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Clinton says she won't 'be silenced' on gun violence


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Clinton says she won't 'be silenced' on gun violence

SAN ANTONIO (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton said Thursday she will "not be silenced" about gun violence, renewing her debate-night tangle with rival Bernie Sanders on what could be a bellwether issue for Democratic primary voters.

Emerging from their first presidential debate, Clinton signaled that she would make gun laws a key distinction with Sanders, who has voted against some gun control measures as a senator representing rural Vermont. The issue is one of the rare cases in which Sanders is at odds with some liberals in the party.

"I've been told by some quit talking about this, to quit shouting about this," Clinton said at a rally with Latinos in San Antonio. "I will tell you right now, I will not be silenced and we will not be silenced — we must continue to speak out. I will keep taking on the NRA."

Clinton did not mention Sanders by name but during Tuesday's debate, he said "all the shouting in the world" won't keep guns out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them "and end this horrible violence that we are seeing."

The Vermont senator voted for a 2005 measure to give gun manufacturers immunity from lawsuits. Clinton opposed that bill in the Senate and said in the debate that Sanders wasn't tough enough "at all" on gun violence. Sanders said he supports expanded background checks for gun owners and noted that he's had a D-minus rating from the National Rifle Association.

In Texas, Clinton addressed more than 2,000 people at a Mexican-themed rally in a push for Hispanic voters and collected the endorsement of Housing Secretary Julian Castro, who has been mentioned as a potential vice presidential running mate if Clinton secures the nomination.

Earlier, asked about the speculation about Castro in an appearance with the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, she praised him and said, "I am going to really look hard at him for anything because that's how good he is."

Texas is the largest of a dozen-plus states set to hold Super Tuesday presidential primaries on March 1. The state's population is booming, with nearly all of that growth driven by Hispanics — but a Democrat hasn't won statewide office here since 1994, the nation's longest such political losing streak.

Clinton has long been a favorite of Texas Democrats, who supported her over Barack Obama in the state's 2008 Democratic primary.

In the 1970s, she and her then-boyfriend Bill Clinton lived in San Antonio for three months while she was a law student and worked for George McGovern's presidential campaign.

"Your fights are my fights, they always have been, they always will be," said Clinton, who also said that without immigrants America would be less diverse, less economically strong and "far less interesting."

Thomas reported from Manchester, N.H.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-10-16

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gun or kmife, either is deadly in skillful hands. wonder what she proposed to 'slick willy' in regard to his occasional wonder from home paddock. Firearms are viewed by most fourth generation and longer americans as part of the neccesities to furnishimg their house. And they really do not consider it anyones business as to number, type, size etc of firearms they possess.

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The problem is guns just like the problems associated with smoking are caused by cigarettes. Stop advertising them and less people use them. All forms of gun related marketing and advertising must stop. This is the most basic step that no politician can realistically argue against. Movie, film and television should be censored with its rating and anything under 15 years of age should not have guns in them. We the UK had a severe smoking addiction until the bans came into effect and the result is less people smoke. You protect the young and you create a change of thinking in the long run. No one said Rome was built in a day.

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gun or kmife, either is deadly in skillful hands. wonder what she proposed to 'slick willy' in regard to his occasional wonder from home paddock. Firearms are viewed by most fourth generation and longer americans as part of the neccesities to furnishimg their house. And they really do not consider it anyones business as to number, type, size etc of firearms they possess.

What does that mean? Anybody?

It vaguely resembles a pro-gun stance. Typical.

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I'm not naive. This is politics. The vast majority of Hillary Clinton's base are going to support her stance on this. It was disgusting how nothing was changed after the elementary school massacre. She needs to do everything she can to fire up her base as she lacks the charisma of someone like Obama. Of course, what she will actually be able to do when elected, that's another story. Oh well!

Edited by Jingthing
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I'm not naive. This is politics. The vast majority of Hillary Clinton's base are going to support her stance on this. It was disgusting how nothing was changed after the elementary school massacre. She needs to do everything she can to fire up her base as she lacks the charisma of someone like Obama. Of course, what she will actually be able to do when elected, that's another story. Oh well!

It's not so much that she lacks charisma... it's more that so many people see her as a transparent liar, opportunist, and cheat.

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gun or kmife, either is deadly in skillful hands. wonder what she proposed to 'slick willy' in regard to his occasional wonder from home paddock. Firearms are viewed by most fourth generation and longer americans as part of the neccesities to furnishimg their house. And they really do not consider it anyones business as to number, type, size etc of firearms they possess.

