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Ben Carson: Questions on background aren't 'real' scandals


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Carson: Questions on background aren't 'real' scandals

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said Sunday that he's facing an unprecedented level of scrutiny about the veracity of his life story and questioned whether the issues dogging him over his autobiography are important to the nation's search for the next president.

"Every single day, every other day or every week, you know, they're going to come out with, 'Well, you said this when you were 13,'" the retired neurosurgeon said on CBS' "Face the Nation."

"The whole point is to distract the populace, to distract me," Carson added. "If you've got a real scandal, if you've got something that's really important, let's talk about that."

Moving on, at least in the short term, is unlikely. The accuracy of Carson's autobiography has dominated his campaign in the past few days, and there are likely to be more questions asked on Tuesday during the next GOP presidential debate. The scrutiny reflects Carson's transformation from political outsider to the top of the polls in the unsettled nomination fight, second only to billionaire developer Donald Trump. And in early voting Iowa, some polls show Carson's leading.

Trump on Sunday tried to keep the allegations alive.

On several news shows, he mentioned examples from Carson's autobiography, "Gifted Hands," about Carson's bad temper when he was young. Carson claimed that he tried to hit his mother with a hammer and unsuccessfully tried to stab someone. Several times, Trump quoted Carson as describing his younger self as having a "pathological" temper — and then demurred on his own opinion of Carson's character and veracity.

"I just don't know. I mean, I'm not involved. I don't really know," Trump said on CNN's "State of the Union."

Carson insists no other candidate has received the level of scrutiny that he has. Asked on NBC whether he is getting more than President Barack Obama and former President Bill Clinton, Carson replied: "Not like this. Not even close."

Scrutiny of his past is par for any major candidate for president, not only Carson. Obama's citizenship was questioned and he later released a birth certificate showing that he was born in Hawaii. Clinton's marital dalliances were probed during his 1992 campaign. The Miami Herald staked out then-Sen. Gary Hart's townhouse in 1987 and caught him in an extramarital affair. Hillary Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, last month testified about the private email server she kept at her house and used for government business while she was secretary of state.

Carson is a newcomer to presidential politics, so much about his life, career and published works are being raked over for the first time, and his longtime status as an American success story examined. Carson strongly disputed that there was any dishonesty intended.

Gone Sunday was the anger he showed during a press conference on Friday, when the usually even-tempered Carson demanded that reporters explain why, in his opinion, Obama had not been subjected to the same scrutiny. "My job is to call you out when you're unfair, and I'm going to continue to do that," he said.

"Gifted Hands" is central to much of the scrutiny. It tells the story of Carson's rise from a childhood in inner city Detroit to the director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore.

In it, he tells of trying to stab a close friend when he was a teenager. CNN reported it could not find friends or confidants to corroborate that story.

Politico published a piece examining Carson's claim of receiving a scholarship offer to attend the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. The Wall Street Journal said it could not confirm Carson anecdotes from his high school and college years. The academy does not offer scholarships, instead extending all expenses paid to students it admits. Carson never applied for admission.

Last month, police in Baltimore said they didn't have enough information to verify Carson's account of being held at gunpoint more than 30 years ago at a fast-food restaurant in the city.

In the third GOP debate, Carson said it was "absolutely absurd" to say he had a formal relationship with the company Mannatech. He is featured in the company's videos, including one from last year in which he credits the firm's supplements with helping people restore a healthy diet.

Carson and his campaign forcefully reject any suggestion he has been less than completely truthful.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-11-09

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We already know a lot about Trump, he has been on TV and in the news for a long, long time while Carson is quite new in the spotlight so they will do a lot of digging!

I would prefer Trump over Carson but I think that neither of them are suitable to be the next president in the US of A. Trump is a great business man (like Thaksin) but I don't think that he can lead to a future of peace and prosperous for the country (like Thaksin).

Carson, a neurosurgeon and 7th day Adventist that believes that the pyramids were made for grain storage!? In my mind I see a cuckoo's nest, not the White House...

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Yeah, we get it.

The temporary visibility of the Carson campaign which we all know is temporary is simply right wing political theater to continue their resentment that Obama ever became president. Imagine the same JOKE of a candidate, with ZERO political experience, being in or near the lead for the republicans if he wasn't black.

It's all about the Obama reactionary game. Trump has no political experience but his business empire is a credible substitute.

Carson has NO credible substitute.

Next ...

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"Double Standards"?

The hypocrisy - and the irony - is beyond staggering.


From the OP:

"Scrutiny of his past is par for any major candidate for president, not only Carson. Obama's citizenship was questioned and he later released a birth certificate showing that he was born in Hawaii."

To expand on this little gem, please tell us all you know that has been discovered by the main stream media on Obama's history.

A few subjects of mystery remain, such as:

1. School records at Occidental College.

2. School records at Columbia.

3. School records at Harvard Law.

4. His personal connection with Frank Marshall Davis.

5. His personal connection with Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.

6. His business association with Tony Rezko.

...and finally...

7. Exactly what was Obama doing on the evening and night of 11 September 2012 while the Benghazi facility was under attack.

Double standards and hypocrisy abound, just not where you seem to believe it does.

