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Austria says it and Germany will take refugees from Hungary

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Austria says it and Germany will take refugees from Hungary
SHAWN POGATCHNIK, Associated Press
PABLO GORONDI, Associated Press

BICSKE, Hungary (AP) — After misery, delivery. Hundreds of migrants, exhausted after breaking away from police and marching for hours toward Western Europe, boarded buses provided by Hungary's government as Austria in the early-morning hours said it and Germany would let them in.

Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann announced the decision early Saturday after speaking with Angela Merkel, his German counterpart — not long after Hungary's surprise nighttime move to provide buses for the weary travelers from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.

With people streaming in long lines along highways from a Budapest train station and near a migrant reception center in this northern town, the buses would be used because "transportation safety can't be put at risk," said Janos Lazar, chief of staff to the prime minister.

Lazar blamed Germany's "contradictory communications" and the European Union for the crisis.

The asylum seekers had already made dangerous treks in scorching heat, crawling under barbed wire on Hungary's southern frontier and facing the hostility of some locals along the way. Their first stop will be Austria, on Hungary's western border, though most hope to eventually reach Germany.

Hungarian authorities had refused to let them board trains to the west, and the migrants balked at going to processing centers, fearing they would be forced to live in Hungary.

Under European law, refugees are supposed to seek asylum in the first European Union country they enter. But many see limited economic opportunities and a less welcoming atmosphere in Hungary than in Germany, Sweden and other Western nations.

In what the Hungarian media called a "day of uprisings," about 350 people broke through a police cordon Friday and began heading to Austria, 135 kilometers (85 miles) to the west, on tracks leading away from the railway station. Surprised riot police scrambled for their helmets as the crowd surged from the front of the train.

One man, a 51-year-old Pakistani, collapsed about 800 meters (yards) from the station and died despite efforts to rescue him.

Those left behind, mostly women and children, were boarded onto buses and taken to the nearby asylum center.

Hours earlier, about 2,000 people set out from Budapest's Keleti station for a 171-kilometer journey (106-mile) to the Austrian border. At first police tried to block them, but they quickly gave up. By nightfall, the marchers had already covered about 50 kilometers (30 miles).

Along the way, some met with gestures of support. Many flashed the V-sight for victory, while some handed out bottles of water to the weary travelers.

A small number made clear the new arrivals were not welcome. "Go home already," one man shouted in Hungarian from a passing car.

Austrian police were making preparations at main border points, with reception areas and first aid facilities. Hans Peter Doskozil, police chief in easternmost Burgeland province, said those measures should be sufficient for the initial arrivals.

Also Friday, the Hungarian parliament tightened its immigration rules, approving the creation of transit zones on the Hungarian border with Serbia where migrants would be kept until their asylum requests were decided within eight days. Migrants would have limited chance to appeal those decisions.

One man leaving Budapest on foot said he expected the journey to Austria to take three days. Osama Morzar, 23, from Aleppo, Syria, was so determined not to be registered in Hungary that he removed his fingerprints with acid, holding up totally smooth finger pads to an Associated Press reporter as proof.

"The government of Hungary is very bad," said Morzar, who studied pharmacology at Aleppo's university. "The United Nations should help."

A couple from Baghdad, Mohammed and Zahara, who marched with a toddler, said they had been in a Hungarian asylum camp and got roughed up by guards because they refused to be fingerprinted. She said she has family in Belgium and is determined to seek asylum there. They would not give their last names.

Saleh Abdurahman, a Palestinian refugee from Syria who marched from Budapest, said he was set on escaping a Middle East made intolerable by wars that he blames on the United States and Europe.

"We don't want to go to their countries because we'd like to be rich," he said. "We only need to be human beings."

In Syria, a man whose family died when a small rubber boat capsized during a desperate voyage from Turkey to Greece buried his wife and two sons in their hometown of Kobani. Photos of the lifeless body of Abdullah Kurdi's 3-year-old son after it washed up on the beach drew the world's attention to the dangers faced by those fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East, Asia and Africa.

"He only wanted to go to Europe for the sake of his children," said Suleiman Kurdi, an uncle of the grieving father. "Now that they're dead, he wants to stay here in Kobani next to them."

