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Two dead in police chase, angry mob of people protest in Thalang

Lite Beer

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What is going on, do not any of you realize what has happened here? Police drove into these 2 kids with their car effectively using it to kill them! The police should not be allowed to get away with outright murder, so sad to see this on a Sunday morning!

Look at the video available in quote #41 the cop car the bike hit appears to be travelling slowly and attempting to block the road.

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If this happened on any other country:

Police try to stop suspects on a scooter at night, scooter doesn't stop and takes off at full speed zigzagging down the road trying to escape, scooter smashes into an oncoming vehicle, neither riders wearing helmets, both die of head injuries. Police look in their pockets and find meth.

Most reasonable and intelligent people would look at that and say the kids had drugs for sale on them, didn't want to get caught, tried to run and died when they lost control. Tragic accident, they shouldn't have tried to outrun the police or shouldn't have been selling yaba in the first place.

If the same thing happens in Thailand:

Police were trying to frame some innocent kids coming home from helping at the temple, conspiracy, conspiracy, conspiracy, kids don't notice the police cars following them, cop intentionally mows them down with his car figuring nobody will ever find out, kills the kids, conspires with the other cops to come up with an alibi, one cop happens to have a bag of yaba on him, rolls over the dead body of one of the blood-soaked kids and stuffs the bag in his pocket for someone else to find.

Yeah, the latter explanation sounds more reasonable..,

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the fact that these didnt stop and then drugs were found ion them after the accident says it all. The parents should be tossed into jail for instigating the riot,

"The fact" ...... how do you know any facts?

You only know what the police have said.

The same police who tell you the Burmese accused of killing Hannah are guilty.

We have no facts, except two young Thais have been killed by the police.

Everything else is speculation.

Riots rarely happen over criminals being killed or injured, so why is this happening?.

It's happening because the locals know the truth.

Exactly!. many posters here seem to take the police version of drug possession as gospel, and ignore the fact that these same police put not only their own but other lives in danger just attempting to extort 200bht from people for no helmet or not being in the left lane.

Edited by tingtongfarang
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Give the family's some money, that normally works......well it has done in the past, ......

No! Throw them and all rioters in jail, charge them the total amount of damage, have them clean up and repair the police station, then send them to jail and give the officers and medal!

As one poster mentioned: Thalang hosts the lowest of scum in and around Phuket. It's a rat hole full of criminal and violent thugs. If I were governor, I'd use the riots as reason for a major raid (involving army) in the area, sparing no house, no garage, no shag and seal off the whole area for a couple of days. You wouldn't believe how many crooks with warrants out would be caught and how many tons of drugs and weapons. Thalang is the Koh Tao of Phuket! Time to root out the scum!

Edited by MockingJay
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The police seem to have no problem getting 99% of the scooter drivers they flag down to pull over and stop. If the cops are only interested in the money, wouldn't it be a lot easier to ask for 200฿ from someone who's already stopped then chasing one scooter that didn't stop down the road and then killing them by mowing them down with their car? I'm missing how the police profited on this if money's the motive ?

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The "protest leader" and dad of one guy simply failed giving good education and teaching responsibility to his son. The kids made a series of wrong decisions and paid with their life. Call it Darwin's law if you like. Instead of blaming himself for his failure he does what most Thais do. Blame someone else. The cops have a (well deserved) bad reputation but they've done their job in this case and the narrow-minded Thalang community goes ballistic. Protesters say, they only were into Kratom but two "good young men who never got involved in harder drugs". It probably means they were a little bit bad but not really bad boys [sic]. His father states that it was his only one son and what he will get equivalent to his son's life. And there you go... give me money or I make trouble. I lost the income of my drug dealing son and that's not acceptable. Great display of Thai logic. RIP, you two little idiots.

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Another fine example of the degeneration of Phuket and Thailand in general.

Come on T.A.T. how are you going to spin this one ?

Perhaps the authorities should tell the police that they ( thepolice) might be better employed in arresting the and curtailing the drug dealers activities as opposed to pulling in celebrities for posing in images involving alcohol?

.Both suspects died in the crash. At the scene, police found fifty ya ba (methamphetamine) pills.

