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Just remember next time you go there if it was not us in Thailand they would not have a job,they probaly be working in a rice field for 200bht a day,im the same as you everytime i go there i have problems.

Yes people don't seem to understand they are just there to faciliate visa applications, not to be obstructive. That is their job.


Why are you getting annoyed! I'm not promoting misinformation. I'm giving opinion backed up with evidence. Take it or leave it I don't care, but I have as much right as anyone to post personal knowledge and information.


Because to suggest the vast majority of immigration offices that do not require money seasoning for combo method applications as a matter of their STANDARD POLICY based on the national rules are doing that in each case because they are doing a special favor for each individual applicant is not an "opinion" -- it is objectively FALSE. People come here for valid information.

  • I didn't suggest "the vast majority" of anything.
  • Why is my information less valid?
  • I copied and pasted the immigration website information direct from the site.
  • Are you suggesting that I am lying about speaking to immigration about the subject?

Ubonjoe alluded to the fact that, in his opinion, the combination method is there to cover people with a small shortfall in income, therefore, using a small amount of money in the bank. Although I believe the combination method is for anyone, his example is a good one as to why immigration would waive the seasoning.

e.g. An income of 62.5k pm month and 50k deposited the day before in their bank.

However, surely you can see the difference of someone walking in to an immigration office that had deposited 750k the day before the application and only had 4.2k pm in income. The reason given to me for seasoning was so that immigration can, as best they can, ensure the 800k belongs to the applicant. So the longer it's in the account the better with 3 months being the minimum. So why would immigration give the person using 750k in cash an automatic pass on seasoning?

It's really not important. And you're making a mountain out of a molehill. I disagreed with Ubonjoe's opinion, I spoke to immigration, and I've given my opinion. End of.

I assure you that my opinions are opinions whether objective or subjective.


Why are you getting annoyed! I'm not promoting misinformation. I'm giving opinion backed up with evidence. Take it or leave it I don't care, but I have as much right as anyone to post personal knowledge and information.


Because to suggest the vast majority of immigration offices that do not require money seasoning for combo method applications as a matter of their STANDARD POLICY based on the national rules are doing that in each case because they are doing a special favor for each individual applicant is not an "opinion" -- it is objectively FALSE. People come here for valid information.

  • I didn't suggest "the vast majority" of anything.
  • Why is my information less valid?
  • I copied and pasted the immigration website information direct from the site.
  • Are you suggesting that I am lying about speaking to immigration about the subject?

Ubonjoe alluded to the fact that, in his opinion, the combination method is there to cover people with a small shortfall in income, therefore, using a small amount of money in the bank. Although I believe the combination method is for anyone, his example is a good one as to why immigration would waive the seasoning.

e.g. An income of 62.5k pm month and 50k deposited the day before in their bank.

However, surely you can see the difference of someone walking in to an immigration office that had deposited 750k the day before the application and only had 4.2k pm in income. The reason given to me for seasoning was so that immigration can, as best they can, ensure the 800k belongs to the applicant. So the longer it's in the account the better with 3 months being the minimum. So why would immigration give the person using 750k in cash an automatic pass on seasoning?

It's really not important. And you're making a mountain out of a molehill. I disagreed with Ubonjoe's opinion, I spoke to immigration, and I've given my opinion. End of.

I assure you that my opinions are opinions whether objective or subjective.

I agree that the "combo" method of funding a retirement extension is potentially open to creative abuse.

As always those few who seek to avoid the regulations succeed in making life more difficult for the majority.

  • Like 1

It is not that easy.if for my liking I wouldn 't be here

I am slightly sympathetic. I appreciate, if your daughter is in school, you do not have the freedom to move on a whim. Also, self important officials can be very tiresome. However, look at this objectively. Once a year, you need to jump through hoops to satisfy the ego of some petty bureaucrat. The alternative is the risk of putting yourself, and your daughter, through a world of hurt. Perhaps, it is not just the immigration officials that have an ego problem.

I do agree. You just have to keep your cool, if necessary I have decided to just about heel and walk out the building and leave it for another day.

But, we are human, a point often forgotten on this forum, and we all have our breaking points. It's often a small straw that breaks the camel's back, and dealing with Thai immigration presents a whole bale.

Living in Thailand is perhaps easier for some than others,eg, well heeled retiree aloof to life vs struggling parent. I know who has my sympathy.

"Living in Thailand is perhaps easier for some than others,eg, well heeled retiree aloof to life vs struggling parent. I know who has my sympathy."

​So someone regarded as a loser in Farangland comes here, fathers some children he hasn't the resources to properly support primarily for his own pleasure and that engenders sympathy?

And "well-heeled" means meeting the relatively minimal financial requirements for long-stay status in Thailand?

On that basis, all the economic refugees flooding into Europe, Australia and the US are "struggling" and many of them are parents seeking a better life for their families. I assume you extend to them the same sympathy and would expect the destination countries to cater to them?

Or is there a difference in perspective if one is an economic refugee in Thailand with a pale complexion compared to economic refugees trying to enter Farangland but of brown or black complexion.

