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Protest against Trump hosting 'Saturday Night Live' grows


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Protest against Trump hosting 'Saturday Night Live' grows
FRAZIER MOORE, AP Television Writer

NEW YORK (AP) — Pressure continued to mount on NBC to cancel Donald Trump's guest-host appearance on this weekend's "Saturday Night Live" as a coalition of advocacy groups delivered petitions to the network Wednesday calling for him to be dropped from the show.

The petitions delivered to 30 Rockefeller Plaza, home of NBC and "Saturday Night Live," marked the latest attempts to dissuade the network from allowing the Republican presidential hopeful to host the show, with the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda earlier asking that NBC reconsider the decision.

"There's mounting evidence that Donald Trump's racist demagoguery is resulting in real-world violence and physical and verbal intimidation," Mushed Zaheed, deputy political director of Credo Action, one of the participating groups, said in a statement.

In advance of the show, NBC released promotional spots featuring Trump that included one in which he refers to a Republican opponent, Ben Carson, as "a complete and total loser."

Trump drew fire early in his campaign when, as the billionaire developer announced his candidacy, he described some Mexicans who are in the United States illegally as criminals and rapists, prompting NBC to sever its Miss Universe ties with Trump while declaring he would never again appear on "The Celebrity Apprentice."

"It is shameful for 'SNL' and NBC to think that racism can be repackaged as comedy," said Juan Escalante, digital campaigns manager for America's Voice, another group participating in the coalition.

Other participating groups included the National Hispanic Media Coalition, MoveOn.org and National Council of La Raza. About two-dozen protesters were on hand as the petitions were delivered to NBC's midtown Manhattan offices. Some chanted "dump Trump" and carried signs bearing the same phrase.

The coalition is accusing NBC of reversing itself for the sake of a ratings windfall while granting Trump "a free national platform to bolster his racist and xenophobic campaign," Zaheed said.

Alex Nogales, president of the National Hispanic Media Coalition, said after delivering the petitions that the protest effort was not over. His group and others would use the days leading up to the broadcast to call on "SNL" sponsors to remove their commercials from Saturday's show, he said.

NBC declined comment on the petitions and did not immediately comment on the attempt to get ads pulled.

Meanwhile, Trump drew sharp criticism in an online letter with the names of dozens of prominent writers, filmmakers, academics and others from the United States, Spain and Latin America attached to it, including Oscar-winning writer-director Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu ("Birdman: Or The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance").

"We refuse to keep silent in the face of the alarming declarations of the candidate for the presidency of the United States Donald Trump," the letter posted Tuesday reads. "His hate speech appeals to the lowest passions like xenophobia, machismo, political intolerance and religious dogmatism."

The letter calls on the American people to "cease to tolerate his absurd positions."

Trump has played a major role in delivering record-breaking ratings to the first three Republican debates and has been a sought-after guest on talk shows and newscasts.

Asked about the opposition to his upcoming appearance while promoting his new book in New York on Tuesday, Trump said he was pleased to hear demonstrations were already underway.

"Look, I think they should demonstrate" he said. "Ratings will go even higher than they are going to be. It's going to be one of their highest-rated shows ever and they're very excited about it."

Asked specifically about the petition, he said: "It's only going to make it hotter."

Trump also repeated his frequent assertion that he has great relationship with Hispanics, with tens of thousands working for him over the years, he said.

Saturday's appearance will be an "SNL" encore for Trump, who first hosted the show in April 2004, long before his entry into politics, as the breakout star of NBC's new competition show "The Apprentice."

He appeared on CNN's "New Day" on Wednesday, where anchor Chris Cuomo voiced surprise that NBC booked him.

"I thought you were at war with them," said Cuomo, "then all of a sudden they wanted to have you on. You say it's because of ratings."

"You're never at war when you get great ratings with a network, OK?" Trump replied. "Nobody gets ratings like me."

He went on to say that initially he was asked to do a single sketch on Saturday's show. Then "SNL" executive producer Lorne Michaels had second thoughts and asked Trump if he would host the entire 90-minute program. "And I said, 'You know what? I would.' Because it's an honor."

"Every single major politician in this country probably for 30 years has done 'Saturday Night Live' if they're invited," Trump added. "If they're invited."

NBC would not comment on whether any other presidential candidates are being considered to host "SNL."

AP writers Jill Colvin in Washington, Deepti Hajela in New York and Amy Taxin and Lynn Elber in Los Angeles contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-11-05

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More intolerance from the same groups that beat the drums about diversity and tolerance. It's only diverse if they say it is and tolerance is not extended to anyone with a whiff of conservativism about them. These Leftist fools are in for a rude awakening next November.

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cheesy.gifWow! The Trump contingent makes a statement. They love their racism.

