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US is now averaging more than one mass shooting per day in 2015

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And, what is the idea with this no nothing article?

To say Americans are bad or Oh my God, or wow, or .......

Go do something else mr. Ingraham.

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AS an American let me try and clarify a few points. It is fairly easy to get a gun in America as there are so many of them and many places to buy them legally. And since so many are available, many people have them for self protection. Most killings using guns are not mass killings, but people involved in situations where an argument erupts and the gun is within reach and results in a death. Also, there is a criminal element that also uses them. I do not own a gun and do not want one. However, most American believe that it is a constitutional right to own one. I see no reason to ban them- but American needs strong gun control. The laws need to be stiffened and gun shops need to follow the law regarding registration and background checks. One of the real problems in the US is the fact that people with real mental illness do not get the help they need, They either can't afford it or they simply cannot get anyone to assist them. Most of the mass shootings are by the mentally ill. There is no way these people should ever have guns. The American health industry is extremely overpriced and those seeking help for mental illness are often turned away.Like one of the posters said, I never saw anyone with a handgun while I was in America. Most people do not carry them- they keep them in their homes In regards to the police, there is way to much a tendency on the police in America to shoot first then ask questions. And it is not only people of color who are victimized. American police need to be retrained in how not to use deadly force and how to handle people under the influence of alcohol and drugs as well as having mental issues. There are definitely many similarities between Thailand the the United States-unfortunately not very positive. Thailand is a Third World country without the resources. American is a wealthy country but has developed a Third World mentality. I can excuse Thailand somewhat. America- you have no excuse.

There are no similarities whatsoever between the USA and Thailand. That is nonsense.

You are saying the police force in the USA is the same as Thailand......nonsense.

You could not be more wrong.

The police in the USA are under pressure...they make mistakes like anyone else. The frustration must be enormous. They are not lazy and corrupt. Perhaps, being in the thick of things, pushes one to the limit.

I don't see any similarity


The points that the obsessive - compulsive gun haters cannot understand is that:

- Most daily killings and woundings with guns in America are done in Black and Hispanic Ghettos -- and most often done with illegally acquired guns. And most of that is Black on Black Gangsta shootings ... Having NOTHING to do with the nearly 100 million legal gun owners

- Most true mass shootings are done - proven by health records -- by people who are mentally unstable ... In America it is VERY DIFFICULT - verging on the impossible to By FORCE commit a disturbed person to confinement in a mental institution for more than 72 hours. All because of Bleeding Heart Liberals who see to it that the laws remain that way. So taking dangerous people off the street and locking them up for mental health reasons cannot easily be done. Actually cannot be done in most states - nor can the patient be FORCED to undergo therapy and become successfully treated or remained confined ... So -- these nutcases are on the streets. Then through hook or crook or a hole in the system of background checks - these nutcases get a gun,...

- Almost every one of the true Mass Shootings in America for the past 15 years have been done by the mentally disturbed - mentally deranged ... We cannot get them off the streets.

- 99.99 percent of the nearly 100 million LEGAL GUN OWNERS of nearly 300 Million Guns commit NO GUN CRIMES - EVER.

- For many millions like me -- Because the LEFTISTS such as Obama have the AGENDA of total GUN Confiscation - and basically doing away with private gun ownership totally -- stripping the Constitution of the 2nd Amendment - and these Gun Haters will not relent on this GUN Confiscation AGENDA.... Then millions of us REFUSE to negotiate on one single compromise... When the LEFTISTS STOP and DROP their total gun Confiscation agenda - there may be room for compromise but not until.

- And REMEMBER --- Obama can try all the Unconstitutional Executive orders he wants -- they will be fought in the courts. And like some of his other illegal unconstitutional executive orders they will get hung up in court until he leaves office. And NO Member of the U.S. House or Representatives Nor or the U.S. Senate are going to do anything relative to Gun Control - when 100 million Voters are hanging over their heads -- ESPECIALLY in this coming Election Year - ... Members of Congress may be worthless - and crooks - but they are not stupid... They want reelection more than anything so it is used against them.

I have made predictions over several years here on TVF -- there will be NO Significant Gun Legislation in the next several years if not in the next 10 or 15 years ... basically NEVER.

Fix uneducated BLACKs - get them off drugs, get them out of the hood mentality - get them out of the poison of HIP HOP RAP that creates a criminal mindset ... GO LISTEN TO IT - the kind that is played in the hood -- it is a call to violence and crime - blared from every automobile and window in the HOOD...

Fix the SYSTEM that does not allow family and the community to COMMIT crazy people against their will ... then mass shooting will go down like a ROCK falling off a cliff.


It is called the right to bare arms. The gun manufacturing and selling lobby is very strong.

The solution is simple handguns should be illegal. American leaders know this, but there is just too much money to be made.


I can't believe this thread.

There is a title and there are stats, undeniable stats. And the first posts simply state: bullshit (because they don't like the stats), and when asked can't prove in any shape or form why the stats are bullshit.

So it is bullshit because the naysayers say so.

I'm sorry, that is simply ludicrous. Please start your own forum where you won't allow facts to get in the way of your reality.


