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Kicked Syrian migrant offered football role in Madrid

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Kicked Syrian migrant offered football role in Madrid
By Tim Lister, CNN

(CNN)One Syrian migrant and his young son are starting a new life in Madrid Thursday -- a week after being seen around the world as they were sent sprawling by a Hungarian camerawoman.

A football academy based in the city has stepped in to provide Osama Abdul Mohsen -- a former coach himself -- a job and accommodation in a suburb of the Spanish capital.

Mohsen was running through a field close to the Hungarian border, carrying his eight-year old son Zaid, when he was tripped up by camerawoman Petra Laszlo. The video of the incident sparked international outrage and Laszlo was fired by her network.

Mohsen picked himself and Zaid up and continued their odyssey, reaching Munich.

Full story: http://edition.cnn.com/2015/09/17/football/syrian-refugee-re-housed-in-madrid/index.html

-- CNN 2015-09-18


Corrupt value. An invader is rightfully kicked by a citizen who sees her country literally overrun and she loses her job while the invader racks up benefits and employment from Feel-Good soccer execs. Spaniards, they're coming to your country next. Then, let's see how you feel.


Corrupt value. An invader is rightfully kicked by a citizen who sees her country literally overrun and she loses her job while the invader racks up benefits and employment from Feel-Good soccer execs. Spaniards, they're coming to your country next. Then, let's see how you feel.

Corrupt value indeed if one finds that EU citizens are in their right to kick innocent people who are fleeing a country where there has been a bloody war going on for 3 years now, where their daughters are being gang raped, where men are being tortured (or just killed point blank for no reason what-so-ever) where the government is dropping barrel-bombs on residential areas and even schools, etc.

Ironically, after the crackdown on the Hungarian spring in 1956 200,000 Hungarian refugees fled to western Europe. In your mind Username the Europeans should have kicked all these 200,000 people back into Hungary and face death or Siberia? Or how about the 300,000 Jewish people from Germany who fled the Nazi regime should they have been kicked back into Germany when they crossed the border into Holland Belgium and France? Or maybe you prefer the option of sending them directly to the well known camp in Poland so they can "take a shower"?

If I were a Spaniard I would feel proud to welcome these people! Fortunately many Europeans are feeling so too!


Corrupt value. An invader is rightfully kicked by a citizen who sees her country literally overrun and she loses her job while the invader racks up benefits and employment from Feel-Good soccer execs. Spaniards, they're coming to your country next. Then, let's see how you feel.

Corrupt value indeed if one finds that EU citizens are in their right to kick innocent people who are fleeing a country where there has been a bloody war going on for 3 years now, where their daughters are being gang raped, where men are being tortured (or just killed point blank for no reason what-so-ever) where the government is dropping barrel-bombs on residential areas and even schools, etc.

Ironically, after the crackdown on the Hungarian spring in 1956 200,000 Hungarian refugees fled to western Europe. In your mind Username the Europeans should have kicked all these 200,000 people back into Hungary and face death or Siberia? Or how about the 300,000 Jewish people from Germany who fled the Nazi regime should they have been kicked back into Germany when they crossed the border into Holland Belgium and France? Or maybe you prefer the option of sending them directly to the well known camp in Poland so they can "take a shower"?

If I were a Spaniard I would feel proud to welcome these people! Fortunately many Europeans are feeling so too!

This is an utter clueless response. Most Hungarians fled into Austria for which there was a strong historical relationship with Hungary, as in Austro-Hungarian Empire. These invaders, including terrorists, have absolutely NO historical or cultural relationship with Europe. They were safe in Turkey. They are coming to Europe to pillage, kill, and feed off the locals' taxes. And they use "baby waving" to generate sympathy. I only wish there had been more Hungarian patriots on the ground to kick these invaders back into Serbia.


Corrupt value. An invader is rightfully kicked by a citizen who sees her country literally overrun and she loses her job while the invader racks up benefits and employment from Feel-Good soccer execs. Spaniards, they're coming to your country next. Then, let's see how you feel.

Corrupt value indeed if one finds that EU citizens are in their right to kick innocent people who are fleeing a country where there has been a bloody war going on for 3 years now, where their daughters are being gang raped, where men are being tortured (or just killed point blank for no reason what-so-ever) where the government is dropping barrel-bombs on residential areas and even schools, etc.

Ironically, after the crackdown on the Hungarian spring in 1956 200,000 Hungarian refugees fled to western Europe. In your mind Username the Europeans should have kicked all these 200,000 people back into Hungary and face death or Siberia? Or how about the 300,000 Jewish people from Germany who fled the Nazi regime should they have been kicked back into Germany when they crossed the border into Holland Belgium and France? Or maybe you prefer the option of sending them directly to the well known camp in Poland so they can "take a shower"?

If I were a Spaniard I would feel proud to welcome these people! Fortunately many Europeans are feeling so too!

This is an utter clueless response. Most Hungarians fled into Austria for which there was a strong historical relationship with Hungary, as in Austro-Hungarian Empire. These invaders, including terrorists, have absolutely NO historical or cultural relationship with Europe. They were safe in Turkey. They are coming to Europe to pillage, kill, and feed off the locals' taxes. And they use "baby waving" to generate sympathy. I only wish there had been more Hungarian patriots on the ground to kick these invaders back into Serbia.

"kick these invaders"

The camera woman who kicked the children was a member of a media organisation affiliated to the far right, yet you describe her as a 'patriot'. Justifying kicking of children, to be blunt, is despicable.


