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Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu unequivocal in his criticism of the Iran nuclear deal

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu unequivocal in his criticism of the Iran nuclear deal


NEW YORK: -- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke at the United Nations General Assembly and was unequivocal in his criticism of the Iran nuclear deal. It does not make peace more likely, he said it makes war more likely and he added the deal does not block the path to nuclear weapons.

He responded to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s speech 24 hours earlier.

“I’m prepared to immediately, immediately resume direct peace negotiations with the Palestinian authority, without any pre-conditions whatsoever. Unfortunately, president Abbas said yesterday that he’s not prepared to do this. Well I hope he changes his mind”.

On Syria he said Israel would respond forcefully to any attacks from that country. And when he recalled Israel’s warnings of the potential threat from Iran he showed his grasp for the dramatic moment.

“The response from nearly everyone of the governments represented here has been… absolutely nothing. Other silence. Deafening silence”.

At that point he remained silent himself gazing intently around the representatives in the hall.

Source: http://www.euronews.com/2015/10/01/israeli-prime-minister-benjamin-netanyahu-unequivocal-in-his-criticism-of-the/

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-02
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UN spotlight on Mideast crises; Netanyahu blasts Iran deal

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — In an impassioned speech interspersed with bouts of dramatic silence, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday condemned the Iran nuclear deal as empowering Tehran to spread unrest in the Mideast while leaving the country capable of making an atomic bomb.

Netanyahu described Israeli-U.S. bickering over the deal as "a disagreement within the family," and the United States also downplayed any lasting effects of the fallout over an agreement that Washington praises and Israel condemns.

The Israeli leader's speech to world leaders at the U.N. General Assembly was notable for his rhetorical flourishes, including 47 seconds of silence about 15 minutes into his address.

Netanyahu insisted the nuclear agreement lets Iran support terrorism in the Mideast and bolsters its plan to liquidate the Jewish state. He said the U.N. and most governments have responded to Iran's intent to destroy Israel with "deafening silence," and then stopped speaking to emphasize his point, glowering at hushed delegates before finally resuming his speech.

Netanyahu kept attacking the accord, which has already gone into effect despite intense lobbying by Israel's allies in Washington.

"This deal doesn't make peace more likely," he said. "By fueling Iran's aggressions with billions of dollars in sanctions relief, it makes war more likely."

After Netanyahu again denounced the Iran deal in his speech, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said President Barack Obama "is proud of the strong relationship between our two countries and the unshakeable bond when it comes to our commitment to Israel's security."

Iran denies any interest in nuclear weapons. It describes its atomic activities as peaceful, focused only on generating energy and advancing science and medicine. The Obama administration insists the deal is effective in crimping the activities Tehran could use in making an atomic bomb.

The constraints are in effect for 10 to 15 years, and Netanyahu argued that once they are lifted, Iran would be only "weeks away from having the fissile material for an entire arsenal of nuclear bombs."

As he has for years, Netanyahu insisted that Israel would stop Iran from getting the bomb.

"Israel will not allow Iran to break in, to sneak in or to walk in to the nuclear weapons club," he declared in an allusion to his country's vow to strike at Iran militarily as a last resort.

Netanyahu listed what he said were disruptive actions by Iran even as the nuclear deal was being negotiated: shipping weapons and proxy fighters to Syria; arms to Yemen and to Hezbollah in Lebanon; sending top Iranian military officers to the divided Golan Heights region, and threatening to topple Jordan's government.

Describing the greatest danger to the world as "the coupling of militant Islam with nuclear weapons," Netanyahu said the Iran nuclear deal may well "prove to be the marriage certificate of that unholy union."

"Do any of you really believe that a theocratic Iran with sharper claws and sharper fangs will be more likely to change its stripes?" he asked. "Keep Iran's feet to the fire."

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-10-02


""Israel will not allow Iran to break in, to sneak in or to walk in to the nuclear weapons club," he declared in an allusion to his country's vow to strike at Iran militarily as a last resort."

So says the member of the club who sneaked in, and sits in the corner not signing any treaties...holding themselves above the law.

Biggest threat in the world is not nuclear armed Muslims (look at Pakistan), it is nuclear armed Zionists with their Samson plan.


Every word he said is truth.

But look at the audience faces. They don't want to hear. They don't want to see.

Seastallion above is not alone in his vile statement. There is a whole Europe not seeing the flood.

There is USA not seeing the danger clear and present.

I feel sorry for Netanyahu trying so hard to reach people who do not want to be reached.

He must stop crying in the wilderness.

Time for words is over. Israel has no alternative. It must strike and it will.

But if it does it with one eye on UN it will lose.

I am afraid Netanyahu has no stomach for a step like this.


Netanyahu is an outrageous liar, a truly evil man who will do anything to start a war with Iran.