It seems that many people regard the poor who are farangs as being somehow different from the poor who are of darker complexion and Thailand as an refugee camp for farang whereas western countries are being exploited by refugees who don't "belong" there.

Or is there a difference in perspective if one is an economic refugee in Thailand with a pale complexion compared to economic refugees trying to enter Farangland but of brown or black complexion. It is an obvious difference! An economic refugee With a pale complexion, living in Thailand, will have to survive on whatever means he has. The economic refugee With darker complexion, that comes to farrangland either gets social welfare from farrangland or are allowed working. Thats a huge difference in my opinion


As far as the issue of someone using the combo method with a small amount in the income letter and a large amount in the Thai bank there has been no evidence presented here on this forum OVER MANY MANY YEARS that the offices that PROPERLY do not require bank seasoning for COMBO method applications are requiring seasoning in those kinds of cases.

If you're getting into "reasons" / morality / ethics / or loopholes, that might be interesting from an academic POV to some people (not me so much).

But as far as telling people the CORRECT CURRENT INFORMATION about how these rules are applied, it doesn't make any difference if the income letter is relatively small to the bank account at the offices which follow the national rule, as indeed BANGKOK does.

Now if evidence ever comes in refuting what I just said (I have been watching this issue for years and so far, not) then that would change things. But that has not happened and there is nothing anyone has presented on this thread or any thread to indicate that it is about to happen.

So for people who care about the reality of enforcement rather than endless waste of time speculation, here is the deal:

-- National rule, no money seasoning needed for combo applications, amount in income letter irrelevant

-- This national rule is widely followed nationwide

-- A minority of offices deviate from the national rule and DO require money seasoning for combo applications. No evidence has been presented ever on this forum that those offices discriminate based on size of account ... the evidence instead is that do this to ALL of their combo applicants.

-- It is wise to determine whether your office is one of those that does not follow the national rules.

Of course, up to you, for an example if you use Bangkok and intend to do a combo application even KNOWING they follow the national rules, and you want to be PARANOID about a problem that isn't a problem but theoretically might someday be a problem, sure, why not, season your account even though you don't have to. I would be last person to criticize that!

  • Like 2

Why are you getting annoyed! I'm not promoting misinformation. I'm giving opinion backed up with evidence. Take it or leave it I don't care, but I have as much right as anyone to post personal knowledge and information.


Because to suggest the vast majority of immigration offices that do not require money seasoning for combo method applications as a matter of their STANDARD POLICY based on the national rules are doing that in each case because they are doing a special favor for each individual applicant is not an "opinion" -- it is objectively FALSE. People come here for valid information.

  • I didn't suggest "the vast majority" of anything.
  • Why is my information less valid?
  • I copied and pasted the immigration website information direct from the site.
  • Are you suggesting that I am lying about speaking to immigration about the subject?

Ubonjoe alluded to the fact that, in his opinion, the combination method is there to cover people with a small shortfall in income, therefore, using a small amount of money in the bank. Although I believe the combination method is for anyone, his example is a good one as to why immigration would waive the seasoning.

e.g. An income of 62.5k pm month and 50k deposited the day before in their bank.

However, surely you can see the difference of someone walking in to an immigration office that had deposited 750k the day before the application and only had 4.2k pm in income. The reason given to me for seasoning was so that immigration can, as best they can, ensure the 800k belongs to the applicant. So the longer it's in the account the better with 3 months being the minimum. So why would immigration give the person using 750k in cash an automatic pass on seasoning?

It's really not important. And you're making a mountain out of a molehill. I disagreed with Ubonjoe's opinion, I spoke to immigration, and I've given my opinion. End of.

I assure you that my opinions are opinions whether objective or subjective.

I agree that the "combo" method of funding a retirement extension is potentially open to creative abuse.

As always those few who seek to avoid the regulations succeed in making life more difficult for the majority.

I think this is entirely theoretical. In practice a normal applicant will simply turn up with a fair proportion of income, probably the majority in earnings, and a top up amount in bank deposit.

If it there were a substantial deviation, the officer would surely be alerted to something a bit fishy going on.

In my experience large bureaus find ways of making life difficult for the majority all by themselves.


What gets me is that people on this board will deny what is there in black and white, even to the point of seemingly changing what is written on the website.

I agree with JT's views in the main on this strand of the argument.

But wouldn't you know it, I need to say for the sake of honest reporting that Surat Thani does require seasoning on combos, based on the recent experience of a Dutch friend of mine.

There is a rumour that Surat Thani will soon be twinning with North Korea.


What gets me is that people on this board will deny what is there in black and white, even to the point of seemingly changing what is written on the website.

I agree with JT's views in the main on this strand of the argument.

But wouldn't you know it, I need to say for the sake of honest reporting that Surat Thani does require seasoning on combos, based on the recent experience of a Dutch friend of mine.

There is a rumour that Surat Thani will soon be twinning with North Korea.

If you are referring to me I haven't changed a word of what's written on the immigration website.


Sadly i had also problem in Sriracha Immigration, Marriage visa Table told me somethings, it took me 1½ month to get my papers sortet, Visarun To Bali, get Non-o, Documents from home country, ect. ect. when i came backwith 3 weeks left on my visa, , Ohhhh nooooooo that woman was wrong, sorry about that! what she told you is not correct. Sorry you can get 30 day extention.

