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UK expats for EU exit

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Should the Remain camp have a plan? Surely the leave camp needed one. Not a problem, let's blame Cameron. A strange vaccume has appeared with none of the major players willing to stand up.

You seem to fail to realise that ONLY the government can manage the exit process.

You can't create a sub-committe of Farage, Johnson, Gove, Stuart et al to undertake the task.

Do you not find it slightly pathetic that Cameron did not have a plan in place ready to implement if the vote went against him ?

He could have called it "Plan B" - most normal people do.

Neglect !!

I will accept that Cameron should have given a bit more thought to his decision. How the leave camp have managed to scurry away without a trace is more worrying.

To be fair Boris was shafted and Gove wasn't man enough for the job. You also have MPs who mainly campaigned to Remain choosing who was going to manage the Leave process.

I can't believe that they were that arrogant that NO thought was given to what should happen if the vote went against them. Then again, it cannot be easy planning for something that you are totally opposed to.

I can just imagine the reception Farage would have got if he had phoned Cameron and said "Dave, do you think it would be a good idea if we sat down together and compiled a plan for exit - just in case the country vote for that".

But to have the vote go against you (as the sitting government) and then sit on your thumbs saying "Bugger - I wasn't expecting THAT. I had better resign" almost beggars belief.

I have said before, but will repeat it again, I would rather have Cameron running this show than May.

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Should the Remain camp have a plan? Surely the leave camp needed one. Not a problem, let's blame Cameron. A strange vaccume has appeared with none of the major players willing to stand up.

You seem to fail to realise that ONLY the government can manage the exit process.

You can't create a sub-committe of Farage, Johnson, Gove, Stuart et al to undertake the task.

Do you not find it slightly pathetic that Cameron did not have a plan in place ready to implement if the vote went against him ?

He could have called it "Plan B" - most normal people do.

Neglect !!

I will accept that Cameron should have given a bit more thought to his decision. How the leave camp have managed to scurry away without a trace is more worrying.

To be fair Boris was shafted and Gove wasn't man enough for the job. You also have MPs who mainly campaigned to Remain choosing who was going to manage the Leave process.

I can't believe that they were that arrogant that NO thought was given to what should happen if the vote went against them. Then again, it cannot be easy planning for something that you are totally opposed to.

I can just imagine the reception Farage would have got if he had phoned Cameron and said "Dave, do you think it would be a good idea if we sat down together and compiled a plan for exit - just in case the country vote for that".

But to have the vote go against you (as the sitting government) and then sit on your thumbs saying "Bugger - I wasn't expecting THAT. I had better resign" almost beggars belief.

I have said before, but will repeat it again, I would rather have Cameron running this show than May.

So Boris is a whimp. Accepted being stabbed in the back. May sat on the fence. All good fun in a way. Donald can't get his name in the papers at the moment.


Comparative FX rates for the last ten years -- for the provision of fact over speculation smile.png


Interesting that you set the baseline time frame at ten years.

That's as far as xe.com go back. ;) feel free to make it 20 years for interest's sake .


I happen to be British, born in Germany. What are the wishes of the UK people? Everyone seems to like telling others what to think.

A lot of the remainers seem to want to tell the leavers how they should have voted, and explain how regretful many of the leavers are now.

I guess they are using the same psychics to predict other peoples thoughts that Cameron did.

I'm still happy to leave, and still want it done the day after the leave vote won.

Why do you keep harping back to remainers. The Leave vote won. Can you not accept your own decision?

You are correct in saying that the Brexit vote won.

Can the Bremainers also accept that decision without whining and crying?


Should the Remain camp have a plan? Surely the leave camp needed one. Not a problem, let's blame Cameron. A strange vaccume has appeared with none of the major players willing to stand up.

You seem to fail to realise that ONLY the government can manage the exit process.

You can't create a sub-committe of Farage, Johnson, Gove, Stuart et al to undertake the task.

Do you not find it slightly pathetic that Cameron did not have a plan in place ready to implement if the vote went against him ?

He could have called it "Plan B" - most normal people do.

Neglect !!

Well Leadsom is leading none, now that she's dropped out of the race for PM.

So Brexit, no plan and no leader.

Mother Theresa has a plan:

Theresa May has insisted "Brexit means Brexit" and there will be no second referendum on the issue. She says official talks on leaving, which will begin when the UK triggers the so-called Article 50, won't begin until the end of 2016 at earliest. She has insisted the status of EU nationals in UK won't change until a new "legal agreement" is reached but has yet to give a guarantee on their status. She says the best deal is needed to trade with the EU in goods and services but more control is needed to lower immigration.



So Theresa May will be the new PM by T Time on Wednesday, not my choice but there you are, I hope she lives up to the billing and surprises everyone that actually she might not be a bad choice in the end, time will tell.

What this does mean now is that th uncertainty is fading, hopefully there will be lift in sentiments around the financial world and the £ starts to rise, she stating a January date for invoking article 50 and the start of negotiations to leave.


