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is incest prevelent amoungst thai,s ? teenagers

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if you have any suspicion at all, follow through until you are satisfied. If any of the kids are angry, explain why you are doing it. Think about the alternative, if you suspect and do nothing....how will you feel 10 yrs down the road and then you find out.

Think about that for a minute.


Really sorry for the dilemma you are faced with. I gather your daughter is living with her Mother so what came to my mind may not be a consideration. I abhor people "spying" but drastic situations might call for drastic action (if possible), the use of "modern technological" like a camera placed in an appropriate room (like her bedroom) just might be something worth considering....especially, as you say yourself, the seriousness of the situation. ...Just a thought, disregard it if it sounds stupid to you.


My sister was with child welfare and crisis center in the states for ten years . And I know from her cases and what she told me, something about this type of horrid situaton and from I know,, here's my advice....


Are you kidding me ? It's obvious she's in a dangerous enviornment . Your her father ,,Protect her .As another poster said DO YOUR JOB! If you have to work, hire someone with crendentials to care for her. She'd be alot safer than with those two mongrels...She's trying to tell you something.LISTEN!

And let me get this straight...You said you caught one of them stting on the couch with her when she was four , masturbating???!!!! Did I get that right?? And you think the situation has improved?! Are you kidding me !? HOW in Gods name did you let that incident ''slide''? I would have beat him within an inch of his life . You better take care of this immediately. Before it gets much worse and somethings happens that is irreversible.And your ex is delusional and living in a fantasy world..she 's as dangerous as those two 15 yr.old low lifes.

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Certainly get someone to look after your daughter when she is alone evenings, all the while trying to sort this out. Babysitter, older grandmother for example, neighbor ? Family?


This seems like you might want to consult with the authorities. TV, you're expecting good advise?

Obviously not from you as you never have anything constructive to add to the discussion.

Why don't you pop back over to the beer thread,which you felt you needed to include yourself in even though in your words you detest everything alcohol related.

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this is not about incest this is about moral responsibility if your wife is thai which I presume she is then she is responsible for your daughter and her sons if you can prove that your daughter is at risk call the welfare people but your fears may be unfounded .


I have been a foster carer in the uk for the past 14years and look after teenager kids what you are saying about the 15year old playing with himself sitting next to your 6year old daughter would be very worrying to me I had a similar situation almost word to word of what you said you see on the sofa apart from it was a teenage boy with a 7year old boy. and it turned out that the teenage boy had been abusing the younger lad. you need to sort this setup with your kids or kid out. it may start of harmless experimenting but things will get more serious. its not just a thai thing it happens every where. for gods sake nip it in the bud or your never forgive yourself

the two lads I am talking about were brothers


Sorry just to clear this up...you are all in the UK?

If so leaving a young girl all night in the care of a 15 year old has to constitute an offence in itself I would have thought.

exactly, i have pulled my wife about this, she seems to think the boys can look after her but i go around there and all they do is sit in their rooms playing video games in darkness.

its a sad state of affairs but ive been warned by my sister and previous gf not to involve social services in uk as my child could be taken into care. ive now bought her a small phone to keep on her at all times so i can call her.


Sorry just to clear this up...you are all in the UK?

If so leaving a young girl all night in the care of a 15 year old has to constitute an offence in itself I would have thought.

exactly, i have pulled my wife about this, she seems to think the boys can look after her but i go around there and all they do is sit in their rooms playing video games in darkness.

its a sad state of affairs but ive been warned by my sister and previous gf not to involve social services in uk as my child could be taken into care. ive now bought her a small phone to keep on her at all times so i can call her.

You need to start putting the needs of your six year old daughter before those of anyone else.

As things stand its totally unacceptable.

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you should ask the school to have a word with her it could turn out to be nothing. but if you say she clams up or looks with drawn then its worth asking the school she may just have other worries young kids are educated about abuse in primary schools. if i ask my seven year old daughter if anything as happened to her she would sure let me know but as well as the school making her aware of rights and wrongs I also talk to her and let her know no one should see or touch her private parts. I am very aware about the abuse going on in the uk they say 3 out of 10 children at school are going through some sort of abuse which is scary. you need to put your mind at rest a mobile phone will not help


Sorry just to clear this up...you are all in the UK?

If so leaving a young girl all night in the care of a 15 year old has to constitute an offence in itself I would have thought.

exactly, i have pulled my wife about this, she seems to think the boys can look after her but i go around there and all they do is sit in their rooms playing video games in darkness.

its a sad state of affairs but ive been warned by my sister and previous gf not to involve social services in uk as my child could be taken into care. ive now bought her a small phone to keep on her at all times so i can call her.

You may find Social Services become involved anyway! All it takes is a phone call from a concerned neighbor or school teacher.

A small phone will not ensure the child's safety.

If you wish the child to be safe arrangements other than those which currently exist will have to be made.


