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Israel agents 'incite' stone-throwing in West Bank


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Israel agents 'incite' stone-throwing in West Bank


JERUSALEM: -- A correspondent from Reuters news agency said he observed Israeli undercover agents disguised as Palestinian youths “inciting” stone throwing in Ramallah. Luke Baker tweeted “Footage in Ramallah shows undercover #Israeli police throwing stones at Israeli forces and inciting #Palestinian youth to do the same.”

At least two protesters were detained by the Israelis.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has cancelled a planned trip to Germany because of the precarious security situation. Violence surged in the West Bank and Jerusalem on Wednesday.

Meanwhile Israeli police said a man stabbed an IDF soldier in the south of the country before being shot dead by police.

This latest bout of unrest began three weeks ago, prompting talk from analysts of a third intifada.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-08

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It was one report and not fully confirmed.

Yes there are undercover agents but the charge of inciting is what is not confirmed.

Now use your head a little bit on this. If you're undercover among a group of Palestinian intifada-niks and you aren't tossing a rock or two at some Jews, you're going to blow your cover. Duh!

I suppose the Israeli agents are also stabbing Jews in different parts of Israel to incite Arabs to do the same. Sure thing. facepalm.gif

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No surprise. Israel does not want peace, they want land. Always expanding.

OK so how much land did they take since the weekend? was it Jordanian land, Syrian land or maybe Egyptian land. Can't remember any of them complaining Israel just took more land from them. Or maybe you would like to post a link proving your assertion!

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No surprise. Israel does not want peace, they want land. Always expanding.

OK so how much land did they take since the weekend? was it Jordanian land, Syrian land or maybe Egyptian land. Can't remember any of them complaining Israel just took more land from them. Or maybe you would like to post a link proving your assertion!

Israel demonization game is to take every small news story in Israel to spread lies and incite irrational hatred against the entirety of the Israeli nation. Speaking of inciting.

The topic here is about the report, unconfirmed, from ONE reporter. The issue is the incitement. Were the agents the first to throw stones or did they join to blend in? If the former, that would be sleazy. If the latter, that would be pretty much needed to keep the cover.

Edited by Jingthing
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No surprise. Israel does not want peace, they want land. Always expanding.

OK so how much land did they take since the weekend? was it Jordanian land, Syrian land or maybe Egyptian land. Can't remember any of them complaining Israel just took more land from them. Or maybe you would like to post a link proving your assertion!

Israel demonization game is to take every small news story in Israel to spread lies and incite irrational hatred against the entirety of the Israeli nation. Speaking of inciting.

The topic here is about the report, unconfirmed, from ONE reporter. The issue is the incitement. Were the agents the first to throw stones or did they join to blend in? If the former, that would be sleazy. If the latter, that would be pretty much needed to keep the cover.

Israel did have snatch squads to take out the ring leaders. This is IMO what the OP may be referring to!

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Yes they did and there is video of it. Seems smart!

The implication of this charge is pretty absurd ... that this group of rock throwers wasn't really there to violently confront Israelis and if it wasn't for the agents incitement, they would have just pulled out the shisha and discussed football.

Edited by Jingthing
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It was one report and not fully confirmed.

Yes there are undercover agents but the charge of inciting is what is not confirmed.

Now use your head a little bit on this. If you're undercover among a group of Palestinian intifada-niks and you aren't tossing a rock or two at some Jews, you're going to blow your cover. Duh!

I suppose the Israeli agents are also stabbing Jews in different parts of Israel to incite Arabs to do the same. Sure thing. facepalm.gif

Unconfirmed?? Its an independent observer from one of the most respected news agencies in the world saying he saw this first hand. This isn't 3rd person hearsay or some Arab news channel reporting this. Who do you want to confirm it? The IDF? LoL.

Take off your blinders man, Israel knows what it's doing. It's an image war.

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There are special unit in the Israeli army that cloak it self like a Palestinians, dressed and talk

like them in order to infiltrate the trouble makers and get to the leaders of those mobs,

they called the ' Arabian ' and maybe what the corresponded saw is some of them at work,

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When you consider the extreme right wing views of Netanyahu's cabinet [who openly promote ethnic cleansing and annexation] upon whom he has to rely for his slim coaltion majority, it is not surpprising that he is pulling this stunt to stir up another intifada . It is the only way he can extend his time in office...parroting the mantra "security concerns" "national emergency".

