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Report,failed retirement extension at immigration office Sriracha

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my liking would be every immigration in THailand works with the same rules.Now im 52 and dont have the patience anymore 15years ago..Also I didn't go there for attitude adjustment for my daughter.One day I will be gone and I know daughter will have problems the way(westernstyle) she is.I taught her to speak up if she thinks something wrong

It should be obvious to you and everyone else on this forum that the combination of a pension and money in the bank should be exactly as they said i.e. the money in the bank should be there for three months. If not then anybody could set up a simple pension with a bank or broker paying as little as 5000 baht per month giving a total of 60,000 Bt a year and then put 740,000 in the bank for a few days days( by borrowing it from a friend perhaps) and then expect to get a yearly retirement Visa extension.

It is true that some immigration officers are very easy-going and don't apply the rules very strictly and some do. You are at fault and my experiences that you should have everything strictly covered and it is quite clear what is needed for any type of visa. You should also know that in Thailand whatever happens you should keep your cool be very polite and nice whatever happens and you will never have any trouble.

You are incorrect about the national rules for combo method retirement extensions (income letter plus banked money). Based on written rules which should be applied NATIONALLY, there is absolutely no money seasoning required for the bank portion when using the combo method. The seasoning is needed for the pure bank method (800K) at two months for the first extension and three months for subsequent extensions. The officer who claimed he was following national rules was clearly MISINFORMED. He is enforcing in a NON-STANDARD way.

Don't you have that around the wrong way!

The "national rules" are that seasoning is required for any amount used in the bank. However, when using a combination of bank and income some offices waive the seasoning rule.

If you are right (I will happily stand corrected) but could you please link the source of the "written rules". thumbsup.gif

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my liking would be every immigration in THailand works with the same rules.Now im 52 and dont have the patience anymore 15years ago..Also I didn't go there for attitude adjustment for my daughter.One day I will be gone and I know daughter will have problems the way(westernstyle) she is.I taught her to speak up if she thinks something wrong

It should be obvious to you and everyone else on this forum that the combination of a pension and money in the bank should be exactly as they said i.e. the money in the bank should be there for three months. If not then anybody could set up a simple pension with a bank or broker paying as little as 5000 baht per month giving a total of 60,000 Bt a year and then put 740,000 in the bank for a few days days( by borrowing it from a friend perhaps) and then expect to get a yearly retirement Visa extension.

It is true that some immigration officers are very easy-going and don't apply the rules very strictly and some do. You are at fault and my experiences that you should have everything strictly covered and it is quite clear what is needed for any type of visa. You should also know that in Thailand whatever happens you should keep your cool be very polite and nice whatever happens and you will never have any trouble.

You are incorrect about the national rules for combo method retirement extensions (income letter plus banked money). Based on written rules which should be applied NATIONALLY, there is absolutely no money seasoning required for the bank portion when using the combo method. The seasoning is needed for the pure bank method (800K) at two months for the first extension and three months for subsequent extensions. The officer who claimed he was following national rules was clearly MISINFORMED. He is enforcing in a NON-STANDARD way.

Don't you have that around the wrong way!

The "national rules" are that seasoning is required for any amount used in the bank. However, when using a combination of bank and income some offices waive the seasoning rule.

If you are right (I will happily stand corrected) but could you please link the source of the "written rules". thumbsup.gif

This has been discussed hundreds of times on the forum. Not interested in wasting my time arguing with someone who is obviously as misinformed as that provincial officer.

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my liking would be every immigration in THailand works with the same rules.Now im 52 and dont have the patience anymore 15years ago..Also I didn't go there for attitude adjustment for my daughter.One day I will be gone and I know daughter will have problems the way(westernstyle) she is.I taught her to speak up if she thinks something wrong

It should be obvious to you and everyone else on this forum that the combination of a pension and money in the bank should be exactly as they said i.e. the money in the bank should be there for three months. If not then anybody could set up a simple pension with a bank or broker paying as little as 5000 baht per month giving a total of 60,000 Bt a year and then put 740,000 in the bank for a few days days( by borrowing it from a friend perhaps) and then expect to get a yearly retirement Visa extension.