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"Double Standards"?

The hypocrisy - and the irony - is beyond staggering.


From the OP:

"Scrutiny of his past is par for any major candidate for president, not only Carson. Obama's citizenship was questioned and he later released a birth certificate showing that he was born in Hawaii."

To expand on this little gem, please tell us all you know that has been discovered by the main stream media on Obama's history.

A few subjects of mystery remain, such as:

1. School records at Occidental College.

2. School records at Columbia.

3. School records at Harvard Law.

4. His personal connection with Frank Marshall Davis.

5. His personal connection with Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.

6. His business association with Tony Rezko.

...and finally...

7. Exactly what was Obama doing on the evening and night of 11 September 2012 while the Benghazi facility was under attack.

Double standards and hypocrisy abound, just not where you seem to believe it does.

I agree with you about the double standards and hypocrisy. Benghazi 4 people die and Clinton undergoes how many hearings and how many hours of testimony?

9/11 nearly 3 thousand dead, Bush agrees to give one hour of testimony off camera in private and accompanied by the VP. All this during the first year of his presidency after being warned of the threat and yet still taking one month holiday. Then during the next 7 years fails to catch the chief architect and even admitting that he wasn't even thinking about it. Still at least he kept the USA safe!

Double standards and hypocrisy abound and exactly where we know it does.

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The Koch's pay for an attack book like Clinton Cash and Fox are falling over themselves to promote it at every opportunity. One poke back and the right are squealing like schoolgirls that it's not fair.

Aw diddums.

Edited by Chicog
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I guess everyone forgets the "scrutiny' that was conducted by Fox News when Obama was running for president. Slanted right wing press..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I don't get Fox News so perhaps you can point me in the right direction to find their answers to those questions I posed above.

I await your input.

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I read the excerpt from Carson's book about West Point. I understood the context and what he meant, even though he used a civilian term like scholarship.

The bubble gum chewing "journalists" at Politico thought they had a killer scoop, and ran with it. Shoddy work.

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I guess everyone forgets the "scrutiny' that was conducted by Fox News when Obama was running for president. Slanted right wing press..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I don't get Fox News so perhaps you can point me in the right direction to find their answers to those questions I posed above.

I await your input.

Doesn't The Google work for you Chuck?

Not that anyone really cares any more, Obama isn't running for President is he?

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I guess everyone forgets the "scrutiny' that was conducted by Fox News when Obama was running for president. Slanted right wing press..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I don't get Fox News so perhaps you can point me in the right direction to find their answers to those questions I posed above.

I await your input.

Doesn't The Google work for you Chuck?

Not that anyone really cares any more, Obama isn't running for President is he?

He's running HRC for President and to that end he just can't keep his big mouth shut about the Republican candidates:

"President Barack Obama on Monday evening weighed in on the controversy over the latest Republican debate by mocking the GOP presidential candidates for not being able to "handle a bunch CNBC moderators."

"They say, 'When I talk to Putin, he's going to straighten out,' and then it turns out they can't handle a bunch of CNBC moderators," Obama told a star-studded gathering at the Broadway show Hamilton, where the Democrats held a $5,000-per-person fundraiser." - The Hollywood Reporter, 2 Nov 2015

It was another pack of lies emanating from his lips - no surprises in that regard.

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I guess everyone forgets the "scrutiny' that was conducted by Fox News when Obama was running for president. Slanted right wing press..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I don't get Fox News so perhaps you can point me in the right direction to find their answers to those questions I posed above.

I await your input.

Doesn't The Google work for you Chuck?

Not that anyone really cares any more, Obama isn't running for President is he?

Neither is George Bush but the secular left wing can't seem to let him go.

Yeah, I get Google and it works fine. Problem is I can't seem to find answers to those questions I asked earlier.

Headgame seemed to have some ideas about Fox so the question was put to him. Maybe you can help him out since you watch Fox.

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"Double Standards"?

The hypocrisy - and the irony - is beyond staggering.


From the OP:

"Scrutiny of his past is par for any major candidate for president, not only Carson. Obama's citizenship was questioned and he later released a birth certificate showing that he was born in Hawaii."

To expand on this little gem, please tell us all you know that has been discovered by the main stream media on Obama's history.

A few subjects of mystery remain, such as:

1. School records at Occidental College.

2. School records at Columbia.

3. School records at Harvard Law.

4. His personal connection with Frank Marshall Davis.

5. His personal connection with Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.

6. His business association with Tony Rezko.

...and finally...

7. Exactly what was Obama doing on the evening and night of 11 September 2012 while the Benghazi facility was under attack.

Double standards and hypocrisy abound, just not where you seem to believe it does.

Actually it's the non-standard demands of the right and the bizarre no standards accusations so many on the right have cooked up over the years that are of the greatest concern.


Obama’s ‘Sealed’ Records

In some cases, the records this screed claims are “sealed” are actually public, and open for anyone to see. Other supposedly “sealed” records are normally private documents that Obama hasn’t released — and that other presidential candidates haven’t released either.