However much escalation he provokes it will only make the problem grow and will not bring Israel permanent peace, which is his desired goal...errr, that is his aim, isn't it??

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No surprise. Israel does not want peace, they want land. Always expanding.

OK so how much land did they take since the weekend? was it Jordanian land, Syrian land or maybe Egyptian land. Can't remember any of them complaining Israel just took more land from them. Or maybe you would like to post a link proving your assertion!

Not sure how much this weekend but the West Bank is starting to look like an archipelago.


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No surprise. Israel does not want peace, they want land. Always expanding.

OK so how much land did they take since the weekend? was it Jordanian land, Syrian land or maybe Egyptian land. Can't remember any of them complaining Israel just took more land from them. Or maybe you would like to post a link proving your assertion!

Israel demonization game is to take every small news story in Israel to spread lies and incite irrational hatred against the entirety of the Israeli nation. Speaking of inciting.

The topic here is about the report, unconfirmed, from IONE reporter. The issue is the incitement. Were the agents the first to throw stones or did they join to blend in? If the former, that would be sleazy. If the latter, that would be pretty much needed to keep the cover.

You may be correct here. I have pointed out many times how many Israeli agents operate within the Palestinian population. Nothing happens without their knowledge. But, in order accept your theory, which I do, you also have to consider them firing rockets when need be for similar motives. It would be nothing to fire a couple of rockets into the dessert which is often the case.

brilliant idea, why don't the Israeli's think of that! They could fight themselves and blame the Arabs. Oh wait a minute, That's what the Arabs do kill each other and blame Israel.

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No surprise. They have done it before.

American war journalist Chris Hedges recounted in his article "the Gaza Diary" for Harpers Magazine how he watched some Israeli soldiers taunt a group of playing boys with obscene insults about their mothers until the boys became angry and picked up a few rocks and hurled them at the armored vehicles.

On cue the soldiers immediately explode a percussion grenade and follow up by murdering all of the children in cold blood with rifles.

http://www.bintjbeil.com/articles/en/011001_hedges.html [search "dogs"]

Serial and obsessive antisemite indulges in blood libel again citing winner of dishonest reporting award - Chris Hedges.


In the October edition of Harpers, Chris Hedges wrote his sensationalized “Gaza Diary: Scenes from the Palestinian Uprising.” The entire article is a diatribe against Israel without any response by Israeli spokesmen. The climax is a section in which Hedges accuses Israeli soldiers in Gaza of goading Palestinian children to their death: “I have never before watched soldiers entice children like mice into a trap and murder them for sport.”

Hedges offers no corroborating evidence — no photos, no videos, no outside verification. Hedges never even saw or heard the shots of the alleged crime. He wrote that the Palestinian youth “descend out of sight behind a sandbank in front of me. There are no sounds of gunfire. The soldiers shoot with silencers.”

The stench of your last post was so strong I knew it would take less than 5 minutes to debunk it.

P.s waiting for our esteemed members to link to UNRWA or Amnesty international as I have a mountain of info on their antics.

Edited by Steely Dan
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No surprise. Israel does not want peace, they want land. Always expanding.

OK so how much land did they take since the weekend? was it Jordanian land, Syrian land or maybe Egyptian land. Can't remember any of them complaining Israel just took more land from them. Or maybe you would like to post a link proving your assertion!

Not sure how much this weekend but the West Bank is starting to look like an archipelago.

ImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect PRO1444266077.641448.jpg

They're called bantustans.
Nope, Bantustans is a word from the lexicon of apartheid South Africa used repeatedly by Western Palestinian (antisemitic) one issue activists in the hope that some mud sticks.
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No surprise. Israel does not want peace, they want land. Always expanding.

OK so how much land did they take since the weekend? was it Jordanian land, Syrian land or maybe Egyptian land. Can't remember any of them complaining Israel just took more land from them. Or maybe you would like to post a link proving your assertion!

No problem.

