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Nicola Sturgeon: David Cameron 'living on borrowed time'


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Nicola Sturgeon: David Cameron 'living on borrowed time'

LONDON: -- Scotland's first minister is to argue that Prime Minister David Cameron is "living on borrowed time" as he seeks to prevent Scotland leaving the UK.

Nicola Sturgeon will make the claim in a speech to mark the first anniversary of the independence referendum.

It comes as Mr Cameron outlined plans to guarantee the permanence of the devolved Scottish Parliament.

Scotland voted by 55% to 45% to remain in the UK in the referendum on 18 September of last year.

'Momentous vote'

Mr Cameron said the result meant that "Scotland's majority" had spoken and that "more Scots voted to keep our kingdom united than have ever voted for any party in any election in Scottish history".

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-34283944

-- BBC 2015-09-18

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If Cameron had any backbone to talk about he would give this vile, hate filled woman full fiscal autonomy now. She can then tell those fools who voted for her and her " End Austerity " just why taxes have to go up and services have to be cut and she wont be able to blame it on Westminster as she does now as SHE is the one setting the spending

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This lying wicked little witch will do all she can to wreck the UK and grab power for herself and her mate, the wannabee el presidente for life Salmond.

They are both on ego trips and have convinced themselves their own fairy story bull shit is believable.

She will instruct her inflated number of Westminster MP's to cause as much disruption as possible.

She didn't like the once in a generation referendum result so won't honor her agreement. Her word means nothing. She will push for another referendum, and another, and another until she hopefully gets a result she likes, even if by a fraction of a percent. Then she'll squeal the people have spoken and try and change the law to ban anymore referendum's or talk of re-unification.

The NHS, education and police are in a mess in Scotland. All we here from the poison dwarf is independence, independence, independence. Nothing about addressing today's problems.

Cameron et al need to grow some and put her in her place. But, now Labor have a left wing 70"s throwback leading them gawd only knows. He's in favor of giving Ulster to Eire, and presumably stuff the majority who don't want that; giving Argentina The Falklands and stuff the majority who don't want that, so who knows what he'll suggest with Scotland.

Corbyn may be daft as a brush with his re-nationalization plans, supporting Hezbollah, Hamas and IRA terrorists, but I do think he genuinely believes what he says. Witch Sturgeon is the schemer, the two faced chancer. Many I know who live in Scotland fear that an independent Scotland under SNP rule would be more like a soviet socialist republic than a highland Braveheart style utopia.

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If Cameron had any backbone to talk about he would give this vile, hate filled woman full fiscal autonomy now. She can then tell those fools who voted for her and her " End Austerity " just why taxes have to go up and services have to be cut and she wont be able to blame it on Westminster as she does now as SHE is the one setting the spending

The only hate I see are from the people who trot out spittle flecked ad hominems every time she is mentioned in the news.

She may be setting the spending, but the purse strings are still being controlled by a party for which we Scots have repeatedly and comprehensively shown our disgust and loathing.

As for the 'fools' who seek to end austerity, The UK Centre for Macroeconomics surveyed leading economists and found that ony 15% of them believed that austerity had a positive effect on the UK economy, while two thirds said it had a detrimental effect.

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Many I know who live in Scotland fear that an independent Scotland under SNP rule would be more like a soviet socialist republic than a highland Braveheart style utopia.

You must know a very special subset of Scots because, while I know both Yes and No supporters, I know nobody who espouses the nonsense you stated.

Edited by RuamRudy
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If Cameron had any backbone to talk about he would give this vile, hate filled woman full fiscal autonomy now. She can then tell those fools who voted for her and her " End Austerity " just why taxes have to go up and services have to be cut and she wont be able to blame it on Westminster as she does now as SHE is the one setting the spending

The only hate I see are from the people who trot out spittle flecked ad hominems every time she is mentioned in the news.

She may be setting the spending, but the purse strings are still being controlled by a party for which we Scots have repeatedly and comprehensively shown our disgust and loathing.

As for the 'fools' who seek to end austerity, The UK Centre for Macroeconomics surveyed leading economists and found that ony 15% of them believed that austerity had a positive effect on the UK economy, while two thirds said it had a detrimental effect.

