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Polanski slides free of extradition for now, but US can appeal against Polish court

Jonathan Fairfield

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Polanski slides free of extradition for now, but US can appeal against Polish court


A court in Krakow, Poland, where Roman Polanski is filming for his latest movie, has rejected a US court’s application for the director’s extradition.

The 82-year-old Franco-Polish Polanski is still being pursued for drugging and sexually assaulting a 13 year-old in the USA in 1977, and then fleeing from what he thought would be a reversal of a plea-bargain, and consequent long jail sentence.

The plaintiffs have a right of appeal and, ultimately, the decision goes to the minister of justice.

“In the court’s opinion this extradition would obviously entail unlawful confinement, given the time needed to hand over the extradited person of probably a few months, which includes at least a few weeks in — most likely — difficult conditions not suitable for elderly persons,” said Judge Dariusz Mazur.

Polanski’s Hollywood haunting doesn’t go away, and victim Samantha Geimer has in her adult life gone on record as saying she regrets it took him so long to admit to what he did.

She has also said she wishes no further punishment for her former agressor.

Polanski was stuck in Switzerland for more than half of 2010 fighting a similar extradition demand.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-31

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Scandalous that because he's a rich famous person he's been able to avoid justice.

He drugged a young girl for sexual pleasure.

He's a sick scumbag, and any country that plays silly games to try and justify not extraditing him are as bad.

He's making a film, he can travel - send pedo back Poland, man up.

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Not at all condoning the actions of Polanski, i feel it worth mentioning that america,s most famous female country and western singer was a grandmother at 28, God bless her and her music, and I do not believe anyone was brought to justice over the obvious mathematical certainty the someone was doing "it" at the age of 13 years old, and in good old U.S.A. ! Something here reeks of hypocracy, often selected as the worst sin of all :)

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Not at all condoning the actions of Polanski, i feel it worth mentioning that america,s most famous female country and western singer was a grandmother at 28, God bless her and her music, and I do not believe anyone was brought to justice over the obvious mathematical certainty the someone was doing "it" at the age of 13 years old, and in good old U.S.A. ! Something here reeks of hypocracy, often selected as the worst sin of all smile.png

The worlds youngest mother gave birth at 5 years. Her name and recorded proof of that is easily obtained.

Less easy to obtain is details of the father or the circumstance of how she became pregnant at age 4 let alone explanation of how she could be physically capable of pregnancy.

Remote observation of pathetic drama distracts the world from the reality of traumatic incidents. And sadly readily promotes apathetic expressions of outrage aimed high profile individuals.

But what happens next door or even closer to home is too often scrupulously ignored!

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This issue has long since moved on from being about sexual activity with a minor. This issue is about the lack of integrity of the US criminal justice system. Polanski was set to accept a plea bargain that would have dropped the initial charges and I believe he was persuaded that the deal would include no jail time. The LA District Attorney's office apparently reneged on this deal and so Polanski fled.

Whether you believe that he should or should not serve time in prison, the fact that this crime was committed in 1977 means that he would have long since been discharged from any penalties, which under the plea deal would have probably included some sort of probation. He would have been a convicted criminal but under the standards of the 70's may even have been able to expunge his record.

That the US criminal justice system has no mechanism to hold prosecuting attorneys accountable for their misdeeds is appalling. This is not a sex abuse case. It is a case of injustice. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%22Free_Roman_Polanski%22_Petition#Reactions_to_the_arrest

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Whilst finding the tinkering with kids abhorrent,this case should be closed! Especially as the victim has said she does not seek any retribution.

The money it has cost the American taxpayer must be horrendous!

This is more like a witch hunt by the U.S. Government,than TT is for justice for the victim,as they have pursued him for so long,they cannot now lose face.

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Not defending the alleged crime of Polanski, but let us also bear in mind the US policies regarding allowing other countries to try US citizens, and willingness to allow extradition of a US citizen, such as a soldier in the Philippines or many other instances.