Quote from link :

"Out of a total 11,134 demolition orders, 570 were labeled as ready to be carried out. In the first half of 2015 alone, the Civil Administration destroyed 245 Palestinian structures in Area C. Meanwhile, 2,454 orders were put on hold in light of legal issues, and another 8,110 were said to be “in process.”


how does demolition equate to taking land. Did Israel surround each area with barbed wire and stick an Israeli flag in the middle? Again where does it say Israel took land from the arabs these past few day's.

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They're called bantustans.
Nope, Bantustans is a word from the lexicon of apartheid South Africa used repeatedly by Western Palestinian (antisemitic) one issue activists in the hope that some mud sticks.

Only used by "Western Palestinian antisemites"?? cheesy.gif

I love these replies, because a simple google search crushes your ignorance. Here's just a tiny tiny sample of what comes up when you search "Bantustans, Palestine".

http://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-1.582421 (Daniel Levy - Israeli)

http://repository.usfca.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1008&context=thes (Sarah Hughes - not Palestinian)

http://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/apr/26/comment (Meron Benvenisti - Israeli)

http://www.jstor.org/stable/4418023?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents (Gabriela Becker - not Palestinian)

http://spaces.icgpartners.com/index2.asp?NGuid=833ADC00ECE641D4BDBDD37ED256C4CB (Gordon Housworth - not Palestinian)

Edited by kblaze
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They're called bantustans.

Nope, Bantustans is a word from the lexicon of apartheid South Africa used repeatedly by Western Palestinian (antisemitic) one issue activists in the hope that some mud sticks.

Only used by "Western Palestinian antisemites"?? cheesy.gif

I love these replies, because a simple google search crushes your ignorance. Here's just a tiny tiny sample of what comes up when you search "Bantustans, Palestine".

http://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-1.582421 (Daniel Levy - Israeli)

http://repository.usfca.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1008&context=thes (Sarah Hughes - not Palestinian)

http://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/apr/26/comment (Meron Benvenisti - Israeli)

http://www.jstor.org/stable/4418023?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents (Gabriela Becker - not Palestinian)

http://spaces.icgpartners.com/index2.asp?NGuid=833ADC00ECE641D4BDBDD37ED256C4CB (Gordon Housworth - not Palestinian)

I belive Mandela even referred to the Palistinians as "fellow freedom fighters" and the ANC is a very strong supporter of thr Palistinians

The amusing thing is connecting the term Bantustan and antisemitic given the relationship between the SA national party and Israel during the apartheid years

Edited by Soutpeel
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They're called bantustans.

Nope, Bantustans is a word from the lexicon of apartheid South Africa used repeatedly by Western Palestinian (antisemitic) one issue activists in the hope that some mud sticks.

Only used by "Western Palestinian antisemites"?? cheesy.gif

I love these replies, because a simple google search crushes your ignorance. Here's just a tiny tiny sample of what comes up when you search "Bantustans, Palestine".

http://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-1.582421 (Daniel Levy - Israeli)

http://repository.usfca.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1008&context=thes (Sarah Hughes - not Palestinian)

http://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/apr/26/comment (Meron Benvenisti - Israeli)

http://www.jstor.org/stable/4418023?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents (Gabriela Becker - not Palestinian)

http://spaces.icgpartners.com/index2.asp?NGuid=833ADC00ECE641D4BDBDD37ED256C4CB (Gordon Housworth - not Palestinian)

I belive Mandela even referred to the Palistinians as "fellow freedom fighters" and the ANC is a very strong supporter of thr Palistinians

The amusing thing is connecting the term Bantustan and antisemitic given the relationship between the SA national party and Israel during the apartheid years

The not-so amusing thing is that those who play the SA card are very careful at the same time to always ignore the Iranian dictatorship actual sponsorship of Hezbollah and Co. It sort of spoils the narrative. As for the increasing rotten corruption of the ANC, better not say too much as the SA Communist Party (one of those still remaining) is still hanging on the ANC coattails.

Edited by SheungWan
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They're called bantustans.
Nope, Bantustans is a word from the lexicon of apartheid South Africa used repeatedly by Western Palestinian (antisemitic) one issue activists in the hope that some mud sticks.