Across Europe, the refugee crisis is becoming more dramatic.

In Geneva, the U.N. refugee agency said Friday that nearly 5,600 people crossed from Greece to Macedonia a day earlier. That's roughly double the already high 2,500 to 3,000 per day in recent weeks.

"That is a dramatic number," said UNHCR spokeswoman Melissa Fleming, saying it was the highest she's heard yet.

Earlier Friday, Antonio Guterres, the head of the U.N. refugee agency, issued a statement urging the EU to create a "mass relocation program ... with the mandatory participation of all EU member states" for would-be recipients who clear a screening process.

He said a "very preliminary estimate" would be for the creation of at least 200,000 places to be added across the bloc.

The U.N. comments came a day after a round of recriminations among EU leaders. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has said the human wave is a German problem, but Merkel said the obligation to protect refugees "applies not just in Germany, but in every European member."

Orban reiterated on Hungarian state radio Friday his determination to stop the refugees.

"Today we are talking about tens of thousands, but next year we will be talking about millions, and this has no end," Orban said.

"We have to make it clear that we can't allow everyone in, because if we allow everyone in, Europe is finished," Orban went on. "If you are rich and attractive to others, you also have to be strong because if not, they will take away what you have worked for and you will be poor, too."


Mstyslav Chernov in Bicske, Alexander Kuli in Budapest, and George Jahn in Vienna contributed to this report. Gorondi reported from Budapest.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-09-5

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Well, that's it, Europe. You no longer have any borders. The precedent is set: anyone who wants to come in and claim housing, jobs, medical care, educational support will have it, and there is NOTHING any EU citizen can do about it. It is playing out almost EXACTLY as predicted in Camp of the Saints.

Also note the mention of the Pakistani "refugee" who died. Pakistan is almost 3000 km from Syria.

Edited by Usernames
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It's ironic that Hungary is getting castigated essentially for following the regulations of Schengen, which require migrants to be registered in the first Country within the area they reach, instead of choosing from an a la carte menu for benefits.


Actually, what Mr. Orbán is doing here is a political version of “work-to-rule”. He is insisting on going through all the red tape prescribed for the Schengen Area, instead of ignoring it like all the gutmenschen want him to do. And he’s sticking to his mantra: Secure the border FIRST.

Edited by Steely Dan
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They better start prepare... this happened in Greece yesterday...

Clashes broke out on the Greek islands of Lesbos on Friday after 1,000 people, mostly Afghans, attempted to rush onto a ferry heading to the port of Piraeus, near Athens.

Police fired stun grenades to repel the stone-throwing crowd.

The mayor of Lesbos appealed for "immediate measures" to help alleviate the acute refugee and migrant crisis on his island, which is the entry point for about half of the hundreds of thousands who have arrived in Greece so far this year.


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Why don't these governments ASK the people of their respective countries , do you and should we want to take these runaway Muslims... ?

I,m quite sure a huge majority will shout NO..!

Send them all to a new home in Somaila... a whole new beginning for them there... In a Muslim country..wai2.gif

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I'm a bit sickened at the disparaging posts here. It's okay to castigate migrants from shitty places like Pakistan or Syria seeking a better life in Europe or anywhere where one can live in safety and with a small degree of comfort and dignity and hopefully work/school opportunities, right? No doubt most of us here in Thailand are doing exactly the same thing. We came to Thailand as 'economic migrants' seeking a more comfortable and affordable life and benefiting from the social infrastructure here (e.g. cheap labor, cheap food, deference to seniors, easy/inexpensive access to sex and alcohol, non-interference in our personal lives...), not to mention tax avoidance.

I wouldn't be surprised if the biggest whiners don't care a jot about their 'European heritage' (many of our grand- or great-grandparents emigrated to our current country of citizenship anyway) and probably don't pay the taxes that will (temporarily) support the refugees either.

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I don't understand why the so called migrants fleeing Syria, Iraq or Libya are not housed in tent cities on their borders for three generations or more. How else can they retain their 'right of return' whilst remaining economically inactive all the while?

On the other hand if right Of return is not sacrosanct why didn't Europe accept Palestinian refugees back in 1948? At current rates of settlement the whole lot of them would have been happy welfare dependent Europeans before 1950.