For all you deniers, here is a link to a mass shooting tracker. 250 documented mass shootings and today is the 240th day of the year. Why anyone would be surprised, let alone deny it, is beyond me. My hometown is like a war zone. Shootings nearly every day and usually more than one.

Majority done by mentally ill people who were on oe drug or another


Over 100 million legal gun owners in the USA now put those stats on who is doing all the killing and if the guns are legal or not

It will tear apart your argument since Black on Black killings is a massive part of those stats

I don't know whether to laugh or to be extremely concerned that you have access to the internet. blink.png

Question: If the mentally ill people had no access to guns, would the mass killings have still occurred?

Bigger question: Why does black on black killing tear apart ANY arguments about gun killings?



In the UK we have drugs, we have mentally unstable people, we have blacks, we have hispanics....... we have everything that america has.

except, we dont have stupid gun laws, and we dont have one mass killing per day

can you see the correlation?


So you simply automatically believe what you read on the internet?

I have always given you more credit than that.

My bad.


I do when it comes from your own government, instead of users like you

That chart shows that there has been a downward progression in the number of reported violent crimes - less violent crime - over the past five years (ending with 2013). It has nothing to do with "mass shootings". wink.png

You seem to be obsessed and pedantic over mass shootings versus "ordinary" shootings.

The title of the thread is about mass shootings. What is "pedantic" about expecting a discussion of mass shootings? The FBI definition of mass shootings is when three or more people are killed by gunfire and very few of the examples anyone has presented here meet this definition - far less than one a day as claimed in the OP.


I would enjoy a civil discussion on gun violence and mass shootings...does anyone know where I can find one?


Can any of our Liberal American friends here explain to me why when a young white man shoots a bunch of black people in a church they immediately scream that the reason for this is white racism.

When a black guy shoots some white reporters and a white person being interviewed it is all because of the guns and gun control ?

Banning guns hasn't stopped people getting shot at an alarming rate in the UK. All it did was let the bad guys know that they would be the only ones with the guns till the armed response unit arrived on the scene

The Liberals are trying very hard to get all guns banned and will use ever more underhand methods in their attempts as the time goes on.

I very much doubt that they will succeed

Mad people will always do mad things. I would argue that even the NRA would welcome mad people stopped from buying guns given the chance ?


In the UK we have drugs, we have mentally unstable people, we have blacks, we have hispanics....... we have everything that america has.

except, we dont have stupid gun laws, and we dont have one mass killing per day

can you see the correlation?

Would a "stupid" gun law be one which disallows licensed gun-ownership and the ability to defend against violent criminals with guns? A law that allows police to take notes whilst paramedics stuff your corpse into a bag? Every man and his dog has a gun in Switzerland. Low crime. Canada, lot's of guns, not many gun murders. Can you see the non-correlation? In Britain, farmer Tony Martin was jailed for defending himself with a gun against repeat burglars (gypsies), who'd invaded his home for the umpteenth time, after the police had refused repeatedly to do anything about them. That's a very "stupid" gun law indeed.


I Am glad The Netherlands, unlike the USA does not even have one mass shooting per day, go on USA....

The Netherlands is not even a pimple on the USA's ass its so small its not even credible making a statement like that considering the size of the USA

Like I said those numbers are miniscule compared to the number of people that own guns in the USA

Netherlands is too doped up on space cake and brownies at the drug shops.

Free needles and heroin.........what a terrific life.

Those people are lucky they can get to the other side of the canal...let alone across an ocean.

What valuable opinions.

I am not dutch but I recon you should keep your big mouth shut


My prior posting was not whether the United State is similar to Thailand regarding its police forces- the similarities are that both countries are run by the wealthy for the wealthy and the average person can get little justice. The Thai police forces have their problems because Thailand is in essence a developing country with minimal resources or pressures for reform. The United States is a developed wealthy country that has resources available to stop the police from indiscriminate killing; stop discrimination against people of color and put laws into effect and enforce them that will stop criminals and the mentally unstable from getting firearms.

The wealthy and politicians in both countries could care less if its poor are killed or maimed. Their only thought is how to perpetuate more wealth and power. I expect more from the United States. After all, it brags continuously it is the greater country on this planet. Come one- prove it. Show me something- not just hot air.


I shall give you an example of so called American Justice- In Saint Louis County which is a county with a majority of people of color- when tickets for speeding or other minor infractions are given out- the cost of those tickets are very high- between $250- $500. Since the majority of people are low income they cannot come up with this amount of money. The local government then issues a bench warrant for their arrest and cancels their drivers license. The people still have to get to work. They are then stopped or asked for identification and arrested because they could not pay an unfair fine. This is a common practice in America as local governments are using the letter of the law to make their local budgets. Is it any wonder that minorities in America are angry. I am angry just hearing about it. You take away a person's hope and what is left. Many turn to the gun or do something illegal because they can't make it the legal way.It does not make it right- but it makes it understandable.


Or maybe the white police should give their fellow citizens a warning knowing the difficulty most people in the area are enduring instead of trying to pay their salary off the backs of the working poor.



We're now averaging more than one mass shooting per day in 2015

Pure bullshit.

