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Two dead in police chase, angry mob of people protest in Thalang

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Another fine example of the degeneration of Phuket and Thailand in general.

Come on T.A.T. how are you going to spin this one ?

Perhaps the authorities should tell the police that they ( thepolice) might be better employed in arresting the and curtailing the drug dealers activities as opposed to pulling in celebrities for posing in images involving alcohol?

.Both suspects died in the crash. At the scene, police found fifty ya ba (methamphetamine) pills.

Officers and military personnel have regained control of the situation and are currently negotiating with members of the mob, which was led by relatives of the deceased.

Well that's two less pieces of trash less to worry about . Play nasty games get a nasty response.

Sadly though the Police probably "control" the Yaba supply

Arfurcrown I'm not suggesting they did but there is every chance that the cops planted gear on the dead guys. The dead guys sure as hell can't explain it away can they?

And there are many reports of the RTP doing exactly that in the past. Again I am not accusing anybody of doing it, just stating it is not beyond the realms of possibility. Plus in this case it would seem very convenient if the deceased were in fact dealers. And i'm sorry but people who can't be proven to be dealers don't deserve to die so young.

Your comment "2 pieces of trash" is as disgusting as it gets. You are certainly no better based on that comment

My Wifes Sisters son deals yaba up in Loei in there small village its all controlled going thru the head of the village and the police, he sits on his arse all day doing bugger all except drinking and smoking................oh and selling yaba.

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Perhaps the rioting is also caused by the fact the public doesn't trust them. Could have been planted drugs? Wouldn't be the first time it's happened....

I would doubt very much, even in Thailand, that the police would plant any drugs on anybody, unless they knew they were dealers or serious users, and it was the only way to get them of the streets, in that case, I would always back the police provided they were 100 per cent certain no innocent person is affected.

I wouldn't doubt it for a second given they have to answer for the fatalities.


I would doubt very much, even in Thailand, that the police would plant any drugs on anybody, unless they knew they were dealers or serious users, and it was the only way to get them of the streets, in that case, I would always back the police provided they were 100 per cent certain no innocent person is affected.

drugs? Wouldn't be the first time it's happened....

Happens all the time.. Happened to a good mate of mine in pattaya..

Cost him a bundle to get it cleared up..


Another fine example of the degeneration of Phuket and Thailand in general.

Come on T.A.T. how are you going to spin this one ?

Perhaps the authorities should tell the police that they ( thepolice) might be better employed in arresting the and curtailing the drug dealers activities as opposed to pulling in celebrities for posing in images involving alcohol?

.Both suspects died in the crash. At the scene, police found fifty ya ba (methamphetamine) pills.

Officers and military personnel have regained control of the situation and are currently negotiating with members of the mob, which was led by relatives of the deceased.

Well that's two less pieces of trash less to worry about . Play nasty games get a nasty response.

Perhaps the rioting is also caused by the fact the public doesn't trust them. Could have been planted drugs? Wouldn't be the first time it's happened....

I would doubt very much, even in Thailand, that the police would plant any drugs on anybody, unless they knew they were dealers or serious users, and it was the only way to get them of the streets, in that case, I would always back the police provided they were 100 per cent certain no innocent person is affected.

Planting drugs on someone to get them off the streets is bad enough but the implication here is they took someone off the streets then planted the drugs on them to justify it which is a totally different kettle of fish.


Obviously it's not safe to run police check points. I have seen the police armed with M16's at some check points! The driver took a BIG gamble rather then go to prison. He lost. Unfortunate that he had a passenger/hostage..


I can't find the post I saw in an email summary that said

"What is going on, do not any of you realize what has happened here? Police drove into these 2 kids with their car effectively using it to kill them!"

Glad to see there was an eyewitness. Did you get any video better than that in the link below?


I watched it a few times and what I saw was a scooter driving in the left lane, then trying to pass a car in front of them by swerving into the right side of the road into opposing traffic and hitting a car head-on?

The scooter driver is the one who was driving on the wrong side of the road and he's the one who hit a car head-on.

This isn't about drugs, this isn't about money-loving Thai cops. It's about a driver of a vehicle being asked by the police to stop and instead of stop they decided to run, and due to poor judgment and or poor driving skills they rammed into a car when driving on the wrong side of the road. Unfortunate, too bad for them. They didn't deserve to die but it was the scooter driver's decision that killed them both, not the cops, not the meth, not the bs drug laws, not any other loony conspiracy.