Hear. Hear.clap2.gif


Quote from ABCer "Time for words is over. Israel has no alternative. It must strike and it will.

But if it does it with one eye on UN it will lose.

I am afraid Netanyahu has no stomach for a step like this."

What a war-mongering, zionist and hawkish statement to make.

It is people like "Wyle E Coyote" Netanyahu and yourself who are the clear and present danger.



Who cares what he thinks. That country is making itself more irrelevant by the week. Just ignore them. If they start something this time they know no one is going to help them.


"“I’m prepared to immediately, immediately resume direct peace negotiations with the Palestinian authority, without any pre-conditions whatsoever. Unfortunately, president Abbas said yesterday that he’s not prepared to do this. Well I hope he changes his mind”."

Netanyahu is staggeringly hypocritical. He has never and will never negotiate in good faith with the Palestinians. He is only interested in further expansion and encroachment of Israeli interests in the region. This may be his duty as he sees it, but please let us all stop pretending that an Israel led by him has any interest in solving the Palestinian problem other than by the One-State Solution.


Starting from this point on, any off-topic, inflammatory post or comment to or about another member will earn a lengthy suspension.

You have been warned.


Bibi referred to this as a disagreement in the family, He has forgotten however, that he is the much younger and much weaker brother who should not show contempt within the family unless it is extremely necessary. His recent history has shown that he is starting to use it as his first play and there is a serious danger of wearing it out. You just have to be careful how often you choose to fall on your sword.


"“I’m prepared to immediately, immediately resume direct peace negotiations with the Palestinian authority, without any pre-conditions whatsoever. Unfortunately, president Abbas said yesterday that he’s not prepared to do this. Well I hope he changes his mind”."

Netanyahu is staggeringly hypocritical. He has never and will never negotiate in good faith with the Palestinians. He is only interested in further expansion and encroachment of Israeli interests in the region. This may be his duty as he sees it, but please let us all stop pretending that an Israel led by him has any interest in solving the Palestinian problem other than by the One-State Solution.

With "without any pre-conditions whatsoever", he means Palestine can not come to the table with any demands to cease settlements and that the basis of talks is 1967 borders. He is saying he'll talk, but not if they make those two very reasonable and necessary demands...ie, no talks.

It is empty rhetoric. Does he really think ANY member of the UN audience does not know this? He's playing to the great unwashed press only, Fox News et al.


well then maybe he should just go in on his own (no assistance from USA) and deal with the problem by bombing the targets he wants to bomb (which will likely have little affect on the program). Then he can deal with the whole Muslims world rising up against Israel.

Let's see how that works out for him.


Poor old bibi. Ranting and raving, stomping his feet, throwing his toys out of the cot and yet still, no one listens. How sad for him to realise that no one trusts him or believes anything he says.


Poor old bibi. Ranting and raving, stomping his feet, throwing his toys out of the cot and yet still, no one listens. How sad for him to realise that no one trusts him or believes anything he says.

Of course noone listens to him. His dramatics is for Fox.



As an American, I feel it's time for the US to get out of the Middle East, other than aid for the Kurds.... I don't advocate an isolationist policy but we need to be balanced in our foreign relations, mend fences that have been broken or damaged, engage China, Russia and the rest of the world on equal terms, not as the world's boss or the world's cop... Mind our own business....


Netanyahu is a ?urd, and I don't mean a member of those people who are courageously fighting Daesh in Iraq & Syria.

How long have Palestinians been negotiating with Israel? Probably since late 1960's. The Israeli position seems to be agree with everything we want

or the negotiation won't work. I suspect that if the PA accepted that, Israel would be back for additional benefits.

I feel sorry for all ordinary people, on both sides, caught in this mess. It creates extremists on both sides.


Netanyahu is a ?urd, and I don't mean a member of those people who are courageously fighting Daesh in Iraq & Syria.

How long have Palestinians been negotiating with Israel? Probably since late 1960's. The Israeli position seems to be agree with everything we want

or the negotiation won't work. I suspect that if the PA accepted that, Israel would be back for additional benefits.

I feel sorry for all ordinary people, on both sides, caught in this mess. It creates extremists on both sides.

Well said, even for a Cats supporter ??


I hate to rain on the Israel hater's bonfire, but the Mullahs are shortly going to bet removed, and I suspect it will be Saudi Arabia and the GCC doing most of the heavy lifting. Israel knows about this and is in cahoots.


Ladies and Gentlemen, Israel is working closely with our Arab peace partners to address our common security challenges from Iran and also the security challenges from ISIS and from others. We are also working with other states in the Middle East as well as countries in Africa, in Asia and beyond. Many in our region know that both Iran and ISIS are our common enemies. And when your enemies fight each other, don’t strengthen either one—weaken both.

