattaya/patong there.

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I think Willyumiii is right. I can't see what good all the tourists have brought to Thailand either, In fact the country gets worse every year. I've just had a look at my photos from 1984++. The beaches " were" beautiful, the water was crystal blue, food was good everywhere, Thai people were happy and smiling and welcoming, even Thai airways were good ! No one can deny the said" carnage" on the roads today, whether it be motor bike accidents, buses rolling uncontrolled down hills, trucks with no brakes and death ride wish mini vans ! Who can say the beaches are still clean ? ( even koh Chang is starting to stink). No way would I eat at the food streets, just stand there and look a while! I can remember Phuket with no girly bars and sex shows. Sure, they existed in some cities, but not like today where every town is turned into a frenzy of mad music and scantily clad girls, yes, girls, not women.it could have been described as exotic by Bernard Trink back then, I'm not sure he would call it that today.Of course, the expats living in Thailand will continue to live there, and there will always be tourism. Price has a lot to do with it too. But if Thailand prices continue to rise and the Thais continue taking without giving back, then middle class tourists will go elsewhere, which alltogether will add to the present degradation..Shame, because such a beautiful country did not deserve it.

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No plomplem - officials in charge will simply "lure" all the tourists back in... with some campaign... and some... clever.. (ahemmm) slogan. coffee1.gif

I think it needs to be said that there is a huge difference foreign tourists and long term expat residents.

Most expat residents probably first came to Thailand as tourist, but after living here a while, adapting, and assimilating to the Thai life style, they change.

I think many, like me, cringe with embarrassment when they see tourists from their home country and would rather never see another one here.

Seeing them and thinking " My God! was I really that rude and stupid too?"

Even though many tourist live like two week millionaires while on vacation and drop a good amount of money, most of that money goes to bar owners, hotels, bar girls, and tour guides and really does not trickle down to benefit the average Thai person.

Long term residents may live on a budget and not go out spending "crazy money" very often, but.their day to day expenses do add up and the influx of their monthly income into Thailand year after year has a much more positive impact on the Thai economy.

Maybe making Thailand less attractive tacky to tourists, and more attractive to long term residence would be a better bet for Thailand.

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Sure thailand has changed a lot but so has the world. My hometown was a totally different place too 30y ago. Tourists will keep on coming, probably less Westerners, more and more Asians, including Burmese. If Thailand gets really bad I'll leave and won't look back. I had great times there, never experienced anything major problematic or unfair but then I always stayed clear from the tourist trail and the bar scene.

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If beer, accommodation, girls, partying etc... were all as cheap as even five years ago, there would be more tourists.

And don't forget the crackdown on border runs.

Chiang Mai is still a good bargain, if you know where to go - same with Issan and Phuket is good value in low season.

With the Baht slipping, maybe they'll be an increase in tourists.

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American newspapers don't know the difference between Thailand and Taiwan. My family in the US didn't even hear about the bombing as they aren't glued to cable news 24/7. Why would we believe that tourists hear about all the 'bad' things that happen anywhere and be scared off ?

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American newspapers don't know the difference between Thailand and Taiwan. My family in the US didn't even hear about the bombing as they aren't glued to cable news 24/7. Why would we believe that tourists hear about all the 'bad' things that happen anywhere and be scared off ?

That's more of an indictment against the US News / American people's interest in the outside world!

The BBC and Sky News here in UK have been full of the Bangkok bombings as have the serious newspapers, Telegraph, Times, Guardian etc. Call me a flamer if you like, but when i lived in the US in the 1980s, it shocked me to see how parochial the major news media was. Possibly in cities like Washington / New York it may have been different, but in Houston it was difficult to keep up with truly WORLD news.

Of course that's a long time ago but from what you say bobonzo, it would seem that little has changed. mind you, today, with the abundance of Web-related news sources, there's really no excuse......

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American newspapers don't know the difference between Thailand and Taiwan. My family in the US didn't even hear about the bombing as they aren't glued to cable news 24/7. Why would we believe that tourists hear about all the 'bad' things that happen anywhere and be scared off ?