It is true that some immigration officers are very easy-going and don't apply the rules very strictly and some do. You are at fault and my experiences that you should have everything strictly covered and it is quite clear what is needed for any type of visa. You should also know that in Thailand whatever happens you should keep your cool be very polite and nice whatever happens and you will never have any trouble.

You are incorrect about the national rules for combo method retirement extensions (income letter plus banked money). Based on written rules which should be applied NATIONALLY, there is absolutely no money seasoning required for the bank portion when using the combo method. The seasoning is needed for the pure bank method (800K) at two months for the first extension and three months for subsequent extensions. The officer who claimed he was following national rules was clearly MISINFORMED. He is enforcing in a NON-STANDARD way.

Don't you have that around the wrong way!

The "national rules" are that seasoning is required for any amount used in the bank. However, when using a combination of bank and income some offices waive the seasoning rule.

If you are right (I will happily stand corrected) but could you please link the source of the "written rules". thumbsup.gif

as you are disagreeing with a long time poster, would it not be easier to post a link to your interpretation of the "national rules" thereby backing up your claim of seasoning being required in the op instant.

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i thought you only got 60 days for having a thai dependant, also does the application not have to be sent to bangkok to actually agree to.

maybe am wrong....

"also does the application not have to be sent to bangkok to actually agree to".

Yes this is correct! the application must be sent to Bangkok!

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Nobody here with any credibility would ever suggest screaming at immigration officers is a good idea.

Nobody here with any credibility would ever suggest that screaming at a 12 year old child after having humiliated her dad is not a deeply traumatic experience for the child and an abject abuse of power.

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my liking would be every immigration in THailand works with the same rules.Now im 52 and dont have the patience anymore 15years ago..Also I didn't go there for attitude adjustment for my daughter.One day I will be gone and I know daughter will have problems the way(westernstyle) she is.I taught her to speak up if she thinks something wrong

big mistake havnt you learnt not to SHOUT,WRONG ATTITTUDE, you can never win with them,you have to grin and bear it,SMILE,WAI.

when you have finished,get up,say thank you,and under you breath say ? you.

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Personally I would not have taken my daughter there in the first place especially as we all know immigration offices can be stressful. Secondly why shout take a chill pill sticks and stones ect ect. Thirdly I will reserve judgment as we only have your side of the story maybe some of the people in there you mention are on this forum and can verify the version of events.

But in any case smile say please and thank you it gets you a long way here so I've found

That's it then ? in the absence of any rights whatsoever there is a magic trick just smile! and all will be magically solved. This isn't Fraggle Rock immigration you know!

The OP appears to have told the story warts and all including quite a few of his own mistakes. You don't believe him Pollyana ?

As I said I reserve judgment till both sides are heard sorry if that doesn't fit your agenda nanny mcphee

Can't wait for the immigration official to step forward, sure to happen, and why I bet they'll be at least half a dozen Thai Visa users posting their sworn testimony any time soon.

Cop out statement, it is clear you have made your judgement.

You have obviously not read the OP or mine correctly or interpreted them to suit let me help you OP stated quote "At that time immigration was full with other foreigner and thais" unquote I said maybe some of the other people mentioned at the IM office at the time might be members on here and could verify the OP. When I say I reserve judgment that means I won't apportion blame either way till I know the full facts so no I have not made up my mind and unlikely to do so as no one who was there at the time has come forward on here unfortunately. So it's still one man's word. And that is not enough in any court to convict is it ??????
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I sympathise with the OP, we all lose the plot sometimes, but he must know as well as anybody that losing your cool with officialdom in Thailand is always counter-productive.

I'm sure it is no consolation to know that Thailand is comparatively civilised, bureaucratically speaking, when compared against, for example, the hoops and hurdles that citizens of many other countries have to negotiate, and the time it can take to do so. And hell, Filipinos even have to pay a tax to leave their own damn country!

My best advice is, you've vented your spleen, give it a week or two, take some deep breaths then start preparing methodically the documents necessary for your extension when the time comes. And when you go to immigration again, be mentally prepared to be polite, even to the SoB who denied your extension last time. You know it makes sense.

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I thought you could get a years visa for looking after your Thai child providing you have a minimum of 40,000 Baht a month. Ubon Joe led me to a site which stipulates this in Thai. I showed this to my immigration officer in Isaan in case the Euro went down a lot before i did my retirement visa, he agreed that this was possible. Never ever shout at a Thai official, it will get you nowhere, always keep your cool even when seething with anger, i have found them to be sympathetic in most cases if you are dressed decently and show them respect and are persistent.