I am not a Scot but they should have independance. Along with it no funding from England, no assistance whatsoever and the Oil companies that are British re-route pipelines to England. I am sure the people of Scotland would be then be very happy. I just cant see how though Scotland, as beautiful as it is, will generate sufficient income to support itself.

And to ensure Scotland is an independant country Scots should have to apply for visa's when entering England as should the English when entering Scotland.

Edited by gandalf12
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If Cameron had any backbone to talk about he would give this vile, hate filled woman full fiscal autonomy now. She can then tell those fools who voted for her and her " End Austerity " just why taxes have to go up and services have to be cut and she wont be able to blame it on Westminster as she does now as SHE is the one setting the spending

The only hate I see are from the people who trot out spittle flecked ad hominems every time she is mentioned in the news.

She may be setting the spending, but the purse strings are still being controlled by a party for which we Scots have repeatedly and comprehensively shown our disgust and loathing.

As for the 'fools' who seek to end austerity, The UK Centre for Macroeconomics surveyed leading economists and found that ony 15% of them believed that austerity had a positive effect on the UK economy, while two thirds said it had a detrimental effect.

I am not a Scot but they should have independance. Along with it no funding from England, no assistance whatsoever and the Oil companies that are British re-route pipelines to England. I am sure the people of Scotland would be then be very happy. I just cant see how though Scotland, as beautiful as it is, will generate sufficient income to support itself.

And to ensure Scotland is an independant country Scots should have to apply for visa's when entering England as should the English when entering Scotland.

To whom, do you propose, should the US, Canadian, Italian oil companies etc pay their royalties?

Scotland already contributes per head more to the UK exchequer than any of the other home nations so, if we remove the burden of Trident, I am not sure I see why we couldn't live within our means.

As for visas, we plan to stay in the EU so I suppose that border formalities will depend upon the decision made south of the border.

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If Cameron had any backbone to talk about he would give this vile, hate filled woman full fiscal autonomy now. She can then tell those fools who voted for her and her " End Austerity " just why taxes have to go up and services have to be cut and she wont be able to blame it on Westminster as she does now as SHE is the one setting the spending

The only hate I see are from the people who trot out spittle flecked ad hominems every time she is mentioned in the news.

She may be setting the spending, but the purse strings are still being controlled by a party for which we Scots have repeatedly and comprehensively shown our disgust and loathing.

As for the 'fools' who seek to end austerity, The UK Centre for Macroeconomics surveyed leading economists and found that ony 15% of them believed that austerity had a positive effect on the UK economy, while two thirds said it had a detrimental effect.

I am not a Scot but they should have independance. Along with it no funding from England, no assistance whatsoever and the Oil companies that are British re-route pipelines to England. I am sure the people of Scotland would be then be very happy. I just cant see how though Scotland, as beautiful as it is, will generate sufficient income to support itself.

And to ensure Scotland is an independant country Scots should have to apply for visa's when entering England as should the English when entering Scotland.

To whom, do you propose, should the US, Canadian, Italian oil companies etc pay their royalties?

Scotland already contributes per head more to the UK exchequer than any of the other home nations so, if we remove the burden of Trident, I am not sure I see why we couldn't live within our means.

As for visas, we plan to stay in the EU so I suppose that border formalities will depend upon the decision made south of the border.

That woud depend on the companies from th coutries you mention. They could pay Scotland or elsewhere depending on the laws and facilities in existance. It would be nice to know that Scotland could take care of itself but you have to admit there is not a lot of industry in Scotland but there is not a lot of people either so it is possible.

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I am not a Scot but they should have independance. Along with it no funding from England, no assistance whatsoever and the Oil companies that are British re-route pipelines to England. I am sure the people of Scotland would be then be very happy. I just cant see how though Scotland, as beautiful as it is, will generate sufficient income to support itself.

And to ensure Scotland is an independant country Scots should have to apply for visa's when entering England as should the English when entering Scotland.

To whom, do you propose, should the US, Canadian, Italian oil companies etc pay their royalties?

Scotland already contributes per head more to the UK exchequer than any of the other home nations so, if we remove the burden of Trident, I am not sure I see why we couldn't live within our means.

As for visas, we plan to stay in the EU so I suppose that border formalities will depend upon the decision made south of the border.

That woud depend on the companies from th coutries you mention. They could pay Scotland or elsewhere depending on the laws and facilities in existance. It would be nice to know that Scotland could take care of itself but you have to admit there is not a lot of industry in Scotland but there is not a lot of people either so it is possible.