No one in the MSM is cooking up anything on this Carson guy who comes at us from straight out the blue and from on high. Everyone following this is going by things Carson himself stated in his own unique way into a self-aggrandising biography written with a paid professional writer.

I'd bet the farm there's nothing in Barack Obama's records or history that says the pyramids were built by one chosen guy for the single purpose to store grain. That one is in itself a whopper of a bizarre thought and belief. When people you don't know hear it they have to wonder. In a political campaign for POTUS you'd be lucky if they didn't dismiss you on the spot.

Normally most mainstream people would joke that maybe a character like Carson accidentally got dropped on his head as a child. In Carson's case however it's more like he fell out of a cuckoo's nest. That the egg was cracked to begin with. Egg noggin.

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I guess everyone forgets the "scrutiny' that was conducted by Fox News when Obama was running for president. Slanted right wing press..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I don't get Fox News so perhaps you can point me in the right direction to find their answers to those questions I posed above.

I await your input.

Doesn't The Google work for you Chuck?

Not that anyone really cares any more, Obama isn't running for President is he?

Neither is George Bush but the secular left wing can't seem to let him go.

Yeah, I get Google and it works fine. Problem is I can't seem to find answers to those questions I asked earlier.

Headgame seemed to have some ideas about Fox so the question was put to him. Maybe you can help him out since you watch Fox.

Speaking of GW Bush he never released his records from Yale. They became public only after they were leaked to the press. Darn that MSM !!

Seems nobody's leaked Barack Obama's records itemised or indicated in the prior post. Maybe it's because it's all just too explosive to tamper with. Y'know, BH Obama the foreign student at Columbia on a scholarship (ahem) paid for by the PLO personally signed off on by Yassir Arafat. laugh.png

Stuff like that. clap2.gif

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Neither is George Bush but the secular left wing can't seem to let him go.

I suspect that's because there are still people getting killed because of the actions of George Jr. in invading a country under false pretenses.

Not to mention things like his Enron connections.

How any Republican can talk about impeaching Obama and keep a straight face, I'll never know.

BTW Fox have all but given up on Obama, even Keystone barely lasted a cycle.

I think all of their effort is going on defending Carson, so much so that I haven't heard them slag Clinton off once today.


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Anytime a Republican candidate is perceived as a serious threat to the Democratic status quo...the Democratic machine goes to work to find anything that might look bad if they can put their Demo spin and embellish the facts...to destroy a candidates image in the eye of the American public...

Senator Harry Reid proclaimed before Congress and to the world that Mitt Romney had not paid Federal income taxes, a crime, in over 10 years and therefore could not be trusted to run the country as President of the United States...

When questioned later about the blatant lie he told about Romney...Harry Reid, a US Senator said: "We Democratics won the election didn't we?"

This too will soon pass...if the Democratic Liberal Press...finds some new bs to feed the American public...IMHO

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Anytime a Republican candidate is perceived as a serious threat to the Democratic status quo...the Democratic machine goes to work to find anything that might look bad if they can put their Demo spin and embellish the facts...to destroy a candidates image in the eye of the American public...

Senator Harry Reid proclaimed before Congress and to the world that Mitt Romney had not paid Federal income taxes, a crime, in over 10 years and therefore could not be trusted to run the country as President of the United States...

When questioned later about the blatant lie he told about Romney...Harry Reid, a US Senator said: "We Democratics won the election didn't we?"

This too will soon pass...if the Democratic Liberal Press...finds some new bs to feed the American public...IMHO

Switch the words Republican and Democrat in your first sentence and it is no less true.

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So you believe he actually met with Westmoreland then?

Some sources say the General was in DC, not Detroit on Memorial Day, 1969. Some are more specific, that he played tennis in DC at 18:45.

This would be a game changer but because Politico has lost credibility, I'll need more evidence. They say they checked, so it's available, so post it. Why not.

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So you believe he actually met with Westmoreland then?

Yep. He confused the date years later, which is not difficult.

You are very charitable when you know perfectly well there is no proof the meeting EVER happened, any place, any time. You take his word ... WHY?

Look, I can respect people who have a right wing ideology based on their political views, but I don't understand the admiration of this NO EXPERIENCE man and actually thinking its OK for him to be president, or even supporting him. Except he's a symbol as a black man. If he wasn't black, who would he be in this campaign? Imagine a democrat with no experience, how the right wingers would destroy him. It's ALL about his BS redemption as a BLACK MAN story and that's all he is, and even that doesn't seem REAL.

A NORMAL candidate with holes in his story could easily weather it as many politicians have. But this man ... he is ONLY his story. If his story isn't rock solid and it isn't, he has NOTHING.

Of course he's freaked out now and fighting hard. Because the destruction of his story means his future book sale revenues and lecture circuit high fees are in danger. Good old economic self interest.

Edited by Jingthing
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Well the legacy media is showing its double standards yet again.

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1447050813.812013.jpg

Gimme a break. George W Bush also had his university records scrutinised. For instance, see here: http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1999/11/08/dept-of-aptitude-walexandra-robbins and here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/peter-dreier/how-george-w-bush-benefit_b_5814680.html. Then you had the dishonourable attacks on John Kerry's war record. Nothing special about Carson in all of this.

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