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That was some meal Witherspoons (today)


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I make delicious coffee with the freshly roasted Benjamit Coffee. About 7Bt. per cup.

Why do places insist on serving crap when real good coffee is cheap?

Same here. There's no reason why Witherspoon's can't serve a decent espresso-based drink from its fancy machine. Or offer the option for 20 baht more, not the full 60 (?) baht price.

It's mostly English/Irish pubs that serve that crap instant coffee. If they serve machine coffee, it's frequently watery and thin on flavour.

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I had a free breakfast there. It was OK but I think the full price was 135B and it didnt seem any better than that served at Retox round the corner for 98B. Retox breakfast is available 24 hours.

I love it! The guy gets a FREE meal at a restaurant and then has the gall to criticize them, and then, to make it even worse he recommends another restaurant. Really! So people just don’t have a clue.

What difference does the price I paid have to do with anything? The breakfast I had was the full-price one and my comments were based on that.

I think the expression is "looking a gift horse in the mouth".

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What difference does the price I paid have to do with anything? The breakfast I had was the full-price one and my comments were based on that.

I think the expression is "looking a gift horse in the mouth".

Not really.

I tore a voucher for a free breakfast out of a magazine that is widely distributed throughout Pattaya for free. I dare say hundreds of other people also used the voucher which was a promotional tool.

It's not as if I was criticising the hospitality of some friend who had invited me for supper in their home.

Would my description of my breakfast have been any more or less valid had I paid 13B or 130B or 1300B for it? No, it wouldn't.

Let me go a step further. I also got a voucher for a free coffee in Starbucks. I thought it was terrible coffee and barely worth the 0B I paid, though it may have been my particular choice that was poor. Would I have liked the coffee any more or less if I had paid the normal 100+B for it? No.

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What difference does the price I paid have to do with anything? The breakfast I had was the full-price one and my comments were based on that.

I think the expression is "looking a gift horse in the mouth".

Not really.

I tore a voucher for a free breakfast out of a magazine that is widely distributed throughout Pattaya for free. I dare say hundreds of other people also used the voucher which was a promotional tool.

It's not as if I was criticising the hospitality of some friend who had invited me for supper in their home.

Would my description of my breakfast have been any more or less valid had I paid 13B or 130B or 1300B for it? No, it wouldn't.

Let me go a step further. I also got a voucher for a free coffee in Starbucks. I thought it was terrible coffee and barely worth the 0B I paid, though it may have been my particular choice that was poor. Would I have liked the coffee any more or less if I had paid the normal 100+B for it? No.

There you go again. You got a free coffee and now are recommending people not to go there.

In the spirit of a free promotion, go back sometime and buy something, say something nice or don't say anything.

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KittenKong is entirely correct in having full rights to critique his meal, free or not. Unless you're suggesting the restaurant gave him a substandard meal because it was free and he would be served a different meal if paying? I don't believe that and I doubt you do either.

I think the idea of promotion prices is usually to SHOW OFF how good the food it, hoping you might come back later at full price, and/or spread the word about how good the food was to others. But it's not reasonable to expect people to think and say they love the food if they actually don't.

eatigo.com promotions are a bit different. The idea there seems to be mostly about putting asses in seats during time periods that would otherwise be empty ... so some income better than nothing.

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In the spirit of the promotion, leave a hefty tip and don't advertise that you didn't like it.

That's clearly what YOU would do.

But dude, you don't get to impose your peculiar "morality code" on everyone else on the internet. Got it?

It might be different if the restaurant required people getting free meal to sign a contract obligating them to not tell anyone if they didn't think the food was great.

The tipping question is separate. Personally I tend to tip as good as no promotion and usually better when I get deals ... wouldn't presume to tell others what to do.

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Oh, behave. Not interesting.

Agreed, BUT... an effective strategy for someone obsessed with post counts to artificially boost their own: 6 of his/her 56 (currently) posts are in this thread alone. whistling.gif

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I used to review stuff for some companies in the UK.

And yeah, I got to keep it.

The deal was, if I liked it I write a good review, if I didn't like it, No review and I say nothing.

I thought that was fair, and many other reviewers worked the same deal.

