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Cybersecurity key reason behind single gateway: PM

Lite Beer

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Thailand's Army Cyber Warfare Centre said today they will auction off IP addresses that have "lucky" numbers. "IP addresses with more sevens, eights and nines are worth more, so we will sell them to help cover firewall costs, and other things. Also, we have a site where you can gamble on random IP numbers. If you are unhappy with your numbers, you can pay to select new. Displaying your new HISO lucky IP address will be all the rage in Bangkok."

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This should be setting alarm bells for a much bigger picture, the Junta are here to stay, forget elections in 2017, these bozos are going to remain the power holders in this country indefinitely.

Anyone who sees this differently has their head buried in the sand, and will be fluent in Ostrich in no time at all!!

"... these bozos are going to remain the power holders in this country indefinitely"

That's been their intention all along and it's made abundantly clear on a daily basis by all their inane and Orwellian actions. And yet there are still people who can see no wrong with the junta!

............"And yet there are still people who can see no wrong with the junta!"..................

Either you have a vivid imagination or you are a habitual liar. Just exactly who are these people who you claim "can see no wrong with the junta"..................name them or admit you are dreaming or handling the truth carelessly.

(I believe only the Junta themselves see no wrong with themselves, and even some of them would admit to faults and misgivings.)

Rubl. djjamie. EnglishJohn. Edited by baboon
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This should be setting alarm bells for a much bigger picture, the Junta are here to stay, forget elections in 2017, these bozos are going to remain the power holders in this country indefinitely.

Anyone who sees this differently has their head buried in the sand, and will be fluent in Ostrich in no time at all!!

"... these bozos are going to remain the power holders in this country indefinitely"

That's been their intention all along and it's made abundantly clear on a daily basis by all their inane and Orwellian actions. And yet there are still people who can see no wrong with the junta!

............"And yet there are still people who can see no wrong with the junta!"..................

Either you have a vivid imagination or you are a habitual liar. Just exactly who are these people who you claim "can see no wrong with the junta"..................name them or admit you are dreaming or handling the truth carelessly.

(I believe only the Junta themselves see no wrong with themselves, and even some of them would admit to faults and misgivings.)

Well, EnglishJohn and djjamie to name two.

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If they really want to do, why don't do? or they need the permission of the citizens to do such a thing? Like always they talk to much and do nothing. bla bla bla..

Even if they do, what they expect to accomplish with this? There are so many way to circumvent this kind of firewall, just like chineses do every <deleted> day. Perhaps they will control the sheeps in the country, but believe this measure can not and will not stop anyone to do what they need to do in the internet.

In my opinion I do no see how they will control VPNs configured to run inside a tunnel HTTPS, then will remain only one option for the junta, shutdown the internet in the country and censor everybody (except the guys with satcom and those living in the border ;D ).

You always can encrypt all your messages in your computer as well all your files, then what?

DPI proof --> https://www.goldenfrog.com/vyprvpn/chameleon

which came first, the virus or anti virus? lol

Anyway whatever they decide to do, good luck, internet is free and will remain free, and do not worry have a lot of good people taking care of this.

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"According to the Institute of Economics and Peace's global terrorism index, Thailand is ranked among the top 10 out of 162 countries surveyed. A source said cyberspace was often used to carry out terrorist attacks in various countries, so it was necessary for Thailand to boost cyber-security to avoid such incidents."

There's an Institute of Economics and Peace now? Oh and they have a global terrorism index? I bet this institute was created about two or three days ago, in response to all the criticism. laugh.png laugh.png And "a source said that cyberspace was often used t carry out terrorist attacks in various countries"

What source would that be I wonder? Also what terrorist would even be interested in cyber attacking Thailand? As if they could possibly make more of a mess of it than it already is.

Oh man, there is so much bullshit in this story I could just rip this post up all day long.cheesy.gif clap2.gif gigglem.gif .

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This should be setting alarm bells for a much bigger picture, the Junta are here to stay, forget elections in 2017, these bozos are going to remain the power holders in this country indefinitely.

Anyone who sees this differently has their head buried in the sand, and will be fluent in Ostrich in no time at all!!

"... these bozos are going to remain the power holders in this country indefinitely"

That's been their intention all along and it's made abundantly clear on a daily basis by all their inane and Orwellian actions. And yet there are still people who can see no wrong with the junta!