Edited by soalbundy
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my liking would be every immigration in THailand works with the same rules.Now im 52 and dont have the patience anymore 15years ago..Also I didn't go there for attitude adjustment for my daughter.One day I will be gone and I know daughter will have problems the way(westernstyle) she is.I taught her to speak up if she thinks something wrong

It should be obvious to you and everyone else on this forum that the combination of a pension and money in the bank should be exactly as they said i.e. the money in the bank should be there for three months. If not then anybody could set up a simple pension with a bank or broker paying as little as 5000 baht per month giving a total of 60,000 Bt a year and then put 740,000 in the bank for a few days days( by borrowing it from a friend perhaps) and then expect to get a yearly retirement Visa extension.

It is true that some immigration officers are very easy-going and don't apply the rules very strictly and some do. You are at fault and my experiences that you should have everything strictly covered and it is quite clear what is needed for any type of visa. You should also know that in Thailand whatever happens you should keep your cool be very polite and nice whatever happens and you will never have any trouble.

He knew the retirement ext was dodgy,thats why he had the backup plan.He was lucky before,but Sri Racha was right.That's all i want,follow the rules laid down.He hasn't got the full 800k,so going the dodgy and stuffed up.Not cool,loosing it,in front of his daughter.He had a chance for a win there but blew it.How many dodgy visa ext does Immi see by farangs who think they are right.

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There is no benefit getting into a shouting match with these guys.

The situation is what it is.....

Are you in a position to move home and hence come under the auspices of a more agreeable collection of officers, I am thinking of Jomtiem Immigration.

I would also consider seasoning 800,000 baht for a regular retirement extension.

Good luck.

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I have found that speaking politely usually works much better than screaming at people just because you are tired of whatever… oh, and what a surprise - they screamed back at you and in the present and future are not pleased with you and your attitude…

Maybe get a good nights sleep, relax a lot, not just a little and come to the realization that keeping your cool in a tough situation might be better than losing it.

The rare time I have had issues at Immigration, I have been polite and calm and the issues get resolved. I have never found Immigration Officers to be other than both polite and helpful…

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It is clear in clause 2.22 of Police Order 327/2557 that seasoning is not required for the combination option.

"(5) Must have an annual earning and funds deposited with a bank totaling no less than Baht 800,0000 as of the filing date."

Offices that insist on the money being in the bank for 60 days or 3 months are defeating the purpose of the combination option. It is meant to be for a person who falls short on the 65k baht income requirement due to a change of the exchange rate for their home country currency.

Mmm,could that be abused by having 1000baht income/month and 788k unseasoned in the bank.Is there a minimum amount you must earn from os.

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my liking would be every immigration in THailand works with the same rules.Now im 52 and dont have the patience anymore 15years ago..Also I didn't go there for attitude adjustment for my daughter.One day I will be gone and I know daughter will have problems the way(westernstyle) she is.I taught her to speak up if she thinks something wrong

It should be obvious to you and everyone else on this forum that the combination of a pension and money in the bank should be exactly as they said i.e. the money in the bank should be there for three months. If not then anybody could set up a simple pension with a bank or broker paying as little as 5000 baht per month giving a total of 60,000 Bt a year and then put 740,000 in the bank for a few days days( by borrowing it from a friend perhaps) and then expect to get a yearly retirement Visa extension.

It is true that some immigration officers are very easy-going and don't apply the rules very strictly and some do. You are at fault and my experiences that you should have everything strictly covered and it is quite clear what is needed for any type of visa. You should also know that in Thailand whatever happens you should keep your cool be very polite and nice whatever happens and you will never have any trouble.

Nonsense. Read the law. It has been in effect and observed, at least at Chaeng Wattana, for many years. Conbination of income and cash, the law doesn't require seasoning of the deposit. And many people use that method.

Probably better to be in possession of the facts before you pronounce your verdict, lest you appear like the self-important ignoramus that is that immigration officer.

I doubt the OP needs any lectures from the hang-em-high contingent here on TV.