Edit. can't be bothered. Have a great time outside the EU.

I'll just thank god I left and have no exposure to GBP.


Don't let the door...... edit; can't be bothered.


Should the Remain camp have a plan? Surely the leave camp needed one. Not a problem, let's blame Cameron. A strange vaccume has appeared with none of the major players willing to stand up.

You seem to fail to realise that ONLY the government can manage the exit process.

You can't create a sub-committe of Farage, Johnson, Gove, Stuart et al to undertake the task.

Do you not find it slightly pathetic that Cameron did not have a plan in place ready to implement if the vote went against him ?

He could have called it "Plan B" - most normal people do.

Neglect !!

He did have a Plan B. Resign, get May "elected" as PM, everything stays the same.


Should the Remain camp have a plan? Surely the leave camp needed one. Not a problem, let's blame Cameron. A strange vaccume has appeared with none of the major players willing to stand up.

You seem to fail to realise that ONLY the government can manage the exit process.

You can't create a sub-committe of Farage, Johnson, Gove, Stuart et al to undertake the task.

Do you not find it slightly pathetic that Cameron did not have a plan in place ready to implement if the vote went against him ?

He could have called it "Plan B" - most normal people do.

Neglect !!

He did have a Plan B. Resign, get May "elected" as PM, everything stays the same.

Not a very good Plan B, was it.


Should the Remain camp have a plan? Surely the leave camp needed one. Not a problem, let's blame Cameron. A strange vaccume has appeared with none of the major players willing to stand up.

You seem to fail to realise that ONLY the government can manage the exit process.

You can't create a sub-committe of Farage, Johnson, Gove, Stuart et al to undertake the task.

Do you not find it slightly pathetic that Cameron did not have a plan in place ready to implement if the vote went against him ?

He could have called it "Plan B" - most normal people do.

Neglect !!

He did have a Plan B. Resign, get May "elected" as PM, everything stays the same.

May has her own plan for making her mark on British politics - and I can guarantee that it won't be for being remembered as the PM who reneged on on the will of the people.


Should the Remain camp have a plan? Surely the leave camp needed one. Not a problem, let's blame Cameron. A strange vaccume has appeared with none of the major players willing to stand up.

You seem to fail to realise that ONLY the government can manage the exit process.

You can't create a sub-committe of Farage, Johnson, Gove, Stuart et al to undertake the task.

Do you not find it slightly pathetic that Cameron did not have a plan in place ready to implement if the vote went against him ?

He could have called it "Plan B" - most normal people do.

Neglect !!

He did have a Plan B. Resign, get May "elected" as PM, everything stays the same.

Not a very good Plan B, was it.

At least he had a plan B. Borris and Gove didn't have a plan A.


I wonder what the result might be, if MPs were to be allowed a 'free vote', on a motion whether or not to trigger Brexit under Article-50 ? whistling.gif

We know that many of them were pro-Remain, indeed it was party-policy for most of them, but how would it go if they weren't whipped & forced to vote the party-line ? beatdeadhorse.gif


He did have a Plan B. Resign, get May "elected" as PM, everything stays the same.

Not a very good Plan B, was it.

I'm not sure many politicians plan to flush their careers down the pan.


I wonder what the result might be, if MPs were to be allowed a 'free vote', on a motion whether or not to trigger Brexit under Article-50 ? whistling.gif

We know that many of them were pro-Remain, indeed it was party-policy for most of them, but how would it go if they weren't whipped & forced to vote the party-line ? beatdeadhorse.gif

Every one of them would vote to remain.

Mainly because when they become unelectable in the UK, they get a free party pass for a MEP seat.


I wonder what the result might be, if MPs were to be allowed a 'free vote', on a motion whether or not to trigger Brexit under Article-50 ? whistling.gif

We know that many of them were pro-Remain, indeed it was party-policy for most of them, but how would it go if they weren't whipped & forced to vote the party-line ? beatdeadhorse.gif

Every one of them would vote to remain.

Mainly because when they become unelectable in the UK, they get a free party pass for a MEP seat.

Not at all. They will get consultancies and Board membership positions from the companies whose cause they have championed.


Something odd here...

BBC Breaking News @BBCBreaking

UK Parliament to debate petition calling for 2nd EU referendum; debate to be held 5 Sept



Something odd here...

BBC Breaking News @BBCBreaking

UK Parliament to debate petition calling for 2nd EU referendum; debate to be held 5 Sept

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect PRO1468333866.220642.jpg

They are obliged to 'debate' it - but it will get brushed aside, like all e-petitions.

"Brexit means Brexit"

You are correct and the BBC newsflash was a bit misleading:

"The Petitions Committee has decided to schedule a House of Commons debate on this petition. The debate will take place on 5 September at 4.30pm in Westminster Hall, the second debating chamber of the House of Commons. The debate will be opened by Ian Blackford MP.