............"And yet there are still people who can see no wrong with the junta!"..................

Either you have a vivid imagination or you are a habitual liar. Just exactly who are these people who you claim "can see no wrong with the junta"..................name them or admit you are dreaming or handling the truth carelessly.

(I believe only the Junta themselves see no wrong with themselves, and even some of them would admit to faults and misgivings.)

Rubl. djjamie. EnglishJohn.

Unlike some of the Shin supporters who plague this forum, who would never admit to a Shin doing anything wrong, I am sure all three of those posters have seen faults in the Junta.

Don't ask me to provide proof because I could not be bothered. biggrin.png

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Other countries may have done feasibility studies on a single gateway buy only China and N. Korea and a couple others have written directives to implement it. The countries that have this are dictatorships. The only positive aspect for the gov and this single gateway is to give the gov total control over what is accessed on the internet. Which would mean literally they could prevent any site or info they like if they deem it is controversial or against the gov or may get children thinking of uprising. Anything they want to do once it is implemented would be easily justified in their eyes. As for P not violating anyone's rights. I think maybe the press and some politicians might disagree.

Quote Other countries have also conducted feasibility studies on the pros and cons of single Internet gateways, he claimed. unquote. It seems that if you hide in a barrel of rotten apples nobody will notice the bad smell.

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When a major and sensitive issue hits the public consciousness - the recent Erawan bombing being a case in point - we have seen an overwhelming range of contradictory and seemingly blundering statements from the junta and its so-called government officials.

Is this some kind of disinformation strategy or panic induced, sheer unprofessional incompetence?

But not to worry. I'm sure we'll soon see a convenient NIDA poll that 'proves' the majority of Thai people support the idea of state surveillance and that it won't have any impact on citizen privacy or the economy.

Uncle knows best...

Using the terrorist card to take away peoples freedom. A page right out of the recent patriot act in America. George W Bush would be proud of the junta.

That's absolute coswallop and you know it. It doesn't even start to compare with what's happening here. Go try N Korea for size, and then talk about people's freedom. You sir, are an unpatriot.

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The single gateway is a very bad idea- not because it is a control issue- but because it is impractical. The internet needs to flow freely so business can be conducted; financial transactions take place without delay and other obvious economical reasons. If there is no back up and the system goes down what happens to the countries economic life. As far as national security- I have heard this argument in the United States for years all of which have been translated into huge military budgets; unfettered power by the CIA and the NSA. You can't even make a phone call without someone listening. Enough is enough. This will never fly and I am confident it won't be implemented due to the uproar recently expressed .

Why can't the junta groupies just come out and say that they disagree with one of the junta's edicts, in this case the censoring of the internet, without comparing it with measures taken in other countries. Funny they never mention China and N Korea. It's been said on here many many times but two wrongs don't make a right.

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This should be setting alarm bells for a much bigger picture, the Junta are here to stay, forget elections in 2017, these bozos are going to remain the power holders in this country indefinitely.

Anyone who sees this differently has their head buried in the sand, and will be fluent in Ostrich in no time at all!!

"... these bozos are going to remain the power holders in this country indefinitely"

That's been their intention all along and it's made abundantly clear on a daily basis by all their inane and Orwellian actions. And yet there are still people who can see no wrong with the junta!

............"And yet there are still people who can see no wrong with the junta!"..................

Either you have a vivid imagination or you are a habitual liar. Just exactly who are these people who you claim "can see no wrong with the junta"..................name them or admit you are dreaming or handling the truth carelessly.

(I believe only the Junta themselves see no wrong with themselves, and even some of them would admit to faults and misgivings.)

Well, EnglishJohn and djjamie to name two.

Maybe they went voluntarily to the re-education camps. I see from time to time some people need tuneups and go back (ordered) twice. Its like politics some people vote for the good guys and some the bad guys. Unfortunately today there are no good guys and no choice. I am inserting a clip by one earlier poster (giving him credit) that explains what is happening

Quote All over the world people are willingly giving up their individual freedoms and privacy in exchange for the illusion of safety. ermm.gif unquote. Kind of sums things up in a nutshell.