Just as British companies currently pay royalties in the countries they produce, there is no reason to expect that this should not be the case in Scottish territorial waters within an independent Scotland.

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If Cameron had any backbone to talk about he would give this vile, hate filled woman full fiscal autonomy now. She can then tell those fools who voted for her and her " End Austerity " just why taxes have to go up and services have to be cut and she wont be able to blame it on Westminster as she does now as SHE is the one setting the spending

The only hate I see are from the people who trot out spittle flecked ad hominems every time she is mentioned in the news.

She may be setting the spending, but the purse strings are still being controlled by a party for which we Scots have repeatedly and comprehensively shown our disgust and loathing.

As for the 'fools' who seek to end austerity, The UK Centre for Macroeconomics surveyed leading economists and found that ony 15% of them believed that austerity had a positive effect on the UK economy, while two thirds said it had a detrimental effect.

I am not a Scot but they should have independance. Along with it no funding from England, no assistance whatsoever and the Oil companies that are British re-route pipelines to England. I am sure the people of Scotland would be then be very happy. I just cant see how though Scotland, as beautiful as it is, will generate sufficient income to support itself.

And to ensure Scotland is an independant country Scots should have to apply for visa's when entering England as should the English when entering Scotland.

To whom, do you propose, should the US, Canadian, Italian oil companies etc pay their royalties?

Scotland already contributes per head more to the UK exchequer than any of the other home nations so, if we remove the burden of Trident, I am not sure I see why we couldn't live within our means.

As for visas, we plan to stay in the EU so I suppose that border formalities will depend upon the decision made south of the border.

You will never get into the EU you can apply but you will have to go to the back of the quiue. You will not be allowed to use the £. You would not be able to pay back the loans you owe to England. It would be your downfall but you cannot see this. You have only got Fish, Bagpipes and whiskey.

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If Cameron had any backbone to talk about he would give this vile, hate filled woman full fiscal autonomy now. She can then tell those fools who voted for her and her " End Austerity " just why taxes have to go up and services have to be cut and she wont be able to blame it on Westminster as she does now as SHE is the one setting the spending

The only hate I see are from the people who trot out spittle flecked ad hominems every time she is mentioned in the news.

She may be setting the spending, but the purse strings are still being controlled by a party for which we Scots have repeatedly and comprehensively shown our disgust and loathing.

As for the 'fools' who seek to end austerity, The UK Centre for Macroeconomics surveyed leading economists and found that ony 15% of them believed that austerity had a positive effect on the UK economy, while two thirds said it had a detrimental effect.

I am not a Scot but they should have independance. Along with it no funding from England, no assistance whatsoever and the Oil companies that are British re-route pipelines to England. I am sure the people of Scotland would be then be very happy. I just cant see how though Scotland, as beautiful as it is, will generate sufficient income to support itself.

And to ensure Scotland is an independant country Scots should have to apply for visa's when entering England as should the English when entering Scotland.

To whom, do you propose, should the US, Canadian, Italian oil companies etc pay their royalties?

Scotland already contributes per head more to the UK exchequer than any of the other home nations so, if we remove the burden of Trident, I am not sure I see why we couldn't live within our means.

As for visas, we plan to stay in the EU so I suppose that border formalities will depend upon the decision made south of the border.

I think EU membership was made clear at the referendum. Scotland would have to apply for membership since they would no longer be part of the UK assuming a vote for independence. You would also have to adopt your own currency since the option of retaining the pound was also not on the table. Nothing stopping you using the pound but you would have no say in its management.

I was all for Scotland staying as part of the UK but I think its really time for the Scots to go it alone, I for one am fed up with this issue.

As Scotland's one time nemesis Cromwell once said, "You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go."

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The only hate I see are from the people who trot out spittle flecked ad hominems every time she is mentioned in the news.

She may be setting the spending, but the purse strings are still being controlled by a party for which we Scots have repeatedly and comprehensively shown our disgust and loathing.

As for the 'fools' who seek to end austerity, The UK Centre for Macroeconomics surveyed leading economists and found that ony 15% of them believed that austerity had a positive effect on the UK economy, while two thirds said it had a detrimental effect.