The one little problem with Trump is, he lacks any rational connection between his actions and his goals, to the extent that his goals are discernible at all. He's also crazy but that's beside the point.

You can't let Republicans out in public.

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"There's mounting evidence that Donald Trump's racist demagoguery is resulting in real-world violence and physical and verbal intimidation,"...(IMHO...this is real-world bs)

NBC will not cave into the demands of mush-heads...the show will go on...the TV ratings will go thru the roof...the advertisers will be ecstatic...and the people with crème-potatoes for brains will find somewhere else to vent their frustration at not being able to rule the world...

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"There's mounting evidence that Donald Trump's racist demagoguery is resulting in real-world violence and physical and verbal intimidation,"...(IMHO...this is real-world bs)

NBC will not cave into the demands of mush-heads...the show will go on...the TV ratings will go thru the roof...the advertisers will be ecstatic...and the people with crème-potatoes for brains will find somewhere else to vent their frustration at not being able to rule the world...

At the end of the day, it's all about the $100 Benjamins $100. Even for SNL.

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Yep, all these silly people are doing is stoking up interest in the show.

I wonder if he'll demand they pay some money to "Wounded Warriors" (as if he'd ever heard of it before he started this campaign).

More likely to donate to his mate's Vet "charity".


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Yep, all these silly people are doing is stoking up interest in the show.

I wonder if he'll demand they pay some money to "Wounded Warriors" (as if he'd ever heard of it before he started this campaign).

More likely to donate to his mate's Vet "charity".


Charities & foundations supported 23
Donald Trump has supported the following charities listed on this site:
Arnold Palmer Foundation
Celebrity Fight Night Foundation
Children with AIDS
David Foster Foundation
Friends of Scotland
Jimmy Fund
Los Angeles Police Memorial Foundation
Make A Child Smile Appeal
Make-A-Wish Foundation
Mississippi Animal Rescue League
Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center
Neurofibromatosis, Inc.
Operation Smile
Paralyzed Veterans of America
Pediatric Epilepsy Project
Raising Malawi
Reef Relief
Smile Train
St. Francis Food Pantries and Shelters
The Doe Fund
Wounded Warrior Project
And then there is this...
Donald Trump donated an undisclosed amount of money to the Wounded Warrior Project in 2013
July 20, 2015 1:38 pm Written by: Caiden Cowger 1
According to a 2013, Yahoo Finance article, Donald J. Trump has been a sponsor of the Wounded Warrior Project, which is an organization that works to help disabled veterans aid and assist each other, along with providing services to meet their needs.
Trump’s donations to the Wounded Warrior Project have not been reported by the media, and the actual amount that he donated has not been disclosed. The billionaire real-estate mogul did it discretely, not attracting attention to himself.
The media has been portraying Trump as being a Presidential candidate that has a disdain for our veterans, especially those who were prisoners of war. If we actually investigate the actions and statements long expressed by Trump, you will find that he is a man who has a great admiration for our vets.
In 2013, Trump also offered to personally pay for the burials of four fallen soldiers when the United States government temporary stated that they were not going to give any funding, due to the government shutdown.
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I don't like Trump current politics (I've liked some of his previous positions such as favoring real universal health care, where did that Trump go?) and I do think he is exploiting racism for political gain, though I doubt he's actually particularly racist himself. But, SNL is entertainment, people do want to see more of this Trump circus, so if you don't want to see it, don't watch it. I want to see it. Protesting it will just attract more viewers. Pointless.

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Uh-oh, they better not say or do anything DT doesn't like because you know what he'll do -- he'll call them names!

I bet they're scared already.

I used to be disgusted, but now I'm amused by him. Of course he has just as much chance of being elected president as any member of TVF, and I'm enjoying what he's doing to the GOP. Anyone remember Reel World? That first season their was a bratty kid named Puck, and all he did was insult and confront all the other people on the show. Became so popular he was known outside the show from other programs playing clips of his tantrums (ah, the days before the like of Youtube etc), the roomate from hell. Well, that's DT. He has nothing to lose but a few dollars, no matter because he's "really rich."

I think these poll numbers for him and Carson are just as vailid as the those polls in Kentucky that were so far off prior to Tuesday's election. I still say it's going to be an open convention, and Jeb will be annointed the candidate.

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Have to disagree. After two terms with a considered-to-be but not really so much liberal democrat, it's normal and usual for there to be swing to the right. The republicans have an excellent chance this time. To lose, they'll have to blow it themselves ... now THAT is a good bet.

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It's staged. SNL has been losing viewers for quite some time now. The GOP has zero chance of winning the presidency.

The right wing nuts who think everyone has forgotten the Iraq slaughter are dead wrong and numb skulls.

"It's staged"

Mind boggling.whistling.gif

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