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I'm a bit sickened at the disparaging posts here. It's okay to castigate migrants from shitty places like Pakistan or Syria seeking a better life in Europe or anywhere where one can live in safety and with a small degree of comfort and dignity and hopefully work/school opportunities, right? No doubt most of us here in Thailand are doing exactly the same thing. We came to Thailand as 'economic migrants' seeking a more comfortable and affordable life and benefiting from the social infrastructure here (e.g. cheap labor, cheap food, deference to seniors, easy/inexpensive access to sex and alcohol, non-interference in our personal lives...), not to mention tax avoidance.

I wouldn't be surprised if the biggest whiners don't care a jot about their 'European heritage' (many of our grand- or great-grandparents emigrated to our current country of citizenship anyway) and probably don't pay the taxes that will (temporarily) support the refugees either.

Perhaps you are dodging Thai immigration law, operating without a valid visa, work permit, and trying to go around the laws restricting property ownership, but I and most others on this board are not. I was brought in to this country and given a non-immigrant visa and work permit. I took a cut in salary to help develop a specialized program in Thailand that should help its people and the country's economy. Thai immigration laws do work for the benefit of Thailand and its people primarily. It should continue to do so. It's not about improving the immigrant or foreigner's lifestyle; it's about improving the national prospects for Thailand. Most people, especially those I see here on a retirement visa, follow those rules and regulations and do not delude themselves into thinking they deserve special dispensations because they are from Europe or America. Maybe you are an exception to that rule.

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Based on the video above it's apparent that those people don't respect the clear fact that they are guests in someone else's country. Worse, they are uninvited guests.

I've yet to meet a Westerner in Thailand who wouldn't say that he knows he's a guest in Thailand and that he has to follow Thailand's rules and respect its borders. It's simply a different culture that's overwhelming the West right now.

Despite what the loony progressives try to tell me, no one has a right to waltz into someone else's country after the citizens and their ancestors did so much to develop the advanced countries. The trespassers have no right to what someone else earned until they and their progeny develop their own countries.

A lot of sweat and blood was spilled developing the West and it belongs to those who did that.

Europe is on the brink while the majority who don't like it are pushed aside and told they have no say. I suppose they call that democracy now?

Edited by NeverSure
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Based on the video above it's apparent that those people don't respect the clear fact that they are guests in someone else's country. Worse, they are uninvited guests.

I've yet to meet a Westerner in Thailand who wouldn't say that he knows he's a guest in Thailand and that he has to follow Thailand's rules and respect its borders. It's simply a different culture that's overwhelming the West right now.

Despite what the loony progressives try to tell me, no one has a right to waltz into someone else's country after the citizens and their ancestors did so much to develop the advanced countries. The trespassers have no right to what someone else earned until they and their progeny develop their own countries.

A lot of sweat and blood was spilled developing the West and it belongs to those who did that.

Europe is on the brink while the majority who don't like it are pushed aside and told they have no say. I suppose they call that democracy now?

These so-called refugees' lack of respect for laws, rules, regulations, standards, and order is a harbinger of what lies ahead once they and their progeny get a firm foothold. Euros will be terrorized into submission, all while their leaders pat themselves on their backs telling us what great humanitarians they are. Then, they'll come to replace the self-righteous leaders. But anything to hold on to power in the meantime, I guess.

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Based on the video above it's apparent that those people don't respect the clear fact that they are guests in someone else's country. Worse, they are uninvited guests.

I've yet to meet a Westerner in Thailand who wouldn't say that he knows he's a guest in Thailand and that he has to follow Thailand's rules and respect its borders. It's simply a different culture that's overwhelming the West right now.

Despite what the loony progressives try to tell me, no one has a right to waltz into someone else's country after the citizens and their ancestors did so much to develop the advanced countries. The trespassers have no right to what someone else earned until they and their progeny develop their own countries.

A lot of sweat and blood was spilled developing the West and it belongs to those who did that.

Europe is on the brink while the majority who don't like it are pushed aside and told they have no say. I suppose they call that democracy now?

Spot on. Most of the photos and videos show groups of young, fat, aggressive men demanding they can go where they please and that they should be provided with food, water, transport and whatever else they demand.