I guess some of you never actually watched the video, then. She didn't kick any children, she tripped the man who was running past her while carrying a child.

But lets not facts interfere with your bleeding hearts.


Corrupt value. An invader is rightfully kicked by a citizen who sees her country literally overrun and she loses her job while the invader racks up benefits and employment from Feel-Good soccer execs. Spaniards, they're coming to your country next. Then, let's see how you feel.

RIGHTFULLY kicked ? Oh my happy your not near me. I would see how you like it.


Interesting how this makes its own thread, just as the drowned boy on the beach, but facts such as the confirmed terrorist arrested with 29 other migrants whilst attacking Hungarian police elicits radar silence.

This is nothing more than more agitprop released by progressive (regressive) media outlets.


I guess some of you never actually watched the video, then. She didn't kick any children, she tripped the man who was running past her while carrying a child.

But lets not facts interfere with your bleeding hearts.

Bleeding hearts... Better than bleeding down right wrong !!!!




I guess some of you never actually watched the video, then. She didn't kick any children, she tripped the man who was running past her while carrying a child.

But lets not facts interfere with your bleeding hearts.

I am sure you never watched the video, or you are purposely distorting the facts.



If that man had tried to run through a police block in Israel he would have been shot, and his kid too; and nobody would talk about it. Food for thought.


Interesting how this makes its own thread, just as the drowned boy on the beach, but facts such as the confirmed terrorist arrested with 29 other migrants whilst attacking Hungarian police elicits radar silence.

This is nothing more than more agitprop released by progressive (regressive) media outlets.

More heartless BS (just imagine that it was your son laying on that beach) and right-wing propaganda.

OK so they supposedly found one terrorist amongst the nearly million refugees fleeing a war zone. The fact is of course that all the terrorist attacks in Europe so far were done for 100% by people who have lived in Europe for a long time/all their lives. Not one came "fresh" from outside of Europe.

In addition, if there would be terrorist entering Europe, one must be an absolute moron to think that these terrorists will walk for 3-4month trough the entirety of Europe iso traveling on a first class ticket with a fake identity as a business man from say Jordan for instance. But this kind of logic doesn't feed the right-wing sentiment of course, so better focus on lies and half-truths, and bark at anyone with a bit of empathy for these people as being left-wing idiots.


ISIS told the faithful back in February to Hijrah.

That is mass muslim migration - which is what we are seeing now. You would have to be naive in the extreme to think that the bad guys aren't travelling in the confusion.

ISIS said last year that they would take back their historic lands - the Ottoman empire - and they seem to be well on the way to doing so.

Spain isn't going to be a nice place in a year or so.


ISIS told the faithful back in February to Hijrah.

That is mass muslim migration - which is what we are seeing now. You would have to be naive in the extreme to think that the bad guys aren't travelling in the confusion.

ISIS said last year that they would take back their historic lands - the Ottoman empire - and they seem to be well on the way to doing so.

Spain isn't going to be a nice place in a year or so.

Thats how I feel, notice in the latest BBC report, many were wearing black bandanas and stiring the rest up, its not just Spain going to have a problem.

This is an invasion nothing short


You will never get the truth from the media,

all those fleeing Syrian refugees are now

causing riots because they have ''rights''

All you bleeding hearts kiss my hairy behind.

someone is making huge fortunes on the

misery of others and welcoming them

with open arms will only fuel the flame,

i'm looking at you Obama.

ps, the camera woman who tripped the man

carrying a child is not the picture seen here

also many refugees threw away their id's

and are claiming to be Syrian but who are

they? do countries have a right to protect

their borders, clearly the bleeding hearts

say no, the shengheng system has failed.




Wow! Just read the article.

Very concerning when the Pope says to start worrying about the immigrants.

I read elsewhere that an ex Arch Bishop of Canterbury said similar things.

Mind you both these blokes would definitely be on any Islamic terrorists hit list.

It doesn't bear thinking about what would happen if the Pope got bumped off....the Catholic world would go berserk....WW3 practically.


It doesn't bear thinking about what would happen if the Pope got bumped off....the Catholic world would go berserk....WW3 practically.

No, the relentless and droning apologists would find a reason to blame the Pope.


Interesting how this makes its own thread, just as the drowned boy on the beach, but facts such as the confirmed terrorist arrested with 29 other migrants whilst attacking Hungarian police elicits radar silence.

This is nothing more than more agitprop released by progressive (regressive) media outlets.

The cream on top of this story is that the father of the drowned boy was steering the boat and is a part of a human trafficking ring!

Europe is forked, the damage that has been done is irreparable. Latest news say that a muslim leader in Germany has demanded the german Oktoberfest to be canceled for good since it is anti islam.

Anger and hatred is boiling below the surface and gonna explode soon. Civil war in Europe is not just a high probability anymore, it is bound to happen, because the German government seems to fight a geopolitical propaganda war against their own people.

As for the "kicked" Syrian - he most likely will play for Italy soon, as he knows how to properly take a dive... 1zgarz5.gif


I guess some of you never actually watched the video, then. She didn't kick any children, she tripped the man who was running past her while carrying a child.

But lets not facts interfere with your bleeding hearts.

Bleeding hearts... Better than bleeding down right wrong !!!!


I stand corrected. I saw only the first video of her tripping up the man running past her and carrying a child.

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