DO NOT under any circumstances...leave your daughter alone with these two boys...she may have been molested already and does not want to be left alone with them...she is vulnerable and defenseless...you are her only protector,..DO YOUR JOB...

sorry for any mix up, all kids are now living in uk with their mum who is thai , with who i am seperated and living apart soon to be divorced.

i have allways sat down and told my daughter the rules :

1. not to sit with her skirt up,

2. not to go into toilet when a boy or man is in the toilet,

3. not to talk to strangers,

4. never ever to keep a secret ( she can allways trust her daddy or a teacher ) without us blaming her in anyway.

5. if she goes away with mum she has never to be left alone in bed ( her mum goes away regularly to stay with friends )

so she does know and understand the rules. as i say ive bought her a phone to keep with her at all times. her aunt is a police woman and has also told her the rules. i will get her aunt to keep drumming these rules into her . as i also said before when this ladyboy friend of my wifes told me never to let my daughter stay with " thai boy / brothers " that made me really concerned. i told her surely thai boy is the same as any farang boy and her answer was " thai man not good , thai boy is known to do this type of thing with sister because he dont care " also the reason she does never want to be left alone with them, she has grown up with them both in isaan and here in uk since born so why now she doesnt want to stay with them alone, surely this is not normal behaviour ? ive often asked her many times but do not want to push it.

im just asking on here to see if any one else had the same worries , issues.


A guy I knew brought his wife's two boys to the UK many years ago ,they turned out right shits, the reason,they were not brought up well by her or her family , its always the same decent family decent kids well brought up. Keep your daughter away from them

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DO NOT under any circumstances...leave your daughter alone with these two boys...she may have been molested already and does not want to be left alone with them...she is vulnerable and defenseless...you are her only protector,..DO YOUR JOB...

sorry for any mix up, all kids are now living in uk with their mum who is thai , with who i am seperated and living apart soon to be divorced.

i have allways sat down and told my daughter the rules :

1. not to sit with her skirt up,

2. not to go into toilet when a boy or man is in the toilet,

3. not to talk to strangers,

4. never ever to keep a secret ( she can allways trust her daddy or a teacher ) without us blaming her in anyway.

5. if she goes away with mum she has never to be left alone in bed ( her mum goes away regularly to stay with friends )

so she does know and understand the rules. as i say ive bought her a phone to keep with her at all times. her aunt is a police woman and has also told her the rules. i will get her aunt to keep drumming these rules into her . as i also said before when this ladyboy friend of my wifes told me never to let my daughter stay with " thai boy / brothers " that made me really concerned. i told her surely thai boy is the same as any farang boy and her answer was " thai man not good , thai boy is known to do this type of thing with sister because he dont care " also the reason she does never want to be left alone with them, she has grown up with them both in isaan and here in uk since born so why now she doesnt want to stay with them alone, surely this is not normal behaviour ? ive often asked her many times but do not want to push it.

im just asking on here to see if any one else had the same worries , issues.

have you told the aunt the police woman your concerns if so if she is doing her duty I know what she would do without dout


If you are living in the UK and have concerns about the welfare of a minor I'm sure that there are many better equipped professional government agencies and resources there that are much more qualified than TV to deal with them. The issues are many and varied. Your "adopted" twin sons, their cultural adaptation, your ex-wife, her cultural changes and adapting to them, your marriage break up and underlying issues, your young daughter, her possible anxious attitude of trying to make sense of an adult world where, the two people she loves, her parents not living together and she is trying to make sense of the adolecent behaviour of her step brothers, also the cross cultural issues everyone involved are dealing with. There are also your own issues that need dealing with, whether you recognise them or not. These are just off the cuff examples, some may apply, some may not, many others still unmentioned.

Please, seek out some professional service, normally a good GP is the first port of call, not for total treatment, but for a reference to further help. Best of luck to all of you.

If you are in the UK there is a designated Child Protection Officer at every school so contact your daughter's school for an appointment ASAP.

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Well as the O.P. states he is resident in the U.K. I perhaps like few other people no doubt would like to ask him a couple of questions.

Why are you asking questions here?

Why haven't you approached the child welfare bodies in the U.K.?

Is there perhaps more to the situation than you are telling us?

The local police will have a child protection officer available for consultation and assistance if such assistance may be or is required.regarding your fears.

Surely your six year old daughter should be with you and your soon to be new wife as opposed to living with her step brothers. Being as you claim to have found situations that were or are ''disturbing'' why have yo not made an official complaint and started proceedings to have your daughter live with you and later you and your new wife when you are married.

To my mind you are playing with the girls emotions, the boys emotions and are unwilling to take on the role of a protective father.

Certainly a very irresponsible callous attitude, which is going to end up with either your daughter in care or sexually abused, raped and possibly groomed for the local pedophiles.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

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dear god, are you thick ? read my posts, im in uk. twins are in uk, wife is in uk, which part do you not understand ? my ex wife is the twin boys mum, my ex wife is my daughters mum.

im outta here.

You're the thick one. Not even able to protect your kids in the UK.

If it were me, I wouldn't even be asking these questions on this forum. I'd actually be doing something about it.

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It is difficult to believe anyone would post a new thread demonstarting their total lack of intelligence, responsibility and fortitude.

Tell the bixxh to take her two degenerate sons and go back to Thailand... and then turn yourself into the police and get some counseling.

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