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Thaksin tells Thailand's red shirt opposition - 'play dead'... for now

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they'll be back for sure... was chatting to a Thai friend only today (graduate of CMU - well travelled etc. etc.) and she knows of no one she's in contact with who supports the Junta and they are all playing "quiet" for now

one thing, she said, is winding up the Thais is these stupid propaganda broadcasts daily. it's not about Thaksin so much but about not being ruled by the Army

If you were to lay out all these "Thai friends" of yours, head to toe, they would stretch from one side of your imagination to the other ! clap2.gif

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Talk about 'telegraphing your punch'.

One way to tell the Junta to stay in power and not call election is to publicly tell your supporters to wait till elections, then cause trouble !!!!!

NEVER tell your opponent what you are planning. I always thought Thaksin was more intelligent !!


Wow, any headline with Thaksin is like a red rag to the TV frothers!

Thing that really irks them is that they know what he said is true; when finally an election is permitted the people will simply reiterate the same message. We want Thaksin!

Possibly a question for another thread but what percentage of the population live in Bangkok. What percentage of tax dollars are spent in Bangkok. Where are most of the rich and elite housed. Maybe a little equalization would be in order. Please Mr. Prayuth give us a new properly staffed immigration building in Chiang Mai with a good expanded online queue system that works. CM is a magnet for expats do yourself proud give us a new building.

From the World Bank's Public Management Review 2012

"Currently, 72 % of Thailand's general public expenditures are being spent in Bangkok, which is home to 17% of the country’s population and produces 26% of the GDP. In contrast, the Northeast, which holds 34 % of the country's population, receives 6% of the expenditures."

If one was of a provocative frame of mind one would say the people of Bangkok are addicted to populist politics given the huge weight of government spending they enjoy compared with the population at large.


Nobody can deny that the rice policy was vote buying. The farmers are saying we will vote for anyone who will give us an above market price for our goods. Sad actually that the working and middle class have to pay for the farmers who are just not economical.

fancy that! A population having to pay for rice!


The government is working as hard as they can to prevent another Thaksin landslide.....however you have to question the effectiveness of policies such as reducing subsidies and aid and imprisoning or charging political activists.....in most cases this usually just makes the opposition in any country more militant....it also makes the creation of a democratic system less and less likely......... but then we are foreigners and know nothing of Thailand - presumably by the same logic they know nothing about us...i.e. democracy etc....???


Bla bla bla, Hardcore Thaksinistas doing everything the man in Dubai orders, NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES they get screwed over aka brainwashed again and again and again, they'd STILL follow him 4ever.

follow Thaksin forever means: while he has money to hand out!

Thaksin is an old man and will not live forever.

What will the followers do later ?


Nobody can deny that the rice policy was vote buying. The farmers are saying we will vote for anyone who will give us an above market price for our goods. Sad actually that the working and middle class have to pay for the farmers who are just not economical.

Of course it was a nod to the poor farmers. That's what all politicians do of whatever colour.

You are wrong that they will vote for whoever gives them handouts. The dems tried and lost and the army is trying now but will never be popular with the voters,

I don't think it sad that some taxpayers money is being given to the poor. It is what all democratic govs do and indeed is a must in humanitarian societies. The USA and EU massively subsidise their uneconomical farmers so why criticise Thailand for doing the same. It makes good sense.

Im against the EU subsidies too, so its a principle for me. I don't see why things that won't work should be subsidized. If people are helped that have little money it should not be exclusively farmers but just people who qualify. Now its just vote buying and if you read the article they will vote for anyone who promises them higher prices.

I bet you that if the PTP does not offer an farmers incentive but the democrats do they won't vote PTP.