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Command and control, it's the essence of the old school military mind. I had such high hopes that they were going to tackle the critical and important issues facing the country that was blocking progress. There is no long term growth plan, no strategy just careening from one crisis to the next. How sad for Thailand. Is there not one man or woman who can step up shape a future and lead the country out of the morass?

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The junta leader is constantly begging for people to trust him and future governments. People should not be forced into a position where they have to trust anyone.

All my memories of the Thai Internet was that it was sluggish; Skype and LINE bog down at certain times and web pages do not load fully . Cambodia's was much faster and more reliable. Does Thailand have more to fear from the Internet than Cambodia ?

Why do the Thai elite keep siting special circumstances for everything, while other countries just seem to plot along ?

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What a lot of bullshit

CYBER SECURITY my ass,,, They want to tell people what they can and can not see online

Hey kind Sir you do not own the people and there thoughts and that is called dictating. No worry voting time shall eliminate all anyway.

Hey you should start eliminating the rotten apples in your system before telling the people what they can and can do. Internet is peoples choice gloablly and countrries like Korea and china western countries look at plain stupid anyway.

You are putting yourself on a downward decline although you may think the Thais are loving it and happy to be brain washed " There Not"

Good luck you will need it

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Plenty of them were posting in the Koh Tao threads, but seriously Mike, you know yourself there's plenty kool aid drinkers here wink.png

I did not read much on those Koh Tao threads Fatty. Those threads bore me to tears, nothing but fanatical Thai bashers and professional armchair detectives. Little respect shown to the victims or their families.

I don't think there are as many "kool aid drinkers" out there as you think there are. Many of us were labeled Junta lovers simply because of our dislike of the Shins and their guns for hire, the reds.

Some posters will applaud one aspect of the Junta and are automatically tarred with the Junta brush.

I criticize the current government all the time but I am still known as a Junta fan. To be honest no matter who is in control of the government it will not change my opinion of the worst mob of elites in the country, the Shin regime. thumbsup.gif

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Plenty of them were posting in the Koh Tao threads, but seriously Mike, you know yourself there's plenty kool aid drinkers here wink.png

I did not read much on those Koh Tao threads Fatty. Those threads bore me to tears, nothing but fanatical Thai bashers and professional armchair detectives. Little respect shown to the victims or their families.

I don't think there are as many "kool aid drinkers" out there as you think there are. Many of us were labeled Junta lovers simply because of our dislike of the Shins and their guns for hire, the reds.

Some posters will applaud one aspect of the Junta and are automatically tarred with the Junta brush.

I criticize the current government all the time but I am still known as a Junta fan. To be honest no matter who is in control of the government it will not change my opinion of the worst mob of elites in the country, the Shin regime. thumbsup.gif

Maybe, but they were popularly elected elitists who were deposed. Hate them until the cows come hone, but there is little to love on either side sadly. The junta up set status quo, and they are not even close to restoring that let alone improving Thailand in any substantive way. .

What the junta is, thankfully, is afraid. That will keep them from doing silly things like a single gateway.

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Everyone knows the internet works at lightning speed

Governments, well, not so fast,

The China's "Great Firewall" is there for censorship

yes but are the kids really worried about it, in Thailand

there will be ways around it, or Pantip Plaza wouldnt


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Funny to see that they always drag up the security issue, when they want to do this kind of thing.

And expect everyone to bow down and say yes...

They can get the same or better security by several gateways, just having one firewall is a security issue on its own....

And the name they presented.... can make you go cheesy.gif

THE great firewall, seems like Thainess have had a lot of influence from the great China and the great North Korea.... and they both have the great firewall and NO SECURITY ISSUES......cheesy.gif


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99% of Thais simply wont care, as long as theyve got facebookto gawk at all day and simpleton games thats all theyll need

China blocks google and facebook and has now gone after VPNs I think. One would think with all the problems on facebook it would be the first to go in the great wall of Thailand.

I think this will put the kids in the street.

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This should be setting alarm bells for a much bigger picture, the Junta are here to stay, forget elections in 2017, these bozos are going to remain the power holders in this country indefinitely.

Anyone who sees this differently has their head buried in the sand, and will be fluent in Ostrich in no time at all!!

Inch by inch.... little by little.... then many will conclude.... holly hell how did this happen. Beware of the "foot in the door" technique.

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