US is hardly a shining light of fairness in the international courts of extradition hearings...so they should expect some lack of sympathy.

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Whilst finding the tinkering with kids abhorrent,this case should be closed! Especially as the victim has said she does not seek any retribution.

That's because he paid her off.

He still drugged, raped and sodomised a 13 year old girl and he should answer for it.

Edited by Chicog
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Well, if the victim doesn't have a problem with this anymore, and may not even testify against him, I don't see the point of the US pushing this so hard and far. Maybe some money changed hands to smooth things over with her, which I feel confident it did, then so be it. She did sue him for a lot of money afterwards and although it is not known how much, he was late in a payment years later, where he still owed her $600,000. So I am sure it was quite a bit.

Her parents in my view were partly to blame for this anyway. They should have never allowed her to go with him alone in the first place. Especially to do a photo shoot with some famous Director. One parent should have gone along. So is it just another parent seeking fame and fortune through their children? Not to mention the money they got from him later. That also this girl drank and took drugs before she even met him, so no angel for sure. But still only 13 years old then and thus still a minor, and thus why it was wrong for him to do what he did.

He is not a war criminal after all who needs to be brought to prosecution after 38 years. In fact he is a survivor of the Holocaust, but his parents were not so lucky. He has had a pretty rough life when you also consider everything that has happened to him, and that he was raise in a Ghetto in Poland during the war. Then on assignment he finds out that his lovely wife (Sharon Tate) was brutally murdered by the Charles Manson Family (Helter Skelter) while carrying his child.

He is 82 years old now. I am sure he knows he made a big mistake back then and I am sure he has paid for this many times over. I am also sure he has compensated the victim very well, which is more than you can say for a lot of rapists that go to jail for this. He did spend 42 days in jail and also made a plea bargain later, which the Prosecution backed out at the last minute, and then wanted him to serve more time. Which I also think is unfair. So let layig Dogs lie already.

The truth is, if he was just a normal Joe Blow, nobody would care about this case anymore or him. But because he is still a big name in the Motion Picture Industry they want to nail him. To nail someone only because he is rich and famous! Maybe only because some Prosecutor can get a big name for himself by convicting him.

I am glad Poland did not turn him over to the USA. He is not a USA Citizen. He is a Polish Citizen but also French. So why should they? .

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I am glad Poland did not turn him over to the USA. He is not a USA Citizen. He is a Polish Citizen but also French. So why should they? .

Because he is a child rapist who fled from justice.

I have consideration for many things, but I don't think it's ever too late to punish a child rapist.

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I am glad Poland did not turn him over to the USA. He is not a USA Citizen. He is a Polish Citizen but also French. So why should they? .

Because he is a child rapist who fled from justice.

I have consideration for many things, but I don't think it's ever too late to punish a child rapist.

He did not jump out of some bush and brutally rape a 13 year old girl. There was no violence involve and she was not hurt physically. She was a child at 13 by law but she was also much more mature as in her body. She did pose for naked picture days before this occurred and her parents either did not know about this, as she didn't tell them, or they didn't care.

No! He did wrong and nobody should say he didn't. Nor has he. He did however compensate this girl handsomely and her family for the trouble he caused her. He did also go to jail on his own accord for 42 days and agreed upon with the Prosecution. It was only at the later stages when the Prosecution decide to change this Pleas Bargain, and ask for more jail time, he fled the country. Until then he was willing to serve out the rest of his sentence and probation.

The United States has wasted tons of money on this case trying to extradite him from France a couple of times, which they refuse. Then Switzerland, which they refused. Now Poland, which they refused. Plus the Man Hours tracking his every move. Maybe that should be a sign to the United States to drop this nonsense already, and trying to convict an 82 year old man for a crime that was committed 38 years ago, and in which he has already paid dearly for.

If they have this kind of money to throw around catching old criminals, maybe they should spent some here. I bet if they shake the Apple Tree here in Thailand a lot more rotten fruit would fall out of that tree then Polanski. For far worst crimes committed in the United States then his to. They way the US has been after him, you would think he was Bin Laden.