I'd like to see the outcome of your bet ... you will loose because very little Thai people are venal and sell theyr votes - your thinking about the farmers and voters in Thailand is very offending. I am happy with the subsidies payd to Farmers in the EU, Switzerland (30+ Billion US$/Year) because I am very happy my home Country looks tidy, green and we have own agricultur even if it is an unprofitable business. Those have brain to think know that without our farmers the Country would look unkempt, shabby and dirty landscape. The profit comes back over other businesses like tourism, most People like to travel in beautyful areas with nice scenery.. and not just hunting behind... whatever


they'll be back for sure... was chatting to a Thai friend only today (graduate of CMU - well travelled etc. etc.) and she knows of no one she's in contact with who supports the Junta and they are all playing "quiet" for now

one thing, she said, is winding up the Thais is these stupid propaganda broadcasts daily. it's not about Thaksin so much but about not being ruled by the Army

If you were to lay out all these "Thai friends" of yours, head to toe, they would stretch from one side of your imagination to the other ! clap2.gif

sorry chap, but it's YOU who are out of touch...there are whole swathes of the country that are virtually 100 % anti-junta.......


"The military government has slashed rural subsidies"

Not true.

Within 14 months the military government has made subsidies to

- rubber farmers

- cassava growers

- rice farmers

- palm oil producers

- egg producers

- milk producers


Here's a suggestion; unless you are a Thai, bite your tongues. The Thai method of governing by coup d'etat is none of our business.

So why are you offering your opinion and contradicting yourself?


they'll be back for sure... was chatting to a Thai friend only today (graduate of CMU - well travelled etc. etc.) and she knows of no one she's in contact with who supports the Junta and they are all playing "quiet" for now

one thing, she said, is winding up the Thais is these stupid propaganda broadcasts daily. it's not about Thaksin so much but about not being ruled by the Army

If you were to lay out all these "Thai friends" of yours, head to toe, they would stretch from one side of your imagination to the other ! clap2.gif

sorry chap, but it's YOU who are out of touch...there are whole swathes of the country that are virtually 100 % anti-junta.......

Just your wish list, and your wrong.


Let's have a look on this :

"Billionaire former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, long-time political leader of the north's disenfranchised electorate"

A billionaire leading disenfranshised, if this billionaire is kind and sincere enough to his followers, why he did not invest his billions into the domestic regions of his supports to develop their regions and reflect his kindness? isn't this a practical leadership action to make ppl really love and support who is being kind and solving their economical problems?


Criminal looter Thaksin still wants to pull the strings, no surprise really. He really needs to be extradited back. Remember folks; the greater the fortune, the greater the crime.

p.s. i prefer military rule over corporate theft.



AFP seems to have disappeared, but now we have Channel News Asia with:

"While the military has kept a firm grip on power since it felled the remnants of the government of Thaksin's sister Yingluck in another coup last year, he and his allies have won every election since 2001 and anger is mounting among farmers and political opponents.

The military government has slashed rural subsidies and coup leader and Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha said this month the next election would not be held until "around" July, 2017, the latest delay to Thailand's return to democracy."

About the same level of lacking in truth as AFP.

Where is Channel News Asia located? Singapore, which tightly controls controls the flavor of all news 'reports'.

Perhaps you can suggest a reputable international news agency which will report favorably on the current Juntas route to power, the methods it took to maintain power and what it is doing, and has said it is prepared to do to stay in power.

Shouldn't be too difficult if they are as honest benevolent and kind to puppies as you rather infer...


Khun Thaksin, I saw you complete a number of civil projects in my village. Projects that dragged many people out of poverty. I thank you for that. I have supported you in arguments, I was angry when you were removed from office. My extended family were red-shirt supporters, but not fanatical as such. However I am tired of you now, you are not a soldier for the poor, your a plunderer. My family is sick of your behind the scenes posturing, it is of no value to them or Thailand. Some refuse to put on their TV's now, they got sick of the Mr.T and Mr.A verbal jostling. Now we have Gen.S. Thai attitudes and politeness have long been put aside. There is no room to breath anymore. A majority of Thais are just fed up with "talking heads".

Mr.T, please just shut up and go away.


Could it be that Thaksin says "play dead" to disguise a complete lack of interest? Or is "playing dead" better than "being dead"?