People trying to outrun the police, avoid arrest, drive through roadblocks, speed away from the scene of a crime die all over the world. You make bad choices, sometimes you suffer serious consequences.

In America and other fascist, police-state countries, the moment you decide to run from the police is the moment you decide that living is no longer important. Do that in America and if you don't crash and kill yourself you stand a very high chance of being ran off the road by the cops and crashing an burning or dying of a lead overdose.


Just seen the above video. Agree completely with the above poster. What is the news story here? Guys on the scooter completely at fault. As are the kid's families once they see the above evidence. They should all be nicked. I aint a fan of the cops (in any country), but in this instance, no blame apportioned.


I think all police cars should have dash cams that are always on and always recording. I think all police should be required to wear body cams that are on and recording from when they start their shift until they punch out at the end of the day.

There was an article about a police force in the US where all the cops wore body cameras. There was a huge decrease in citizen reports of police brutality and misconduct and a huge decrease in complaints against the police and lawsuits against the city. win-win-win

If police are being accused of misconduct or unnecessary force by people who are lying, the police have proof they acted properly. If they police didn't act properly, then their superiors have the evidence they need to try them and get the bad cops off the street.

A good reason for all police cars to be fitted with dash cams


Just seen the above video. Agree completely with the above poster. What is the news story here? Guys on the scooter completely at fault. As are the kid's families once they see the above evidence. They should all be nicked. I aint a fan of the cops (in any country), but in this instance, no blame apportioned.


Strange the news media in Thailand wont even refer to other media outlets. TV wont let you post links to Bangkok Post. Seems very silly.


Pics of soldiers marching on PW has them about 500- 800 kilometers south of the police station i front of Makro- how big is this thing? Or is that just where they parked?

500 to 800 kilometers? They need a plane not a car. When the police say stop, STOP! Better still, don't sell drugs to start with.


Prayut pledges justice in case of police's alleged killing of two teenagers
The Nation

PHUKET: -- Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha are sorry over the deaths of two teenagers who were hit allegedly by a police vehicle in Phuket, Government Spokesman Maj Gen Sansern Kaewkamnerd said Sunday.

Sansern said Prayut pledge fair investigation into the case and the government would not protect police officers if they were wrong.

The deaths led to riot in Phuket's Thalang district Saturday night.

Sansern quoted Prayut as begging the people not to destroy the state and other people's properties in their protest.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Prayut-pledges-justice-in-case-of-polices-alleged--30270634.html

-- The Nation 2015-10-11


Strange the news media in Thailand wont even refer to other media outlets. TV wont let you post links to Bangkok Post. Seems very silly.

BP does not let TV link to BP.


Strange the news media in Thailand wont even refer to other media outlets. TV wont let you post links to Bangkok Post. Seems very silly.

BP does not let TV link to BP.

I know restrictive reporting. Ban what you dont like


Interesting that the BP report on this states that the two that died sped past a police checkpoint - were these checkpoints not stopped nationwide on Thursday?

Unauthorised checkpoints are outlawed, but

"From now on, he (Pol Lt-Gen Prawut) said that if a roadblock is to be set up, it has to be manned by a police inspector and there must be a clearly visible sign to show the existence of the roadblock. Also, their superiors must be informed about the whereabouts of the roadblocks and what kind of roadblocks they are."

One of the transferred officers was a Pol Lt - is that inspector rank?

Would hate to think this happenned in contravention of a specific police order....

It seems the road block was perfectly legit.

Nobody has been transferred afaik, but the four involved officers have been placed on inactive duty pending an investigation.


Just seen the above video. Agree completely with the above poster. What is the news story here? Guys on the scooter completely at fault. As are the kid's families once they see the above evidence. They should all be nicked. I aint a fan of the cops (in any country), but in this instance, no blame apportioned.

If it is proved they were drug dealers, then both lads got their just deserve in the end.


Police spokesman promises results of autopsies on two teenagers' bodies in week
The Nation

Police spokesman Pol Gen Prawut Thawornsiri said the results of autopsies of two teenagers allegedly killed by police would be announced in seven days.

