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Another victim bites the dust ! When will they ever learn.

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We all hear stories, everyone thinks it wont happen to them, and yet the reality is so different. So, here's the story, lets not have the usual I told you so etc as we all know that line.

Guy from the UK, meets girl in Pattaya, after a romance of several months, him back and forth when he has time off from work. Then she gets him up to the home village back in the sticks, parades him around like a trophy. He meets the family, introduced to some locals etc. Some time passes, and yes he buys an area of land, in her name. More time passes, the Mcmansion is now under way. A huge 4 bedroom 2 storey detached in 3 rai of ground. Next comes the parties, then the Wedding, many of his friends and relatives fly in for the ceremony and wish the happy couple well etc.

He continues to work in another country, sending her regular monthly payments of 50-60k returning for a few weeks at a time when he can.She has no job and is paid to stay home and look after the home etc.

Time passes, next comes the NEW Toyota Fortuner, and she is parading around the area with what appears to be an entourage, and she is wearing all the gold necklaces etc and giving money to friends etc. The husband, oblivious, is still working away.

Then he returns and is met at the airport by his wife and "her cousin" who is driving the Fortuner, he's staying with her at the New house as its a little outside village and she is scared to be alone in the big house. So, she has "employed" him to drive her around and look after the house and garden etc. (I think you all know where this is going).

More time passes, now 4 years since the original meeting. She wants a divorce, she tells him, she doesnt love him and never did, just wants him to go away and leave her alone.

The guy is distraught, upset, says he still loves her and wants to make it work, he planned to retire and share his life with her, she says "dont care, go away, I got what I wanted , why do I need you?"

Now here the back story, the land he purchased, he didnt know it, but it was purchased at twice the going rate from her parents !!

It was actually built by her Uncle, paying way over the rate again.

The driver, is actually her Thai husband.

He (the ferang) is the 3rd in a succession of her victims.

Right now, she is back in Pattaya searching for the next victim !!

What really gets me, and the one aspect to all this I cannot understand for the life of me, is this "woman" early-mid thirties, is not the slightest bit attractive, is overweight and really nothing special in anyway. If she was a "stunner" I could understand how guys would get sucked in (pardon the pun), so what she has eludes me, but she does have a cold heart and a ruthless plan.

So, it does happen, its not all rumour and urban myth. And for those that are wondering how I know, well, I live in the same village and you know how people love to talk in small communities.

I actually met the guy too, all be it briefly some time ago when he was fresh of the plane so to speak.

BEWARE they are real, and YOU could be next.

He did manage to negotiate the sale of the Fortuner to get some money back, but thats all he ended up with.

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They're out there.

There's a woman in our amphur with a reputation for making money ripping off husbands. All done with her families backing. 3 so far that I know of.

Find a sucker in pattaya, bring him home. Get sinsot, village wedding (not officially registered) plus house and car off the guy. As soon as the house is finished she breaks off with him and her family run him out of town, then back to pattaya she goes to find another victim.


They are out there, they all suffer from the same malaise, Knight In Shining Armour syndrome.

Heck one poster one here even uttered these immortal words, "I only wanted to rescue her".

Out of respect to a poster who has already replied, I will say no more.


The worst stories I've heard all involved girls away from the bar scene. There was a story on this forum a while back about a young English guy whose wife cleaned him out to the tune of several million.

As long as you only date girls who have their own home and car, you can't go too wrong. Sure, the girl may cheat and the relationship might end, but at least you won't lose your money.


Met a guy years ago, he spunked away 5 million baht.

Bought a 3 million baht condo in her name, cheaper no need to pay tax, then bough a on e million baht car, again in her name, cheaper, no need to pay tax.

The best line of the lot was, "she waited for me"

Translates as, nothing better came along in the mean time.

Last time I saw this mug, he was wiring in tellys in the Nana Plaza.

Came here with 5 million, spunked 4 million away, and pissed the other 1 million away in The Cat House.


It seems it takes a lot for the sucker to learn his lesson, a guy I once new which I can verify, lost a Bar,a House ,and a Brand new Bungalow to the same Con Artist/Bar Girl,Last time I saw him he was on his way to see his lawyer to verify the Bungalow was his,of course it wasn't. It seems being stupid is not only reserved for the young!


The World's oldest profession can pay well if the practitioner is a skilled and ruthless operator.

Yes that's true, lot of victims are a few sense short as well, it's not hard to get a few $ out of some one but a house and car?

Read here in TV of the guys paying there Thai women, often more than they would if they held down a job, it's one thing if it was house keeping money with a few grand for the girls themselves bit most of the time it's beyond that.


My gf went to see the Bond movie without me.

I think it might be over...what do you reckon?


