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Prayut warns he may stay longer in office if opposing political groups refuse to stop fighting


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A huge surprise, to- nobody!

He is merely telling people to behave themselves...........or else!! thumbsup.gif

They decide on how long he stays as it all depends on whether they continue to be naughty boys and girls and keep throwing their toys out the pram.

You have got to give him credit, he is doing a magnificent job regards taming corruption with the way he has gone after them.

You're being sarcastic, right? Why is Praween fearing for his life for speaking out about the so called elimination of trafficking that never happened, and is in fact ongoing, because too many military generals are profiting from it? Get a clue. Some of you blink.png

Sarcastic!! er no, I mean every word of it. Can't you see how many people are facing court for corruption and fraud - how many people under Thaksin's and Yingluck's governments were charged for illegal profiteering. Hardly any, if any, shall I tell you why, because turkeys don't vote for Christmas and there wouldn't be anyone left to govern!!

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The country has been running better than when under Yingluck & prior"democratic" Gov'ts & PM Prayut has & is doing a good job.

Realistically,there has been little change to day to day living & in some respects has improved.

Yes, I know, the "naysayers" will say,"keep taking the medicine" !!

Are you insane...

Economy is nosediving.. The worst performer in ASEAN.. Imports off what ?? 40%.. FDI crashing..

Nightlife in the north in tatters.. new rules and impositions everywhere.. businesses closing at a faster rate than anything since 97..

laugh.png What 'nightlife in the North'? If you're talking about upcountry farm girls having to sell their arse because they're skint, I'm at least with General P on this one. They should get a bloody JOB. Like everyone else coffee1.gif

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The country has been running better than when under Yingluck & prior"democratic" Gov'ts & PM Prayut has & is doing a good job.

Realistically,there has been little change to day to day living & in some respects has improved.

Yes, I know, the "naysayers" will say,"keep taking the medicine" !!

You spout about what the "naysayers" will say but in reality is this not exactly what P is sayin to everyone? Keep taking the medicine and it will get better soon?

Possibly, but ask yourself, is your life any worse since junta been in power? if yes, in what way?

For me yes, because there is so much uncertainty, especially regarding immigration. For a Thai citizen it must be awful to have your voting right taken away. I would regard it as my birthright to have a say in the running of my country, not be told what to think by some bully with a big gun.

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He is right....better than having some red mob burning downtown Bangkok again.

Better less democracy than deads on the street.

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Benjamin Franklin

Laws need to be enforced not tilted towards the privileged few.

And look how messed up the US is these days lol, poor poor Benjamin Franklin

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God forbid that Thailand ever becomes like Singapore. Whether the General stays longer or leaves as promised will depend upon the stability in the country. Since he has come to power there are no street demonstrations blocking business and no one is being shot at. If there is no progress in reconciliation- the General will stay in power and well he should. The alternative is chaos. No one cares what the West thinks.

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God forbid that Thailand ever becomes like Singapore. Whether the General stays longer or leaves as promised will depend upon the stability in the country. Since he has come to power there are no street demonstrations blocking business and no one is being shot at. If there is no progress in reconciliation- the General will stay in power and well he should. The alternative is chaos. No one cares what the West thinks.

Weren't the blocking of businesses, polling stations and demonstrations etc orchestrated to achieve the positions of the current ptb?

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He is right....better than having some red mob burning downtown Bangkok again.

Better less democracy than deads on the street.

Quiz time again.

Which group in Thailand has killed more Thais AND caused more property destruction in the past 50 years than any oth.... scratch that... than ALL the other groups in Thailand combined?

The southern "insurgents" closely followed by the army.

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The country has been running better than when under Yingluck & prior"democratic" Gov'ts & PM Prayut has & is doing a good job.

Realistically,there has been little change to day to day living & in some respects has improved.

Yes, I know, the "naysayers" will say,"keep taking the medicine" !!

You spout about what the "naysayers" will say but in reality is this not exactly what P is sayin to everyone? Keep taking the medicine and it will get better soon?

Same 'ole same 'ole.

Jam tomorrow.

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The country has been running better than when under Yingluck & prior"democratic" Gov'ts & PM Prayut has & is doing a good job.

Realistically,there has been little change to day to day living & in some respects has improved.

Yes, I know, the "naysayers" will say,"keep taking the medicine" !!

Can you give a single example of how the country is "running better"?

The economy is far far worse. Infrastructure projects STILL haven't taken off. Thai airlines are being investigated and blacklisted. Thai fishing is being investigated and blacklisted. The government is sending journalists to attitude adjustment for not writing what they want. Students are being arrested for eating sandwiches. The internet is being <deleted> with. Corruption is still rampant. The work of Prayut-appointed legislative bodies has thus far gone no where. Thai universities rankings continue to fall. Thai business rankings continue to fall. No progress has been made in the South.

but hey, we got Chinese tourists


The issue of the economy is not limited to Thailand & not know of any economies in better shape than they were 1 -2 yrs ago. Can you name any?