The two were killed allegedly when police slammed their vehicle against the two's motorcycle during an alleged drug chase.

Prawut said the results would be used to determine whether police overreacted or whether what happened was an accident.

If police were found to use too excessive force or overreacted, the families of the two teenagers would receive compensation, Prawut said.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Police-spokesman-promises-results-of-autopsies-on--30270637.html

-- The Nation 2015-10-11


Wow! The police finally do a patrol car stop. Thais don't know what a patrol car stop is. A police car with it's lights flashing mean to get out of the way for the VIPs following the cop car.

If they ever want to stop the road carnage, they need to start using patrol cars to stop Thais who are caught doing moving violations or have committed some crime. But at the present, Thais will simply try to outrun the cops, and when they kill themselves in the process, Thai citizens will blame the police. What stupidity. Yeah, I know, we see it on TV in California all the time: Some jackass endangering everyone on the roads outrunning the cops, and most of the time it ends badly. But on the flip side, 99%+ of people on the road in the US and other Western countries will stop and pull over as soon as a following cop car hits their lights and sirens.

The PM should start a TV and billboard campaign: Cops in hot pursuit with lights and sirens means stop your car/motorcycle -now - and prepared to receive a ticket for some moving violation. Run, and you'll be pursued; crash and be prepared to be thrown into jail for endangering the public roads, if you're still alive.

FYI, cops in the US will force cars off the road in a hot pursuit, often by hitting the back quarter-panel of the pursued car with the front quarter-panel of the cop car causing the pursued car to lose control and spin out. They will also ram pursued cars to stop them. Why? Because someone outrunning the cops is putting the public in danger.

Sorry, but I have no sympathy for the deceased driver's stupidity. Most farang placed in the same situation will, by habit, stop. RIP to the passenger.


You'd feel the same way if they were members of your family? I doubt it.

As far as I know, even in Thailand people aren't executed for having 50 pills. Warped sense of morality you've got there.

If you want to see a drugs policy that works, read up on what Portugal did 18 years ago. They decreased drug use, decreased crime, decreased cost to society and accomplished everything the prohibitionist policies pretend to attempt to accomplish but can't, and actually make the problems worse.

Go back to your beer and cigarettes and stay away from your keyboard, you're embarrassing yourself.

Just seen the above video. Agree completely with the above poster. What is the news story here? Guys on the scooter completely at fault. As are the kid's families once they see the above evidence. They should all be nicked. I aint a fan of the cops (in any country), but in this instance, no blame apportioned.

If it is proved they were drug dealers, then both lads got their just deserve in the end.


When the 2 on the motorcycle did not stop, they were suspects.

They were NOT suspected drug dealers.

The alleged drug dealing came later.

Do you think it is acceptable to try to make them crash by sticking out a leg?

From what I read here, posters from the Wild West will say yes.


Another fine example of the degeneration of Phuket and Thailand in general.

Come on T.A.T. how are you going to spin this one ?

Perhaps the authorities should tell the police that they ( thepolice) might be better employed in arresting the and curtailing the drug dealers activities as opposed to pulling in celebrities for posing in images involving alcohol?

.Both suspects died in the crash. At the scene, police found fifty ya ba (methamphetamine) pills.

Officers and military personnel have regained control of the situation and are currently negotiating with members of the mob, which was led by relatives of the deceased.

Well that's two less pieces of trash less to worry about . Play nasty games get a nasty response.

Perhaps the rioting is also caused by the fact the public doesn't trust them. Could have been planted drugs? Wouldn't be the first time it's happened....

Why run if your not holding?


Another fine example of the degeneration of Phuket and Thailand in general.

Come on T.A.T. how are you going to spin this one ?

Perhaps the authorities should tell the police that they ( thepolice) might be better employed in arresting the and curtailing the drug dealers activities as opposed to pulling in celebrities for posing in images involving alcohol?

.Both suspects died in the crash. At the scene, police found fifty ya ba (methamphetamine) pills.

Officers and military personnel have regained control of the situation and are currently negotiating with members of the mob, which was led by relatives of the deceased.

Well that's two less pieces of trash less to worry about . Play nasty games get a nasty response.

