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Why aren’t rich Gulf states welcoming Syrian refugees… or are they?

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Why aren’t rich Gulf states welcoming Syrian refugees… or are they?


SYRIA: -- As the EU countries are debating best ways to deal with the influx of refugees unprecedented in recent years, the Gulf states have come under increased criticism for not providing more help for people fleeing Syria – an accusation these countries reject.

Recently foreign ministers of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) have officially asked for “a political solution to the Syrian crisis, and a worldwide effort to address the refugee crisis”. They also stressed that “from the beginning of the crisis in March 2011 the Syrian brothers, were welcomed in the Gulf countries and treated as residents, they could benefit from free health care, education and the right to work”.

It’s not just a question of numbers, however. Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates say that millions of Syrians have been allowed to enter their countries since the country’s civil war began and yet despite the risks, many more Syrians seem to want to take their chance in Europe than remain in the Middle East. [Gulf countries] didn’t provide us any help at all. Europe – they’ve opened their doors with the exception of some countries, – but most of them have been helpful,” Ali, an Iraqi refugee passing through Croatia told euronews.

Zero refugees
Leading NGOs with refugees’ crises are fiercely critical of the Gulf States. The executive director of Human Rights Watch, Kenneth Roth, lashed out at them on Twitter, captioning the photo of an overloaded migrant vessel with: “Guess how many of these Syrian refugees Saudi Arabia & other Gulf states offered to take? Zero.”

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-09-25

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Australia also refused to let anybody in while they have plenty of empty land there.

Apart from the 12 000 Syrian refugees from camps they have agreed to take so far.

You are welcome to a lot of the vast empty space in Australia, it does not get enough water to sustain human populations or even significant animal populations. The amount of land that is considered uninhabitable is increasing every year with changes in the rainfall patterns. There are 7 significant sized deserts in the center of Australia, which one do you want to live in? It aint Europe or Asia.

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Australia also refused to let anybody in while they have plenty of empty land there.

Three cheers for Australia......... keep up the good work.... send all the refugees to Germany and give them a free Volkswagen ... ! cheesy.gif

Edited by Bakseeda
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Australia also refused to let anybody in while they have plenty of empty land there.

Apart from the 12 000 Syrian refugees from camps they have agreed to take so far.

You are welcome to a lot of the vast empty space in Australia, it does not get enough water to sustain human populations or even significant animal populations. The amount of land that is considered uninhabitable is increasing every year with changes in the rainfall patterns. There are 7 significant sized deserts in the center of Australia, which one do you want to live in? It aint Europe or Asia.

Australia also refused to let anybody in while they have plenty of empty land there.

Apart from the 12 000 Syrian refugees from camps they have agreed to take so far.

You are welcome to a lot of the vast empty space in Australia, it does not get enough water to sustain human populations or even significant animal populations. The amount of land that is considered uninhabitable is increasing every year with changes in the rainfall patterns. There are 7 significant sized deserts in the center of Australia, which one do you want to live in? It aint Europe or Asia.

Then what do all those cows there eat/drink?

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Its absolutely shameful that a country like Saudi Arabia is not taking in any refugees. I understand that their excuse is that they cant take in refugees because they don't have "refugee" as a status in Saudi Arabia (SA doesn't even have a tourist status....not that I think a lot of people would like to go on a holiday to SA).

Besides that, a lot of the refugees are Shia Muslims (fleeing from the Sunni IS). Of course most of the gulf states are Sunni too.

Edited by RockyBeerbelly
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Simple answer to the OP's question:

The Syrians are Shi'ites, heretics. The Arab countries are Sunnites.

I also can not remember many followers of Paisley seeking asylum in Ireland...

Religions, all the same.

I don't know what are your sources of information.

The Sunnis represented 74% of Syrian population, Shiites are a minority.

