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Why are most old men covered in Tattoos

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Maybe they are ex military,ex sailors or the like.

Believe it or not people who used to travel overseas back in the day normally got a tattoo at each port of call.

Although I feel your post is a veiled dig at older blokes and not really worth replying to but I felt compelled to answer as I am of the opinion that if people choose to have tattoos that's up to them.

People like yourself who take a swipe are usually insecure about themselves and look for the negatives in others to ease their pain.

Edited by stoneyboy
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I thought it was the younger generation that seems to tattoo every part of themselves, their arms look totally black with ink. However as stoneyboy said when I was in the army I did get two tattoos from a couple of exotic "port of calls" namely Amsterdam and Aldershot.

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I am neither young or old. I am 42.

I have nothing against old people. I am just commenting on what I see every single day. I'd say more than 80% of older Farang in Bangkok are covered in them.

I will save commenting on young guys or people my age for another thread.

When I was in Canada I would think that a security guard or a cop would look stupid and untrustworthy having them.

It is my opinion, but then so what?

I think it's low class.

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Can not share this observation in general.

In Bangkok or Pattaya you might find "many" (not most) older man with tattoos.

Also for Pattaya I am sure there is an above-average share of young blokes (< 40) with tattoos compared to walking through an average western holiday spot.

Draw the conclusions on your own. Post #2 is a good start.

Edited by KhunBENQ
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I am neither young or old. I am 42.

I have nothing against old people. I am just commenting on what I see every single day. I'd say more than 80% of older Farang in Bangkok are covered in them.

I will save commenting on young guys or people my age for another thread.

When I was in Canada I would think that a security guard or a cop would look stupid and untrustworthy having them.

It is my opinion, but then so what?

I think it's low class.

I think you could have opened a can of worms there, you are indeed entitled to your opinion, but I wouldn't mind betting that there are more classier folk with tattoos than you.

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I'd rather sit and drink with someone 50+ with tat's , probably well travelled with a tale or two to tell than a bald 42yo trekie geek that's pining for a hair transplant.

Well traveled tattooed men don't usually end up on Pattaya bar stool.

Doubt those people left Doncaster before settling in Patters.

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I'd rather sit and drink with someone 50+ with tat's , probably well travelled with a tale or two to tell than a bald 42yo trekie geek that's pining for a hair transplant.

Well traveled tattooed men don't usually end up on Pattaya bar stool.

Doubt those people left Doncaster before settling in Patters.

You've obviously never been to Pattayawhistling.gif

Anyway misery ar$e I thought this topic was about BKK!?

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Look at the tatoo craze in the US. So many more people are inking. Women, business people, college kids, celebrities. TV shows like Miami Ink....Las Vegas Ink. Fashion derived from tatoo art like Ed Hardy and his 100$ shirts............The US Millitary now does not allow them if they are visible.

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Look at the tatoo craze in the US. So many more people are inking. Women, business people, college kids, celebrities. TV shows like Miami Ink....Las Vegas Ink. Fashion derived from tatoo art like Ed Hardy and his 100$ shirts............The US Millitary now does not allow them if they are visible.

I thought the same about US military but I can say the US Navy has many young sailors both men and women with full sleeve tatts. I got mine back in the day at Pinky's in Hong Kong.

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A Lot might have to do with the areas you frequent and the type of crowds it attracts....

I think if you are around the Oriental and other river hotels you are not going to see too many tats...

I don't care for them either & for some reason it saddens me to see a bunch of newly minted Thai tattoos on 50/60 y/o guys.....It always seems to catch me be surprise → usually don't see it in the mainstream areas - malls - big stores - good places to eat - cultural attractions //// On the flip side women sporting tattoos has always been an early warning hands off signal too - no matter how exotically alluring they may look on the Thai gals → just looks trashy on western gals no matter the age....

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I am neither young or old. I am 42.

I have nothing against old people. I am just commenting on what I see every single day. I'd say more than 80% of older Farang in Bangkok are covered in them.

I will save commenting on young guys or people my age for another thread.

When I was in Canada I would think that a security guard or a cop would look stupid and untrustworthy having them.

It is my opinion, but then so what?

I think it's low class.

I find your honesty refreshing.