Perhaps the rioting is also caused by the fact the public doesn't trust them. Could have been planted drugs? Wouldn't be the first time it's happened....

Why run if your not holding?

f.ex. to not pay extortion money for not wearing a helmet?

f.ex. because they are - sorry, were - young?


So the consensus here is that it's okay to disobey police orders and it's okay to run through a police checkpoint without stopping and if you do and you injure or kill yourself, is the police's fault.

Being caught with any mind-altering substance that isn't legally sanctioned and taxed means you deserve to die.

Is that the gist of it?


Another fine example of the degeneration of Phuket and Thailand in general.

Come on T.A.T. how are you going to spin this one ?

Perhaps the authorities should tell the police that they ( thepolice) might be better employed in arresting the and curtailing the drug dealers activities as opposed to pulling in celebrities for posing in images involving alcohol?

.Both suspects died in the crash. At the scene, police found fifty ya ba (methamphetamine) pills.

Officers and military personnel have regained control of the situation and are currently negotiating with members of the mob, which was led by relatives of the deceased.

Well that's two less pieces of trash less to worry about . Play nasty games get a nasty response.

Perhaps the rioting is also caused by the fact the public doesn't trust them. Could have been planted drugs? Wouldn't be the first time it's happened....

I would doubt very much, even in Thailand, that the police would plant any drugs on anybody, unless they knew they were dealers or serious users, and it was the only way to get them of the streets, in that case, I would always back the police provided they were 100 per cent certain no innocent person is affected.

Sadly, this is not an unusual thing for them to do. A very close friend of mine got caught up in this one time. Nothing you can do but pay up.

Yes, I have read a few times about the police in Thailand planting things, but I did say as long as no innocent person was affected. Sorry about your friend though.


FYI, cops in the US will force cars off the road in a hot pursuit, often by hitting the back quarter-panel of the pursued car with the front quarter-panel of the cop car causing the pursued car to lose control and spin out. They will also ram pursued cars to stop them. Why? Because someone outrunning the cops is putting the public in danger.

With all due respect, you don't know what you're talking about. In the US, police departments have very specific procedures to go through before they can initiate pursuit of suspects by way of a police chase for a motorist who doesn't stop when ordered to do so. In most cases, chases are prohibited, as police pursuit endangers lives and helicopters can track the suspects. A police pursuit may be allowed in a way that does not unreasonably endanger others. Police chases are only permitted for serious crimes. That could include drug dealing if large quantities are involved and the suspects may dispose of evidence. Chases are not allowed for possession offenses. The "pit" maneuver, which you speak of, requires specific authorization of the commander and will only be attempted where the suspects are putting others in extreme danger.

In this case, the police have many hurdles to overcome, because there are no police pursuit procedures. First, what started the initial stop. Did the officer's have probable cause to believe a crime had taken place? Second, did circumstances justify police pursuit? Third, was police pursuit properly carried out, or did the officers slam their car into a fleeing bike, causing the deaths? Fourth, did the suspects have drugs on them, or did the police plant evidence after the fact? Not so black and white as it is on TV, is it cowboy?


Another fine example of the degeneration of Phuket and Thailand in general.

Come on T.A.T. how are you going to spin this one ?

Perhaps the authorities should tell the police that they ( thepolice) might be better employed in arresting the and curtailing the drug dealers activities as opposed to pulling in celebrities for posing in images involving alcohol?

.Both suspects died in the crash. At the scene, police found fifty ya ba (methamphetamine) pills.

Officers and military personnel have regained control of the situation and are currently negotiating with members of the mob, which was led by relatives of the deceased.

Well that's two less pieces of trash less to worry about . Play nasty games get a nasty response.

Perhaps the rioting is also caused by the fact the public doesn't trust them. Could have been planted drugs? Wouldn't be the first time it's happened....

I would doubt very much, even in Thailand, that the police would plant any drugs on anybody, unless they knew they were dealers or serious users, and it was the only way to get them of the streets, in that case, I would always back the police provided they were 100 per cent certain no innocent person is affected.

Planting drugs on someone to get them off the streets is bad enough but the implication here is they took someone off the streets then planted the drugs on them to justify it which is a totally different kettle of fish.

If the police are 100 per cent certain that a person is a drug dealer, then they should do anything, and I mean anything, to get them off the street.

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