All the items you mention have been that way for many years & doubt there is a quick fix. Do you imagine the country would be any better under Yingluck's Gov't, the rot had already started & the Junta inherited a basket case. The Gov't paid out the rice farmers immediately, doubt that would have occurred w/ prior Gov't. Sure there's a lot to fix & get on with, but it's a more stable environment than previously & that was my point. I try to have a positive outlook, not wallow in negativity; life too short. Enjoy!!

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The country has been running better than when under Yingluck & prior"democratic" Gov'ts & PM Prayut has & is doing a good job.

Realistically,there has been little change to day to day living & in some respects has improved.

Yes, I know, the "naysayers" will say,"keep taking the medicine" !!

Are you insane...

Economy is nosediving.. The worst performer in ASEAN.. Imports off what ?? 40%.. FDI crashing..

Nightlife in the north in tatters.. new rules and impositions everywhere.. businesses closing at a faster rate than anything since 97..

Not at all... What country's economy is operating equal to or better than 1 -2 yrs ago?

How would the country be if still under Yingluck Gov't? Would be further down the drain!

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Everyone has a different opinion when it comes to whether a country is a good or bad place to live.

Personally, I don't see any difference between being governed by the Shin regime or the current regime. Of course I am not involved in any particular political group and do not get caught up in demonstrations or protests.

Not really that worried about not being able to watch the movie 1984 as I have already seen it, don't even know how to give a three finger salute, and don't get around Bangkok in large groups eating sandwiches.

But I do like the fact that the reds are back in their holes and not out killing people "democratically".

Would like to see free and fair elections held tomorrow, minus any party connected to the Shins, the Military, Suthep, and the so-called "Elites", whoever the heck they are.

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Unsurprising, expected and predicted months ago. What if the reds stop fighting but the yellows continue the hate barrage, or vice versa? To add fuel to the fire the PM claims to be putting out, Khaosod announced a 77 year old man was arrested and faces more than 5 years in jail for giving a McDonald's burger and flowers to a protester who protested the junta. They would have let it go, but a reporter asked the man some questions, so in went the thought police. McDonald's and flowers are now being called 'sedition', but no charges for the traffic cops that kept cars from running the protesters over, nor the coffee shops that served them, nor the vendors who sold or gave them water.......

Um, and aren't coups sedition?

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He is right....better than having some red mob burning downtown Bangkok again.

Better less democracy than deads on the street.

Ahhh what??? and the yellow thugs taking the airport, shutting down parts of BKK, destroying businesses, bashing people, slaughtering people, wake up man, there are good and bad on all sides. so for F's sake stop with this "red mob" bulls___t that just put's people at odd's and try for once to make a positive comment and then maybe people will give you a little more credit on your thoughts.

As for the current PM coming out with his "I have established sovereign power" ( Which I would have thought if anyone else had said they would be SLAMED for LM and never to be seen again) "I will use my special powers" "the democracy trap" "stop asking me questions about my wealth" "there will not be a coup" "I may have to stay longer" a return to democracy soon" "why are you always asking about election" "If I want I can have people executed" "to kill the chicken in front of the monkeys" Again I'll say it , and some people like this bloke,,, by the way uncle T, what have you done for the country? lotto, anything else? FAIL, MAN BIG RED CROSS......................beatdeadhorse.gif

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The country has been running better than when under Yingluck & prior"democratic" Gov'ts & PM Prayut has & is doing a good job.

Realistically,there has been little change to day to day living & in some respects has improved.

Yes, I know, the "naysayers" will say,"keep taking the medicine" !!

Can you give a single example of how the country is "running better"?

The economy is far far worse. Infrastructure projects STILL haven't taken off. Thai airlines are being investigated and blacklisted. Thai fishing is being investigated and blacklisted. The government is sending journalists to attitude adjustment for not writing what they want. Students are being arrested for eating sandwiches. The internet is being <deleted> with. Corruption is still rampant. The work of Prayut-appointed legislative bodies has thus far gone no where. Thai universities rankings continue to fall. Thai business rankings continue to fall. No progress has been made in the South.

but hey, we got Chinese tourists


The issue of the economy is not limited to Thailand & not know of any economies in better shape than they were 1 -2 yrs ago. Can you name any?

