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Trump's Muslim ban idea pushes GOP toward chaos


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Trump's Muslim ban idea pushes GOP toward chaos

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump's plan to ban Muslims from entering the United States is shoving the Republican Party to the edge of chaos, abruptly pitting GOP leaders against their own presidential front-runner and jeopardizing the party's longtime drive to attract minorities.

Unbowed, Trump fired a searing warning Tuesday via Twitter to fellow Republicans carping about his proposal. A majority of his supporters, he tweeted, "would vote for me if I departed the GOP & ran as an independent."

The crossfire between Trump and frustrated Republicans became a furious blur the day after the billionaire businessman announced his plan. Beleaguered 2016 rivals condemned his proposal and complained that his divisive positions were dominating attention in the crowded Republican contest. Party elders, meanwhile, warned that too much criticism might indeed push him to abandon the GOP and launch a third-party bid that could hand the presidential election to the Democrats.

And Republicans up for re-election in the Senate grew terse in the Capitol hallways as they were asked again and again to respond to Trump's remarks — a glimpse of their political futures if the former reality show star captures the GOP nomination.

"This is not conservatism," declared House Speaker Paul Ryan, the Republican Party's top elected leader. "What was proposed yesterday is not what this party stands for. And more importantly, it's not what this country stands for."

One by one, Republican officials across the country lashed out at Trump's plan, announced the night before, which calls for a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States" to help quell the threat of terrorism.

But party leaders are well aware that he could leave the GOP, run as an independent and challenge the party's presidential nominee next year. It's a threat they have long feared.

The Republican Party, said Jeb Bush adviser Ana Navarro, is stuck between "a rock and a jerk" less than eight weeks before the first primary-season votes are cast in Iowa.

In New Hampshire, Republican National Committeeman Steve Duprey called Trump's idea "abhorrent." At the same time, he reminded Trump of his Republican loyalty pledge, saying, "I know him to be a man of his word."

And in Mississippi, RNC member Henry Barbour said Trump's comments "aren't worthy of someone who wants to occupy 1600 Pennsylvania Ave." He said Trump would be a "disaster politically for the GOP if he won the nomination."

"It's embarrassing at best," Barbour said of Trump's impact on his party.

Barbour helped author the Republican National Committee's "Growth and Opportunity Project" after a painful 2012 presidential election that forced party leaders to re-evaluate their strategy in presidential contests to reflect the nation's demographic shifts. Among other things, the report cited an urgent need for GOP leaders to adopt an inclusive and welcoming tone on issues such as immigration.

"If we want ethnic minority voters to support Republicans, we have to engage them and show our sincerity," it read, noting that white voters made up a record-low 72 percent of the electorate in 2012 and would represent less than half of all voters by 2050.

Yet Trump has vaulted to the top of the Republican 2016 field by attacking immigrants in many cases.

He called some Mexican immigrants "rapists" and "criminals" in his announcement speech and intensified his criticism of Muslim immigrants or visitors Monday evening. While experts widely consider his proposal unconstitutional, Trump's continued popularity underscores the deep divide between Republican leaders and the party's conservative base, which holds outsized influence in the presidential nomination process.

Indeed, Trump's plan was cheered during a South Carolina rally Monday evening, and vocal supporters across the country defended the Muslim ban as necessary for national security. Polling suggests the sentiment is likely fueled by sharp strain of xenophobia: A new AP-GfK poll found 8 in 10 Republicans think there are too many immigrants coming from the Middle East.

Trump showed little concern for critics on Tuesday.

"I don't care about them," he told CNN. "I'm doing what's right."

The debate over Trump's plan left his Republican presidential competitors struggling for attention with little time remaining before Iowa's Feb. 1 caucuses.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's calls on Tuesday for Congress to strengthen the nation's domestic surveillance program was little more than a coverage afterthought amid the wave of Trump stories.. So, too, was a new advertising campaign from allies of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush that assailed Trump, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz as unprepared to serve as commander in chief.

Former technology executive Carly Fiorina flashed her frustration when asked repeatedly about Trump's comments as she campaigned in Iowa.

"Maybe you should quit focusing on Donald Trump so much," she told reporters.

Trump's position has also forced vulnerable Republicans facing re-election next year into an awkward position. Those who weighed in at all condemned his plan but also stepped carefully.