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It is clear in clause 2.22 of Police Order 327/2557 that seasoning is not required for the combination option.

"(5) Must have an annual earning and funds deposited with a bank totaling no less than Baht 800,0000 as of the filing date."

Offices that insist on the money being in the bank for 60 days or 3 months are defeating the purpose of the combination option. It is meant to be for a person who falls short on the 65k baht income requirement due to a change of the exchange rate for their home country currency.

Mmm,could that be abused by having 1000baht income/month and 788k unseasoned in the bank.Is there a minimum amount you must earn from os.

From the OP which you probably did not read. "62500bt and account deposit 60000bt". Which I read to mean he has an income equal to 62,500 baht that totals to an annual income of 750K baht and adding the deposit of 60k comes out to 810K baht.

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I have found that speaking politely usually works much better than screaming at people just because you are tired of whatever oh, and what a surprise - they screamed back at you and in the present and future are not pleased with you and your attitude

Maybe get a good nights sleep, relax a lot, not just a little and come to the realization that keeping your cool in a tough situation might be better than losing it.

The rare time I have had issues at Immigration, I have been polite and calm and the issues get resolved. I have never found Immigration Officers to be other than both polite and helpful

And you arrived how many days ago?

Tip: listen (and read) before you honor us with your fabulous opinion.

The forum is rife with reports of misbehavior by various IOs. Since you're apparently Gandhi reincarnate, cut the mortals a little slack, and realize that each of us has a point where enough is enough. The OP found his, and you'll surely find yours if you survive Thailand long enough...

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Screaming at immigration, not a good idea.

He is the one in the position of authority.

It may not be easy, but there are times, like this case, where you have to bite your lip

and be nice to these people. You ain't gonna win raising your voice to him.

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It is clear in clause 2.22 of Police Order 327/2557 that seasoning is not required for the combination option.

"(5) Must have an annual earning and funds deposited with a bank totaling no less than Baht 800,0000 as of the filing date."

Offices that insist on the money being in the bank for 60 days or 3 months are defeating the purpose of the combination option. It is meant to be for a person who falls short on the 65k baht income requirement due to a change of the exchange rate for their home country currency.

This is the first explanation of the purpose of the combination method that I've seen. It certainly makes sense, and lends support to the OP's position.

What a number of posters have hinted at, however, is whether, for instance, someone with 40000 baht/mo income could legitimately obtain a retirement extension by depositing something over 320000 baht in the bank. This would obviously not qualify as an exchange rate adjustment.


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my liking would be every immigration in THailand works with the same rules.Now im 52 and dont have the patience anymore 15years ago..Also I didn't go there for attitude adjustment for my daughter.One day I will be gone and I know daughter will have problems the way(westernstyle) she is.I taught her to speak up if she thinks something wrong

It should be obvious to you and everyone else on this forum that the combination of a pension and money in the bank should be exactly as they said i.e. the money in the bank should be there for three months. If not then anybody could set up a simple pension with a bank or broker paying as little as 5000 baht per month giving a total of 60,000 Bt a year and then put 740,000 in the bank for a few days days( by borrowing it from a friend perhaps) and then expect to get a yearly retirement Visa extension.

It is true that some immigration officers are very easy-going and don't apply the rules very strictly and some do. You are at fault and my experiences that you should have everything strictly covered and it is quite clear what is needed for any type of visa. You should also know that in Thailand whatever happens you should keep your cool be very polite and nice whatever happens and you will never have any trouble.

The OP should remember that all Farangs are guests in Thailand, and they make the rules, either nationally or locally, and we have to jump through their hoops.

If we don't like it them we can vote with our feet.

Agree that even if the IO raised his voice, I would have remained calm and not descended to his level.

We either take it, or leave it, but don't whinge about it.

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Nobody here with any credibility would ever suggest screaming at immigration officers is a good idea.

Nobody here with any credibility would ever suggest that screaming at a 12 year old child after having humiliated her dad is not a deeply traumatic experience for the child and an abject abuse of power.

