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Republicans attack each other in bad tempered third presidential debate


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Republicans attack each other in bad tempered third presidential debate


WASHINGTON: -- Ten US Republicans have held an often heated third presidential debate in Colorado with both front runners, Ben Carson who has moved into the lead and Donald Trump, coming under attack.

The economy and tax policy were the main subjects but opinions were peppered with personal remarks.

Ohio Governor John Kasich slammed billionaire Trump, calling his tax plan “a fantasy”.

“ We are on the verge of picking, perhaps, someone who cannot do this job,” Kasich said. “ You gotta pick somebody who has experience.”

Analysts observered two contests going on – one to establish who should lead the party into the fight for the 2016 presidential election and one to declare what the party stands for. The Republicans appeared completely at odds over whether to do away with Obamacare (the Affordable Care Act) or just reform it. They were even divided over whether its a good idea to compromise a little with the Democrats to ease the voting gridlock on Capital Hill or to stick to their position and get nothing done.

While the debate was going on outside the venue about 200 demonstrators gathered to encourage the candidates inside to discuss issues including racism, and gun control. They held placards calling for not one more child to be shot dead in a school gun massacre.

There are another nine debates to be held and three months to go before the first nominating contest in Iowa, but although time is running out its it remains clear the Republicans are determined not to allow a Democrat back into the White House.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-29

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they're all so unpresidential it's hilarious. and the two that are leading the polls are the two pure lunatics who have never actually been politicians. this lot make mitt romney look thoroughly statesmanlike and electable.

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"but although time is running out its it remains clear the Republicans are determined not to allow a Democrat back into the White House."

Time running out?? Are you kidding me? This circus will go on for another 13 month almost.

The only thing that is running out, is common sense.

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Rubio won. thumbsup.gif

The question to Rubio about his personal finances was a killer even though Markey Marco recited his standard sob story about how he inherited no money blah blah blurp blurp.

Rubio is a cube and a cube does not fit into the oval that is the office shape in the White House.

A major reason is that Rubio went straight from university in to electoral politics without ever having had a job and without having any money of his own, The elected politician Rubio then had to manoeuver and hustle bags of bucks to begin to create his own personal financial estate. Even then Rubio's current estate remained awfully modest, mostly because he's raising a young family. The CNBC reporter even noted Rubio cashed in his life insurance for immediate cash bucks even though doing so cost him a chunk in early taxes and other penalties.

Rubio the dyed in the wool Republican did not seek a career in business or as an entrepreneur, nor did Rubio seek a career however briefly in finance or economics. He sought no job in the Miami financial sector which hugely services South America and the Caribbean, nor did he seek or take a position on Wall Street. Rubio did not seek to provide financially for his family before embarking impetuously and rather recklessly in a self-indulgent career of politics.

The guy is a compulsive office seeker who, as we see in his attitude towards his US Senate seat, can't focus on that either. While other senators running for prez have missed many votes, as Rubio correctly points out, yet none of the senators have denounced the US Senate as a rotten place pawning off a lousy job and which does not deserve his attention or respect. He'll take the regular paycheck however thanks.

This Rubio is an impetuous idiot with the temperament of a child while being absent any real world experience professionally or careerwise. Rubio is young enough looking to still seem and sound like captain of the debate team and still president of the junior class at college. At the debate he looked like he was dressed for the student government day when teacher's pets are chosen to pretend a real politician's job in government for a day, then go back to regular classes the next day.

Nothing about this and more will help Rubio among Republican primary voters or, should he somehow have the nomination drop into his lap, would help him with the general electorate and in the face of HRClinton election campaign spots in all media and debates.

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The questions asked were aimed at getting them going at each other. Many of the answers pointed out how inappropriate the moderator's questions were.

It seems the only ones complaining are the GOP dudes and Fox News. Everyone else thought the questions were just fine.

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Rubio won. thumbsup.gif

I think Trump won with his closing statement.

As far as Rubio.. I don't think he won as much as Bush imploded.. it was like Bush went at Rubio with a greatsword and Rubio riposted, but the attack could have been refined to make voters think again.

Bush is a really bad debater. Paul too.

And speaking of Ripostes.. Trump had the best riposte against Kasich.

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I didn't say I support Rubio. I don't support any of them. I said Rubio won this particular dog and pony show. As far as the least disgusting republican, that would be Kasich, but he's apparently too good for the primary voters.

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I just want to know when the dregs of the race are going to confront reality and drop out

clearing the field so support can coalesce around 4-5 real contenders. coffee1.gif

Who do you mean exactly?

Paul is clearly not going to win.

But I don't see a logical reason for Christie or Kasich to drop out before South Carolina. Either could still deliver a surprise.

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As far as the least disgusting republican, that would be Kasich, but he's apparently too good for the primary voters.

Yes pretty much like John Huntsman, but he doesn't register in the debates or the party at all. He tried last night but the truth is the Republican Party is so insane right now they're driven by only 3 things:

- Bomb Muslims

- Don't do anything to help Americans, let people die of bad health, starvation, cold, nutjobs with guns, what the do we care?

- Anyone not following the first 2 or showing empathy for anyone not white is a traitor and not a real Republican

And this all flies to their base because the base of GOP consists of every rural voter:

- who has never had access to an iphone/ ipad or google search and their minds are constantly fed by their neighborhood pastor who says their religious freedoms are under assault,

- who has never been to a university and seen people of other races/ backgrounds are not a threat to the country and they're U.S. citizens too,

- who only listens to Rush Limbaugh/ Beck/ Fox news which basically puts their brain in a slow simmering hate filled stew of how tax dollars are just going to waste and obama is giving it all away and just gathering more debt

- who believes in a strong army to protect them all the while failing to understand that we spend as much on our military as the next few countries combined and we have the best natural defense anyone can ever wish for.. the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and a very cold Canada up north.

