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Phuket beach ‘10 percenters’ get to stay


PHUKET: Beach umbrellas remain banned outside the “10 per cent” designated areas at Phuket’s 18 main tourist beaches this high season, while sun loungers remain banned anywhere on Phuket beaches.

Vice Governor Chokdee Amornwat confirmed on Wednesday (Oct 28) that the 10% beach rule is to stay after he concluded his third and final meeting with local police, district officials, community leaders and beach operators, this time in Thalang.

The 10% rule allows vendors renting out umbrellas and sun loungers to tourists to occupy not more than 10% of the beach area.The rule was one of many introduced by previous Phuket Governor Nisit Jansomwong in January as part of the beach cleanup campaign ordered by the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO), headed by Prime Minster Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha.

Consequently, the same rule means that beach-goers are not permitted to use even their own umbrellas and sun loungers outside the designated areas, though V/Gov Chokdee says areas at each beach are being reviewed and may be expanded, or contracted.

“The 10% beach policy is still useful for beach management,” V/Gov Chokdee told The Phuket News. “But not every beach in Phuket is the same. We will have to look deeper into the issue at each beach and discuss it with the people affected case by case.”

Read more...http://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-beach-10-percenters-get-to-stay-54766.php

-- Phuket News 2015-10-31


According to the law and the Royal Thai Police, there are to be no vendors on the beach, period. Leave it to the local politicians to find a way to break the law...


2 conflicting 'rules' in the above story ....

"while sun loungers remain banned anywhere on Phuket beaches."

"The 10% rule allows vendors renting out umbrellas and sun loungers to tourists"

Maybe I am reading the news report wrong ???


It was more like 50% coverage last year at Nai Harn, and seeing as how all of the vendors are still at the same stations, it will probably be 50% again this year.

I suppose much depends on the length of the actual beach. Here at Kata beach there never was a problem with encroachment of the vendors, always was plenty of free space. These days there are few vendors inside the 10% zone, and just as many in the 90% zone. All seems nonsense to me, just let the money making tourists bring their own brollies and chairs anywhere on the beach. Limit the vendors to their 10%. I favour official concessions, fully documented, fairly alloted, money goes to the public coffers, and vendors pay their taxes on revenues .... but this is Thailand ... sad.png I dream on ...


Meanwhile in the real world, deaths on roads, drugs, corruption in every sector, education, health. And all they talk about is beach umbrellas.!

"...all they talk about is beach umbrellas.!"

You must have missed all the discussions about road safety, drugs, corruption, education and health, even enforcement and court convictions, in order to come up with a comment so ridiculous as you did.


It was more like 50% coverage last year at Nai Harn, and seeing as how all of the vendors are still at the same stations, it will probably be 50% again this year.

I suppose much depends on the length of the actual beach. Here at Kata beach there never was a problem with encroachment of the vendors, always was plenty of free space. These days there are few vendors inside the 10% zone, and just as many in the 90% zone. All seems nonsense to me, just let the money making tourists bring their own brollies and chairs anywhere on the beach. Limit the vendors to their 10%. I favour official concessions, fully documented, fairly alloted, money goes to the public coffers, and vendors pay their taxes on revenues .... but this is Thailand ... sad.png I dream on ...

I agree completely, and I am baffled.

Why doesn't the local government set up official concessions? Don't they like money or something?

Seriously, can anybody explain this to me - I can't work it out.


"Consequently, the same rule means that beach-goers are not permitted to use even their own umbrellas and sun loungers outside the designated areas"

And here we thought that the beach is for the visitors....



So the beach is for vendors to rip people off....


So no real changes have been made yet there has been plenty of hot air.

Where there is no will there is no way, despite what the PM says!

If the PM is being genuinely concerned, then he needs to kick some butts and make an example of those who do not wish to conform - loss of position and jail (no sideways movements) would be a good starter.

Seems normal that, once again, there is much talk but no real action. Could this be the meaning of "Thainess"? whistling.gif


What is this bullshit that you can't use your own Chair and/umbrella,,If I have my own Why would I pay some greedy Beach roach,,,Out of the Question,,Take it to Court .


What is this bullshit that you can't use your own Chair and/umbrella,,If I have my own Why would I pay some greedy Beach roach,,,Out of the Question,,Take it to Court .

Yes you can use your own chair and umbrella on the beaches in the so called 10% zone. But everyone ignores this stupid rule. You really think the army/police are going to arrest tourists on the beach .... i very much doubt it. Think of the global internet coverage of that. Indeed there already has been coverage of police harassing tourists for using ther own chairs and drinking the booze they bought at a local store. That was not pretty ....


As far as I know, not one hotel in the rest of the world being situated on the beach does not supply comfortable beach beds, for sunbathing front and back. People want to be on the beach, recline, read or dream. They don't want to be by a pool, that they can do at home, those who have pools. Do you think that people come here to lay by a pool, no they want to lay on a co for table bed to sunbathe fro t and back, on the beach. Good luck, Thailand, I used to go twice a year d enjoy the beach, lay on my comfortable bed, read, take walks on the beach, enjoy some cold fruit and water. Now I'm supposed to lie on a beach towel in the sand, thanks but no thanks.

Thailand will lose tons of people because of the inconvenience, this is a ridiculous rule. Hotels should be allowed to have their guests being comfortable on the beach.

Certainly can understand the infringement of unregistered companies selling their deck chairs, which are uncomfortable to start with.

Traveling to Thailand and having to cart your own sun bed and umbrella is only for back packers, not for people seeking a good time with good food and service. These rules just invite people who won't spend money here. Sorry, what a bad choice!


Thank God its about umbrellas and chairs.

I had visions of geriatric farangs wearing cut off jean jackets proudly emblazoned with a 10% insignia terrorizing the beach in their Zimmer frames sending the jet ski vendors scurrying for cover, lest they be subject to their brutal onslaught.

The internal visualisation of what their "Mamas" looked liked cannot be expressed in words, especially on such an august forum such as this with such sensitive followers.

On a brighter note, the medication has stopped the vomiting.


Is great to see the new rules really working out for everyone and the beaches as popular and very busy with tourists as they have always been - well done!


As a Dutch lady said recently in an article: beach loungers and sunbeds back, Jet Ski's and Para-sailing out, just might work for tourists?


Why only 10%? I don't get it. We come to Thailand for cheap services such as cheap beach chairs, food supplied all day. Vendors offering us all manner of goods all day. Guranteed space without having to argue with East German towel droppers. Does anybody really want to carry their own beach chair to the beach or lie on flea ridden sand? What next complaints about the baht bus services by farang idiot cyclists? What is the matter with people? Why don't they stay at home? Why do they come here and try to change the local culture like latter day imperialists?


Meanwhile in the real world, deaths on roads, drugs, corruption in every sector, education, health. And all they talk about is beach umbrellas.!

After 18 months of military rule in Thailand / Phuket, the important issue of beach umbrellas on Phuket is being addressed.

Hopefully, the Thai military will get around the the less serious things you mention, in the the near future. cheesy.gif


Junta: "Tourism is down, the economy is down, freedom is at a premium to a select few, and we have that pesky lese majesty suicide to deal with. So what do we do?"

TAT: "Let's spin about poor errant and apologetic beauty queens, beach umbrellas, and corruption hearings for our enemies, and maintain the same status quo we had for the last 17 coups."

Junta: "Good idea!"

Suthep: "Make it so."


TAT Poster - Come to LoS and enjoy our beaches, if the local vendors will let you.

PS. All the photos of pristine beaches were taken in the Philippines.

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