All the items you mention have been that way for many years & doubt there is a quick fix. Do you imagine the country would be any better under Yingluck's Gov't, the rot had already started & the Junta inherited a basket case. The Gov't paid out the rice farmers immediately, doubt that would have occurred w/ prior Gov't. Sure there's a lot to fix & get on with, but it's a more stable environment than previously & that was my point. I try to have a positive outlook, not wallow in negativity; life too short. Enjoy!!

Actually the American economy, and the economies of several countries are in better shape than they were 1-2 years ago.

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The country has been running better than when under Yingluck & prior"democratic" Gov'ts & PM Prayut has & is doing a good job.

Realistically,there has been little change to day to day living & in some respects has improved.

Yes, I know, the "naysayers" will say,"keep taking the medicine" !!

You spout about what the "naysayers" will say but in reality is this not exactly what P is sayin to everyone? Keep taking the medicine and it will get better soon?

Same 'ole same 'ole.

Jam tomorrow.

Jam tomorrow????

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There is no pleasing some people. When Bangkok was locked down and burning, the economy was in tatters and corrupt rice schemes were raping the coffers, this column was full of complaints. Now it is relatively peaceful and it s still full of whinging readers! At least he has brought some stability and if he stops waffling on about corruption, mafias and the economy and gets on with it, I really don't care how long he stays. Democracy is not for all countries and I have a business to run.

Best get on and make hay then, no time for whining on TV and I doubt if anyone cares if you have a business to run or not; they know you just wanted to tell everyone you're an entrepreneur. Best to make your stache while the sun is shining. As Marianne Faithful said 'This is the evening of the day'.

Tomorrow will get a bit bloody I think, that's the lesson of history.

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The country has been running better than when under Yingluck & prior"democratic" Gov'ts & PM Prayut has & is doing a good job.

Realistically,there has been little change to day to day living & in some respects has improved.

Yes, I know, the "naysayers" will say,"keep taking the medicine" !!

You spout about what the "naysayers" will say but in reality is this not exactly what P is sayin to everyone? Keep taking the medicine and it will get better soon?

Same 'ole same 'ole.

Jam tomorrow.

Jam tomorrow????

It's an old quote from the UK. It means "the good life is just around the corner". Just not today. Never today, always tomorrow. The anthem of charlatans and swindlers everywhere.

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So to stay in power he will further invent and instigate problems between opposing sides. With the way the Bangkok bombing has panned out, one cannot completely rule out that it was not a false flag. But as was stated by a previous poster, he is sticking around for the major event to come.

Indeed yes; I am sure that he also has his eyes on another "succession", a role that is also fulfilled by a retired General. Of course it is only supposition, I am not privy to the facts...

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Keep up PM! Thailand is not ready for Democracy! Lets continue the Corruption Fight and worry about elections later! 80% of Thai's are happy with the

direction of the country! The PM does need to speedup the setup of the Corruption Courts! We need them now in Korat!

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The country has been running better than when under Yingluck & prior"democratic" Gov'ts & PM Prayut has & is doing a good job.

Realistically,there has been little change to day to day living & in some respects has improved.

Yes, I know, the "naysayers" will say,"keep taking the medicine" !!

Can you give a single example of how the country is "running better"?

The economy is far far worse. Infrastructure projects STILL haven't taken off. Thai airlines are being investigated and blacklisted. Thai fishing is being investigated and blacklisted. The government is sending journalists to attitude adjustment for not writing what they want. Students are being arrested for eating sandwiches. The internet is being <deleted> with. Corruption is still rampant. The work of Prayut-appointed legislative bodies has thus far gone no where. Thai universities rankings continue to fall. Thai business rankings continue to fall. No progress has been made in the South.

but hey, we got Chinese tourists


The issue of the economy is not limited to Thailand & not know of any economies in better shape than they were 1 -2 yrs ago. Can you name any?

All the items you mention have been that way for many years & doubt there is a quick fix. Do you imagine the country would be any better under Yingluck's Gov't, the rot had already started & the Junta inherited a basket case. The Gov't paid out the rice farmers immediately, doubt that would have occurred w/ prior Gov't. Sure there's a lot to fix & get on with, but it's a more stable environment than previously & that was my point. I try to have a positive outlook, not wallow in negativity; life too short. Enjoy!!

Actually the American economy, and the economies of several countries are in better shape than they were 1-2 years ago.

Try not to confuse junta-huggers with facts, they can't process them.

If they're happy, then good luck to them, I doubt it will last for very long, their hero is already self-destructing - and it's very entertaining.

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He will stay and there will not be civil war. Thais understand life is cheap here. But they put a high enough price on their life to not waste it on politics. Most are concerned about surviving .Everyone will be quiet and live within the boundaries set by the government simple as that. Pm says jump the people ask how high on the way up.

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