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'South Park' savages Caitlyn Jenner, Donald Trump in controversial episode

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South Park savages Caitlyn Jenner, Donald Trump in controversial episode
Network Writers

CONTROVERSIAL cartoon South Park has savaged US presidential candidate Donald Trump, showing him being raped and killed after becoming president of Canada.

In its first take-down of the billionaire, Wednesday night’s episode saw the Republican frontrunner’s politics force Canadians to flee to the US or kill themselves.

In a clear dig at Trump’s rapid rise to prominence, a Canadian character said: “He didn’t really offer any solutions, he just said outrageous things. We thought it was funny. Nobody really thought he’d ever be president. It was a joke! But we just let the joke go on for too long.”

South Park: 'Where's my country gone?'

The influx of Canadians prompted Mr Garrison to run for US president with the slogan “Where My Country Gone?” — a play on Trump’s “Make America Great Again” mantra.

Full story: http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/tv/south-park-savages-caitlyn-jenner-donald-trump-in-controversial-episode/story-e6frfmyi-1227542911578

-- News.com.au 2015-09-25


It had to happen. Nobody is safe from South Park. Jesus has copped it many times, Swarzenegger, Jews, Tom Cruise, Satan, Saddam Hussein,gays.....

Ever since Chef's "Come and suck on my chocolate salty balls" song, I watched the show with great humour.

As far as shows lampooning goes, South Park is great.

Note to South Park novices: At first glance, it can appear quite silly, but if you persist with watching, every episode is filled with gem one-liners and hilarious themes.


It had to happen. Nobody is safe from South Park. Jesus has copped it many times, Swarzenegger, Jews, Tom Cruise, Satan, Saddam Hussein,gays.....

Except Islam (sort of). In all fairness though, South Park has depicted Mohammed a couple of times but their last attempt created a lot of controversy and almost never got aired at all but that was the Network's doing, not the creators of South park.

When they tried to do an episode about Muhammed in 2010 (Episode 201 which is named "201"), the network heavily censored it (the cartoon image of Mohammed was censored and his name was "bleeped out" every time it was spoken). As well it was never re-aired (rerun) in the US after it's initial airing (which was highly unusual) and wasn't available to download from their website. Some countries have refused to air that episode at all. (Sri Lanka has banned the entire series because of depictions of Buddha snorting coke in episodes 200/201.)

At least one Muslim group issued a vague threat against Parker and Stone if the episode aired. ("The website for the New York-based radical Muslim organization Revolution Muslim posted an entry stated that they "will probably wind up like Theo van Gogh for airing this show." Van Gogh was a filmmaker who was murdered by a man named Mohammed Bouyeri in 2004 for making a short documentary on violence against women in some Islamic societies.") (It seems that "Revolution Muslim" is a bunch of "wannabes" who talk big but never actually do anything.)

The Network even pulled an episode from 2001 off of their website (the "Superbest Friends" one) because it had a Mohammed character in it which nobody apparently cared about back then. They've probably received more criticism for their censorship than they received actual threats. An original, uncensored version of the episode was apparently released on the internet in 2014 (no idea where to find it though). (Episodes 200 and 201 were not included on the Region 2 and 4 DVD releases of that season either.) Again, that was the Network's doing, not "South Parks".

I loved South Park, even after the "Blame Canada" movie they put out. Haven't watched it in years though (mostly because of where I've been working and not bothering to try and download it from the net). From the sounds of it, this episode is one I'll probably try to find (meh - maybe a good time to catch up on all the seasons I've missed as well) !


It had to happen. Nobody is safe from South Park. Jesus has copped it many times, Swarzenegger, Jews, Tom Cruise, Satan, Saddam Hussein,gays.....

Except Islam (sort of). In all fairness though, South Park has depicted Mohammed a couple of times but their last attempt created a lot of controversy and almost never got aired at all but that was the Network's doing, not the creators of South park.

When they tried to do an episode about Muhammed in 2010 (Episode 201 which is named "201"), the network heavily censored it (the cartoon image of Mohammed was censored and his name was "bleeped out" every time it was spoken). As well it was never re-aired (rerun) in the US after it's initial airing (which was highly unusual) and wasn't available to download from their website. Some countries have refused to air that episode at all. (Sri Lanka has banned the entire series because of depictions of Buddha snorting coke in episodes 200/201.)

At least one Muslim group issued a vague threat against Parker and Stone if the episode aired. ("The website for the New York-based radical Muslim organization Revolution Muslim posted an entry stated that they "will probably wind up like Theo van Gogh for airing this show." Van Gogh was a filmmaker who was murdered by a man named Mohammed Bouyeri in 2004 for making a short documentary on violence against women in some Islamic societies.") (It seems that "Revolution Muslim" is a bunch of "wannabes" who talk big but never actually do anything.)

The Network even pulled an episode from 2001 off of their website (the "Superbest Friends" one) because it had a Mohammed character in it which nobody apparently cared about back then. They've probably received more criticism for their censorship than they received actual threats. An original, uncensored version of the episode was apparently released on the internet in 2014 (no idea where to find it though). (Episodes 200 and 201 were not included on the Region 2 and 4 DVD releases of that season either.) Again, that was the Network's doing, not "South Parks".

I loved South Park, even after the "Blame Canada" movie they put out. Haven't watched it in years though (mostly because of where I've been working and not bothering to try and download it from the net). From the sounds of it, this episode is one I'll probably try to find (meh - maybe a good time to catch up on all the seasons I've missed as well) !

I'm not up to scratch with all the episodes (have not watched for the last 2 years as I am in Thailand), but I would not be surprised if the "bleeping" of Mohammad's name was in fact a statement, not a censorship.

I don't know...just that it's in keeping with South Park's lampooning.