New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte said she opposes any "religious-based test for our immigration standards," but she declined to criticize Trump directly when pressed by reporters.

Some Republicans not facing election next year were less cautious.

"It does not reflect serious thought. It's not our party. It's not our country," Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz. told reporters.

AP writers Erica Werner and Mary Clare Jalonick in Washington, Catherine Lucey in Des Moines, Iowa, Jill Colvin in Newark, New Jersey, and Scott Bauer in Madison, Wisconsin, contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-12-09

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Every Republican has to play the fear factor. It's all they really all they have...fear. You better vote for me or (fill in the blank) is going to kill you. Only I can save you.

I don't think Trump winning the nomination would be a disaster for the Republicans. What's the difference between him and the rest of them? They're all in the same place on the issues. When Trump stumbles Cruz takes his place. Can anyone seriously argue that having Cruz win the nomination is better thing than Trump winning? Apparently, he's in first place in Iowa. Then there's Rubio, who's an idiot. And so on and so on. Doesn't matter. There is absolutely no prayer (I was going to say chance but I want to include the appeal to Jesus) of these guys becoming POTUS. Nada.

The whole election is a disaster for the Republicans. Fox News and the Tea Party did this by creating the Wingnut purity test. Republicans appeal only to other people who are afraid, mostly old white men.

My new favorite word is schadenfreude - enjoyment experienced from the pain of others. In this case, the pathetic hypocrites that are the republican party.

Do you hear that? The lemmings are whistling "I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy" as they march off a cliff.

Best election, ever. clap2.gif

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For the sake and safety of the rest of the world I hope Trump decides its a lot easier and better for all if he instead banned Americans from leaving their country.

And here, in this comment, you see what lies at the core of the Trump hatred. It's not really Trump. People like Linky want to see damage done to the United States and favor any policy that inflicts it, such as moslem immigration. At bottom, Linky and the others with their one line denunciations of Trump simply hate America and Americans--as this post reveals.

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For the sake and safety of the rest of the world I hope Trump decides its a lot easier and better for all if he instead banned Americans from leaving their country.

And here, in this comment, you see what lies at the core of the Trump hatred. It's not really Trump. People like Linky want to see damage done to the United States and favor any policy that inflicts it, such as moslem immigration. At bottom, Linky and the others with their one line denunciations of Trump simply hate America and Americans--as this post reveals.

And here, you see a comment that is taken by someone who has blinkers on.

The US has killed a lot more muslims than muslims killed anyone else. The US caused ISIS. The world would be a lot safer if Americans were not allowed out. Americans are more likely to be targeted, it is best they stay home.

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Glad they didn't stay home in 1941.....

I am here cos they didn't stay home for that 4 years..

Off topic now,

But the Americans had little or no influence on the outcome of WW2 in Europe.

It was the Russians that beat Germany.


I have no beef against the Muslims.

Currently the worst that could happen is I would have to grow a beard and get up a little earlier for prayers.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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So when we had our second go, D-Day, we could have done it on our own...rolleyes.gif

Still off topic,

The Brits could have stayed at home, and let Russia roll over Western Europe.

Wouldn't have made any difference in the war against Germany.

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So when we had our second go, D-Day, we could have done it on our own...rolleyes.gif

Still off topic,

The Brits could have stayed at home, and let Russia roll over Western Europe.

Wouldn't have made any difference in the war against Germany.

The Brits went to war with Germany, are you saying we should have given up..?

The Americans were told to hold back and let the Russians take Berlin..Fact...

You saying the Americans done nufink is utter crap mon ami...

Apparently he's confused. When the USA liberated the South Pacific and was taking heavy casualties, the Russians sat back and waited. In the final days of WWII, the Russians attack a weakened Japan seizing islands which they have never returned.

He also forgets that Russia was an ally of Germany, carving up Poland and attacking Finland. The only reason Russia entered the war is because it had a falling out with Germany. Otherwise, Russia would have gobbled up more countries. Most of the Russian casualties were intentional and caused directly by despot Stalin.

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For the sake and safety of the rest of the world I hope Trump decides its a lot easier and better for all if he instead banned Americans from leaving their country.

And here, in this comment, you see what lies at the core of the Trump hatred. It's not really Trump. People like Linky want to see damage done to the United States and favor any policy that inflicts it, such as moslem immigration. At bottom, Linky and the others with their one line denunciations of Trump simply hate America and Americans--as this post reveals.