Or is it an indicator that he will be back on the amnesty path etc., at the very first opportunity?



they'll be back for sure... was chatting to a Thai friend only today (graduate of CMU - well travelled etc. etc.) and she knows of no one she's in contact with who supports the Junta and they are all playing "quiet" for now

one thing, she said, is winding up the Thais is these stupid propaganda broadcasts daily. it's not about Thaksin so much but about not being ruled by the Army

If you were to lay out all these "Thai friends" of yours, head to toe, they would stretch from one side of your imagination to the other ! clap2.gif

Well... you just cannot resist being NASTY can you? what I related was true and, of course, it means nothing statistically but... anti-junta millions will vote against any junta supported Party come any election


they'll be back for sure... was chatting to a Thai friend only today (graduate of CMU - well travelled etc. etc.) and she knows of no one she's in contact with who supports the Junta and they are all playing "quiet" for now

one thing, she said, is winding up the Thais is these stupid propaganda broadcasts daily. it's not about Thaksin so much but about not being ruled by the Army

If you were to lay out all these "Thai friends" of yours, head to toe, they would stretch from one side of your imagination to the other ! clap2.gif

sorry chap, but it's YOU who are out of touch...there are whole swathes of the country that are virtually 100 % anti-junta.......

Just your wish list, and your wrong.

He's 100% right - hold an election and find out!

PS please learn how to spell '"you're"


Nobody can deny that the rice policy was vote buying. The farmers are saying we will vote for anyone who will give us an above market price for our goods. Sad actually that the working and middle class have to pay for the farmers who are just not economical.

Of course it was a nod to the poor farmers. That's what all politicians do of whatever colour.

You are wrong that they will vote for whoever gives them handouts. The dems tried and lost and the army is trying now but will never be popular with the voters,

I don't think it sad that some taxpayers money is being given to the poor. It is what all democratic govs do and indeed is a must in humanitarian societies. The USA and EU massively subsidise their uneconomical farmers so why criticise Thailand for doing the same. It makes good sense.

Im against the EU subsidies too, so its a principle for me. I don't see why things that won't work should be subsidized. If people are helped that have little money it should not be exclusively farmers but just people who qualify. Now its just vote buying and if you read the article they will vote for anyone who promises them higher prices.

I bet you that if the PTP does not offer an farmers incentive but the democrats do they won't vote PTP.


"The military government has slashed rural subsidies"

Not true.

Within 14 months the military government has made subsidies to

- rubber farmers

- cassava growers

- rice farmers

- palm oil producers

- egg producers

- milk producers

yes it is! THey have not STOPPED they have reduced them....


Nobody can deny that the rice policy was vote buying. The farmers are saying we will vote for anyone who will give us an above market price for our goods. Sad actually that the working and middle class have to pay for the farmers who are just not economical.

Of course it was a nod to the poor farmers. That's what all politicians do of whatever colour.

You are wrong that they will vote for whoever gives them handouts. The dems tried and lost and the army is trying now but will never be popular with the voters,

I don't think it sad that some taxpayers money is being given to the poor. It is what all democratic govs do and indeed is a must in humanitarian societies. The USA and EU massively subsidise their uneconomical farmers so why criticise Thailand for doing the same. It makes good sense.

Im against the EU subsidies too, so its a principle for me. I don't see why things that won't work should be subsidized. If people are helped that have little money it should not be exclusively farmers but just people who qualify. Now its just vote buying and if you read the article they will vote for anyone who promises them higher prices.

I bet you that if the PTP does not offer an farmers incentive but the democrats do they won't vote PTP.

you'd be smiling on the other side of your face if the government stopped subsidies that you make use of.....e.g. roads, transport, utilities manufacturing etc etc...


Nobody can deny that the rice policy was vote buying. The farmers are saying we will vote for anyone who will give us an above market price for our goods. Sad actually that the working and middle class have to pay for the farmers who are just not economical.

Of course it was a nod to the poor farmers. That's what all politicians do of whatever colour.

You are wrong that they will vote for whoever gives them handouts. The dems tried and lost and the army is trying now but will never be popular with the voters,

I don't think it sad that some taxpayers money is being given to the poor. It is what all democratic govs do and indeed is a must in humanitarian societies. The USA and EU massively subsidise their uneconomical farmers so why criticise Thailand for doing the same. It makes good sense.

Im against the EU subsidies too, so its a principle for me. I don't see why things that won't work should be subsidized. If people are helped that have little money it should not be exclusively farmers but just people who qualify. Now its just vote buying and if you read the article they will vote for anyone who promises them higher prices.