That's more of an indictment against the US News / American people's interest in the outside world!

The BBC and Sky News here in UK have been full of the Bangkok bombings as have the serious newspapers, Telegraph, Times, Guardian etc. Call me a flamer if you like, but when i lived in the US in the 1980s, it shocked me to see how parochial the major news media was. Possibly in cities like Washington / New York it may have been different, but in Houston it was difficult to keep up with truly WORLD news.

Of course that's a long time ago but from what you say bobonzo, it would seem that little has changed. mind you, today, with the abundance of Web-related news sources, there's really no excuse......

I think you're being a little unfair to the Americans there. People I know back in the UK have a very limited grasp on what happens out here. People here think everything that happens in Thailand is a big deal, but outside the Kingdom it ain't necessarily so.

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American newspapers don't know the difference between Thailand and Taiwan. My family in the US didn't even hear about the bombing as they aren't glued to cable news 24/7. Why would we believe that tourists hear about all the 'bad' things that happen anywhere and be scared off ?

That's more of an indictment against the US News / American people's interest in the outside world!

The BBC and Sky News here in UK have been full of the Bangkok bombings as have the serious newspapers, Telegraph, Times, Guardian etc. Call me a flamer if you like, but when i lived in the US in the 1980s, it shocked me to see how parochial the major news media was. Possibly in cities like Washington / New York it may have been different, but in Houston it was difficult to keep up with truly WORLD news.

Of course that's a long time ago but from what you say bobonzo, it would seem that little has changed. mind you, today, with the abundance of Web-related news sources, there's really no excuse......

I think you're being a little unfair to the Americans there. People I know back in the UK have a very limited grasp on what happens out here. People here think everything that happens in Thailand is a big deal, but outside the Kingdom it ain't necessarily so.

SoiBiker - my point was that some nationalities have a greater tendency to hold a "world view" than do others. My comments about the US news sources AT THE TIME is fact, but as i said it's a long time ago.

However certainly, there are ignorant people all over the world who thinks the world ends at the end of their road and there are others with a more inquisitive streak - eg - I've never lived in Africa but still read the important events from various African countries and they most certainly make the news media.

So the question is: are people kept in ignorance by the media failing to offer the information, or are the people just not interested and therefore the media don't bother? Chicken & egg!

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Well it sure helps that the baht/euro is above 40 again.

About streetfood, i rarely buy streetfood because the stalls look dirty and mostly the vendors like to overcharge me. When i don't see the price i move on, can't be bothered to ask for the price anymore. Also i rarely walk on the streets because the vendors have taken over the sidewalks.

We buy food/fruit from the markets but only at our favorit stalls, those people are honest and won't cheat me. Also there's a lot of quality difference in Thai food.

Years ago i loved to eat pad thai, these days it isn't nice in any restaurant i tried it, even not on the street. Now they use some instant sauce to make it and we only get 2-3 small prawns with it. I would pay any price for a good old portion of real pad thai.

I also like to eat satay with peanut sauce but sure not from the streets. I have my favorit address for about everything and on the streets they all try to cheat me.

Bangkok has become expensive, very small portions or very low quality.

For my own holiday i don't stay in Thailand, there are better and cheaper places near. Taiwan is on my list now.

You are right Mr Thian but could you continue your post with another 3 sentences like (i'm very interested to know '' For my own holiday i don't stay in Thailand, there are better and cheaper places near. Taiwan is on my list now.''

I ask myself this question often, where to now?

You can p/m if you like but its something worth sharing us nomads.

Well Jon have you been all over Oz? I've seen half of it and sure will go to see the other half one day....Or NZ?

Taiwan, Japan, S-Korea, Andaman Islands, Myanmar islands at the Andamancoast,Borneo are all places i still have to visit. Taiwan looked (on tv) very clean, organised, cultural (foodculture) and a beautifull country.

After that i want to drive a mobile home in Canada, Route 66 from coast to coast, Chile, Bahama's and then i run out of money facepalm.gif

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