They are economic migrants who have seized the chance to try and get to countries where they believe all is free. They expect free housing, food, health care, education, and social benefits. And in return nothing. They will not respect your laws, your culture, your people or your property.

The left wing and PC liberals in EU politics lap it up. Puffs up their egos and self importance. A chance to spend and squander more tax payers money for their own self fulfillment.

They will not ask, nor care, what the mass population think. For in their arrogance, only they are fit to make decisions and rule.

And now the spineless Cameron backs down to the the left and dangerous Westminster opportunists and agrees to make more.

Well David, for once, make sure the Immigration people do a proper job. Check everyone. Must be from Syria, a family, and can show they fled the war. Not some enterprising Paki out to join his extended family in UK and cream off the state.

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Well, that's it, Europe. You no longer have any borders. The precedent is set: anyone who wants to come in and claim housing, jobs, medical care, educational support will have it, and there is NOTHING any EU citizen can do about it. It is playing out almost EXACTLY as predicted in Camp of the Saints.

Also note the mention of the Pakistani "refugee" who died. Pakistan is almost 3000 km from Syria.

Not anyone.....I am sure if you are white educated christian or atheist they won't let you in......you must be the Muslim and hide your Doctor degree if you have one.

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Based on the video above it's apparent that those people don't respect the clear fact that they are guests in someone else's country. Worse, they are uninvited guests.

I've yet to meet a Westerner in Thailand who wouldn't say that he knows he's a guest in Thailand and that he has to follow Thailand's rules and respect its borders. It's simply a different culture that's overwhelming the West right now.

Despite what the loony progressives try to tell me, no one has a right to waltz into someone else's country after the citizens and their ancestors did so much to develop the advanced countries. The trespassers have no right to what someone else earned until they and their progeny develop their own countries.

A lot of sweat and blood was spilled developing the West and it belongs to those who did that.

Europe is on the brink while the majority who don't like it are pushed aside and told they have no say. I suppose they call that democracy now?

These so-called refugees' lack of respect for laws, rules, regulations, standards, and order is a harbinger of what lies ahead once they and their progeny get a firm foothold. Euros will be terrorized into submission, all while their leaders pat themselves on their backs telling us what great humanitarians they are. Then, they'll come to replace the self-righteous leaders. But anything to hold on to power in the meantime, I guess.

A similar analogy. Many East European Roma were accepted into UK. Sent to quieter, small towns with good employment prospect areas. In one town I know, they never intended working. Lived off benefits, organizes street gangs, got into drug dealing, prostitution and petty crime. The local police were prevented from acting by the local politicians and had to treat them with kid gloves. Of course not PC to openly comment on that. More interested to see articles claiming how successful this wonderful humanitarian local government were.

This migrant issue dwarfs that analogy. No one I know in the UK, thinks this is a UK or EU problem. There will be massive backlashes and growths in extreme politics but the Libs and socialists won't care.

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Based on the video above it's apparent that those people don't respect the clear fact that they are guests in someone else's country. Worse, they are uninvited guests.

I've yet to meet a Westerner in Thailand who wouldn't say that he knows he's a guest in Thailand and that he has to follow Thailand's rules and respect its borders. It's simply a different culture that's overwhelming the West right now.

Despite what the loony progressives try to tell me, no one has a right to waltz into someone else's country after the citizens and their ancestors did so much to develop the advanced countries. The trespassers have no right to what someone else earned until they and their progeny develop their own countries.

A lot of sweat and blood was spilled developing the West and it belongs to those who did that.

Europe is on the brink while the majority who don't like it are pushed aside and told they have no say. I suppose they call that democracy now?

These so-called refugees' lack of respect for laws, rules, regulations, standards, and order is a harbinger of what lies ahead once they and their progeny get a firm foothold. Euros will be terrorized into submission, all while their leaders pat themselves on their backs telling us what great humanitarians they are. Then, they'll come to replace the self-righteous leaders. But anything to hold on to power in the meantime, I guess.

Well they are right, it works.....If we Westerners would do the same in Thailand, the police, the army and the normal people on the street would resist and send us home. In Europe it works. We actually teach them to behave like this. You drive a bit too fast on the highway and you are a criminal, you brake a 100 laws as foreigner and you get some money.....