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I want to amend a comment I made before about expecting to get the same food on a promotion price as full price. Not referring to Witherspoons, of course, but that was actually a naive thing to say. I'm sure it happens. In fact there is a well known restaurant in town which of course I CANNOT name where the charmingly honest waiter pretty much told me about it explicitly. Basically he said a lower grade/different source of their product (can not name) was used for the promotion meals. The subject came up because he was asking me how I liked it, kind of in a tone of thinking there was good reason that I woudn't.

Oh well!

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Let me go a step further. I also got a voucher for a free coffee in Starbucks. I thought it was terrible coffee and barely worth the 0B I paid, though it may have been my particular choice that was poor. Would I have liked the coffee any more or less if I had paid the normal 100+B for it? No.

There you go again. You got a free coffee and now are recommending people not to go there.

In the spirit of a free promotion, go back sometime and buy something, say something nice or don't say anything.

You seem to see a lot that isnt actually there. I told no one to do anything at all; they can do what they like. All I said was that I didnt like my coffee but that the problem may have been due to my bad choice.

Hard to see how I can be fairer than that.

As for never saying anything bad about anything, that's just Thai defamation law in action and it's the biggest heap of ass-covering protectionist anti-competitive crap I've ever come across. Utterly shameful.

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I had a free breakfast there. It was OK but I think the full price was 135B and it didnt seem any better than that served at Retox round the corner for 98B. Retox breakfast is available 24 hours.

Retox dont start serving food until 7am I think

I didnt know that, thanks. I'm not quite ready to venture out before 9. smile.png

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Anyone know wether North American sports are put on when requested?

Witherspoons - depends how busy they are and what others are watching. They often have "NA" sports on anyhow.......You can always ask.

Retox - same but they have a sign saying you should ask if there is anything you want to see that is not on - does not mean you will get it however.........

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I had a free breakfast there. It was OK but I think the full price was 135B and it didnt seem any better than that served at Retox round the corner for 98B. Retox breakfast is available 24 hours.

You never cease to amaze.

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I had a free breakfast there. It was OK but I think the full price was 135B and it didnt seem any better than that served at Retox round the corner for 98B. Retox breakfast is available 24 hours.

You never cease to amaze. A man of your (self-proclaimed) wealth scrounging around town for cheap/free breakfasts.

You'd be surprised, or perhaps you wouldn't, of how many guys who are very well heeled, and are regular balloon chasers, have a coke or a water, pig out on the free food and then leave.

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I had a free breakfast there. It was OK but I think the full price was 135B and it didnt seem any better than that served at Retox round the corner for 98B. Retox breakfast is available 24 hours.

You never cease to amaze.

You'd be surprised, or perhaps you wouldn't, of how many guys who are very well heeled, and are regular balloon chasers, have a coke or a water, pig out on the free food and then leave.

This particular poster was also giving reviews of high end buffets in Pattaya and Bangkok (Eatigo thread) - that was the puzzling part.

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I had a free breakfast there. It was OK but I think the full price was 135B and it didnt seem any better than that served at Retox round the corner for 98B. Retox breakfast is available 24 hours.

You never cease to amaze.
You'd be surprised, or perhaps you wouldn't, of how many guys who are very well heeled, and are regular balloon chasers, have a coke or a water, pig out on the free food and then leave.
This particular poster was also giving reviews of high end buffets in Pattaya and Bangkok (Eatigo thread) - that was the puzzling part.

Some days I eat lunch at 5-star hotels. Some days I eat a full English breakfast. Some days I eat in any of a hundred other places, from Thai noodle stalls to the Amari to fish and chip shops to who knows where..

Hard to see anything in the slightest bit puzzling about that. Also hard to see anything amazing about having an opinion of a meal.

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Some days I eat lunch at 5-star hotels. Some days I eat a full English breakfast. Some days I eat in any of a hundred other places, from Thai noodle stalls to the Amari to fish and chip shops to who knows where..

Hard to see anything in the slightest bit puzzling about that. Also hard to see anything amazing about having an opinion of a meal.

Now you amaze me even more. You're alive and well and eat at "any of a hundred" different places.biggrin.png

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Anyone know wether North American sports are put on when requested?

Witherspoons - depends how busy they are and what others are watching. They often have "NA" sports on anyhow.......You can always ask.

Retox - same but they have a sign saying you should ask if there is anything you want to see that is not on - does not mean you will get it however.........

Tks, I just found out the formers guys at iRovers opened Retox. Karl was always good at getting CFL and NHL games up.

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