I bet you that if the PTP does not offer an farmers incentive but the democrats do they won't vote PTP.

I bet you wouldn't like to pay the real price of food if subsidies disappeared. Paying what food really costs might make you think about buying that BMW.


Bla bla bla, Hardcore Thaksinistas doing everything the man in Dubai orders, NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES they get screwed over aka brainwashed again and again and again, they'd STILL follow him 4ever.

follow Thaksin forever means: while he has money to hand out!

Thaksin is an old man and will not live forever.

What will the followers do later ?

Easy, vote for his son


"The military government has slashed rural subsidies"

Not true.

Within 14 months the military government has made subsidies to

- rubber farmers

- cassava growers

- rice farmers

- palm oil producers

- egg producers

- milk producers

Always useful to add a reputable website link to support your assertion. .


Thaksin did not tell the opposition to "play dead"...for now as the topic states.

He stated to pretend to be dead a little longer.

"He told me to ... wait until the next election. That will be the moment that we will win. The only question is whether an election will ever take place."

He is not talking about burning down bkk as some posters would like you to believe but talking about the obvious, which is the longer the opposition keeps quiet the shorter it will be for elections, in which they will obviously win.


What did Thaksin do to inspire such frothing venom in the farang community while the actual voters of Thailand would likely elect the next "Thaksin proxy" in a free election?


Nobody can deny that the rice policy was vote buying. The farmers are saying we will vote for anyone who will give us an above market price for our goods. Sad actually that the working and middle class have to pay for the farmers who are just not economical.

fancy that! A population having to pay for rice!

Any special reason you can think of why the Thai population should pay 50+% more than say the Cambodians, Vietnamese or Indians?

Other than a large portion of the population took an electoral bribe, thinking they might benefit.


"The military government has slashed rural subsidies"

Not true.

Within 14 months the military government has made subsidies to

- rubber farmers

- cassava growers

- rice farmers

- palm oil producers

- egg producers

- milk producers

And when you add them all together, and they don't even come close to the rice scam numbers, slashed is quite accurate. Of course, the junta don't need to bribe people to stay in office.


Nobody can deny that the rice policy was vote buying. The farmers are saying we will vote for anyone who will give us an above market price for our goods. Sad actually that the working and middle class have to pay for the farmers who are just not economical.

Of course it was a nod to the poor farmers. That's what all politicians do of whatever colour.

You are wrong that they will vote for whoever gives them handouts. The dems tried and lost and the army is trying now but will never be popular with the voters,

I don't think it sad that some taxpayers money is being given to the poor. It is what all democratic govs do and indeed is a must in humanitarian societies. The USA and EU massively subsidise their uneconomical farmers so why criticise Thailand for doing the same. It makes good sense.

Im against the EU subsidies too, so its a principle for me. I don't see why things that won't work should be subsidized. If people are helped that have little money it should not be exclusively farmers but just people who qualify. Now its just vote buying and if you read the article they will vote for anyone who promises them higher prices.

I bet you that if the PTP does not offer an farmers incentive but the democrats do they won't vote PTP.

I bet you wouldn't like to pay the real price of food if subsidies disappeared. Paying what food really costs might make you think about buying that BMW.

You forget an important thing.. the taxpayer pays the subsidy. So the price might rise a bit (doubtful with over production) but the tax that is saved can be used to buy the products. Guess that logic goes above your head. But I know your a farmer and i know how they think.

I know for a fact milk prices in my home country would not rise if there were no subsidies because there is over production. Subsidies are only given because farmers think the market price is too low.. if they could raise it they would and they can't. Welcome to the real world

(talking here about Europe not Thailand I am against subsidy there even more idiot militant farmers blocking roads when they can't get what they want. They should have let the army had a goo at those French farmers inconveniencing all those travelers, they staged their protest in the weeks most people went on holidays militant b.astards)

I got more respect for the farmers in Thailand then I ever will for European farmers, but even so I don't think the middle class should pay their taxes to subsidize them, help them change.. yes but not forever subsidize them)


I bet you wouldn't like to pay the real price of food if subsidies disappeared. Paying what food really costs might make you think about buying that BMW.

Shock us with your estimated price of rice without subsidies.

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