I personally think the reason the country has shifted from right of center to slightly left and it is because of three reasons..

1. technology.. google is your friend.. more informed people see past the bullshit easily

2. the trickle down economics caused the great recession and not everyone has recovered and they clearly "need" stuff to survive. We all know who was at the helm for that..

3. wages have stayed the same where as expenses have gone up. Even basic stuff like rent, electricity, gas, pork, chicken, eggs, bread costs more while the wages have not gone up and people feel squeezed.

One party is addressing these as problems we need to fix and the other says you need to "work harder" to the people who are working the hardest - as we saw last night in the debates vividly in High Def and Dolby Stereo Sound.

Edited by JakeSully
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The questions asked were aimed at getting them going at each other. Many of the answers pointed out how inappropriate the moderator's questions were.

It seems the only ones complaining are the GOP dudes and Fox News. Everyone else thought the questions were just fine.

They were all pissed at the questions. Fox is the only media that can be trusted...to lob softballs.

Another pathetic performance by a group of tools who will never be President.

The problem is the Republican candidates would rather solve these problems than real ones.

5. Immigrants are ruining everything

4. Poor people especially women are provided too much health insurance

3. America needs to do less on climate change

2. Rich pay too much tax

1. America is in too few many wars

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At this point in time and events no one knows what is likely to happen at the quadrennial national nominating convention in the summer of 2016. There hasn't been a brokered convention for a long long time, in either party. The R convention next year is not likely to be a free for all but no one really can say presently.

If the R party primaries and caucuses go sideways for the party establishment, or even for the rebels such as Carson and Trump, the final result of a ticket for prez&veep could resemble the old saying that a camel is a horse assembled by a committee.

Apologies to elephants. wink.png

None of 'em still in the race is going to go away unless they're abducted yet even then they'd do a Houdini to get back into this contest given the way it's presently going and not developing. There has to be a clear leader going into the nominating convention and there almost always is. If not, the convention will indeed be a cage fight.

As a Democrat, I'd say there definitely is a God if the R ticket next year comes out as Carson/Rubio or Trump/Rubio. Truly a godsend of a whopping loser of a ticket that one would be. Rubio/Kasich or K-R would get the Justin Bieber crowd's vote for sure. Nothing more.

I'm beginning to believe God has decided to be a Democrat.

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One party is addressing these as problems we need to fix and the other says you need to "work harder" to the people who are working the hardest - as we saw last night in the debates vividly in High Def and Dolby Stereo Sound.

That "one party" is now in the seventh year of the recovery without any substantial results.

Care to fill us in on what they might have accomplished during the seven year itch?

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The mainstream media keeps trying to push someone, anyone other than Trump. The first debate it was going to be Jeb, who fizzled. They built up Fiarino last time, and this time she hardly registered. In between they tried to hype Carson. Now, they're going with Kasich. The establishment is desperate.

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It's way too early for anyone to be "desperate" but I do think mainstream Americans including the mainstream media would be horrified to see either Trump or Carson elected president. Cruz wouldn't be much better.

On the other side mainstream Americans don't want to see Sanders elected either. Not that that is anything to worry about.

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One party is addressing these as problems we need to fix and the other says you need to "work harder" to the people who are working the hardest - as we saw last night in the debates vividly in High Def and Dolby Stereo Sound.

That "one party" is now in the seventh year of the recovery without any substantial results.

Care to fill us in on what they might have accomplished during the seven year itch?

The "one party" has accomplished almost everything the far out right has opposed for their entire lifetimes, so just check your list of issues that were always near and dear, cause they're history. One would expect the lunar orbiters of the right had already noticed, but then again it's pretty far and away out there in political and cultural oblivion.

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Well playmates wasn't that a fun watch.

I'm sorry but I'm on the 'Rubio Won' wing of this debate. Like him or not, he nailed it, much IMHO at the expense of the ever less likely looking Bush.

Kasich I thought put up a worthy performance, even though his brand of Republicanism, which I still consider a general election winner, has long since expired in Republican Primary elections.

Cruz, not quite sure what election he is actually fighting. He certainly delighted his uber right wing base, and gave a decent performance if that was his goal.

Trump was disconcertingly quiet. Rather disappointing, not least I think for the media who salivate for a good 'Trumpism' or two.

Bush, as I said before he was simply the foil to Rubio's success. I ask this question a lot...does he even really want to be doing this? If he does maybe he should show it!

Carson, who knows what that fruit cake is up to.

The rest....were they there?????

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The questions asked were aimed at getting them going at each other. Many of the answers pointed out how inappropriate the moderator's questions were.


"Whiners"??? I don't think so. The people on that stage are winners, and one of them are destined to be the next president of the United States. The moderators were the losers in this debate with their nonsensical and immature questions but then I wouldn't expect anything less. After all, the moderators are liberals who tend to have loony leftist ideas.

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The Republican party is so far to the right than none of its candidates has a chance in the general election. Perhaps that is why they can not field even a single competent candidate. Alas this will allow the only old-school mainstream Republican, Hillary Clinton, to win. If Bernie were to go independent in an alliance with another strong individual (hoping for Elizabeth Warren) then he could actually have a chance to win the most votes, but the electoral college might trip them up. But such a race just might prove the death knell of the corrupt two-party system.

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