Oh please...I'm sure she'll get over it. There's a lot worse crap coming her way in life. Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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my liking would be every immigration in THailand works with the same rules.Now im 52 and dont have the patience anymore 15years ago..Also I didn't go there for attitude adjustment for my daughter.One day I will be gone and I know daughter will have problems the way(westernstyle) she is.I taught her to speak up if she thinks something wrong

It should be obvious to you and everyone else on this forum that the combination of a pension and money in the bank should be exactly as they said i.e. the money in the bank should be there for three months. If not then anybody could set up a simple pension with a bank or broker paying as little as 5000 baht per month giving a total of 60,000 Bt a year and then put 740,000 in the bank for a few days days( by borrowing it from a friend perhaps) and then expect to get a yearly retirement Visa extension.

It is true that some immigration officers are very easy-going and don't apply the rules very strictly and some do. You are at fault and my experiences that you should have everything strictly covered and it is quite clear what is needed for any type of visa. You should also know that in Thailand whatever happens you should keep your cool be very polite and nice whatever happens and you will never have any trouble.

Nonsense. Read the law. It has been in effect and observed, at least at Chaeng Wattana, for many years. Conbination of income and cash, the law doesn't require seasoning of the deposit. And many people use that method.

Probably better to be in possession of the facts before you pronounce your verdict, lest you appear like the self-important ignoramus that is that immigration officer.

I doubt the OP needs any lectures from the hang-em-high contingent here on TV.

Maybe the op should move to Bangkok.
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It is clear in clause 2.22 of Police Order 327/2557 that seasoning is not required for the combination option.

"(5) Must have an annual earning and funds deposited with a bank totaling no less than Baht 800,0000 as of the filing date."

Offices that insist on the money being in the bank for 60 days or 3 months are defeating the purpose of the combination option. It is meant to be for a person who falls short on the 65k baht income requirement due to a change of the exchange rate for their home country currency.

This is the first explanation of the purpose of the combination method that I've seen. It certainly makes sense, and lends support to the OP's position.

What a number of posters have hinted at, however, is whether, for instance, someone with 40000 baht/mo income could legitimately obtain a retirement extension by depositing something over 320000 baht in the bank. This would obviously not qualify as an exchange rate adjustment.


It is more about the seasoning not being required. How would a person know how much money they needed 3 months before the date they apply for the extension.

I think immigration would question having more money in the bank than the annual income.

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My heart goes out to you especially your daughter who had to go through all of this , but this is Thailand and whether we like it or not immigration can do what the hell they want . The worse thing you can do is to shout or argue with them , no immigration officer wants to lose face especially in front of other staff of his office so you have made life difficult for yourself and daughter. You have been given 60 days to get your documentation correct once you have done this you can get a years extension . If you cannot obtain the years extension of stay another choice you could consider is get a multi entry visa I realise that this requires you to leave the country every 90 days however if you can get a letter from your doctor to say that it would be depremental to your health or even your daughter is to young to leave on her own you may well be exempt and only have to report to the immigration office every 90 days instead of having to go over the border. I know of a number of people who have this type of exemption on medical grounds one being that due to his age he has loss of memory, maybe it is worth looking into especially if your daughter is a minor and you cannot leave her alone at home ! I hope you manage to sort your problem out but you will only make it worse by shouting and arguing that my friend has got to be a no go area if you want a peaceful life for you and your daughter !

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"7.birth certificate my daughter,I showed him also documents from Chonburi family court and our home Amper that I'm the father of my daughter by thai law.8.house book where my daughter is registred no8 I could not provide because in the past a copy of my daughters house papers were enough.So he told me my documents are incomplete and he can't issue me an extension of stay based on I support my thai daughter,but he can give me 60 days extension for visiting my daughter."

So is your problem the housebook/registration papers [no. 8 above] or the funds and how they were lodged?

It sounds like the captaino gave you a hard time and then another crack at get it done and found a different problem..yes?.

Anyhow, I do know that office well and they handle a lot of workers from the surrounding industrial areas and can be very tricky. It seems like if you regroup you will get a solution, but will need to be cap in hand, ie a bit humble receiving big boss' s grace. Get a bottle of johnny black and go back with the papers, [complete docs] and speak like a father to another father in low tones.

Edited by optad
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i think the op was wrong in the first place. as i understood he wanted to change from retiement extension to guardianship, thus min amount

thb 500.000 for 30 days, he had 600.000 only for a few days seasoned. hence immi was acting correctly.

if i m wrong with my statement, pls correct me.

wbr roobaa01

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