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Protesters tell US ambassador to "go home"


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I would have said that it sounds like the typical US.... we will come and help you with democracy, bring in our troops, take over, plunder your resources and gold etc etc, like they have done all through the middle east. However this time, I'd have to say that I agree with the Ambassador, prison sentences for defamation, you have to be kidding right? It seems the Thai's don't understand the true meaning of defamation. If one is telling the "truth" or one simply adds the words "In my opinion", then it is not defamation. Saying the police are lazy, clumsy and not as well trained as some other nations is TRUE not defamation. Saying that in my opinion they are only useful for fining people for not wearing helmets and not much more other than causing problems and extorting money, then that is my opinion, not defamation. Thailand means "land of the free", they need to learn the meaning of this, because where is the freedom of speech, freedom to go about your daily tasks, freedom to watch what you want, freedom to sources such as the internet? ;-)

Disclaimer - This is not defamation, this is my opinion.

They know all of that.

The defamations laws were enacted by the elite ( at that time ) to effectively crush any criticisms of their self serving agendas while the powerful and wealthy also use it to put an end to any exposure of their financial skullduggery and or political skullduggery or any other crimes they are involved in at any given time.

If a common person was to try and apply the defamation laws against a powerful or wealthy or politically aligned Thai citizen they learn quick enough the defamation laws basically are a useful and effective tool to be used by the wealthy and the powerful and the politically connected Thai citizens...but not the common, underprivileged or poor Thai citizen who can not afford the costs and everything entailed to make the case stick and be compensated accordingly.


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When the new ambassador told the PM that people should have the right to speak their opinion then the shit hit the fan. Immediately a big mob was organized to go demonstrate in front of the US Embassy. Notice how the law no more than 5 in a mod does not apply to the US Embassy. Have you ever seen a demonstration at at the Chinese Embassy.

Recently the US gave Thailand a GSP (Generalized System Of Preference) for import of 3400 goods with very low import tax through the end of 2017. In addition they allow 11 agricultural goods to enter the US duty free. What do they give us in return. In Jan. of these year they banned the import of all turkeys. In addition US beef in not allowed to be imported unless it has no bones, sliver of bones and the importer has to pay the government for x ray of all shipments. This means no US beef in Thailand unless you want to pay 400% over the value of it. The trade imbalance with the US is 2:1. Thailand has one of the highest import taxes in the world averaging 27% plus loads of non tariff barriers to drive the price up. The US Trade Representative is a fool for taking this kind of shit. He should embargo all Thai seafood and see how flexible they get. Then you would really see a big state sponsored mob at the embassy.

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I know English standards in Thailand are bad but if you're going to make a banner to hold up at a protest, you should at least make sure all the words at the spelled correctly.

Since when did <deleted> have an 'e' in it?

Just another day in the Land of Xenophobia.


I hope you don't teach English.

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I am absoutlely no fan of the American governments (or indeed, my own and most western governments) foreign policies at ALL. However, what this ambassador is saying is spot on. Going to jail for 15 years or more for less majeste is like something from the dark ages.

I have met some Thais that are tuned in to it all but the vast majority of them have been brainwashed since birth to worship and never question. The current mob in charge use it to crush any descent but hell even Thaksin was mental on it when he was in power. I wish Thais would wake up to see it's more of a tool used by the scheming elite to protect their vested self interests than it is to protect the Thai monarchy that would still be loved by the vast majority of Thais even if you removed LM laws tomorrow.

There is no end in sight to this issue and there won't be for a very, very long time.

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Been in this Country a long time, have never had a very high opinion of the people. But on this occasion the Thais got it right, they must of read the published details of Obamas' handlers latest TPP "Free Trade" agreement under which they would of become more slave like, than they already are. Slaves of Banks and Corporations, totally, without due process, and stolen Sovereignty. How this catastrophe was avoided I have no idea, but am glad that whoever was on watch at the time, had the knowledge and discernment of mind not to further enslave the Thai people, as they would of lost, the 30 baht Medical Service, among many other things. Just like to mention this post is not written in favour of any Political Party, as all Pols. are nothing more than Bankers agents/enablers, as the Bankers own everything including all T Vrs. just check the code written in red at top righthand corner of birth certificate. Google it, you will be surprised. By the way they did spell that swear word correctly, Thais are used to writing their own language, and all Thai consonants start with a small curl with first stroke of pen.

