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Thai cop blames rape of British tourist on bar's late hours


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Reminds me of the speech of some crazed dumb looney (damn, I forgot the name) who stated in public that foreign girls in sexy clothing are basically at fault themselves for getting raped and their heads bashed in on Thai islands at night, especially if they look really sexy. It is absolutely beyond belief what some of the "people in charge" in this country have coming out of their pottymouthes at times... sickening sick.gif

Edited by MockingJay
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This police chief is neither a police officer nor a man. The drunk and senseless female was simply more vulnerable to the depredations of a rapist with no morals or sense of honour. What she was asking for was someone to ensure that she got home safely; perhaps an on duty police officer or a passing tourist or local with a sense of responsibility and concern for the welfare of others.

Edited by animalmagic
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Before you go pointing the finger at this cop, accusing him of once again being a typical Thai policeman by blaming the farang for causing her own crime (being senselessly drunk), this type of thing happens all over the world where brainless chauvinistic a$$holes blame the woman for causing someone to rape her. He's a complete moron but it's not just a Thai thing.

Agree, it is not just a Thai thing, but, it certainly is a Thai thing, and seems to be the common attitude by such officers and authorities.

The attitude shows their view on women, their lack of cause and effect ethics, and in simple judgemental terms, their f'ing stupidity.

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The BIB in Pai are not known for their sensitivity to farangs nor any problem they have. Many of said problems have been the

result of police stupidity, brutality, indifference, corruption, etc. and even police involvment in illegal acts.

I have always sustected that Pai and a few other remote areas are where the police send their members who are causes of

problems elsewhere where public interaction is required. They remind me of the village dummy but Pai seems to get several villages

worth assigned at the same time.

Best place to assign them duty is chained to a pole in the middle of a intersection with 4 way stop and go signs. they should not have access to firearms, knives nor any stick over 1/3 meter long. Give them a mufflered whistle and post a sign, do not stop at this checkpoint

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No Mr. Policeman, the girl was raped because the young man responsible raped her. That Sir is the end of the causation factor in this crime.

It was not her intoxication, skimpy clothes or her frequenting of a late operating entertainment venue. It was because the perpetrator raped her.

Do try to focus and stop making a complete moron of yourself.

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Every time the BIB open their mouths they show their complete ignorance, as well as their lack of education and training.

There are two main reasons for this and most rapes in Thailand.

1), There is a culture of Thai male superiority and a lack of women's rights

2) there is zero accountability for the crime of rape and most crimes in general. The BIB are lazy, corrupt and useless at their jobs.

Do not victimize the victims and try doing your jobs even though there may not be a reward or a payment for your inept service.

Instill a culture of accountability for ones actions, make criminals pay society for the crimes with jail time, instead of letting everyone that can afford to buy their way out of crimes do so.

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statement like this dont only come from this high ranking person remember the comments about KHAO TAO murders and the comments that came from a certain prime m------??

What an intellect this chap is. Definitely a prime candidate promoting how good the RTP are. Sadly I don't want to brand everyone the same but when you have someone in such a high ranking position coming out with outrageous and ignorant comments, it is hard not too.

Obviously a charmer of a man too.

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Go back to the time when there were absolutely zero restrictions on bar opening times in Thailand, show me the number of rapes that were committed at that time as being more than today's figures and i will agree with the RTP on this matter.

Have people changed that much from then until now? Or is it only people in authority that have changed coming out with statements like this?

The girl could have been 'drunk & senseless' at 19:00, what would the excuse have been then?

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I sincerely hope this police officer doesn't climb up through the ranks of the police force. What an simpleton!

he might just make the cut... simply because he thinks the way he does. a pure idiot with the makings of a high-ranking officer in LOS.

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Theres not much that you can say to this level of ignorance & stupidity is there???

I hope this comment goes viral worldwide, just so that tourists know what level of support to expect when they come here... bah.gif

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"Tourist was drunk & senseless". No heart and no soul from this copper. Venting his fury at more Thailand spotlight & him being the designated spokesperson.

He is right.

Have no excuses for rapists, but women do have certain responsibilities to themselves to ensure they keep safe and not vulnerable, as do we all regardless of the situations.

You are believing she was drunk and senseless. Maybe she had only 2-3 drinks. How does a girl fight off a man ? Maybe he was armed with a knife or

gun. What a stupid thing to say. What if it was someone you knew ?? You must believe that all women should never go out to a bar, restaurant etc.

I hear that the BIB are hiring. You should apply; as you would fit right in with these lot :(

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Due to the fact that YOU sir and your 'police officers' finish work at 6 pm and are no where to be seen in the evenings except perhaps armed and in bars getting pissed for free.

The fact that the perp knows that you will do nothing, investigate nothing and will gladly take a kick back to let said perp go, all adds to this being your fault.

Do your <deleted> jobs. bah.gif

Yes they roll up the rug and go home. The road outside my condo becomes a rice rocket race track right around 7 pm till about 3 or 4 am in the morning. You could not find a BIB to save your soul. The law breakers have got it timed perfectly.

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mind numbing blink.png

no its not. being drunk n senseless does lead to bad outcomes.

ive told many of my mlb, nfl, and nba buddies- nothing good happens afte 11pm. get in bed and worship your multi million dollar contracts.

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oncearugge, on 03 Nov 2015 - 13:56, said:

Does this article accurately reflect exactly what the policeman said or is it a mangled interpretation of what was spoken in Thai ?

I think this question could apply to other quotes from police and high ranking individuals.

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"Tourist was drunk & senseless". No heart and no soul from this copper. Venting his fury at more Thailand spotlight & him being the designated spokesperson.

He is right.

Have no excuses for rapists, but women do have certain responsibilities to themselves to ensure they keep safe and not vulnerable, as do we all regardless of the situations.


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