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Place to curl up and sleep at Suvarnabhumi?


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In a week or so I'm flying in to Suvarnabhumi from Australia. I will arrive just after 1 AM and will be catching a bus headed down south before 8 AM, so checking into a hotel is pointless.

Any suggestions? Plastic seats are fine by me. A location post immigration would be best so I can get all that behind me.

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A lot of people snooze on the seats opposite the entrance to the Rail Link, basement level. There are sleep sofas near the Gate "D" area but that is in Departures, airside. Possibly, you could delay going through Immigration and just stay in the transit area. I don't know if that can actually be done or if it is closed off or if they check boarding passes.

Since you have time to plan, perhaps just bring along one of those roll-up foam sleeping pads and find a spot on level one or the basement level. Security will usually leave you alone.

Here is a great website devoted to your question: http://www.sleepinginairports.net/

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Why is checking into a hotel pointless? Even if it's just for a few hours, I'd prefer a nice hotel rather then some dirty airport floor... The Novotel just behind the parking garage is wonderful, and they give you 24 hours, no matter what time you check in.

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Go up to where the shops are and keep walking to your left as you look at the airport. There are offices and toilets past the shops and food places that close at night and there are benches. People take sleeping bags and camp out around there.

Google this as there is a specific website that gives reviews on sleeping in airports.

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A lot of people snooze on the seats opposite the entrance to the Rail Link, basement level. There are sleep sofas near the Gate "D" area but that is in Departures, airside. Possibly, you could delay going through Immigration and just stay in the transit area. I don't know if that can actually be done or if it is closed off or if they check boarding passes.

Since you have time to plan, perhaps just bring along one of those roll-up foam sleeping pads and find a spot on level one or the basement level. Security will usually leave you alone.

Here is a great website devoted to your question: http://www.sleepinginairports.net/

If you have any lugage to collect you can't delay picking that up, as someone else could do that before you get there.

somebody tried to take my suitcase once, luckilly i noticed it in time.

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A lot of people snooze on the seats opposite the entrance to the Rail Link, basement level. There are sleep sofas near the Gate "D" area but that is in Departures, airside. Possibly, you could delay going through Immigration and just stay in the transit area. I don't know if that can actually be done or if it is closed off or if they check boarding passes.

Since you have time to plan, perhaps just bring along one of those roll-up foam sleeping pads and find a spot on level one or the basement level. Security will usually leave you alone.

Here is a great website devoted to your question: http://www.sleepinginairports.net/

Good web site, Thanks !

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Why is checking into a hotel pointless? Even if it's just for a few hours, I'd prefer a nice hotel rather then some dirty airport floor... The Novotel just behind the parking garage is wonderful, and they give you 24 hours, no matter what time you check in.

Agreed. If I can I always take a hotel upon arrival after a long flight. For me, it is important to exercise and/or sleep. I also take the hotel for a day to acclimate, have a drink / visit with a local friend perhaps, sleep or not as jet lag sometimes does not hit till later, enjoy some good food, watch movies, have a steam, etc. If it is a bus to catch, I would consider the next time or next day, if my schedule would allow. Why hurry to catch a bus?

Edited by Minnehaha
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Take a taxi to a cheap hotel 10 minutes away and get a decent sleep.

Some real food and a shower too. Nothing worse then sitting on a long bus ride next to a smelly tank top wearing Aussie that didn't have the decency to clean his ass properly before getting in the bus. Probably can grab a hotel for for 500 baht a short ride from Swampy.

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Poor plan, especially if the bus is not leaving from the Transportation Centre at the airport.

Bus down south? If it's to Surat Thani, also a poor choice. Better to take the overnight train or to simply fly with Air Asia. Poor sleep at the airport and the same on a too cold bus. Rethink, instead of just counting the pennies.

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Novotel? Marriott? Give the guy a break, he's obviously on a budget. I used to do this when I was young to save money so I could travel for longer. It was all part of the adventure.

Yes, as someone has already said, opposite the rail link is the only quiet spot in the whole noisy accoustic nightmare that is Swampy. I always go there when I have time to kill before a flight. Comfortable seating and I think it is actually carpeted too, so you could find a quiet corner to kip on the floor. This was always my preferred option when young. 7/11 is handy too and a few snacky cafes.

Today, there are really good cheap round trip transport incl. hotels near the airport. Check out Agoda.com....but they try to hide the cheapies now.

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Me thinks his "bus south " at 8am could just be the bell travel bus to Pattaya..................just a guess mind you.

He just wants to fill in time between the arrival time of his flight from OZ at 1am and the bus departure.

He could get " lucky" and spend an hour or more just to get thru immigration.....then collect his baggage----and then to the basement rail link area as stated is probably his best choice.

Or he could fly from Oz on Thai Airlines that arrive in Swampy at a decent time.

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Why are we feeding this thread? If he can't afford a comfortable taxi to his destination (um lemme guess Patts?) and has to take a bus I am not surprised he is choosing an airport floor to sleep on instead of a bed and a hot shower for a 1000 baht or less. Gotta save every nickel for the golden pole monkeys no doubt. Who says TAT is not getting results?

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Why are we feeding this thread? If he can't afford a comfortable taxi to his destination (um lemme guess Patts?) and has to take a bus I am not surprised he is choosing an airport floor to sleep on instead of a bed and a hot shower for a 1000 baht or less. Gotta save every nickel for the golden pole monkeys no doubt. Who says TAT is not getting results?

Coming to Thailand and avoiding going to a hotel that would be dirt cheap with your exchange, ? What is wrong with you to cheap to have a good vacation start or will become a home less?

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I've done this once.....went downstairs, with a bike box, and there were a few people there. i felt safe, but i put my head on my backpack and the bike box was connected to me as well (i forget, but it was 20 kg so would be hard to take without me knowing).

maybe i slept 2 hours. i don't remember.

i think i got downstairs at 1 a.m. and was moving around by 7ish

and this has NOTHING to do with if you can afford it or not....at least not in my case at that time

IF i was with a girlfriend, wife, and definitely if i was with a kid.....YES, i would take them to a hotel for sure. i wouldn't put a kid through that

but for some dumb reason, i don't even mind it that much.....

adds to the experience!!

maybe i'll pack my therma rest and hammock next time...

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Of course I wouldn't expect family, kids to kill time at an airport--though my ex loved the adventure of it--

Travelling alone now on a shoestring pensioner's budget, and I have really bad insomnia, so waiting around hardly bothers me. I DO detect some arrogance in a few "accusations" here that one is too cheap to get a hotel room.

I'm from a North American culture with the detestable attitude that what you have is who you are and what you're worth (sadly also beginning to infect Thais....an ex-pat import??)

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