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America has to play it's role and claim it is protecting Democracy and Freedom, otherwise it would lose it's edge in forging other conquests worldwide where "freedom" is the catch phrase required for military/economic intervention, which has not happened in Thailand. Only a mild condemnation of what have been called Draconian policies in Thailand, violating certain universally-accepted standards for the concept of Democracy, Freedom of Speech, which is one of the basic tenants of a "healthy" Democracy, according to the American system. America is not imposing this standard upon the Thai people nor is it making sanctions or other impositions on Thailand, but merely making a public condemnation. For such a vitriolic, angry response is unreasonable considering nothing more than public statements have been issued. These protesters with their placards are using terms that I think the protesters may have learned from their anti-American but Farang friends, husbands and investors. I hear what seems to be an echo and reverberation of a puppet theater, and look at their smiles how much fun they are having!!!!smile.png

Edited by me313
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Why the US always needs to open their mouth and start interfering in local affairs of other countries? How many more civil wars do they want to create?

They can't help it !! They can't sort their own shit out in their own country so they have to try and &lt;deleted&gt; up as many other country's as possible !! They're always right everybody else is wrong...

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Not correct. If you think the Army gave up in Vietnam because of casualties, you should read some history before attempting to make comments on it.

They usually go back home when the media concentrate on the stray bombs which killed some civilians and it gets plastered all over the news.

Then the people who they were fighting go back to slaughtering their political or religious enemies by the thousand in the most barbaric manner with nobody to stop them - but those same liberals don't feel any guilt about that for some reason and the media don't report it because they caused it.

Golly John, are you sick? You actually wrote something sensible and true for once. Keep it up.

Monsanto and Dow sprayed vietnam with agent orange, many veterans have died young from skin cancer and other cancers after being sprayed on and Post Traumatic stress.

Now the Thai's are passing a bill to allow Monsanto into Thailand and infest it with GM crops and chemicals.

No wonder they are not wanted here, by the sensible ones.

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I would suggest everyone google and take the time to read the wikipedia about the general: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prayut_Chan-o-cha

When the new ambassador told the PM that people should have the right to speak their opinion then the shit hit the fan. Immediately a big mob was organized to go demonstrate in front of the US Embassy. Notice how the law no more than 5 in a mod does not apply to the US Embassy. Have you ever seen a demonstration at at the Chinese Embassy.

Recently the US gave Thailand a GSP (Generalized System Of Preference) for import of 3400 goods with very low import tax through the end of 2017. In addition they allow 11 agricultural goods to enter the US duty free. What do they give us in return. In Jan. of these year they banned the import of all turkeys. In addition US beef in not allowed to be imported unless it has no bones, sliver of bones and the importer has to pay the government for x ray of all shipments. This means no US beef in Thailand unless you want to pay 400% over the value of it. The trade imbalance with the US is 2:1. Thailand has one of the highest import taxes in the world averaging 27% plus loads of non tariff barriers to drive the price up. The US Trade Representative is a fool for taking this kind of shit. He should embargo all Thai seafood and see how flexible they get. Then you would really see a big state sponsored mob at the embassy.

I am absoutlely no fan of the American governments (or indeed, my own and most western governments) foreign policies at ALL. However, what this ambassador is saying is spot on. Going to jail for 15 years or more for less majeste is like something from the dark ages.

I have met some Thais that are tuned in to it all but the vast majority of them have been brainwashed since birth to worship and never question. The current mob in charge use it to crush any descent but hell even Thaksin was mental on it when he was in power. I wish Thais would wake up to see it's more of a tool used by the scheming elite to protect their vested self interests than it is to protect the Thai monarchy that would still be loved by the vast majority of Thais even if you removed LM laws tomorrow.

There is no end in sight to this issue and there won't be for a very, very long time.

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About the sign that the woman is holding.