Officers and military personnel have regained control of the situation and are currently negotiating with members of the mob, which was led by relatives of the deceased.

Well that's two less pieces of trash less to worry about . Play nasty games get a nasty response.

Perhaps the rioting is also caused by the fact the public doesn't trust them. Could have been planted drugs? Wouldn't be the first time it's happened....

I would doubt very much, even in Thailand, that the police would plant any drugs on anybody, unless they knew they were dealers or serious users, and it was the only way to get them of the streets, in that case, I would always back the police provided they were 100 per cent certain no innocent person is affected.

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Sad waste of young lives. Don't know about these kids but I do know of a few who would race their bikes to escape the hassle of a shakedown regardless of whether or not they'd committed an offence. Such is the reputation of police integrity.

Yes I agree and these fine young men were on their way to be Doctors

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I have no sympathy for any people in the drug trade. Two gone? Great!!!!!!! thumbsup.gif

Also, no sympathy for the parents as they could have shaped their offspring into something better but didn't. So, F them all, including the mob and charge them accordingly!

With you 100 percent.....

That include the distillerys ?? Brewers ?? Phillip Morris ??

Oh you dont mean those good drugs.. those taxable drugs.. Those are OK with no social issues.

Good point ...and reinforces what I was pointing out in another illegal drug consumption article posted last week on TV.com

It is funny how societies the world over have learned to accept and or tolerate and or be somewhat indifferent to all the social problems created by alcohol and tobacco and prescription based pharmaceutical drugs.

Meantime when it comes to recreational drug consumption and all that is entailed then the public at large is ready to lynch any one who consumes those recreational purpose drugs and gladly join the lynch mob while screaming: "Burn the witch, Burn the witch"....in a manner of speaking.

The major difference between the 2 ends of the spectrum is: The Alcohol and the Tobacco and the Pharmaceutical Drugs are legal and therefor more or less deemed to be and or argued to be acceptable and tolerated by everyone.

Meantime the recreational drugs that are deemed as illegal and or the users of said illegal recreational drugs are criminalized and despised and loathed by society in general while the users are relentlessly pursued by the law enforcement authorities while their choice of personal fun seeking gratification is by way of substances deemed illegal rather than substances deemed as legal.

If the recreational drugs were to be legalized and the users not criminalized for their choices ( bad as they may be ) then society in general would be far more accepting and or tolerant and or indifferent to the users of the recreational drugs simply because the substances are deemed legal and therefore all the more socially accepted because no laws are broken for the consumption of said recreational purpose drugs deemed as legal

Naturally we should not be encouraging the use of any of the intoxicants and recreational purpose drug substances but all of them are classified as harmful and detrimental and come with warnings while all consumers who become lifestyle dependent or addicted to the substances are classified under substance abuse and the users are classified as substance abusers, regardless of said substances being legal or illegal to consume.

As long as the recreational purpose drugs are deemed illegal and remain deemed as illegal then society at large will always be overly critical and condemning and intolerant of recreational drug consumption and or the consumers of the recreational drug substances.

The first sensible thing to do is to decriminalize the use of the recreational purpose drugs and deal with the fallout from the substance abuse in the same or similar manner societies all around the world deal with alcohol and tobacco substance abuse....for example.

The recreational purpose drugs, in all their many forms, are here to stay while there will always be a percent of the people who try the drugs and or continue to consume the drugs, for what ever reasons...same as alcohol and tobacco.

It has to change, as the way societies and specifically law enforcement authorities presently deal with the social ramifications of recreational purpose drug consumption is proving to be a fine example of human folly if ever there was.

Just saying


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They still didn't stop. My wife and I returned to our hotel tonight due to the rain. Not worth the risk as well as the nutters on LOS roads.

We all have choices.

How do you know they still didnt stop? Thats only the rtp version. Personally Im not too keen on trusting their version.

You have to trust someone, and if it's between the police and suspected drug dealers, then I know who I would believe first.

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Another fine example of the degeneration of Phuket and Thailand in general.

Come on T.A.T. how are you going to spin this one ?

