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Govt orders great firewall of Thailand

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If Thailand ever does have elections and they actually do manage to get back to some form or semblance of Democracy then it will take years to undo what this junta and Mr. P have done.

Otherwise, as another post implied, we will be adding Thailand to a very short list populated with China and North Korea.


Guess we will be strengthening ties with North Korea now.

So much for any hope of developing a 'digital economy' too. Sad times ahead, I fear, and so much for any return to democracy within our lifetimes.


Yes, if any confirmation of our plans to return to live in the UK were needed - well, that's it.

but you must have read in the news just yesterday that if Jeremy Corbyn becomes Prime Minister one general in the British Army predicted there would be a military coup in the UK- and then you would be back to square one giggle.gif


The fanbois are going to have a tough time selling this turd. When will they have an inkling that they have backed the wrong horse?

Still, this will be good....

Why would someone in favor of the junta agree with everything they do. Did you agree with Thaksin letting his guys bomb and kill people ?

This is just crazy and should not be done. However a simple VPN and you can access all the sites you want, or you just use the tor network.

Hooray! The first 'But, but Thaksin' post of the thread: A thread which is nothing to do with him or his family. Couldn't leave him out, now could we?

No it was an example of something I thought you would not have supported even though you support the red cause ? I just gave an example but I guess it went way over your head.

Did you agree with everything the previous government did ? I guess you did not.. Same goes for me I don't agree with everything the junta does.

I don't even agree with everything the government did that I voted in back in my home country.

But go on trying to score cheap points, I had expected more of you.

For a start, I do not support the red cause, end of. I support the right of the Thai working people to have a say in their destiny. Furthermore, I refuse to be drawn into a 'Do you still beat your wife?' line of questioning.


Why would someone in favor of the junta agree with everything they do. Did you agree with Thaksin letting his guys bomb and kill people ?

This is just crazy and should not be done. However a simple VPN and you can access all the sites you want, or you just use the tor network.

Hooray! The first 'But, but Thaksin' post of the thread: A thread which is nothing to do with him or his family. Couldn't leave him out, now could we?

No it was an example of something I thought you would not have supported even though you support the red cause ? I just gave an example but I guess it went way over your head.

Did you agree with everything the previous government did ? I guess you did not.. Same goes for me I don't agree with everything the junta does.

I don't even agree with everything the government did that I voted in back in my home country.

But go on trying to score cheap points, I had expected more of you.

For a start, I do not support the red cause, end of. I support the right of the Thai working people to have a say in their destiny. Furthermore, I refuse to be drawn into a 'Do you still beat your wife?' line of questioning.

whatever you lost all credibility just now if you don't understand my point.

I feel this great firewall is 10 steps back. But as far as I know something like this is already in effect and has been for a long time.


If it was for the damn internet and media our people trafficking business would be flourishing and those Burmese would be convicted and locked away by now. South East China here we become!

And half the RTP wouldnt be chasing the blowjob bargirl for a special reward!


welcome to the 9th century thailand

freedom of whaaaat?

hope my VPN will still smuggle the little porn in ..; you know, they days the wife does not feel like to perform



Who in here does not know that certain sites are blocked already and have been for years. Should try to look at some xxx sites and report back especially those that have Thais on the pictures. Also the daily mail has been blocked for ages long before this government came in power. There are more examples of sites that have been blocked.

Still this is a step back if they want to expend the current blocking even further.


The junta fans have all but gone. Have not seen Costas in months. It would be hard for them to argue in favor of this sort of Orwellian behavior. Thailand seems to be going down a dark path. They are just making their neighbors look that much better.


Don't worry, the public backlash will be overwhelming.

Even if they push ahead with the laws, the next civilian government can always repeal the laws.


I hope some UN reps are gonna grill "the Doughy Face" with this ... blink.png

Thaitanic is sinking and they probably still discuss Lottery-prices ... facepalm.gif

I hope all members will persuad people from their homecountry not to come here, its not worth the hassle with these buffons - go to Vietnam or Cambodia, lots more value for your Money ...


The great firewall..Yes General you can keep the people in the dark and feed them bullshit.....End result Mushrooms.coffee1.gif


Don't worry, the public backlash will be overwhelming.

I doubt it. The public didn't even lash back when they had their vote taken away from them. The public have been neutered and the fascists are daily getting more confident that they can get away with anything. Truly frightening. Frankly, my patience with this madness has expired.


Visa reporting, registering of mobile phones and now monitoring on internet traffic.

Talk about xenophobia gone mad. Thai people will wise up sooner or later for sure and no amount of government imposed restrictions can stop that,,, unless of course you abandon democracy all together (yikes).

Thailand want all the benefits of International trade and cross boarder relationships but also want to keep their boarders as closed as they dare and now restrict what you can realistically do online here.

A recent post said what company is going to be comfortable knowing that the Government has installed a single gateway,, well none of course.

Vietnam looks more and more to be the country to watch out for in the Asean, if not then perhaps indonesia,, Thailand is going to fall behind for sure.

Very sad, I have grown to like it here but there's only so much dictatorship I will stomach.


The next government will not have the power to repeal the laws of the current leaders ..that's why there can be no elections until the current leaders can ensure that their will be done.


Don't worry, the public backlash will be overwhelming.

Even if they push ahead with the laws, the next civilian government can always repeal the laws.

The previous government already put a firewall there some sites are already blocked, so don't be too sure of that. For the record i am against this kind of thing but just try opening the dailymail and you will see its blocked. So its not a new thing..


The fanbois are going to have a tough time selling this turd. When will they have an inkling that they have backed the wrong horse?

Still, this will be good....

Why would someone in favor of the junta agree with everything they do. Did you agree with Thaksin letting his guys bomb and kill people ?

This is just crazy and should not be done. However a simple VPN and you can access all the sites you want, or you just use the tor network.

Not actually Sparky. They can block VPNs very easily if they are really serious. Contrary to popular belief, VPNs can be blocked.

Not all VPNs can be easily blocked. Depends on the protocol and where you access a VPN server. Cat and mouse strategies required. Prepare now for this new TH policy.


The fanbois are going to have a tough time selling this turd. When will they have an inkling that they have backed the wrong horse?

Still, this will be good....

Why would someone in favor of the junta agree with everything they do. Did you agree with Thaksin letting his guys bomb and kill people ?

This is just crazy and should not be done. However a simple VPN and you can access all the sites you want, or you just use the tor network.

Why bother, use your secure satellite uplink


If they've had it in the pipeline for several months now, how close do you think we are to implementation? Anyone out there that knows the logistics of such a thing?

There will be panic in the streets if they shut down facebook, viber and line. The girls will tolerate a lot, but you don't dare take away their social media!


Just when I thought my internet was slow. Cant wait to try to stream videos when all the internet is run through some crap Chinese mainframe that probably runs on diesel.


If they've had it in the pipeline for several months now, how close do you think we are to implementation? Anyone out there that knows the logistics of such a thing?

There will be panic in the streets if they shut down facebook, viber and line. The girls will tolerate a lot, but you don't dare take away their social media!

They wont take the sweets away, they will just control which ones you can eat

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