The issue is political and has nothing to do with religion. Saudis and golfes emirates are financing the destruction of Syria. It's normal to not expect them to support its population. Bachar assad was only Allie of Iran in region and only opposed to isreal, it's in interest of many to get rid of him, Israel, Americans, British and their Arab conservative dictatorship regimes and puppies of West.

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Simple answer to the OP's question:

The Syrians are Shi'ites, heretics. The Arab countries are Sunnites.

I also can not remember many followers of Paisley seeking asylum in Ireland...

Religions, all the same.

Syria is a majority Sunni country.

Assad and his cohorts are Alawite, a Shi'a sect.

The issue is political and has nothing to do with religion.
The issue is very much to do with religion!

The GCC, with the exception of Bahrain, are majority Sunni countries and would love to see Assad's pro-Shi'a government replaced with a Sunni one.

Edited by Chicog
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My answer

1, the Hungarian prime minister is calling it an invation

8,000 refugees entering every day, many to follow.

2, social security benefits

All you armchair smart arse critics start educating

yourselves by viewing youtube film on the subject

or reading more as well, the face of Europe will

change and friction will arise once these people

(mainly young men) start competing for non

existent jobs, go to Berlin, Frankfurt or any

other city and play the spot the German game or

i can say Paris or London, then say oh send them

to Australia, (bloody idiots) most of the place is a

desert, uninhabitable, no rainfall, spring ground

water is so salty it can't be used,, get your facts

right before posting smart remarks with funny

smileys, they are not funny, they are stupid.

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Its absolutely shameful that a country like Saudi Arabia is not taking in any refugees. I understand that their excuse is that they cant take in refugees because they don't have "refugee" as a status in Saudi Arabia (SA doesn't even have a tourist status....not that I think a lot of people would like to go on a holiday to SA).

Besides that, a lot of the refugees are Shia Muslims (fleeing from the Sunni IS). Of course most of the gulf states are Sunni too.

They are taking in Syrians but they refer to them as "Arab brothers and sisters in distress" not refugees, according to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, they have taken 500,000 people from Syria.

"not that I think a lot of people would like to go on a holiday to SA" No, it's not like Mecca sees 12 million tourists visit every year. cheesy.gif

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Let me see........

What will I get in Europe when I claim Ayslum : Hmmmm..

A House

A phone ( oh, Already have the latest Apple )

Free Medical

Free Education

Free Money ( courtesy of the stupid hard working taxpayers )

Free Clothing

In a few years a new passport, then I can bring my 100 relatives over...

Now if I go to Saudi Arabia What will I get.......Hmmmmm........No contest.....

Seriously, why not support building decent refugee camps on the Borders of Syria, Then they would be taken care of on the doorstep ready to return when things improve....

Also, weed out the mass of economic Pakistani, and Bangladashi migrants that, and I quote, "Want a job so I can send money home"

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What gets me, why dont they stay and fight for freedom and democracy,WE had to do this over 100s of years, or is it easier to just jump on the gravy train , dont mind visitors coming got my house but they have to respect my rules as a quest.

Edited by Thongkorn
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Im also, pondering why, they dony seek help from other Arab counties..... These super rich countries could easily afford to do so, thus causing less havoc, thats been caused in Europe..

Its absolutely shameful that a country like Saudi Arabia is not taking in any refugees. I understand that their excuse is that they cant take in refugees because they don't have "refugee" as a status in Saudi Arabia (SA doesn't even have a tourist status....not that I think a lot of people would like to go on a holiday to SA).

Besides that, a lot of the refugees are Shia Muslims (fleeing from the Sunni IS). Of course most of the gulf states are Sunni too.

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My answer

1, the Hungarian prime minister is calling it an invation

8,000 refugees entering every day, many to follow.

2, social security benefits

All you armchair smart arse critics start educating

yourselves by viewing youtube film on the subject

or reading more as well, the face of Europe will

change and friction will arise once these people

(mainly young men) start competing for non

existent jobs, go to Berlin, Frankfurt or any

other city and play the spot the German game or

i can say Paris or London, then say oh send them

to Australia, (bloody idiots) most of the place is a

desert, uninhabitable, no rainfall, spring ground

water is so salty it can't be used,, get your facts

right before posting smart remarks with funny

smileys, they are not funny, they are stupid.