One shooting per day might be believable. One mass shooting per day sounds like "pure bullshit" indeed. blink.png

I can guarantee more than 1 shooting per day in the U.S.


I can guarantee more than 1 shooting per day in the U.S. Almost anyone can get a gun in this country. There are tons of cases you'll never hear about (low income areas, projects, gangs, etc). And if a mass shooting by definition (more than one), or the FBI's 3- 4, or more people (doesn't mean they have to die during the event); I would certainly believe this as well. Turn on anyone of a number of city news broadcasts per night, and start adding them up.......


According to CDC in 2013 33,636 people died in USA due to guns, which works out to average of 92 per day. I understand that includes suicides, accidents, police shootings, but still a large number. In order to reach that goal, easiest way is economies of scale, or as they say "volume, volume, volume". Nothing is going to happen with gun control that is meaningful. With 300,000,000 guns already out there seems if you wanted one, you could get a hold of one.

Looking at the CDC table, there were 2,596,993 recorded deaths that year.

What % does 33,636 represent?

If we removed accidents and suicides, would it be even less impressive?

Not saying I like gun violence but thought the CDC figures were interesting this way, instead of a creative average to get headlines and credits on TV, from a group that calls itself "GunsAreCool".


The US a failed country.

In the Netherlands we had 3 murders per week (most of them not gun related)

Think something is seriously wrong there, the US and Thailand look quite similar.

Apples to oranges comparison. The US is a developed country (might not look/act like one, though), while Thailand is a developing one.


I can guarantee more than 1 shooting per day in the U.S. Almost anyone can get a gun in this country. There are tons of cases you'll never hear about (low income areas, projects, gangs, etc). And if a mass shooting by definition (more than one), or the FBI's 3- 4, or more people (doesn't mean they have to die during the event); I would certainly believe this as well. Turn on anyone of a number of city news broadcasts per night, and start adding them up.......

Tru dat. Many shootings are not reported/covered as much or sensationalized (e.g. front page news), since they are common (aka don't sell or generate enough interest).


Maybe they should not break the law. That is what the fines are meant to prevent. rolleyes.gif

It's literally impossible not to break the law in the US with all the twisted codes. As a cop friend says, "Swear me in as a federal prosecutor and I will have you on federal perjury charges in ten minutes."


I Am glad The Netherlands, unlike the USA does not even have one mass shooting per day, go on USA....

Speaks for itself. No class.

Class is now defined by the number of mass shootings per day?

Glad I live in a low class country.


I Am glad The Netherlands, unlike the USA does not even have one mass shooting per day, go on USA....

Speaks for itself. No class.

Class is now defined by the number of mass shootings per day?

Glad I live in a low class country.

No. Maybe you missed the point.


mass gun related killings in america are like suicide bombings in iraq, in that they are often not even newsworthy, as they are so common.

it is very sad situation, in both countries.

the americans say they are so security conscious, yet the amount of murder within the country is so high.

all that money spent on fighting wars overseas, only to allow americans to kill americans on domestic soil in the tens of thousands every year blink.png


I can't believe this thread.

There is a title and there are stats, undeniable stats. And the first posts simply state: bullshit (because they don't like the stats), and when asked can't prove in any shape or form why the stats are bullshit.

So it is bullshit because the naysayers say so.

I'm sorry, that is simply ludicrous. Please start your own forum where you won't allow facts to get in the way of your reality.

A MASS Murderer is one who kills several people at one time or in very short span of time... These kinds of killings / shootings do not happen every day in America... There are not reports of incidents of 3-4 ..4-5 ... 6-7 people being killed and/or wounded at one time in individual incidents done by one individual in one day ...

i.e. the Charleston, South Carolina shooting was a Mass Murder... numerous people killed by one assailant at one time...

This type of example DOES NOT happen in America every day ... not even close.

There are hundreds of shootings in Chicago every month - the City with the strongest gun control ordinances in the country... The killings - shooting are done by Gangsta shooters in drug deals or in general gang warfare ... Add to this Baltimore, Gary Indiana, East St. Louis, Detroit and nearly every other inner city Black Ghetto.

Outside of those enclaves - shootings are actually quite rare compared to the total population.


mass gun related killings in america are like suicide bombings in iraq, in that they are often not even newsworthy, as they are so common.

it is very sad situation, in both countries.

the americans say they are so security conscious, yet the amount of murder within the country is so high.

all that money spent on fighting wars overseas, only to allow americans to kill americans on domestic soil in the tens of thousands every year blink.png

Total outrageous hyperbole ... exaggerated, embellished, fabricated B.S.


I can guarantee more than 1 shooting per day in the U.S. Almost anyone can get a gun in this country. There are tons of cases you'll never hear about (low income areas, projects, gangs, etc). And if a mass shooting by definition (more than one), or the FBI's 3- 4, or more people (doesn't mean they have to die during the event); I would certainly believe this as well. Turn on anyone of a number of city news broadcasts per night, and start adding them up.......

You are OFF TOPIC... one shooting a day ... probably ... in the city of Chicago alone -- probably ten a day on the weekends ... BUT NOT AS PER THE OP == MASS SHOOTING.... MURDER...

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