I am not a Scot but they should have independance. Along with it no funding from England, no assistance whatsoever and the Oil companies that are British re-route pipelines to England. I am sure the people of Scotland would be then be very happy. I just cant see how though Scotland, as beautiful as it is, will generate sufficient income to support itself.

And to ensure Scotland is an independant country Scots should have to apply for visa's when entering England as should the English when entering Scotland.

To whom, do you propose, should the US, Canadian, Italian oil companies etc pay their royalties?

Scotland already contributes per head more to the UK exchequer than any of the other home nations so, if we remove the burden of Trident, I am not sure I see why we couldn't live within our means.

As for visas, we plan to stay in the EU so I suppose that border formalities will depend upon the decision made south of the border.

You will never get into the EU you can apply but you will have to go to the back of the quiue. You will not be allowed to use the £. You would not be able to pay back the loans you owe to England. It would be your downfall but you cannot see this. You have only got Fish, Bagpipes and whiskey.

I think that the right answer on your EU position is that you are no better placed than anyone else to state what is fact and what is supposition. However a unified Europe would hardly reject an application from an applicant that has been a fundamental supporter of the institution for decades.

As for using the pound, that would be a choice for the Scottish government to decide, and them alone i.e. permission would not be required as it belongs to Scotland as it does to the other home nations.

How do we owe anything at all to England? I presume that you mean the UK, but that your inate Little England mentality caused your error? Of course, our share of the national debt would be contingent upon a currency union - that is a reasonable and obvious position to take.

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Scots were told it was a once in a generation chance to vote for independence. The yes camp lost and now one year down the line Sturgeon and her nats are pushing for another referendum. For so called educated people they are certainly exhibiting a poor grasp of a simple word in the English language, that word being NO...... I can only assume the generation the nats originally referred to was that of field mice.

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Scots were told it was a once in a generation chance to vote for independence. The yes camp lost and now one year down the line Sturgeon and her nats are pushing for another referendum. For so called educated people they are certainly exhibiting a poor grasp of a simple word in the English language, that word being NO...... I can only assume the generation the nats originally referred to was that of field mice.

Recent opinion polls show that a majority of Scots now want independence - unfortunately late, I will concede, but nonetheless the will of the people is moving further and further from the Union.

What if this trend continues, or grows further? Would you still say it is too late, you had your one and only chance and you never took it?

The UK government seems to be going out of its way to further alienate those Scots naturally predisposed to Independence, and the Labour party is doing nothing to dissuade those who may be unconvinced either way. Unless both of these facts change soon, the popular mandate may negate any promise from Salmond on a rerun.

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If Cameron had any backbone to talk about he would give this vile, hate filled woman full fiscal autonomy now. She can then tell those fools who voted for her and her " End Austerity " just why taxes have to go up and services have to be cut and she wont be able to blame it on Westminster as she does now as SHE is the one setting the spending

The only hate I see are from the people who trot out spittle flecked ad hominems every time she is mentioned in the news.

She may be setting the spending, but the purse strings are still being controlled by a party for which we Scots have repeatedly and comprehensively shown our disgust and loathing.

As for the 'fools' who seek to end austerity, The UK Centre for Macroeconomics surveyed leading economists and found that ony 15% of them believed that austerity had a positive effect on the UK economy, while two thirds said it had a detrimental effect.

I am not a Scot but they should have independance. Along with it no funding from England, no assistance whatsoever and the Oil companies that are British re-route pipelines to England. I am sure the people of Scotland would be then be very happy. I just cant see how though Scotland, as beautiful as it is, will generate sufficient income to support itself.

And to ensure Scotland is an independant country Scots should have to apply for visa's when entering England as should the English when entering Scotland.

To whom, do you propose, should the US, Canadian, Italian oil companies etc pay their royalties?

Scotland already contributes per head more to the UK exchequer than any of the other home nations so, if we remove the burden of Trident, I am not sure I see why we couldn't live within our means.

As for visas, we plan to stay in the EU so I suppose that border formalities will depend upon the decision made south of the border.

What was the value of Oil 18 moths ago and what is it's present day value.? Me thinks that the 45% should go down on their knees to the 55%. Point of this fact is never put all your eggs in one basket.

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Mr. Cameron should be happy for an independent Scotland. He could then refuse to allow Scotts to be treated by the NHS and freeze the pensions of those that choose to live north of the border.

