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Reid says he's going to support Obama's Iran nuclear deal

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Reid says he's going to support Obama's Iran nuclear deal

WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid on Sunday threw his full support behind President Barack Obama's nuclear agreement with Iran, saying "it is the best path to stop Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon."

"I strongly support the historic agreement and will do everything in my power to ensure that it stands," said Reid, D-Nev., in a news release.

Reid is the 27th Senate Democrat to back the deal and the highest ranking in the Senate. His support will make it difficult for opponents to muster the veto-proof numbers needed in the Senate, and therefore, in Congress to scuttle the agreement.

Republicans and the Israeli government furiously oppose the deal signed by the U.S., Iran and five world powers, which seeks to keep Iran from building a nuclear bomb in exchange for billions in international sanctions relief. They say Obama's agreement makes too many concessions to Iran and could actually enable that country to become a nuclear-armed state.

But it is looking less and less likely that opponents can garner sufficient support. Congress plans a vote next month on a resolution disapproving of the deal, which Obama has threatened to veto. Opponents would then need two-thirds majorities in the House and the Senate to override.

In the Senate, only two Democrats — Schumer and Robert Menendez of New Jersey — have announced opposition to the deal. Reid is the 27th senator, all Democrats, to publicly announce his support. It will take 34 votes in the Senate to sustain the veto.

A steady stream of Democrats have backed the deal, and Reid's support will provide an opportunity for others to jump on board. The announcement also comes before Obama heads to Nevada.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi already has said House Democratic supporters have the votes necessary to sustain Obama's veto despite unanimous GOP opposition.

The White House had no immediate comment.

Reid said he believes that the deal was the best that could be achieved.

"First, this is a good agreement on the merits, imposing the toughest inspections and verification regime in history, and a diplomatic solution is certainly less costly in American blood and treasure than any possible military option," Reid said. "Second, if the Senate rejects this agreement, the international community will not support an attempt to secure another and they will not support the sanctions regime. Those are hard facts."

Iran has threatened to destroy Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is vehemently opposed to the deal.

Reid said Israel's security is "of utmost importance." ''I support this deal because I believe it is the best option to halt any Iranian nuclear weapons program and therefore to protect the State of Israel," he said.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-08-24


Of course he supports the deal, sane people do. Netanyahu and Dick Chaney vehemently opposed it. That seals the deal.


The pro-Israel lobby in Washington has lost this fight.

Let's hope it is the first of many defeats, and that moderate Israeli views prevail over the radical Zionist/Likud Party warmongers.


If a republican put this deal together everyone would be just fine with it. They condemned the deal without even reading it as they do with anything that Obama ever tried to pass. They all came out from the beginning of his presidency and said they would do exactly this.

True patriots, they don't care what is best for the American people they just wanted to try and stop Obama from getting anything done.

It is time for some major reform in the American political system. Congress is a corrupt joke!!!


A post with a deliberate misspelling of a politician's name has been removed. Incorrect spellings which are meant to convey a message are trollish and inflammatory.


Of course he supports the deal, sane people do. Netanyahu and Dick Chaney vehemently opposed it. That seals the deal.

The quality of a man's position is most clearly defined by the blanket aspersions cast upon those who oppose him.


The New York Times has an opinion on the treaty that isn't.

Somebody just finally came up with whatever it takes to buy Reid's vote on the Executive Agreement.


Future Risks of an Iran Nuclear Deal
WASHINGTON — As President Obama begins his three-week push to win approval of the Iran nuclear deal, he is confronting this political reality: His strongest argument in favor of passage has also become his greatest vulnerability.
Mr. Obama has been pressing the case that the sharp limits on how much nuclear fuel Iran can hold, how many centrifuges it can spin and what kind of technology it can acquire would make it extraordinarily difficult for Iran to race for the bomb over the next 15 years.
His problem is that most of the significant constraints on Tehran’s program lapse after 15 years — and, after that, Iran is free to produce uranium on an industrial scale.

If a republican put this deal together everyone would be just fine with it. They condemned the deal without even reading it as they do with anything that Obama ever tried to pass. They all came out from the beginning of his presidency and said they would do exactly this.

True patriots, they don't care what is best for the American people they just wanted to try and stop Obama from getting anything done.

It is time for some major reform in the American political system. Congress is a corrupt joke!!!