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Not at all condoning the actions of Polanski, i feel it worth mentioning that america,s most famous female country and western singer was a grandmother at 28, God bless her and her music, and I do not believe anyone was brought to justice over the obvious mathematical certainty the someone was doing "it" at the age of 13 years old, and in good old U.S.A. ! Something here reeks of hypocracy, often selected as the worst sin of all smile.png

A good effort! but two wrongs don't make a right,no matter how much it's twisted around and used as an example!

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Maybe that should be a sign to the United States to drop this nonsense already, and trying to convict an 82 year old man for a crime that was committed 38 years ago, and in which he has already paid dearly for.

Do you want to tell me how an already wealthy movie director who has been living a life of luxury in Europe for nigh on four decades has "paid dearly" for it?

Because he handed some pocket change to buy off the victim?

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Maybe that should be a sign to the United States to drop this nonsense already, and trying to convict an 82 year old man for a crime that was committed 38 years ago, and in which he has already paid dearly for.

Do you want to tell me how an already wealthy movie director who has been living a life of luxury in Europe for nigh on four decades has "paid dearly" for it?

Because he handed some pocket change to buy off the victim?

Well, for starters he paid "Samantha Geimer" (the victim) at least $600,000 we know of for sure, and probably closer to a Million Dollars or more. If you want to call that Pocket Change, then Buddy you can rape me anytime up the Hersey Highway for a Million Dollars, as long as you pay me first. He was also out of country by then, and not forced to pay anything, so I think that shows some remorse at least. Not to mention payment for her doing TV Interviews and Exclusive Media rights to her story.

Now one may think that Samantha wants Polanski arrested and brought to trial so receive her justice but you would be wrong. In fact she went to court to try and have these charges against Roman Polanski dropped. She claimed it was more harmful to her and her family bringing this up all the time. I think as the Victim she should have the biggest say in all this and not some Prosecutor trying to make a name for himself.

Polanski also went to prison in the USA for 42 days. He was told this was the end of his jail time. Which turned out that the judge had now changed his mind and was going to change his plea bargain and give him more time. Polanski was also arrested in Switzerland and held in a jail in Zurich for 2 months. He was later put on House Arrest for 10 months and until his trial. I am not sure what happened to him in Poland but I am sure he was held their against his will, one way or the other.

Personally, Polanski has had his name dragged through the mud for 38 years. His reputation in many instances have been ruined. It is okay if you are a Car Mechanic, as you can easily find another job, but not when you are a Famous Film Director. I am sure he has lost many movie deals and tons of money over this. Not to mention he can not return to the United States, where many movies are made. As from his past, you can also see he has to be very careful where he goes as he could get arrested anywhere again. He has lived with this over his head for 38 years. He has never been allowed to forget this either.

The sad part of all this is that because he has a big name, they are after him so much. Mr.Joe Blow wouldn't even have a problem as they wouldn't be bothered by him, That is unless he was picked up by accident in the States. Or charged for another crime someplace else. But a Big Wheel like Polanski can make a Prosecutor's Career.

He did commit this crime and he should be punished. Personally I think he has been. If he wasn't who he was I am sure his Plea Bargain would have gone through as planned and it would have been over years ago. But because he is who he is it is not. If it wasn't for this Plea Bargain he would never had admitted to this crime and pleaded guilty. With her word against his, and his money for lawyers, WITH her having a somewhat of a bad reputation, which could have been made to look a lot worst, what would have happened then?

There are many Murders who I am sure walk free on a technicality. To get convictions a plea bargain is needed in many cases. Once they make a deal they should stick to it. If they don't then the whole criminal justice system is discredited. Polanski stuck to his end of the deal. They did not. I side with him.

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I am glad Poland did not turn him over to the USA. He is not a USA Citizen. He is a Polish Citizen but also French. So why should they? .

Because he is a child rapist who fled from justice.