And here, you see a comment that is taken by someone who has blinkers on.

The US has killed a lot more muslims than muslims killed anyone else. The US caused ISIS. The world would be a lot safer if Americans were not allowed out. Americans are more likely to be targeted, it is best they stay home.

Glad they didn't stay home in 1941.....

I am here cos they didn't stay home for that 4 years..

You would still be here, maybe speaking a different language though. But is that a bad thing?

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Don't see anything wrong with his idea.

Makes a change from all the liberal lefty garbage spouted by both parties.

About time the native Americans, kick all the others out

As a "Native American," I will endorse your idea. MaeJoMTB can stay. You, on the other hand, should either leave or never try to enter.

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For the sake and safety of the rest of the world I hope Trump decides its a lot easier and better for all if he instead banned Americans from leaving their country.

And here, in this comment, you see what lies at the core of the Trump hatred. It's not really Trump. People like Linky want to see damage done to the United States and favor any policy that inflicts it, such as moslem immigration. At bottom, Linky and the others with their one line denunciations of Trump simply hate America and Americans--as this post reveals.

There are only a small number of TV members from the USA. Quite a few non-Americans use this forum to spread propaganda and hate mail...like a bunch of whinging sissies. If you believed them...every country in the world is full of decent, honest, intelligent people, except Americans. Thats how we know.

Seems only to reveal their personal insecurities....

It's like the cold war... foolish propaganda

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I think it is a foregone conclusion that the GOP will not win the presidency and anybody in their right mind who fancies their chances at being the next Republican President will be keeping their powder dry for at least the next 4 years... and probably longer now the the current bunch of clowns on the nomination platform is destroying the party from within.

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Don't see anything wrong with his idea.

Makes a change from all the liberal lefty garbage spouted by both parties.

About time the native Americans, kick all the others out

As a "Native American," I will endorse your idea. MaeJoMTB can stay. You, on the other hand, should either leave or never try to enter.

no desire at all to enter, keep it to yourself
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Declarations of intent of the Republican candidate sound like a royal gift at us Europeans.

Thus we would be the only one to receive these cheerful bearded, their kids to ten per family and veiled fatma to not educate them.

Ah the eternal American so generous and however so much maligned ... wai2.gif

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Hmmm .... wonder how they would know that you are a Muslim? Would it be a circumcision test at boarder entry points? I guess the Jews would never stand for that.

Not really because circumcision is very popular in the U.S.

Among older men it's like 90 percent.

"Kids today" it's about 50 / 50.

But as far as "ethnic looks" yes Jews often look similar to typical Muslim ethnicities.

Edited by Jingthing
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At last a politician with the guts to say what we are all thinking. That's the only way to solve the Muslim problem. Bombing a few sand pits in Syria will achieve nothing.

Who give you right to talk on behalf us?

Just bigots, haters and ignorant like you may allow you. Go get a life and educate yourself.

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Hmmm .... wonder how they would know that you are a Muslim? Would it be a circumcision test at boarder entry points? I guess the Jews would never stand for that.

Not really because circumcision is very popular in the U.S.

Among older men it's like 90 percent.

"Kids today" it's about 50 / 50.

But as far as "ethnic looks" yes Jews often look similar to typical Muslim ethnicities.

Really. Where did you get these stupid conclusion. Majority of Muslims are in Asia, do you really a separadic look like an Indonesian?

This is the most ignorant comment of the day I have heard. Muslims cand be be identified by a look. Or Jew too. A falasha certainly look like Ashkenazi from Poland. Lollllll

Since when religion is synonymous of ethnicity?

Edited by Petchou
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I don't think Trump winning the nomination would be a disaster for the Republicans. What's the difference between him and the rest of them? They're all in the same place on the issues. When Trump stumbles Cruz takes his place. Can anyone seriously argue that having Cruz win the nomination is better thing than Trump winning? Apparently, he's in first place in Iowa. Then there's Rubio, who's an idiot. And so on and so on. Doesn't matter. There is absolutely no prayer (I was going to say chance but I want to include the appeal to Jesus) of these guys becoming POTUS. Nada.

Trump is a shill. The whole purpose of him being in the race is to make the others look less crazy.

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