Only used by "Western Palestinian antisemites"?? cheesy.gif

I love these replies, because a simple google search crushes your ignorance. Here's just a tiny tiny sample of what comes up when you search "Bantustans, Palestine".

http://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-1.582421 (Daniel Levy - Israeli)

http://repository.usfca.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1008&context=thes (Sarah Hughes - not Palestinian)

http://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/apr/26/comment (Meron Benvenisti - Israeli)

http://www.jstor.org/stable/4418023?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents (Gabriela Becker - not Palestinian)

http://spaces.icgpartners.com/index2.asp?NGuid=833ADC00ECE641D4BDBDD37ED256C4CB (Gordon Housworth - not Palestinian)

I belive Mandela even referred to the Palistinians as "fellow freedom fighters" and the ANC is a very strong supporter of thr Palistinians

The amusing thing is connecting the term Bantustan and antisemitic given the relationship between the SA national party and Israel during the apartheid years

The not-so amusing thing is that those who play the SA card are very careful at the same time to always ignore the Iranian dictatorship actual sponsorship of Hamas and Hezbollah. It sort of spoils the narrative. As for the increasing rotten corruption of the ANC, better not say too much as the SA Communist Party (one of those still remaining) is still hanging on the ANC coattails.

Increasing rotten corruption in the ANC ?....the ANC has always been corrupt...only difference these days is that they have the keys to the treasury

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They're called bantustans.
Nope, Bantustans is a word from the lexicon of apartheid South Africa used repeatedly by Western Palestinian (antisemitic) one issue activists in the hope that some mud sticks.

Only used by "Western Palestinian antisemites"?? cheesy.gif

I love these replies, because a simple google search crushes your ignorance. Here's just a tiny tiny sample of what comes up when you search "Bantustans, Palestine".

http://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-1.582421 (Daniel Levy - Israeli)

http://repository.usfca.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1008&context=thes (Sarah Hughes - not Palestinian)

http://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/apr/26/comment (Meron Benvenisti - Israeli)

http://www.jstor.org/stable/4418023?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents (Gabriela Becker - not Palestinian)

http://spaces.icgpartners.com/index2.asp?NGuid=833ADC00ECE641D4BDBDD37ED256C4CB (Gordon Housworth - not Palestinian)

I belive Mandela even referred to the Palistinians as "fellow freedom fighters" and the ANC is a very strong supporter of thr Palistinians

The amusing thing is connecting the term Bantustan and antisemitic given the relationship between the SA national party and Israel during the apartheid years

The not-so amusing thing is that those who play the SA card are very careful at the same time to always ignore the Iranian dictatorship actual sponsorship of Hezbollah and Co. It sort of spoils the narrative. As for the increasing rotten corruption of the ANC, better not say too much as the SA Communist Party (one of those still remaining) is still hanging on the ANC coattails.

Or the tens of thousands of white South African farmers murdered since the ANC took charge. Of course again it does not fit the narrative to mention this, especially as it gives a clue as to exactly what would happen with a one state solution.

Of course Israel is not and never has been an apartheid state, here is a member of the South African parliament spelling it out and he should know a bit better than our keyboard one issue obsessives. Of course they really know but also choose to repeat the same lie ad nauseum for reasons already mentioned.


Edited by Steely Dan
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They're called bantustans.
Nope, Bantustans is a word from the lexicon of apartheid South Africa used repeatedly by Western Palestinian (antisemitic) one issue activists in the hope that some mud sticks.

Only used by "Western Palestinian antisemites"?? cheesy.gif

I love these replies, because a simple google search crushes your ignorance. Here's just a tiny tiny sample of what comes up when you search "Bantustans, Palestine".

http://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-1.582421 (Daniel Levy - Israeli)

http://repository.usfca.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1008&context=thes (Sarah Hughes - not Palestinian)

http://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/apr/26/comment (Meron Benvenisti - Israeli)

http://www.jstor.org/stable/4418023?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents (Gabriela Becker - not Palestinian)

http://spaces.icgpartners.com/index2.asp?NGuid=833ADC00ECE641D4BDBDD37ED256C4CB (Gordon Housworth - not Palestinian)

I belive Mandela even referred to the Palistinians as "fellow freedom fighters" and the ANC is a very strong supporter of thr Palistinians

The amusing thing is connecting the term Bantustan and antisemitic given the relationship between the SA national party and Israel during the apartheid years

The not-so amusing thing is that those who play the SA card are very careful at the same time to always ignore the Iranian dictatorship actual sponsorship of Hezbollah and Co. It sort of spoils the narrative. As for the increasing rotten corruption of the ANC, better not say too much as the SA Communist Party (one of those still remaining) is still hanging on the ANC coattails.