Ended up solving it with Cash under the table, very much against my beliefs


  • Like 1

Sometimes that is the only way around/through the brick wall, much as I also hate it.

Last year in Phuket, 5 frontline officers only processed a total of 13 extensions by lunchtime (supposedly 0830 to1200 -December) which is abysmal by any standards.

One gets the distinct impression they want most people to use aagents (so they get a bung).

  • Like 2


im german like you but learnt the smile weapon works everywhere, particularly with immi officers in jontiem. now the immi officer would

sit on my lab for we became friends. you need help mate, im living close by in banglamung, chonburi.



  • Like 1


im german like you but learnt the smile weapon works everywhere, particularly with immi officers in jontiem. now the immi officer would

sit on my lab for we became friends. you need help mate, im living close by in banglamung, chonburi.



There's no doubt a happy go lucky disposition is a blessing in this world.

But you are dealing with a reasonable office and your papers are in order.

That's really the only difference.

These people have to present every claim to a superior for scrutiny, and their job is on the line.

Think about it! If you turned up at immigration and you didn't have a required document, do you think a winning smile would get you a stamp ?.

It may, just may, be the difference between an application being wholly rejected, or being accepted subject to returning with the missing document. And it may stop an immigration officer from digging too deep in to a background check.

Great you are willing to help though.


Sadly i had also problem in Sriracha Immigration, Marriage visa Table told me somethings, it took me 1½ month to get my papers sortet, Visarun To Bali, get Non-o, Documents from home country, ect. ect. when i came backwith 3 weeks left on my visa, , Ohhhh nooooooo that woman was wrong, sorry about that! what she told you is not correct. Sorry you can get 30 day extention.

Ended up solving it with Cash under the table, very much against my beliefs


Well there you are.

It could be this attempt to rough up OP, was no more than an opening ploy.


Sadly i had also problem in Sriracha Immigration, Marriage visa Table told me somethings, it took me 1½ month to get my papers sortet, Visarun To Bali, get Non-o, Documents from home country, ect. ect. when i came backwith 3 weeks left on my visa, , Ohhhh nooooooo that woman was wrong, sorry about that! what she told you is not correct. Sorry you can get 30 day extention.

Ended up solving it with Cash under the table, very much against my beliefs


Well there you are.

It could be this attempt to rough up OP, was no more than an opening ploy.

Immigration offered the VIP Special case as they called it. which costed me xx.xxx But, shit got solved. and my marriage visa was approved.

Hope they dont have new ideas when i renew.


They have what you require if you wish to use this monopoly Office in your area.

Regardless of the ethics,behaviour or manners if yoy wish to live here leanrn how to survive or go home virtually every country in theworld has better schools which will serve your child better


my liking would be every immigration in THailand works with the same rules.Now im 52 and dont have the patience anymore 15years ago..Also I didn't go there for attitude adjustment for my daughter.One day I will be gone and I know daughter will have problems the way(westernstyle) she is.I taught her to speak up if she thinks something wrong

It should be obvious to you and everyone else on this forum that the combination of a pension and money in the bank should be exactly as they said i.e. the money in the bank should be there for three months. If not then anybody could set up a simple pension with a bank or broker paying as little as 5000 baht per month giving a total of 60,000 Bt a year and then put 740,000 in the bank for a few days days( by borrowing it from a friend perhaps) and then expect to get a yearly retirement Visa extension.

It is true that some immigration officers are very easy-going and don't apply the rules very strictly and some do. You are at fault and my experiences that you should have everything strictly covered and it is quite clear what is needed for any type of visa. You should also know that in Thailand whatever happens you should keep your cool be very polite and nice whatever happens and you will never have any trouble.


If your getting an extention by the pension and money in bank route, the money can be put in the bank the day before it doesnt have to be there for 3 months. The pension letter has to be certified as true by your embassy.. This is to stop people setting up there own uncertified scheme. So if your pension was 60,000 Baht a month you would need 80,000 Baht in the bank.


If your getting an extention by the pension and money in bank route, the money can be put in the bank the day before it doesnt have to be there for 3 months. The pension letter has to be certified as true by your embassy.. This is to stop people setting up there own uncertified scheme. So if your pension was 60,000 Baht a month you would need 80,000 Baht in the bank.

Do you use this method yourself without seasoned funds?

If so....

  • which office?
  • when did you last successfully apply ​without seasoned funds?
  • how much was the pension and bank deposit used?

If your getting an extention by the pension and money in bank route, the money can be put in the bank the day before it doesnt have to be there for 3 months. The pension letter has to be certified as true by your embassy.. This is to stop people setting up there own uncertified scheme. So if your pension was 60,000 Baht a month you would need 80,000 Baht in the bank.

That used to be the case but no longer applies in an increasing amount of Immi offices who are requiring All Bank Deposits be appropriately seasoned.

Best check first well early this year if you use the Combo method.

In Phuket I was warned two years ago and strictly applied last year.

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