Friction only arises because of the fascist attitude of a lot of the right wing EU politicians towards these refugees. The EU will not feel/notice the average of 0.06% rise in population due to these refugees. There will be/are a few areas with highly concentrated number of refugees in the EU, and this will be noticed mainly in the smaller towns (and definitely not in cities like Berlin, Frankfurt, Paris and London as you suggest). Therefore spreading these people out over Europe is the solution and will dissolve the fascists policy of continuing the pursue to create friction, hate and fear....

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I didn't see China, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia on the list of countries taking immigrants. The Japanese, Chinese, and South Koreans are very racists nations.

So you are saying that because these people are refugees that they are not racist? Have you ever been to the middle East?

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Its absolutely shameful that a country like Saudi Arabia is not taking in any refugees. I understand that their excuse is that they cant take in refugees because they don't have "refugee" as a status in Saudi Arabia (SA doesn't even have a tourist status....not that I think a lot of people would like to go on a holiday to SA).

Besides that, a lot of the refugees are Shia Muslims (fleeing from the Sunni IS). Of course most of the gulf states are Sunni too.

Try googling the Huffington post, they published an article claiming 100,000 Syrian children were currently being educated in Saudi schools, the total number being around 300,000. The press has somehow 'overlooked' the fact Saudi Arabia does not classify migrants in a way the UN refugee agencies recognize.

P.s I have no love for Saudi Arabia, but for once I think they are being judged hastily.


Edited by Steely Dan
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Australia has plenty of empty land.......but no refugee will want to go or stay there. They want to be in the large towns or big cities. What a silly comment, obviously someone not knowing anything about it. As for the remark about how do the cows (or sheep) drink. The water is brought in or sometimes there are streams, weirs etc. and during drought time, they are dry. Not enough for people on a daily level.

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I feel bad about the ordeal the real refugees are facing, but I also believe that many are not refugees and are using the opportunity to emigrate legally to countries that even will pay them to stay, and some times, even given them a job in place of a native citizen. Many, so many, may become bad elements and source of many problems, because the difficulties in assimilate to a new culture.

About the Gulf states?... Its discriminates emigration for many reasons, and the principal one is differences in religion. Syrian and Lybia refugees are Sunnies, Shitas, Kurds, Christians, etc, etc....with centuries of history of internal conflicts and violence.

Most Islamic countries are happy that Europe is taking the risk involved in welcoming those "refugees"....

Who knows if ISIS is not sending "refugees" to Europe.

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I didn't see China, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia on the list of countries taking immigrants. The Japanese, Chinese, and South Koreans are very racists nations.

Perhaps it's because China, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia are not responsible for bombing and destroying Iraq, Libya etc, all of whom had secular governments who made sure that the likes of Al Qaeda and ISIS had no chance of gaining a foothold. Now look at them! You break it, you own it!

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Let me see........

What will I get in Europe when I claim Ayslum : Hmmmm..

A House

A phone ( oh, Already have the latest Apple )

Free Medical

Free Education

Free Money ( courtesy of the stupid hard working taxpayers )

Free Clothing

In a few years a new passport, then I can bring my 100 relatives over...

Now if I go to Saudi Arabia What will I get.......Hmmmmm........No contest.....

Seriously, why not support building decent refugee camps on the Borders of Syria, Then they would be taken care of on the doorstep ready to return when things improve....

Also, weed out the mass of economic Pakistani, and Bangladashi migrants that, and I quote, "Want a job so I can send money home"

Good idea but there are already 1.8 MILLION refugees in Turkey which is bordering Syria.

1.8 million is already a crazy number for Turkish government

Edited by Kitsune
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