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I really don't know what to make of this. A live report from the BBC showed a train load of migrants alighting in Munich amid cheers, applause & free handouts from crowds on the platform which to me was a PR coup for chancellor Merkel who seems increasingly Thatcher-esque & very capable. The work-aged adults could in theory prove productive and this could mirror the effect the Ugandan Asians & later the Vietnamese had in the decades after they arrived in UK.

Re Britain taking any more; Great Britain is frankly too small, although we too need the 20-30 somethings to plug gaps that have occurred as a result of the pill in the 60's (families that typically had 3-5 kids cira 1945-65 had become 1-3 by 1970). If this current group integrate & rebuild their lives they'll have a positive affect on the entire community. If however they choose to follow the path where significant numbers grow up hating the very place(s) that has taken them in we (the population of sheltering countries) will find that we're harbouring a Cuckoo; a parasitic species that eliminates all competition.

Back to Germany cira 20 years ago; A soldier/Boxer got into a fight with several ethnics in a garrison town. What should have been normal fisticuffs unfortunately went a little too far when one of them stabbed him. He died 30 mins later. The killer, an illegal immigrant, fled back to his country of origin and as far as i'm aware has never been brought to justice. I therefore suspect law & order in our homelands risks being 'diluted' as a result of the sheer numbers coming from places where such behaviour is commonplace.

RIP Scotty, You didn't deserve your fate.

Edited by evadgib
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Good on them, nice to see humanity come through instead of selfishness.

Nice of the PM of Finland to offer to take some refugees into his own home and calling on others to do the same.

. That is quite fair , what's not is to have the decision made for You. Those people like Geldof and Bonzo who preach fairness never would have anyone in their house
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Good on them, nice to see humanity come through instead of selfishness.

Nice of the PM of Finland to offer to take some refugees into his own home and calling on others to do the same.

. That is quite fair , what's not is to have the decision made for You. Those people like Geldof and Bonzo who preach fairness never would have anyone in their house

Those people like Geldof and tax exile Boner, I think you mean.

Will the Austrian and German governments be as accommodating of the next million and the million after that? After all, it would appear that this party is just getting started...

If mass immigration is the fabulous idea politicians make it out to be, why do they all campaign on curbing it? You never read 'We intend on importing X million more immigrants during our next term in office' in their manifestos, do you?

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For a number of years we have seen promises to curb immigration as figures always come out that it is higher than reported.

Then all of a sudden there seems to be a blind acceptance to take millions. Seriously what is going on behind the scenes.

Having been previously a Bilderberg skeptic, I am now reading these articles and it is seriously sending some shivers down my spine.

Bilderberg is against nationalism and proposes global government, one tool towards this is to flood countries with non nationals. Meanwhile covering the

tracks with the auspices of humanitarianism.

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For a number of years we have seen promises to curb immigration as figures always come out that it is higher than reported.

Then all of a sudden there seems to be a blind acceptance to take millions. Seriously what is going on behind the scenes.

Having been previously a Bilderberg skeptic, I am now reading these articles and it is seriously sending some shivers down my spine.

Bilderberg is against nationalism and proposes global government, one tool towards this is to flood countries with non nationals. Meanwhile covering the

tracks with the auspices of humanitarianism.

Hmm. There could be something in it, but when governments can't even handle stuff like a single air traffic control system Europe wide or a railway line from A to B... Conspiracy or simply the inability to organise a piss up in a brewery...?

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As far as I can gather they seek an economic meltdown so that they can reorganise a global government.

Some people believe they would achieve this through massive civil arrest and then disguising themselves as the saviours.

One tool to create the civil arrest and erosion of nationalism is believed to be mass migration, preferably people who contribute little

and cause the most trouble.

Trains and air traffic control come low down on their sphere of interest.

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Based on the video above it's apparent that those people don't respect the clear fact that they are guests in someone else's country. Worse, they are uninvited guests.

I've yet to meet a Westerner in Thailand who wouldn't say that he knows he's a guest in Thailand and that he has to follow Thailand's rules and respect its borders. It's simply a different culture that's overwhelming the West right now.

