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Neighbor keeps door open => noise and cooking smell

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Are you in a condo?

If so it's worth talking to the management.

Most Condo-managements are completely useless or / and corrupt.

Maybe it makes sense to have a lawyer write a letter that if they don't act, the maintenance fee will be withheld until further action is taken.

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Did you ask them if they mind closing the door? Maybe they have no idea that they are disturbing you. You say the music isn't loud, so how would they know it gets on your nerves if you don't tell them? If you're so sensitive to non-loud music the obvious solution is to live in a house that's more remote from neighbors that play non-loud music.

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Did you ask them if they mind closing the door? Maybe they have no idea that they are disturbing you. You say the music isn't loud, so how would they know it gets on your nerves if you don't tell them? If you're so sensitive to non-loud music the obvious solution is to live in a house that's more remote from neighbors that play non-loud music.

I was guilty of having my front door open in the condo with the screen/security door closed. I am getting a little hard of hearing. I had a young lady from down the hallway come and knock on my door and say the noise from my TV was keeping her awake. I apologized and now after 10 pm I make it a habit to close the inside door. Its all a matter of communications and consideration. I do know however that the unit below me leaves the front door open constantly. I receive the food smell via my balcony and their young children run out the open front door screaming in the hallway at times. A condo is community living and if you want to raise children in a 40 sq. metre unit you should reprimand them for screaming. Its the same in the swimming pool parents allow their children to scream their lungs out. The parents sometimes make a feeble effort to quiet them but a lot of children today have no parental respect. When I was a kid I would have had a boot planted up my keester.

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Today, Sunday at 7am. The music isn't loud, but it's getting on my nerves. Why do some Thais behave this way? All xx others keep their doors closed.

Seems the OP has been a forum member since 2009 which is 6 years.

If the OP has been in Thailand for that same period of time then surely they know how it works here.

Thailand isn't a country to set up home in if you wish for peace and quiet unless you completely isolate yourself in a property with a large perimeter.

I mean come on they even blast your ears to bits here whilst simply buying some fruit on the local market.

Thais like crowds and don't like to be shut in,it's a country whereby much of daily life revolves around being outside,opening the door gives that sense of openness and non isolation.

Edited by stoneyboy
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Are you in a condo?

If so it's worth talking to the management.

Most Condo-managements are completely useless or / and corrupt.

Maybe it makes sense to have a lawyer write a letter that if they don't act, the maintenance fee will be withheld until further action is taken.

"Most Condo-managements are completely useless or / and corrupt."

"Why do some Thais behave this way? All xx others keep their doors closed."

The few times over the past decade that I've had a similar experience, the person causing the problem in each case was a farang and our building manager was quite helpful in putting an end to the problem quickly and without any further repercussions.

Blaming the problems caused solely on Thais or claiming "most" condo managements are useless and corrupt is ridiculous. Does anyone really believe that all farang are model residents? How could any individual know what "most" managements are like?

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I got 20m between me and my neighbours and still get disturbed by screaming kids and barking dogs.

Consideration for others does not feature high here.

Even if you complain there is a chance the neighbours will be offended by this and go out of their way to make it worse....or

They might quieten down for a spell and close the door, but they also have short memories and will revert to their old ways.

Play your own music, go out more, if you rent, move elsewhere. Some buildings take complaints more seriously and impose rules.

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play some country music and cook cabbages..... That should do it!

doesn't work, i tried playing some really loud German military march music to make a point after numerous complaints from my side, trouble was they liked it.

I doubt they would keep their door open if you cooked an Indian curry. That's a bit strong at 7am though.

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play some country music and cook cabbages..... That should do it!

doesn't work, i tried playing some really loud German military march music to make a point after numerous complaints from my side, trouble was they liked it.

I doubt they would keep their door open if you cooked an Indian curry. That's a bit strong at 7am though.

Every time I cook an Indian curry all the neighbours come over, and stand salivating in front of the gate. Ime of day doesn't really affect that.

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play some country music and cook cabbages..... That should do it!

Also have a good fan blowing air 'out' of your condo, some durian skin/fruit is a must, I wouldn't go the loud route but why not. You have a microwave ? overcook some popcorn and don't forget the fan blowing out the front door. have a drink and think.

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Today, Sunday at 7am. The music isn't loud, but it's getting on my nerves. Why do some Thais behave this way? All xx others keep their doors closed.

Pig ignorance.

But Thais aren't the only offenders: plenty of farangs here also seem to have been born in a barn.

Very true.....I have thought that they do it to save on the electricity by not using the Air Con, leaving the door open to create a draught. Why else would the do it?

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Are you in a condo?

If so it's worth talking to the management.

Most Condo-managements are completely useless or / and corrupt.

Maybe it makes sense to have a lawyer write a letter that if they don't act, the maintenance fee will be withheld until further action is taken.

I've lived in two, middle cost condos that were/are well managed, well maintained and not useless or corrupt. I suppose they don't fit into the "most" category.

Edited by Benmart
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Thailand is all about music and the aroma of Thai cooking...if this gets on your nerves...I recommend either build a home out in the sticks where you have no neighbors or move to some place more agreeable to your lifestyle...

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I lived in an apartment where the Indian family neighbors, across the hall, used to open their door and open the window in their apartment to let the breeze blow through ( to save money on the air conditioning electricity ) while they cooked their greasy smelling Indian food that was pretty much over whelming and somewhat awful to endure

Many times, when the breeze was blowing through the room the strong breeze would catch the door and the door would SLAM shut with a huge BANG and slam shut with such force the walls in my apartment would shake a fair amount.

It happened several times a week at different hours until one Sunday morning it occurred 3 times in a row while waking me up with a startle at 6 AM ...Boom...and then again at 8 AM.... Boom..... and again at around 9 AM..... Boom again.

So I phoned their room and the wife answered and I told her to place a brick or concrete block or something to block the door.... or...... a rubber door stopper and stop the door from slamming all the time.

Then she says: "What are you talking about"......

So, I told her: "Just stop the door from slamming shut all the time"..... while she kept denying the door was slamming shut until I started to shout at her and telling her: "YES, the door slammed shut with a very loud BANG .....many times ...Many... Many times....... So fix it or I will be in your face until you stop the door from SLAMMING all the time......goodbye now...have a nice day....thank you very much.

After that, the door did not slam anymore and about 2 weeks later they moved out.


Edited by gemguy
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Are you in a condo?

If so it's worth talking to the management.

Most Condo-managements are completely useless or / and corrupt.

Maybe it makes sense to have a lawyer write a letter that if they don't act, the maintenance fee will be withheld until further action is taken.

I've lived in two, middle cost condos that were/are well managed, well maintained and not useless or corrupt. I suppose they don't fit into the "most" category.

Same here. Lived in 5 condos since moving here and all were well run. I might start giving lessons to farangs on how to do the basics in life, like finding a nice condo to live in. Many on here don't seem able to to do this.

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