Good old "Never rock the boat" Harry Reid. That is why he has lasted so long in politics.


I wonder how much money it cost for Reid to throw his support to Obama. Reid when Obama,s tour is over so is your political job and respect of all voting American people!.


The pro-Israel lobby in Washington has lost this fight.

Let's hope it is the first of many defeats, and that moderate Israeli views prevail over the radical Zionist/Likud Party warmongers.

77% of Israelis oppose the deal including the leader of the opposition, what you term as moderates are only the loopy far left fringe.

Yes trust Iran like you would trust a Thai bar girl with your bank book. Does anyone remember how much tax money Harry got Nevada to build that storage facility for the spent nuclear rods, then never built it. Oh yes and how is Solindra's solar panel factory doing ?


I wonder how much money it cost for Reid to throw his support to Obama. Reid when Obama,s tour is over so is your political job and respect of all voting American people!.

There's no cost.

In March 2015 Reid announced that he will not seek re-election in 2016. So his support for Obama has no connection with continuing his political career.


77% of Israelis oppose the deal

So what?

Senator Reid is an elected representative of the United States.

I realize that this might come as a shock to someone like you, but some Americans actually put the strategic interests of the US before Israel.


77% of Israelis oppose the deal

So what?

Senator Reid is an elected representative of the United States.

I realize that this might come as a shock to someone like you, but some Americans actually put the strategic interests of the US before Israel.

Try to keep up, I was responding to a poster who commented specifically on the view of the Israelis. The Israelis can look after themselves, but it would be remiss of them not to clearly communicate their views, just as Churchill did when warning the U.S about the Nazis.

77% of Israelis oppose the deal

So what?

Senator Reid is an elected representative of the United States.

I realize that this might come as a shock to someone like you, but some Americans actually put the strategic interests of the US before Israel.

Try to keep up, I was responding to a poster who commented specifically on the view of the Israelis. The Israelis can look after themselves, but it would be remiss of them not to clearly communicate their views, just as Churchill did when warning the U.S about the Nazis.

"ome Americans actually put the strategic interests of the US before Israel" and other countries; this is the gist of the point, right? That some Americans are honorable, placing their country's needs above special interests. Well, Harry Reid is not this man!

Reid is not this man not because he is unsavory and unethical, IMO. He is this man because a long train of impropriety hoovers over his position for a very long time regarding selling access and favors. Lets take a look at one ethical conflict that more exactly matches this issue, minus the nuclear bomb for an avowed enemy of the USA- Reid attacking Americans to give land to the Chinese.







Ten Most Corrupt Politicians



I wonder how much money it cost for Reid to throw his support to Obama. Reid when Obama,s tour is over so is your political job and respect of all voting American people!.

There's no cost.

In March 2015 Reid announced that he will not seek re-election in 2016. So his support for Obama has no connection with continuing his political career.

Then he doesn't have to fear AIPAC revenge.

That explains a lot.


77% of Israelis oppose the deal

So what?

Senator Reid is an elected representative of the United States.

I realize that this might come as a shock to someone like you, but some Americans actually put the strategic interests of the US before Israel.

Try to keep up, I was responding to a poster who commented specifically on the view of the Israelis. The Israelis can look after themselves, but it would be remiss of them not to clearly communicate their views, just as Churchill did when warning the U.S about the Nazis.

"ome Americans actually put the strategic interests of the US before Israel" and other countries; this is the gist of the point, right? That some Americans are honorable, placing their country's needs above special interests.

No, that's not the gist of my post.

I have little doubt that Senator Reid has enriched himself over the years, and will be glad to see him gone from the Senate next year. In fact, there's a pretty good chance that a Republican can take his spot.

However, what Harry Reid is not is a traitor. On this vote he put the strategic interests of the US ahead of Israel's, and for that he should be commended.

Washington DC is infested with traitorous Israel Firsters, and it's long past time to call in pest control.


77% of Israelis oppose the deal

So what?

Senator Reid is an elected representative of the United States.

I realize that this might come as a shock to someone like you, but some Americans actually put the strategic interests of the US before Israel.

Try to keep up, I was responding to a poster who commented specifically on the view of the Israelis. The Israelis can look after themselves, but it would be remiss of them not to clearly communicate their views, just as Churchill did when warning the U.S about the Nazis.

Well it would be nice if Israel did in fact look after themselves instead of relying on the US to veto everything in the UN FOR A CHANGE.