I have consideration for many things, but I don't think it's ever too late to punish a child rapist.

He did not jump out of some bush and brutally rape a 13 year old girl. There was no violence involve and she was not hurt physically. She was a child at 13 by law but she was also much more mature as in her body. She did pose for naked picture days before this occurred and her parents either did not know about this, as she didn't tell them, or they didn't care.

No! He did wrong and nobody should say he didn't. Nor has he. He did however compensate this girl handsomely and her family for the trouble he caused her. He did also go to jail on his own accord for 42 days and agreed upon with the Prosecution. It was only at the later stages when the Prosecution decide to change this Pleas Bargain, and ask for more jail time, he fled the country. Until then he was willing to serve out the rest of his sentence and probation.

The United States has wasted tons of money on this case trying to extradite him from France a couple of times, which they refuse. Then Switzerland, which they refused. Now Poland, which they refused. Plus the Man Hours tracking his every move. Maybe that should be a sign to the United States to drop this nonsense already, and trying to convict an 82 year old man for a crime that was committed 38 years ago, and in which he has already paid dearly for.

If they have this kind of money to throw around catching old criminals, maybe they should spent some here. I bet if they shake the Apple Tree here in Thailand a lot more rotten fruit would fall out of that tree then Polanski. For far worst crimes committed in the United States then his to. They way the US has been after him, you would think he was Bin Laden.

For people who commit crimes, especially sex crimes against children, there is no excuse and the gov't is not going to forgive or forget it. It doesn't matter if he is rich or poor he will be pursued until he dies.

Trying to justify his abuse of this girl just doesn't cut it. She was a minor and the crime was not only against her, but against the laws of the state. It is not her call to have it dismissed.

He had a choice to stay and face the music or flee. He fled. The state now has an obligation to pursue him and they will continue to do that. Drugging a teenage girl and having sex with her when she is below the age of consent doesn't cut it. Neither does running away.

I admire his artistic ability, but his morals leave something to be desired.

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I am glad Poland did not turn him over to the USA. He is not a USA Citizen. He is a Polish Citizen but also French. So why should they? .

Because he is a child rapist who fled from justice.

I have consideration for many things, but I don't think it's ever too late to punish a child rapist.

He did not jump out of some bush and brutally rape a 13 year old girl. There was no violence involve and she was not hurt physically. She was a child at 13 by law but she was also much more mature as in her body. She did pose for naked picture days before this occurred and her parents either did not know about this, as she didn't tell them, or they didn't care.

No! He did wrong and nobody should say he didn't. Nor has he. He did however compensate this girl handsomely and her family for the trouble he caused her. He did also go to jail on his own accord for 42 days and agreed upon with the Prosecution. It was only at the later stages when the Prosecution decide to change this Pleas Bargain, and ask for more jail time, he fled the country. Until then he was willing to serve out the rest of his sentence and probation.

The United States has wasted tons of money on this case trying to extradite him from France a couple of times, which they refuse. Then Switzerland, which they refused. Now Poland, which they refused. Plus the Man Hours tracking his every move. Maybe that should be a sign to the United States to drop this nonsense already, and trying to convict an 82 year old man for a crime that was committed 38 years ago, and in which he has already paid dearly for.

If they have this kind of money to throw around catching old criminals, maybe they should spent some here. I bet if they shake the Apple Tree here in Thailand a lot more rotten fruit would fall out of that tree then Polanski. For far worst crimes committed in the United States then his to. They way the US has been after him, you would think he was Bin Laden.

For people who commit crimes, especially sex crimes against children, there is no excuse and the gov't is not going to forgive or forget it. It doesn't matter if he is rich or poor he will be pursued until he dies.

Trying to justify his abuse of this girl just doesn't cut it. She was a minor and the crime was not only against her, but against the laws of the state. It is not her call to have it dismissed.

He had a choice to stay and face the music or flee. He fled. The state now has an obligation to pursue him and they will continue to do that. Drugging a teenage girl and having sex with her when she is below the age of consent doesn't cut it. Neither does running away.