Or the tens of thousands of white South African farmers murdered since the ANC took charge. Of course again it does not fit the narrative to mention this, especially as it gives a clue as to exactly what would happen with a one state solution.

Of course Israel is not and never has been an apartheid state, here is a member of the South African parliament spelling it out and he should know a bit better than our keyboard one issue obsessives. Of course they really know but also choose to repeat the same lie ad nauseum for reasons already mentioned.


And for balance go and look up what Dennis Goldberg said on this question he is South African who is also a Jew ;)...you going to brand him an Anti- semite as well:rolleyes:

And your comnents regarding white farmers being killed is irrelevant to this topic and false, there havent been 10's of thousands killed since the end of apartheid the number is approximately 4000....there aint 10s of Thousands of farmers in SA anyway...

Edited by Soutpeel
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"Reuters news agency said he observed Israeli undercover agents disguised as Palestinian youths inciting stone throwing". Typical. Can anyone say false flag? The boys that were on the vessel 'USS Liberty' can. Now feature that we are talking about a group whose govt intelligence organ has the words "By Deception Make War" written on the lintel above the entrance way to it's building. This is very much their petty mentally and does anyone actually doubt that they would do this piddling thing. Pleaseee. These guy are really getting predicable.

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No surprise. They have done it before.

American war journalist Chris Hedges recounted in his article "the Gaza Diary" for Harpers Magazine how he watched some Israeli soldiers taunt a group of playing boys with obscene insults about their mothers until the boys became angry and picked up a few rocks and hurled them at the armored vehicles.

On cue the soldiers immediately explode a percussion grenade and follow up by murdering all of the children in cold blood with rifles.

http://www.bintjbeil.com/articles/en/011001_hedges.html [search "dogs"]

Serial and obsessive antisemite indulges in blood libel again citing winner of dishonest reporting award - Chris Hedges.


In the October edition of Harpers, Chris Hedges wrote his sensationalized “Gaza Diary: Scenes from the Palestinian Uprising.” The entire article is a diatribe against Israel without any response by Israeli spokesmen. The climax is a section in which Hedges accuses Israeli soldiers in Gaza of goading Palestinian children to their death: “I have never before watched soldiers entice children like mice into a trap and murder them for sport.”

Hedges offers no corroborating evidence — no photos, no videos, no outside verification. Hedges never even saw or heard the shots of the alleged crime. He wrote that the Palestinian youth “descend out of sight behind a sandbank in front of me. There are no sounds of gunfire. The soldiers shoot with silencers.”

The stench of your last post was so strong I knew it would take less than 5 minutes to debunk it.

P.s waiting for our esteemed members to link to UNRWA or Amnesty international as I have a mountain of info on their antics.

Well, they would say that wouldn't they.
Please use more credible sources than a pro Israeli bully group, who orchestrate campaigns to send hate mail to silence legitimate criticism of Israel.
It is well worth listening to Chris Hedges himself "It is not a war. It is murder." on Youtube and judge his sincerity for yourselves.
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"Reuters news agency said he observed Israeli undercover agents disguised as Palestinian youths inciting stone throwing". Typical. Can anyone say false flag? The boys that were on the vessel 'USS Liberty' can. Now feature that we are talking about a group whose govt intelligence organ has the words "By Deception Make War" written on the lintel above the entrance way to it's building. This is very much their petty mentally and does anyone actually doubt that they would do this piddling thing. Pleaseee. These guy are really getting predicable.

Ever heard of Taqiyya? The whole bogus Palestinian grievance machine is build on a mesh of lies put out by the likes of Pallywood. The Liberty is off topic, I wish I had a hundred shekels for every time our esteemed members mention it, doubled every time it's done so off topic mind. :D
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No surprise. They have done it before.