How many of you have been here long enough to know that he motive was not political.

Experience shows that her thinking would be..................if someone comes out to speak to me then I might get lucky and make some money. T.I.T.


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They're right. The US should pack up and close its operations in Thailand. Stop spending US taxpayer in and on this trregular nation.

That is a great idea. Would be curious to see what Thailand would do if the US closed

the embassy, pulled out all their staff, and ceased issuing visas to Thai people.

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I know English standards in Thailand are bad but if you're going to make a banner to hold up at a protest, you should at least make sure all the words at the spelled correctly.

Since when did <deleted> have an 'e' in it?

Just another day in the Land of Xenophobia.

Yes pinkpanter99 and in your country, Thai standards are great.

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The small protest in itself is insignificant.

However, it does expose a truth.

The bottom line is that when the military junta forced Yingluck out of office, they were doing the right thing for Thailand.

Yes, Yingluck always had the best interests of the Thai people in her heart.

However, the corruption in her administration, and the threat to the peace of Thailand, made her a threat to the well being of the country.

The USA should have embraced Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha and the junta immediately.

Can things be restored? Yes, they can.

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"This is Thailand, not the USA" and "Go, Go Home" - I doubt they understand the basic concept of what an Ambassador is. I am sure Mr Davies is aware it is Thailand and not the USA.

​Glynn Davies was previously stationed in N. Korea.

So guess what might be in the mind of the USA authorities that decide who goes where, on the Ambassador circuit. Perhaps they look for experience gained from being stationed in a country of a certain national profile, that fits to what they might expect is emerging in their next placement?

​Monks involved in politics. Why not? I don't see any real politicians, so why not fill the void with soldiers, police, monks, anyone who cares to join the in the fun ... as long as nobody has any concepts, principles or ethics to follow, it a free for all.

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They're right. The US should pack up and close its operations in Thailand. Stop spending US taxpayer in and on this trregular nation.

Ban imports from Thailand to the USA and forbid exports to Thailand. Wouldnt belong before moans are heard

That would be at least 5 years too late. US hasn't been very important importer or exporter to Thailand for quite a while now. Other country took over that position. Due to US economy, Thai businesses have been and continue to pull out, and move else where. Thanks to (for Thailand) Russia and China, it is becoming more and more obvious that US influence is shrinking around the world.

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Didn't we see most of those old biddies wearing yellow shirts at an airport a couple of years ago?

They might have been wearing red at one time.

The rice they were asked not to plant in our area is in the ground and wont need much tending so they can gop back to disrupting traffic and being a pain in the rear for a while or until the perks quite being passed around.

The rent a mob recuriter seems to have only been able to round up a gaggle this time. His position may be on shakey ground.

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Oh no need for the US Ambassador to <deleted> himself...much more entertaining for him to watch Thailand get <deleted> by China!

Oh the poetry & prose of todays Thai protesters! Whatever happened to the good old days of 'Death to America' and a good bit of flag burning? Happy Days....

Why would China <deleted> Thailand, they want trade. China is the Middle Kingdom thats how they perceive themselves. States on the borders are to pay tribute to them and thats it', they were free to rule for many years, they are not interested in conquer but trade. It might change over time when spares resources are needed, but then all the global nations will be on the attack. You might want to check out how the USA screwed the world when they took the USD which is the reserve currency of the gold standard. Thats the biggest scam in the history of mankind and never before affected the doing of one country so many other nations as the USA does. Only time will tell if China will grow to become the bully the USA is, protecting their petro dollar, how did the president say it.... "at all cost"(that includes the use of atomic weapons yes). America was a great nation of freedom, it has become not the police of the world, but the dictator. I feel sad for their people who are totally ignorant of the worlds history.

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Like em, or hate em their message is always the same. The ambassador did not shock anyone with his comments, his views are consistent with every other US diplomat - so why the knee-jerk faux protest?

Strange the military did not clamp down on this illegal (political) gathering, until you figure they have no other 'effective' way of showing their displeasure - so why not show how the US is taking away the 'ordinary peoples' happiness...

Except nobody really cares what the chap said, other than the paranoid 'leaders' themselves.

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