If the Bond movie was 'The World is not Enough' you may have problems?


Do any ever seek revenge ? how to get even ? just curious ..........

This is my idea of revenge......


A nice weekend away to "talk about things" and whilst out of the way, the machines would go in and destroy the lot!


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Do any ever seek revenge ? how to get even ? just curious ..........

Revenge? Huh? For what? After nearly a half century of the exact same, first-person stories told, numerous books being written on the topic, and close friends giving "proceed with caution" advice, then a word to the wise should be sufficient.

If some arrogant, block-headed farang fool (who doesn't have brains enough to seek legal counsel) gets himself ripped-off, by some (dumb) Isaan country girl, then he should man-up, to take responsibilty for his own stupidity. Punching himself 3X in the head, will either wake him-up to reality, or send him deeper into the realm of the Richard Forbrain Society level of unconsciousness. Duh!coffee1.gif



No more to say really , all the happy marriages i know are of guys who lived here for some time ,rogered everything in sight got bored then started to meet ordinary women,with ordinary jobs , most of them have now been together for years ,have kids ,homes and live the sort of lives they lived in the west . but i can see how some guy who cant meet anyone at home comes here on holidays can get sucked into the fantasy .



No more to say really , all the happy marriages i know are of guys who lived here for some time ,rogered everything in sight got bored then started to meet ordinary women,with ordinary jobs , most of them have now been together for years ,have kids ,homes and live the sort of lives they lived in the west . but i can see how some guy who cant meet anyone at home comes here on holidays can get sucked into the fantasy .

rolleyes.gif The main reason why many of those blokes cannot meet a decent lady back home, is really quite simple The average western woman will not put-up with that bloke's Richard Forbrained nonsense, regardless the size of his bank account.

Whereas Thai women are socialized, from birth, to serve a man, especially when the price is right. The love factor is just a lucky , incidental bonus, to the live-in maid~(ahem) marriage "arrangement". A true (western-style) partnership, is not even a remote part of the LOS equation. Welcome to the real world of Asian expat life.

The Russians don't seem to have any problems with meeting, and then bringing their own women, with them to the LOS. Thus, the high-maintenance relationship headaches are totally avoided. Cheers, whistling.gif


The only two who I personally know that got screwed over were both in their sixty's, and the warning signs could be seen for miles.

I'm not saying that the girls didn't do the wrong thing but gawd, wake up.


From your village & in Pattaya looking for the next sap.

What would you do if you meet the next sap early on, same last?

Give a heads up or not your business??

I didnt get to hear the whole story until it all fell apart.

I had suspicions, from what I observed, but I didnt "know" either of them.


I wasn't suggesting any fault falls on you.

But just say she rocks up with her next victim (if they are only victims of themselves) & you meet him, do you give him a heads up, potently putting yourself at conflict with the family in your area or just ignore?


Some will disagree but, from what I've seen, the majority of the guys who get hosed like this are those who've spent their adulthood being knocked back by anything rated over a 4/10.

Once they're having sex with 6+/10s who tell them they're in love, they simply lose their minds


Some will disagree but, from what I've seen, the majority of the guys who get hosed like this are those who've spent their adulthood being knocked back by anything rated over a 4/10.

Once they're having sex with 6+/10s who tell them they're in love, they simply lose their minds

Everyones scale is going to vary by personal taste, but this girl, I would say would be a 2, on a good day.


All the old hands know the stories. Sometimes you can't save people from themselves. Stupid farangs.

Don't get in a relationship till after you've been here...a year. So many women to choose from and most of them are wonderful.

Shy away from the ones that were ever in the game. Don't meet your wife in Patts.



All the old hands know the stories. Sometimes you can't save people from themselves. Stupid farangs.

Don't get in a relationship till after you've been here...a year. So many women to choose from and most of them are wonderful.

Shy away from the ones that were ever in the game. Don't meet your wife in Patts.


Better still, don't get married

Self-reliance, independence and the ability to be happy alone (NOT lonely) are seriously underrated in Thailand


Do any ever seek revenge ? how to get even ? just curious ..........

Revenge? Huh? For what? After nearly a half century of the exact same, first-person stories told, numerous books being written on the topic, and close friends giving "proceed with caution" advice, then a word to the wise should be sufficient.

If some arrogant, block-headed farang fool (who doesn't have brains enough to seek legal counsel) gets himself ripped-off, by some (dumb) Isaan country girl, then he should man-up, to take responsibilty for his own stupidity. Punching himself 3X in the head, will either wake him-up to reality, or send him deeper into the realm of the Richard Forbrain Society level of unconsciousness. Duh!coffee1.gif

Obviously not that dumb.

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