The Committee has decided that the huge number of people signing this petition means that it should be debated by MPs. The Petitions Committee would like to make clear that, in scheduling this debate, they are not supporting the call for a second referendum. The debate will allow MPs to put forward a range of views on behalf of their constituents. At the end of the debate, a Government Minister will respond to the points raised.

"A debate in Westminster Hall does not have the power to change the law, and won’t end with the House of Commons deciding whether or not to have a second referendum. Moreover, the petition – which was opened on 25 May, well before the referendum – calls for the referendum rules to be changed. It is now too late for the rules to be changed retrospectively. It will be up to the Government to decide whether it wants to start the process of agreeing a new law for a second referendum."



Something odd here...

BBC Breaking News @BBCBreaking

UK Parliament to debate petition calling for 2nd EU referendum; debate to be held 5 Sept

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect PRO1468333866.220642.jpg

They are obliged to 'debate' it - but it will get brushed aside, like all e-petitions.

"Brexit means Brexit"

Last week Cameron had said there would be no debate on the 2nd referendum, there would be no referendum, if this is ever brought before the House it will be talked out of time, thats the way of things.


This talk of a 2nd referendum debate is indeed misleading. The HMG has said that the original referendum vote would stand and it does, what the debate is about is, if in future there were to be another referendum and we dont have many do we that certain guidelines would have to be met, it has been suggested that a winning margin of 60%+ with a turn out of 75% might be required for it to be valid, this is what the debate is about not about a 2nd referendum about leaving the EU.

That decision has been taken and the result declared, now all the HMG has to decide is when they will trigger the start of the process to leave.


This talk of a 2nd referendum debate is indeed misleading. The HMG has said that the original referendum vote would stand and it does, what the debate is about is, if in future there were to be another referendum and we dont have many do we that certain guidelines would have to be met, it has been suggested that a winning margin of 60%+ with a turn out of 75% might be required for it to be valid, this is what the debate is about not about a 2nd referendum about leaving the EU.

That decision has been taken and the result declared, now all the HMG has to decide is when they will trigger the start of the process to leave.

I fully expect a referendum will be held on the terms of the UK's Brexit in 2 years or so. By then, attitudes to a Brexit may well be very different.


This talk of a 2nd referendum debate is indeed misleading. The HMG has said that the original referendum vote would stand and it does, what the debate is about is, if in future there were to be another referendum and we dont have many do we that certain guidelines would have to be met, it has been suggested that a winning margin of 60%+ with a turn out of 75% might be required for it to be valid, this is what the debate is about not about a 2nd referendum about leaving the EU.

That decision has been taken and the result declared, now all the HMG has to decide is when they will trigger the start of the process to leave.

correction: Her Majesty's Government did not say anything related. the "reliable" source EXPRESS quoted lawyers of HMG saying the referendum does not have to be debated but did not rule out that it will debated and voted on.

this alleged quote has not been published by any other media than the EXPRESS whistling.gif


Something odd here...

BBC Breaking News @BBCBreaking

UK Parliament to debate petition calling for 2nd EU referendum; debate to be held 5 Sept

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect PRO1468333866.220642.jpg

They are obliged to 'debate' it - but it will get brushed aside, like all e-petitions.

"Brexit means Brexit"

Last week Cameron had said there would be no debate on the 2nd referendum, there would be no referendum, if this is ever brought before the House it will be talked out of time, thats the way of things.

last week Cameron was Prime Minister, later today he won't be.


I fully expect a referendum will be held on the terms of the UK's Brexit in 2 years or so. By then, attitudes to a Brexit may well be very different.

i expect that Brexit discussions will, depending on the perspective, entertain or bore us for years to come coffee1.gif


And I fully expect the Brexit bunch to demand that England be renamed Brexitville, a referendum will be held and the Renamers will win by 52% over the Remainers on 48%, thus sparking yet another controversy, all to the delight of the Express, Sun, Mail and Daily Star.


This talk of a 2nd referendum debate is indeed misleading. The HMG has said that the original referendum vote would stand and it does, what the debate is about is, if in future there were to be another referendum and we dont have many do we that certain guidelines would have to be met, it has been suggested that a winning margin of 60%+ with a turn out of 75% might be required for it to be valid, this is what the debate is about not about a 2nd referendum about leaving the EU.

That decision has been taken and the result declared, now all the HMG has to decide is when they will trigger the start of the process to leave.

When, or if they trigger the process.

HMG's first duty is to govern the UK for the good of the commonwealth, not the good of the mob.

And as Farage himself said "In a 52-48 referendum this would be unfinished business by a long way. If the Remain campaign win two-thirds to one-third that ends it."

The UK is a 'parliamentary democracy' and as such Remain supporters have the right to lobby Parliament for the outcome they wish, moreover the opposition are constitutionally bound to oppose the government.

Let's see how this pans out.

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