A knife is in fact very deadly in skillful hands but any clown can point and shoot a gun. That is probably why you are even seeing infants shooting their parents in Walmart by accident. You don't see too many toddlers stabbing people to death by accident, do you?

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More words, no mention of action.....what steps will Clinton take to tackle the gun problem in US?????

She already said she will use Executive action to block loopholes such as undocumented private and gun show sales.

Which Fox of course then screamed was her using Executive action to confiscate guns, silly sods.

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Politicians are kinda like some women...tell you what they think you want to hear until the honeymoon is over...they get elected...and then forget all the promises and begin to exercise their true and sometimes unacceptable personal agendas...

The US present President...is a case in point...

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Politicians are kinda like some women...tell you what they think you want to hear until the honeymoon is over...they get elected...and then forget all the promises and begin to exercise their true and sometimes unacceptable personal agendas...

The US present President...is a case in point...

Yes, and let us not forget Bush2 during debate with Gore saying "We are not in the business of nation building", which may have been true in a sense. "We're in the business of nation destroying" more like it, given the clueless follow up after invasion of Iraq which led to ISIS etc.

Hilary's "base", if it were to comprise of those in favor of more gun control, would be 80+% of US population.

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I actually don't think that particular EA would cause much of a stink, except a bit of foaming at the mouth in the Avenue of the Americas and Waples Mill Road, but who would really care?

Apart from people who want to sell more guns to unidentified strangers.

Edited by Chicog
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The problem is guns just like the problems associated with smoking are caused by cigarettes. Stop advertising them and less people use them. All forms of gun related marketing and advertising must stop. This is the most basic step that no politician can realistically argue against. Movie, film and television should be censored with its rating and anything under 15 years of age should not have guns in them. We the UK had a severe smoking addiction until the bans came into effect and the result is less people smoke. You protect the young and you create a change of thinking in the long run. No one said Rome was built in a day.

That's an excellent solution, I agree wholeheartedly. The actor Liam Neeson recently incurred the wrath of the arms manufacturer that had supplied guns for one of his movies. He made an anti-gun comment. It basically showed how the whole movie was one long advert for a particular brand of guns. Cracking down on that type of advertising would be hard as filmmakers would miss the revenue. However we're living in the YouTube age and censorship guidelines are frequently exploited. Videos featuring guns are hugely popular and rarely age-restricted.

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Nobody is silencing you Hillary...there is no "vast right-wing conspiracy" to take away your freedom of speech. Please make your case to the voters and let them decide. Also, keep in mind the Second Amendment, which I'm sure you understand being a Yale Law alumni.

I'm not so certain she understands the 2nd Amendment at all. Following is her response to a well choreographed question from a citizen at a town hall meeting recently.

Maybe she just doesn't know the difference between a voluntary buy back and a compulsory buy back.

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The problem is guns just like the problems associated with smoking are caused by cigarettes. Stop advertising them and less people use them. All forms of gun related marketing and advertising must stop. This is the most basic step that no politician can realistically argue against. Movie, film and television should be censored with its rating and anything under 15 years of age should not have guns in them. We the UK had a severe smoking addiction until the bans came into effect and the result is less people smoke. You protect the young and you create a change of thinking in the long run. No one said Rome was built in a day.

That's an excellent solution, I agree wholeheartedly. The actor Liam Neeson recently incurred the wrath of the arms manufacturer that had supplied guns for one of his movies. He made an anti-gun comment. It basically showed how the whole movie was one long advert for a particular brand of guns. Cracking down on that type of advertising would be hard as filmmakers would miss the revenue. However we're living in the YouTube age and censorship guidelines are frequently exploited. Videos featuring guns are hugely popular and rarely age-restricted.

And that pretty much makes Liam a whore doesn't it.

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Nobody is silencing you Hillary...there is no "vast right-wing conspiracy" to take away your freedom of speech. Please make your case to the voters and let them decide. Also, keep in mind the Second Amendment, which I'm sure you understand being a Yale Law alumni.

I'm not so certain she understands the 2nd Amendment at all. Following is her response to a well choreographed question from a citizen at a town hall meeting recently.

Maybe she just doesn't know the difference between a voluntary buy back and a compulsory buy back.

The Australian buyback involved 600k guns... there's now way any government is buying back 300+ million. And in case she needs a Second Amendment refresh, the courts will give it to her.

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