I think you misunderstand the concept of independence.

UK pensioners living in Thailand probably understood the witty sarcasm of Muhendis' post.

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Scotlands time will come latest when UK will leave EU but not Scotland. Scotland would be the better partner of EU than 10 Downing street

Well let's hope your right and the U.K. Does leave the undemocratic EU. And if Scotland were silly enough not to leave the EU would they be able to influence and take advantage of the EU beaurocrats as they now do with the U.K. Government.

In the meantime sawadee1947 do continue to spout your Irish anti British propergander.

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To whom, do you propose, should the US, Canadian, Italian oil companies etc pay their royalties?

Scotland already contributes per head more to the UK exchequer than any of the other home nations so, if we remove the burden of Trident, I am not sure I see why we couldn't live within our means.

As for visas, we plan to stay in the EU so I suppose that border formalities will depend upon the decision made south of the border.

What was the value of Oil 18 moths ago and what is it's present day value.? Me thinks that the 45% should go down on their knees to the 55%. Point of this fact is never put all your eggs in one basket.

All through the referendum debate, it was made clear that the SNP did not build their financial forecasts on oil - to misquote Alex Salmond, only in Scotland could oil be considered a curse.

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Scotlands time will come latest when UK will leave EU but not Scotland. Scotland would be the better partner of EU than 10 Downing street

Well let's hope your right and the U.K. Does leave the undemocratic EU. And if Scotland were silly enough not to leave the EU would they be able to influence and take advantage of the EU beaurocrats as they now do with the U.K. Government.

In the meantime sawadee1947 do continue to spout your Irish anti British propergander.

When you say influence and take advantage of the UK government, I presume you mean our MPs using their democratic mandate to lever the wishes of their constituents and their party to achieve a desired outcome? In what way are the behaving differently to MPs from any other part of the UK, or do you think that Scottish MPs should not have parity in Westminster?

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Scotlands time will come latest when UK will leave EU but not Scotland. Scotland would be the better partner of EU than 10 Downing street

Well let's hope your right and the U.K. Does leave the undemocratic EU. And if Scotland were silly enough not to leave the EU would they be able to influence and take advantage of the EU beaurocrats as they now do with the U.K. Government.

In the meantime sawadee1947 do continue to spout your Irish anti British propergander.

When you say influence and take advantage of the UK government, I presume you mean our MPs using their democratic mandate to lever the wishes of their constituents and their party to achieve a desired outcome? In what way are the behaving differently to MPs from any other part of the UK, or do you think that Scottish MPs should not have parity in Westminster?

You are correct, MP's should obtain the very best for their constituents, the blame should be placed on Westminster for giving in to their tantrums.

By the way is the SNP still going to vote on issues that will only effect the English? As I read they said, this was their intention a few months ago.

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If Cameron had any backbone to talk about he would give this vile, hate filled woman full fiscal autonomy now. She can then tell those fools who voted for her and her " End Austerity " just why taxes have to go up and services have to be cut and she wont be able to blame it on Westminster as she does now as SHE is the one setting the spending

I'm afraid you lost me after "If Cameron had any backbone".

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Scotlands time will come latest when UK will leave EU but not Scotland. Scotland would be the better partner of EU than 10 Downing street

Well let's hope your right and the U.K. Does leave the undemocratic EU. And if Scotland were silly enough not to leave the EU would they be able to influence and take advantage of the EU beaurocrats as they now do with the U.K. Government.

In the meantime sawadee1947 do continue to spout your Irish anti British propergander.

When you say influence and take advantage of the UK government, I presume you mean our MPs using their democratic mandate to lever the wishes of their constituents and their party to achieve a desired outcome? In what way are the behaving differently to MPs from any other part of the UK, or do you think that Scottish MPs should not have parity in Westminster?

You are correct, MP's should obtain the very best for their constituents, the blame should be placed on Westminster for giving in to their tantrums.

By the way is the SNP still going to vote on issues that will only effect the English? As I read they said, this was their intention a few months ago.

Tantrums? Which tantrums would they be?

The fox hunting issue seems to have died a death (and for the record, I think that the SNP was wrong to get involved in that) but that aside, there are very few issues that go through the house that affect only England. The very outdated Barnett formula is the reason for that. Get rid of the Barnett formula and then I am sure they will withdraw from more issues.

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