Perhaps the authorities should tell the police that they ( thepolice) might be better employed in arresting the and curtailing the drug dealers activities as opposed to pulling in celebrities for posing in images involving alcohol?

.Both suspects died in the crash. At the scene, police found fifty ya ba (methamphetamine) pills.

Officers and military personnel have regained control of the situation and are currently negotiating with members of the mob, which was led by relatives of the deceased.

Well that's two less pieces of trash less to worry about . Play nasty games get a nasty response.

Perhaps the rioting is also caused by the fact the public doesn't trust them. Could have been planted drugs? Wouldn't be the first time it's happened....

I would doubt very much, even in Thailand, that the police would plant any drugs on anybody, unless they knew they were dealers or serious users, and it was the only way to get them of the streets, in that case, I would always back the police provided they were 100 per cent certain no innocent person is affected.

Sadly, this is not an unusual thing for them to do. A very close friend of mine got caught up in this one time. Nothing you can do but pay up.

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Speed kills........

Why did they not stop, ??? Maybe guilty of being Drug Suspects.....

Sad waste of life 17 and 22 ....

This has been happening in NZ for a long time on a regular basis, Police chase's end up in death of the pursued.

The pursued in most cases refuse to stop.

The Police have been accused of acting like cowboys and have been put under pressure for some of these chases one of which went acoss the whole city (I actualy saw part of it) with about 30 police cars chasing suspected robbers ending up with helicopters, dog handlers and the armed defenders ect on the southern motorway,police snipers then took a shot at one of the supposed robbers and killed an innocent bystander.

Police wont back down on chase tactics and this is still happening quite often, and the pursued have not learnt a thing either and still dont stop.

Happens in Australia , USA, as well, dont know about Europe but seems to be an international Police habbit.

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Sad waste of young lives. Don't know about these kids but I do know of a few who would race their bikes to escape the hassle of a shakedown regardless of whether or not they'd committed an offence. Such is the reputation of police integrity.

If they are racing their bikes on public roads, for any reason, then it is better they die

than any innocent road user.

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You have to trust someone, and if it's between the police and suspected drug dealers, then I know who I would believe first.

A bit of a circular argument, as it's the police who called them drug dealers.

What if the police called you a drug dealer ........

Would you no longer believe yourself?

Would you immediately admit guilt?

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No one respects the RTP. They never have and never will be respected it seems.

I actually do have respect for the Thai police, because after ten years here, all

I have seen from them is helpfulness and good manners.

But again, I never speed, and do have respect for the law as long as I agree with it.

Edited by possum1931
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Another fine example of the degeneration of Phuket and Thailand in general.

Come on T.A.T. how are you going to spin this one ?

Perhaps the authorities should tell the police that they ( thepolice) might be better employed in arresting the and curtailing the drug dealers activities as opposed to pulling in celebrities for posing in images involving alcohol?

.Both suspects died in the crash. At the scene, police found fifty ya ba (methamphetamine) pills.

Officers and military personnel have regained control of the situation and are currently negotiating with members of the mob, which was led by relatives of the deceased.

Well that's two less pieces of trash less to worry about . Play nasty games get a nasty response.

Sadly though the Police probably "control" the Yaba supply

Arfurcrown I'm not suggesting they did but there is every chance that the cops planted gear on the dead guys. The dead guys sure as hell can't explain it away can they?

And there are many reports of the RTP doing exactly that in the past. Again I am not accusing anybody of doing it, just stating it is not beyond the realms of possibility. Plus in this case it would seem very convenient if the deceased were in fact dealers. And i'm sorry but people who can't be proven to be dealers don't deserve to die so young.

Your comment "2 pieces of trash" is as disgusting as it gets. You are certainly no better based on that comment

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Seems as though the locals are acting like ''Animals''.., which is not really a suprise, giving the general ''IQ'' .....

What they are doing won't bring justice, if the Kids sped away , they must of for a reason..

Yes when 500 people are up in arms about this it goes way beyond the accident.

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seems that the fact is lost here that when asked politely by the police to stop they chose a completely different path with dire and unfortunate consequences. Why take off if they are so guiltless as espoused by so many above

Last time I was asked by the police to stop I did, simple.