I admire his artistic ability, but his morals leave something to be desired.

This is not a case where the government was asked to forgive and forget. The victim asked this case to be dropped after Polanski was punished and for her own good. She said it caused her more pain and suffering by going after him all these years then having her case brought up by the media again and again. She did not want any further punishment to come to Polanski also. I think her word should be listen to at least.

The problem also lies in that the government made a Plea Bargain Deal with Polanski which he honored. Part of the Plea Bargain was to serve some jail time, which he also did. Then the judge, of his own accord, perhaps because of the High Profile Case where he could make a name for himself, decided to change it. To back out of this deal at the last moment.

Try to understand the importance of what a Plea Bargain is. Prosecutors don't hand out these deals like they do their business cards. In many cased they do this so they can get a witness to testify against a greater offender, like a Drug Lord, or to get a conviction, as in Polanski's Case. To agree to a Plea Bargain in many cases, they are also pleading guilty. So the Prosecution gets a Conviction which they otherwise wouldn't have.

They didn't have a strong case against Polanski. No DNA or Rape Kit was done as this was before DNA. But more importantly, not even a Medical Exam afterwards. All they had was the word of a minor who has been known, and I am sure could easily be proved, to have taken drugs and alcohol in the past, plus who knows what else could be dug up by a good Defense Team with Private Investigators. There was no witnesses to this crime other than circumstantial.

So all they had was her word against a Famous Hollywood Movie Director, who could claim she tried to Blackmail him, and when he refused to pay her she cried Rape. So with no strong evidence the Prosecutors, with the judges agreement, made a Plea Bargain to get this guilty plea in the first place. Without the Plea Bargain Polanski would have fought this case, and in my view would have probably won.

Again you have to understand the importance of this Plea Bargain and why it needs to be honored once given. Many High Profile Case would never be solved (like in the Mob) so many would never be convicted. Like the Mafia Teflon Man John Gotti, if the Witness didn't get Protective Custody and a Plea Bargain for his crimes.

Polanski, and on several occasions in the past, has agreed to come back to the United States to finish his sentence if they agreed to honor their Plea Bargain they made with him. But the last new judge ruled that he would make this decision only when Polanski was standing in front of him in his court. That is no assurance at all, so Polanski told him to go screw himself.

So Polanski was more than willing to face the music, as you said, on several occasions. He may even be willing to do that now. But with no assurance that they will finally honor there Plea Bargain he refuses to return and the reason why he fled in the first place. He has committed a crime and he has admitted that (through a Plea Bargain). But the government, who only gained his guilty plea through this Plea Bargain, now wants to change this deal. This also is committing a breach of trust here as well, and someone should be held accountable for that to. So far nobody is.

Nobody but Polanski knows how much this has cost him emotionally or financially over all these years. His Legal Fees alone must be a fortune. The One Million Dollar Law Suet. The lost Contracts he could have gotten. Plus the loss of friends and family who shunned him afterwards. With his Criminal Record now, and publicity, he can't even travel freely to other countries without special permission.

Yes, he admitted he committed a Crime under Plea Bargain. So perhaps it is time that the US Government Belly up to the Bar and honor their deal they made with him 38 years ago, instead of being Pig Headed and Childish about the whole thing, by trying to protect some judge their. So far no other country or judge has agree with the United States on this issue, and neither have I .

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Scandalous that because he's a rich famous person he's been able to avoid justice.

He drugged a young girl for sexual pleasure.

He's a sick scumbag, and any country that plays silly games to try and justify not extraditing him are as bad.

He's making a film, he can travel - send pedo back Poland, man up.

You claim scandalous because you do not agree with the multiple court findings in Polanski's favour.

The claim that he drugged the female was not substantiated.The female had posed with a glass of champagne. She never claimed to have been drunk or have consumed the alcohol.