Despite what the loony progressives try to tell me, no one has a right to waltz into someone else's country after the citizens and their ancestors did so much to develop the advanced countries. The trespassers have no right to what someone else earned until they and their progeny develop their own countries.

A lot of sweat and blood was spilled developing the West and it belongs to those who did that.

Europe is on the brink while the majority who don't like it are pushed aside and told they have no say. I suppose they call that democracy now?

Spot on. Most of the photos and videos show groups of young, fat, aggressive men demanding they can go where they please and that they should be provided with food, water, transport and whatever else they demand.

They are economic migrants who have seized the chance to try and get to countries where they believe all is free. They expect free housing, food, health care, education, and social benefits. And in return nothing. They will not respect your laws, your culture, your people or your property.

The left wing and PC liberals in EU politics lap it up. Puffs up their egos and self importance. A chance to spend and squander more tax payers money for their own self fulfillment.

They will not ask, nor care, what the mass population think. For in their arrogance, only they are fit to make decisions and rule.

And now the spineless Cameron backs down to the the left and dangerous Westminster opportunists and agrees to make more.

Well David, for once, make sure the Immigration people do a proper job. Check everyone. Must be from Syria, a family, and can show they fled the war. Not some enterprising Paki out to join his extended family in UK and cream off the state.

Cameron only stopped UKIP splitting the Tory vote last election by promising to clamp down on runaway levels of immigration. If he lies again as he did during his first term I suspect UKIP may do to the Tories what the SNP did to Labour. And they will deserve it.
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Too late for Europe. Apparently, this Irish lawyer who works for the UN has already decided what is going to happen to all you Europeans. So get it through your heads: You have NO choice. It has already been decided for you. You are about to be culturally enriched--some more. http://www.cnbc.com/2015/09/04/europe-must-do-more-to-tackle-migrant-crisis-un.html

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Here is an account from a Polish eye witness concerning the behavior of the camp of saints swarming across the Hungarian border. The MSN will ignore it seeing as it is difficult to paint the account as coming from the far right. It certainly does not fit the narrative we are being sold.


“They tried to overturn the coach, in which I was travelling with a group. Excrement was thrown in our direction… they banged on the doors, to get the driver to open them. They spat at the windows.” — such is the report of Kamil Bulonis, the author of a travel blog.

It’s difficult to accuse the author of this entry, who writes a blog called “Obywatel Swiata” [Citizen of the World], of right-wing, Catholic or nationalist “looniness”. For Kamil Bulonis writes about himself openly on Instagram as a “journalist, globetrotter, gay”, while on Facebook, his profile picture appears in rainbow colours.

Last night Kamil Bulonis posted a report of his journey from Italy by coach. It is so moving that we are pasting it in full. Especially given that we cannot rely on mainstream media to break with their common narrative about “bad Hungarian nationalists” and “poor immigrants”.

The author goes on to observe that the crowd consisted overwhelmingly of young aggressive males shouting 'We want Germany'. We want indeed!

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Too late for Europe. Apparently, this Irish lawyer who works for the UN has already decided what is going to happen to all you Europeans. So get it through your heads: You have NO choice. It has already been decided for you. You are about to be culturally enriched--some more. http://www.cnbc.com/2015/09/04/europe-must-do-more-to-tackle-migrant-crisis-un.html

See my comments before. Peter Sutherland is on the steering committee of Bilderberg and ex chairman of Goldman Sachs.



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We have in Germany an asylum law that has been intact since the founding of the Federal Republic of Germany and it is part of our German constitution.

Almost every Syrian will have his asylum request approved and the same will be very much for people from Libya, Iraq and even Yemen.

Lets also remember that the EU with the United States and NATO have been part of the problem in those countries. The EU promised Turkey 60 million Euros since last year to assist in the 1 million refugees in Turkey but until now they have paid nothing so Turkey let those Syrian and Iraqis go onto Europe.

The UNHCR has warned for years that Europe will be flooded with refugees.

As for the illegal immigrants such as the Pakistanis, Afghans, Africans etc they should process those asylum requests within 7 days and deport them and the government of their country should pay for them. As Saudi Arabia is bombing Yemen, the Saudis should as well take them in from Yemen.

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