For those paying attention the Iran 'deal' has accelerated seismic changes happening in the Middle East. The Iranian leaders stated Israel won't exist in 25 years time. I suspect the Iranian Mullocracy won't last 10% of that time.


I hate to rain on the Israel hater's bonfire, but the Mullahs are shortly going to bet removed, and I suspect it will be Saudi Arabia and the GCC doing most of the heavy lifting. Israel knows about this and is in cahoots.


Ladies and Gentlemen, Israel is working closely with our Arab peace partners to address our common security challenges from Iran and also the security challenges from ISIS and from others. We are also working with other states in the Middle East as well as countries in Africa, in Asia and beyond. Many in our region know that both Iran and ISIS are our common enemies. And when your enemies fight each other, don’t strengthen either one—weaken both.

For those paying attention the Iran 'deal' has accelerated seismic changes happening in the Middle East. The Iranian leaders stated Israel won't exist in 25 years time. I suspect the Iranian Mullocracy won't last 10% of that time.

The Iran deal is a diversion - a red herring.

What really scares the Zionists is the prospect of Iran playing a more prominent economic, military, and diplomatic role in the region.

That is already starting to happen, and there is nothing that Israel can do about it.

Zionist attitudes are constantly refracted through a prism of captivating nonsense about "existential threats" and "judeophobia".

Those tactics aren't working as well as they used to.


I hate to rain on the Israel hater's bonfire, but the Mullahs are shortly going to bet removed, and I suspect it will be Saudi Arabia and the GCC doing most of the heavy lifting. Israel knows about this and is in cahoots.


Ladies and Gentlemen, Israel is working closely with our Arab peace partners to address our common security challenges from Iran and also the security challenges from ISIS and from others. We are also working with other states in the Middle East as well as countries in Africa, in Asia and beyond. Many in our region know that both Iran and ISIS are our common enemies. And when your enemies fight each other, don’t strengthen either one—weaken both.

For those paying attention the Iran 'deal' has accelerated seismic changes happening in the Middle East. The Iranian leaders stated Israel won't exist in 25 years time. I suspect the Iranian Mullocracy won't last 10% of that time.

Why are you inserting this off topic nonsense into the thread?

This thread is about Netanyahu's recent speech at the UN. Which, by the way, was received negatively by most observers because it was the same predictable histrionics and fear mongering that he always spews.


I hate to rain on the Israel hater's bonfire, but the Mullahs are shortly going to bet removed, and I suspect it will be Saudi Arabia and the GCC doing most of the heavy lifting. Israel knows about this and is in cahoots.


Ladies and Gentlemen, Israel is working closely with our Arab peace partners to address our common security challenges from Iran and also the security challenges from ISIS and from others. We are also working with other states in the Middle East as well as countries in Africa, in Asia and beyond. Many in our region know that both Iran and ISIS are our common enemies. And when your enemies fight each other, don’t strengthen either one—weaken both.

For those paying attention the Iran 'deal' has accelerated seismic changes happening in the Middle East. The Iranian leaders stated Israel won't exist in 25 years time. I suspect the Iranian Mullocracy won't last 10% of that time.
Why are you inserting this off topic nonsense into the thread?

This thread is about Netanyahu's recent speech at the UN. Which, by the way, was received negatively by most observers because it was the same predictable histrionics and fear mongering that he always spews.

The part I quoted was directly taken from Netanyahu's speech vebatim. On unquoted parts in the link cited Netanyahu's words to further make the case that the Iran deal was going to become irrelevant and the UN was receiving warning of this. If you think this is off topic there is always the report button.

I agree it's on topic but I wonder if you're being overly optimistic in your predictions about the fate of the Islamo-fascist Iranian Mullahs. I hope you're right though.

I thought the speech exceeded expectations.

Netanyahu has clearly accepted that the deal has gone through, no choice about that because it has, but he has put out a warning that Israel is watching to make sure that Iran honors its agreements. That seems entirely reasonable considering the relentless obsession of the Iranian regime with their Death to Israel / Death to America agenda.


Why does Bibi keep bitching about this treaty, I mean really, Israel is a nuclear power and has been for a long time... If he thinks Israel is in danger from Iran, then he should do something about it and NOT expect the USA to wipe his tears, pat him on the back and send in the troops... Enough innocent lives have been lost in the region due to Israel's fear of their neighbors... It is my experience in live that you get as good as you give... If Israel had been a good neighbor to muslims, they would not be in this predicament... But of course, this was not their agenda when the state of Israel was created in the first place...


Netanyahu gives the UN his Dr Evil impersonation.

Actually the silence was a VERY effective tactic. He got his point across big time. Much smarter than the comics from before.

Congratulations johna, you must be the only one left not on his ignore list, but dont celebrate, it may not last long.

Netanyahu got his point across, everyone knows his point and understands his point. Its just that no one believes him or finds him credible so just smile and dismiss him like a petulant child.

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