No country is playing silly games. The Polish court as a whole is extremely conservative and given to harsh sentences for sex offenders. The fact of the matter is that Polanski has French and Polish citizenship. He resides in France. France does not extradite its nationals to the USA.Poland does not in practice extradite its nationals unless they are guilty of extreme crimes of violence. As a point of reference, the USA does not extradite its nationals either.

The issue of whether or not the accused can travel has no bearing in this matter. The US action is a vendetta. The accused fulfilled the terms of his sentencing agreement. The US government of the period reneged on the agreement.

And no, I do not support sexual intercourse with minors. If I could I would arrest the thousands of foreigners who visit Thailand and Cambodia for this purpose, have public trials and if they were guilty, execute the worst offenders, and send the others for obligatory psychiatric treatment. In this specific case, justice had been done in accordance with a plea agreement and sentence.

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Plea agreements are subject to the approval of the Court. The Court did not give it's approval to the agreement.

The crime he committed is a crime against a minor and because she was a minor it is the responsibility of the state to protect her. Many abused children do not wish to testify against their parent or caregivers. In many cases there is no conviction because they will not testify; in cases where there is a conviction it is based on physical evidence, such as injuries.

The warrant will never go away.

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It is difficult to determine if a Plea Bargain was made or not, as the Original Judge who made this deal is dead now, so he can't testify towards or against this. A Plea Bargain in Canada or the UK is at the discretion of the judge, but it is no so in the USA. Once a judge their agrees to a Plea Bargain it is expected to be carried through to the end. It is claimed by many that such a deal was made with Polanski and his Defense Lawyers, the Prosecution, and the Original Judge.

Again it can't be proved now after 38 years, but there is some indication very early on that suggests that a Plea Bargain was made. Polanski returned from Europe to California to go to Chino State Prison to undergo a 90-day Psychiatric Evaluation. On a 90-day sentence you would only have to serve 33% of your time in prison, and not 66% of your time like in Federal Prison. On this short term you get 33% off for good behavior, but also another 33% off which you are placed on probation.

So technically Polanski only had to serve 30 days in prison when in fact her served 42 days. Not to mention 2 months in Switzerland and 10 month House Arrest, and who knows where else he spent time in prison. He also agreed to return to the States and go to prison in the first place up to 90 days, which I can't see anyone doing voluntary unless some Plea Bargain was in place first.

Now some could debate whether this was a stiff enough sentence for Polanski, and I would have to agree it wasn't enough. But none the less this was the deal the government made, or as it is to have supposed to have made, so they should honor that. For all we know, they may have done this as this was the only way they could get a conviction. Polanski did Plea Not Guilty at first. Some charges where then dropped which again indicates some sort of Plea Bargain, and as Polanski claims.

It is also very true that we have to protect the innocent, and that a Minor needs protection as they may not want to testify against there Assaulter like a Care Giver for example. But this 13 year old girl is now a 51 year old woman, and she said recently to drop this case. That is was way overblown. That Polanski nevr hurt her. That he has had enough punishment over this crime and she is very sure he is sorry for it now. She wants this case dropped!

Here is a Link which I think is a fare account of this case. I suppose it is up-to-you as a person to read it or not and form your own opinion.



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Plea Bargain in the USA.

"An 11©(1)© agreement does bind the court once the court accepts the agreement. When such an agreement is proposed, the court can reject it if it disagrees with the proposed sentence, in which case the defendant has an opportunity to withdraw his plea."

Polanski and his Lawyers claim that such an agreement was made with this judge, who is now dead. So since Polanski did not have an opportunity to change his Plea, and was convicted on his guilty plea from this Plea Bargain, by law the courts should have either gone through with their agreement, or given him a chance to withdraw his guilty plea. They did neither!

It is not a question if Polanski did wrong and shouldn't be punished. Or how much punishment he should receive. We all agree he did do this crime, including Polanski, and his punishment was determined by the Court. The problem lies in the courts not honoring their agreement, which by law they should have. So they made a mistake to which they to need to answer to.They broke the law to.


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