As for old guys and tattoos...somebody said body mutilation? Have you looked at our skin without ink? It ain't any prettier. Old wrinkled leather is old wrinkled leather.

Atleast old guys earned most of their tattoos back in one war or another. It used to represent some great nautical traditions like crossing the equator but Nowadays its mostly a fashion trend. But there is also a subculture here amongst ex-pats and a strong desire for comraderie. Tattoos is a male bonding thing and some tattoos are detsiled works of art.

I always feel bad for the young kids I see who have already covered up 80% of their available skin and they are not even 30-35. Priorities change, best to save some room for each decade of life still ahead of you.

You have a right to your opinion and it is shared by many employers.

Edited by ClutchClark
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I am neither young or old. I am 42.

In my opinion,

42 is old, too old to get a woman in your home country, too old to find new employment.

At 42 nobody in the west wants you ...... that's OLD!

Not too old to get a woman in your old country.

Just too old to get a hot young thing without wrinkles ;-)

Edited by ClutchClark
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I am neither young or old. I am 42.

I have nothing against old people. I am just commenting on what I see every single day. I'd say more than 80% of older Farang in Bangkok are covered in them.

I will save commenting on young guys or people my age for another thread.

When I was in Canada I would think that a security guard or a cop would look stupid and untrustworthy having them.

It is my opinion, but then so what?

I think it's low class.

I was in the mining industry most my life and know many managers that have got a lot of ink on them. I also know a lot of young independent guys that have done very well in life and have full sleeves. They are not a form of low-life/low-class 'brand' any more and some of the work is breath-taking beautiful.

I think you need to look first at yourself before claiming others are low class as, some of these 'old tattooed' guys have lead extra-ordinary lives but I doubt very much that you would associate yourself with them to listen to their stories due to 'their' looks.

I have tattoos on my wrists that are elaborate and have yet never been kicked out when I was working during board room meetings.

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Maybe old men everywhere are covered in tattoos - it's just more noticeable here because so many of them refuse to put a shirt on when out in public?

How often can you walk around without a shirt in the UK?

(without risking dying of exposure)

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I am neither young or old. I am 42.

In my opinion,

42 is old, too old to get a woman in your home country, too old to find new employment.

At 42 nobody in the west wants you ...... that's OLD!

I was 39 and dating a 25 year old Thai student (with permanent residence) in Canada. So, I was banging a young university student in Toronto.

I am also extremely introvert.

True, she dumped me (or rather her parents) because I wasn't rich enough.

My current Thai girlfriend is in fact a huge downgrade in the looks department... but she has other qualities that I appreciate a lot more.

So, your assertion that nobody in Canada wants me is not completely true.

Also, my home country is Serbia, so I could get a nice young girl in Belgrade without any issues.

However, I really didn't come to Thailand for that.

I have my own internal issues which I think I covered in another thread. I just think Canada (Toronto) is an extremely mind your own business and closed society. It was causing me severe depression. I was debating between going back to Belgrade and Bangkok.

I still think that maybe I made a mistake because food sucks in Thailand.

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I am neither young or old. I am 42.

In my opinion,

42 is old, too old to get a woman in your home country, too old to find new employment.

At 42 nobody in the west wants you ...... that's OLD!

I was 39 and dating a 25 year old Thai student (with permanent residence) in Canada. So, I was banging a young university student in Toronto.

I am also extremely introvert.

True, she dumped me (or rather her parents) because I wasn't rich enough.

My current Thai girlfriend is in fact a huge downgrade in the looks department... but she has other qualities that I appreciate a lot more.

So, your assertion that nobody in Canada wants me is not completely true.

Also, my home country is Serbia, so I could get a nice young girl in Belgrade without any issues.

However, I really didn't come to Thailand for that.

I have my own internal issues which I think I covered in another thread. I just think Canada (Toronto) is an extremely mind your own business and closed society. It was causing me severe depression. I was debating between going back to Belgrade and Bangkok.

I still think that maybe I made a mistake because food sucks in Thailand.

Amigo, it takes a very brave sort to expose his problems on a board filled with this bunch.

Maybe a good idea to play your cards closer to your chest.

As for finding a nice young lady from Belgrade...what are you waiting for?

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