I do seem to recall at least once seeing Mohammad being lampooned, certainly radical Islam (terrorists). Saddam Hussein having a gay relationship with Satan was funny.


South Park stopped being relevant long ago when its show's creators ran out of ideas. In fact even years back the show was incredibly annoying trying to preach some sort of moral message at the end of each episode. I grew tired of the show being nothing more than a backdrop for the creators to vent their own political and religious views.


South Park stopped being relevant long ago when its show's creators ran out of ideas. In fact even years back the show was incredibly annoying trying to preach some sort of moral message at the end of each episode. I grew tired of the show being nothing more than a backdrop for the creators to vent their own political and religious views.

Let me guess....Fox News is far better entertainment in your view, or the Redneck Bible Belt cable channel?

Surely you have to applaud a show that casts Saddam Hussein and Satan as gay lovers?



Fox News is far better entertainment in your view, or the Redneck Bible Belt cable channel? Surely you have to applaud a show that casts Saddam Hussein and Satan as gay lovers?


south park is okay sometimes. it has some really funny episodes and then some really crappy ones.

using rape as joke to be funny is pretty immature and i think does show the desperation of writers that are struggling to come up with ideas. there are better ways to poke fun at Trump than showing him being raped to death.

and have you ever watched fox news or the bible belt cable channel? pretty funny stuff especially from fox news.


South Park stopped being relevant long ago when its show's creators ran out of ideas. In fact even years back the show was incredibly annoying trying to preach some sort of moral message at the end of each episode. I grew tired of the show being nothing more than a backdrop for the creators to vent their own political and religious views.

Let me guess....Fox News is far better entertainment in your view, or the Redneck Bible Belt cable channel?

Surely you have to applaud a show that casts Saddam Hussein and Satan as gay lovers?


I'm from the UK so we don't even get Fox News or any redneck bible belt channels here. I am eager to learn why you think that any who don't find South Park entertaining are religious fundamentalists and right-wingers though.

I actually thought Team America was pretty funny, better than anything the Matt and Trey had done in South Park so if I can applaud them for anything it's that they can mock themselves and American culture but then again Grand Theft Auto 5 presented a funnier parody of American culture that didn't revolve around constant gay, faeces and anal penetration jokes (talking about South Park here not Team America which had less of such jokes if not a complete absence of them from what I recall).

I disagree with the view from ThiMoon, having watched recent episodes of South Park, I have found none have been remotely funny whereas once there were some genuinely funny episodes back in the past. I personally think the show should stop or get some fresh blood to start the writing and I don't just share this view for South Park but for Family Guy and The Simpsons too, these are also shows that have had their run, Family Guy being the worst of the bunch.


It had to happen. Nobody is safe from South Park. Jesus has copped it many times, Swarzenegger, Jews, Tom Cruise, Satan, Saddam Hussein,gays.....

Ever since Chef's "Come and suck on my chocolate salty balls" song, I watched the show with great humour.

As far as shows lampooning goes, South Park is great.

Note to South Park novices: At first glance, it can appear quite silly, but if you persist with watching, every episode is filled with gem one-liners and hilarious themes.

I'm a long-time devoted fan of South Park. However, they did cop-out and dilute their episode about the Prophet Mohammed by cutting out his image and toning down the dialogue.


South Park stopped being relevant long ago when its show's creators ran out of ideas. In fact even years back the show was incredibly annoying trying to preach some sort of moral message at the end of each episode. I grew tired of the show being nothing more than a backdrop for the creators to vent their own political and religious views.

To each his/her own. Personally I still greatly enjoy and appreciate South Park.

As to "vent(ing) their own political and religious views" goes: A key function of artists is to express (vent) their personal views. I don't necessarily always want art and entertainment to agree with me and my views, and instead to sometimes challenge them.

"The unexamined life is not worth living." Socrates


Comedy has been used at times to camouflage mean spirited attacks on political and religious figures...

I enjoy seeing lampooning of public figures as much as the next guy...but sometimes it crosses the imaginary and broad line of decency...


they never made fun of thailand? otherwise they might block FOX in thailand or some other stupid thing

It would be ripe for it ("Mr. Garrison Retires And Buys A Go Go Bar"), but the majority of Americans can't distinguish between Thailand and Taiwan.


It would be ripe for it ("Mr. Garrison Retires And Buys A Go Go Bar"), but the majority of Americans can't distinguish between Thailand and Taiwan.

That's OK, there's a lot of people who can't tell the difference between Austria and Australia either ! (Won't even comment on the number of people that think Aussies and Kiwis are one and the same.)


Ever since Chef's "Come and suck on my chocolate salty balls" song, I watched the show with great humour.

As far as shows lampooning goes, South Park is great.

Note to South Park novices: At first glance, it can appear quite silly, but if you persist with watching, every episode is filled with gem one-liners and hilarious themes.

Who's doing Chef now that Isaac Hayes is no longer with us?

I used to love South Park, but like every great comedy, they often jump the shark as they get into their umpteenth episode and run out of fresh stuff... Since Hates died in 2008, it's probably been that long since I watched more than one or two episodes.


Comedy has been used at times to camouflage mean spirited attacks on political and religious figures...

I enjoy seeing lampooning of public figures as much as the next guy...but sometimes it crosses the imaginary and broad line of decency...

The clincher though, is that 'the imaginary and broad line of decency' is incredibly relative; where I consider that line, or you consider that line, or (RIP) George Carlin considers that line could be hugely different. Comedy, lampooning, satire: if it's making social comment, somebody is going to be offended. I'm sure that in his day, Mark (Samuel Clement) Twain probably offended many, but perhaps they needed to be offended? You can make an omelet without breaking some eggs. It all depends on individual viewpoint.

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