The pro-Israel lobby in Washington has lost this fight.

Let's hope it is the first of many defeats, and that moderate Israeli views prevail over the radical Zionist/Likud Party warmongers.

77% of Israelis oppose the deal including the leader of the opposition, what you term as moderates are only the loopy far left fringe.

Thanks for proving 77% of Israelis are loopy.


Stratfor Analysis on reports that senior Israelis blocked attacks on Iran three times....

For the Israelis, the price of failure in an attack on Iranian nuclear sites would have been substantial. One of Israel's major strategic political assets is the public's belief in its military competence. Forged during the 1967 war, the IDF's public image has survived a number of stalemates and setbacks. A failure in Iran would damage that image even if, in reality, the military's strength remained intact. Far more important, it would, as the failed U.S. operation did in 1980, enhance Iran's position. Given the nature of the targets, any attack would likely require a special operations component along with airstrikes, and any casualties, downed pilots or commandos taken prisoner would create an impression of Israeli weakness contrasting with Iranian strength. That perception would be an immeasurable advantage for Iran in its efforts to accrue power in the region. Thus for Israel, the cost of failure would be extreme.



Fortunately, P5+1 is not just the USA!

I for one find Iran a much more acceptable bed fellow than Saudi

Difficult situation but much better to have the Mullahs in the tent, pissing out, than outside the tent, pissing in!

I'm optimistic


77% of Israelis oppose the deal

So what?

Senator Reid is an elected representative of the United States.

I realize that this might come as a shock to someone like you, but some Americans actually put the strategic interests of the US before Israel.

Try to keep up, I was responding to a poster who commented specifically on the view of the Israelis. The Israelis can look after themselves, but it would be remiss of them not to clearly communicate their views, just as Churchill did when warning the U.S about the Nazis.

"ome Americans actually put the strategic interests of the US before Israel" and other countries; this is the gist of the point, right? That some Americans are honorable, placing their country's needs above special interests. Well, Harry Reid is not this man!

Reid is not this man not because he is unsavory and unethical, IMO. He is this man because a long train of impropriety hoovers over his position for a very long time regarding selling access and favors. Lets take a look at one ethical conflict that more exactly matches this issue, minus the nuclear bomb for an avowed enemy of the USA- Reid attacking Americans to give land to the Chinese.







Ten Most Corrupt Politicians


What an incredible list of links! You can see why the wingnutosphere is so twisted. This is the kind of stuff they absorb over every day. Breitbart? Newsmax? Really? Wow...

This agreement is happening and the world welcomes it.

So what?

Senator Reid is an elected representative of the United States.

I realize that this might come as a shock to someone like you, but some Americans actually put the strategic interests of the US before Israel.

Try to keep up, I was responding to a poster who commented specifically on the view of the Israelis. The Israelis can look after themselves, but it would be remiss of them not to clearly communicate their views, just as Churchill did when warning the U.S about the Nazis.

"ome Americans actually put the strategic interests of the US before Israel" and other countries; this is the gist of the point, right? That some Americans are honorable, placing their country's needs above special interests. Well, Harry Reid is not this man!

Reid is not this man not because he is unsavory and unethical, IMO. He is this man because a long train of impropriety hoovers over his position for a very long time regarding selling access and favors. Lets take a look at one ethical conflict that more exactly matches this issue, minus the nuclear bomb for an avowed enemy of the USA- Reid attacking Americans to give land to the Chinese.







Ten Most Corrupt Politicians


What an incredible list of links! You can see why the wingnutosphere is so twisted. This is the kind of stuff they absorb over every day. Breitbart? Newsmax? Really? Wow...

This agreement is happening and the world welcomes it.

It is as certain as the sun rising... when weak arguments falter in the face of facts the unarmed will revert to type- ad hominen attacks directed against individuals rather than the towering facts that thumped them.

Reid embodies what is most wrong with American politics. Though not alone, he is decidedly corrupt, though insulated. Besides this links that are not remotely rebutted Reid is also curious for the amassing of considerable wealth, with only his meager paycheck. He is garbage. This does not, however, make the deal Obama gave to Iran garbage. The deal is garbage on its merits. Reid is garbage on his merits.

(You skipped Reuters, that paragon of right wing drivel that pumps incessantly into the net). Note to the world: Prepare for war- this deal ensures it.


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