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You have to trust someone, and if it's between the police and suspected drug dealers, then I know who I would believe first.

A bit of a circular argument, as it's the police who called them drug dealers.

What if the police called you a drug dealer ........

Would you no longer believe yourself?

Would you immediately admit guilt?

If the police called them drug dealers, it would probably be because they are known to them.

I don't believe there is any chance of the police calling me a drug dealer as they would have no reason to.

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Protest in Phuket delays several commercial flights

PHUKET, 11 October 2015 (NNT) - Local media reported several flights in Phuket have been delayed on Sunday, due to the protest and road block triggered by the recent narcotic police chase gone wrong on Saturday evening.

Phuket International Airport officials said there were about 9 flights affected from the protest. Some passengers could not check in with their flights as protesters had blocked the main route to the city. These 37 passengers were from FD3010, FD3012, PG280, 3K538, JQ28, and FD3016 flights.

The Airport has set up an information booth to inform its customers about the incident while providing them assistance in finding accommodations, due to the roadblock. The officials also explained that departure passengers were forced to go around the protest venue, causing them to miss their flights.

-- NNT 2015-10-11 footer_n.gif

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26) The Bangkok Post and Phuketwan do not allow quotes from their news articles or other material to appear on Thaivisa.com. Neither do they allow links to their publications. Posts from members containing quotes from or links to Bangkok Post or Phuketwan publications will be deleted from the forum.
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Seems as though the locals are acting like ''Animals''.., which is not really a suprise, giving the general ''IQ'' .....

What they are doing won't bring justice, if the Kids sped away , they must of for a reason..

Yes when 500 people are up in arms about this it goes way beyond the accident.

exactly ''Monkey see Monkey Follow'...

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Four police officers suspended from duty following Phuket riot

PHUKET: -- Royal Thai Police spokesman Pol Lt Gen Prawut Thawornsiri said four police officers of the Thalang police station in Phuket have been suspended from duty pending an investigation that they allegedly caused two teenagers' deaths.

The deaths of the two teenagers led to riot near the police station late Saturday night.

Prawut said Pol Lt Suchart Luacha, Pol Sen Sgt Maj Prasai Phuenphol, Pol Lance Corporal Kanthapol Khongnuket and Pol Lance Corporal Phanuwit Kaewsung were suspended from duty and transferred to inactive posts pending the investigation.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Four-police-officers-suspended-from-duty-following-30270629.html

-- The Nation 2015-10-11

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What is going on, do not any of you realize what has happened here? Police drove into these 2 kids with their car effectively using it to kill them! The police should not be allowed to get away with outright murder, so sad to see this on a Sunday morning!

And im sure those same two "kids" woudlnt worry about killing you at the drop of a hat

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Another fine example of the degeneration of Phuket and Thailand in general.

Come on T.A.T. how are you going to spin this one ?

Perhaps the authorities should tell the police that they ( thepolice) might be better employed in arresting the and curtailing the drug dealers activities as opposed to pulling in celebrities for posing in images involving alcohol?

.Both suspects died in the crash. At the scene, police found fifty ya ba (methamphetamine) pills.

Officers and military personnel have regained control of the situation and are currently negotiating with members of the mob, which was led by relatives of the deceased.

Well that's two less pieces of trash less to worry about . Play nasty games get a nasty response.

Perhaps the rioting is also caused by the fact the public doesn't trust them. Could have been planted drugs? Wouldn't be the first time it's happened....

I would doubt very much, even in Thailand, that the police would plant any drugs on anybody, unless they knew they were dealers or serious users, and it was the only way to get them of the streets, in that case, I would always back the police provided they were 100 per cent certain no innocent person is affected.
Yes, the RTP is indisputably honest, trustworthy, uncorruptable and loaded with integrity. Beating confessions out of suspects, extorting business operators and planting drugs on suspects is unheard of. That only happens in rare cases like in LA with their CRASH task force. You can always trust your local police officer. I can't imagine that a local drug dealer might have a dispute with someone and slip a little brown envelope to a police officer, so that the dispute would go away. That never happens in Thailand. My some are naive FF$! Edited by zaphod reborn
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