American war journalist Chris Hedges recounted in his article "the Gaza Diary" for Harpers Magazine how he watched some Israeli soldiers taunt a group of playing boys with obscene insults about their mothers until the boys became angry and picked up a few rocks and hurled them at the armored vehicles.

On cue the soldiers immediately explode a percussion grenade and follow up by murdering all of the children in cold blood with rifles.

http://www.bintjbeil.com/articles/en/011001_hedges.html [search "dogs"]

Serial and obsessive antisemite indulges in blood libel again citing winner of dishonest reporting award - Chris Hedges.


In the October edition of Harpers, Chris Hedges wrote his sensationalized “Gaza Diary: Scenes from the Palestinian Uprising.” The entire article is a diatribe against Israel without any response by Israeli spokesmen. The climax is a section in which Hedges accuses Israeli soldiers in Gaza of goading Palestinian children to their death: “I have never before watched soldiers entice children like mice into a trap and murder them for sport.”

Hedges offers no corroborating evidence — no photos, no videos, no outside verification. Hedges never even saw or heard the shots of the alleged crime. He wrote that the Palestinian youth “descend out of sight behind a sandbank in front of me. There are no sounds of gunfire. The soldiers shoot with silencers.”

The stench of your last post was so strong I knew it would take less than 5 minutes to debunk it.

P.s waiting for our esteemed members to link to UNRWA or Amnesty international as I have a mountain of info on their antics.

Well, they would say that wouldn't they.
Please use more credible sources than a pro Israeli bully group, who orchestrate campaigns to send hate mail to silence legitimate criticism of Israel.
It is well worth listening to Chris Hedges himself "It is not a war. It is murder." on Youtube and judge his sincerity for yourselves.

This presumably would be the same Chris Hedges who has been accused of plagiarism on more than one occasion. So much for 'sincerity'.

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It was one report and not fully confirmed.

Yes there are undercover agents but the charge of inciting is what is not confirmed.

Now use your head a little bit on this. If you're undercover among a group of Palestinian intifada-niks and you aren't tossing a rock or two at some Jews, you're going to blow your cover. Duh!

I suppose the Israeli agents are also stabbing Jews in different parts of Israel to incite Arabs to do the same. Sure thing. facepalm.gif

Unconfirmed?? Its an independent observer from one of the most respected news agencies in the world saying he saw this first hand. This isn't 3rd person hearsay or some Arab news channel reporting this. Who do you want to confirm it? The IDF? LoL.

Take off your blinders man, Israel knows what it's doing. It's an image war.

Interesting to note that some posters' scathing view of MSM is not in evidence. Wonder how that would go had the story been different.

The part of the report regarding the undercover unit operating among the Palestinians was confirmed by the IDF, which released a additional footage from a different angle. There was no direct reference to the incitement issue, but from the content it seems like the IDF had intel that there will be violent rioting with a few major demonstrator organizers present. The gist was that the aim of the operation was to arrest specific persons.

There are a few such units among Israeli security forces (some IDF and some police), with the IDF units usually reserved for higher risk mission. Overall, relative to regular IDF forces going in, using these units results in less casualties.

Not exactly sure what posters are excited about, as if undercover work is not part of almost any security force in the world. If the issue is one of possible entrapment, it is hard to judge that from the video clips, Note that there are several versions out there. .The demonstration itself was definitely not organized by them (didn't see this one even on Palestinian social media),

The original report appeared on AFP, with no mention of the incitement bit. The OP is based on a tweet by a Reuters reporter, where the "incite" first appears.

Here is an excerpt from the original report:

The agents had arrived after the clashes had started and had been among the protesters for a while before making themselves known.


And here is the Tweet - https://twitter.com/LukeReuters/status/651740854881812480?ref_src=twsrc^tfw

What one does find on the Palestinian social media is a viral online Undercover Soldier Identification and Awareness Guide (with pics attached). That, and a whole lot of viva intifada imagery, slogans and further incitement to carry out terrorist attacks - a lot of it courtesy of Hamas, but much wider than that, many "independents" as well. Much criticism of Abbas in evidence. I can't quantify it, but seems a mixed bag of national and religious motivations cited, definitely more of a religious bent than previously, though.

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