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Thailand gun death rate TWICE as high as US


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Why are is there never any hysteria over these weapons that kill people all the time?



Line 'em up portray them as the Evil Killing Machines that they are.

I guess guns go "BANG" though, which makes them more scary.

Congratulations on the dumbest question so far. When was the last time you read about someone killing 16 people in a crowd with a machete?

Let's not forget that knives have multiple every day uses. Guns are fun but designed for one thing. To kill. At least with the knife it is harder to kill multiple victims before being stopped.

The big question has to be why do so many Thais get to the stage where they kill each other? They don't seem to have the mass shooting problem that the US has but they do have a very big problem.

So, people that use knives (like cooks) are potential killers?

Same with deerhunters I guess, they even have rifles.

Not to talk about bottles which can be smashed.

All very dangerous indeed. In fact, the whole life is a menace, it usually ends up deadly. Any idea for a solution?

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All those gun control laws and....... This.

California has some pretty strict gun laws too.

It ain't the gun that does the killing! No more than it was the knife that did the killing of that guy on Pahonyothin a few weeks ago over the Ipad, or that guy machete that killed that family recently, or the hoe that did the killing on Koh Tao, or the psycho that slit his girlfrinds throat on walking street, or the baseball bat that beat that biker to death recently in Pattaya, or........

You need a gun law that forbids the guns for the bad guys. Current laws forbid the guns for the law abiding good guys.

The gun equalize the power between the 40 kg girl and the 80 kg rapist, or between the 20 year old narcotic user and the 75 year old grandpa......

Yes because those opposing forces have the same mind set about carrying and using deadly weaponsblink.png.

I'm not sure you think things thru before you post?facepalm.gif

Who is it you are not sure thought things through?

You say, "Yes . . .” as if in agreement with the two previous posters, then you say, β€œ . . . those opposing forces have the same mind set about carrying and using deadly weapons."

Hmm, "those opposing forces" the good guys and the bad guys . . . or the pro-gun controllers and the anti-gun controllers . . . or the 40kg and the 80kg . . . or the 79yo and the 20yo . . . or the victims and the perpetrators in those Thai killings?

So, I’ll assume you meant all those are the same, good guys and bad respectively? I do hate to assume, but you leave so little evidence.

You say, "same mind set” which means they agree or have the same thoughts on a specific issue.

So, you think good guys and bad guys have the same mindset, β€œabout carrying and using deadly weapons"?

That does not compute? If the good and bad guys had the same mindset on weapons, there would be no on-going debate on the subject, now would there?

You say, β€œdeadly weapons,” I’ll wonder if you meant hammers, steak knives, and high-heeled shoes, but I'll think you meant guns.

Although, good and bad and guys may have the same mindset on steak knives; I doubt they have the same mindset on guns.

So, I guess I’m back to square one, who are these β€œopposing forces” and upon what subject do they have the β€œsame mindset”?

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What a nonsense, and everybody believes this.

Wishful thinking and more Thailand bashing.

Most of the posters on Thaivisa spend their time criticising and patronising Thailand, why do they stay here?

''Most of the posters on Thaivisa spend their time criticising and patronising Thailand..."

because it is so easy ! and so many opportunities !

i'd rather wonder why some posters like you understand and accept all what happen in thailand (much more difficult !!! ).. maybe mentally deranged...

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havent you heard that guns increase the size of your pecker, also makes you a man and saves face really well. With a combination of these things no wonder there are so many gun deaths here.

so, How about this idea, don't ban guns. Ban ammunition (strictly enforced).

The gun slingers could wield massive firearms, to reflect the dimensions (wishful) of their body parts.

They could continue living with their dilusion, and everyone else would be safe.


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We knew that already from 15 years back ,Thailand rate of murder is much higher then the US.....Shows what kind of ignorant freaks they are .......I am Stupid ,and i wallow in it with confidence ......They can be violent people .......i guess Buddhism does not help does it !. No you get on the wrong side of a moron and you get murdered .....nice Hey they think they know love better than any other human .........Holy shit

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I just wonder, do all the pro gun advocates in the U.S. think they are the fastest draw in the west and see

themselves walk away unscathed if being robbed at gun point?

As for the mass shooting in the U.S., aren't most of those carried out by the nice guy/girl next door that suddenly lost the plot,

instead of by career criminals? Therefore, would those mass shootings not have happened if there are strict gun laws

and the nice guy/girl could not have had a gun? Or at least if there is no access to assault weapons?

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True. A lot of the deaths are down south. That does not make it OK, but does skew the figures in the rest of Thailand. Bangkok seems relatively safe for the average foreigner on an average day.

Agreed but how many safe days a week in BKK can an average foreigner expect when an average "off the show" Thai gunman is around. I am being facetious but I think these days every farang needs to be extra cautious as compared to their daily activities ten years or more ago. That applies to normal getting around and about routines as well as driving on the roads. You will never know where and when some loopy fuse is about to blow. I live in the burbs of BKK and always travel the local buses to the local shops, markets and malls, Never venture far from home. Nowadays minimise the risks.

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Why are is there never any hysteria over these weapons that kill people all the time?



Line 'em up portray them as the Evil Killing Machines that they are.

I guess guns go "BANG" though, which makes them more scary.

Congratulations on the dumbest question so far. When was the last time you read about someone killing 16 people in a crowd with a machete?

Let's not forget that knives have multiple every day uses. Guns are fun but designed for one thing. To kill. At least with the knife it is harder to kill multiple victims before being stopped.

The big question has to be why do so many Thais get to the stage where they kill each other? They don't seem to have the mass shooting problem that the US has but they do have a very big problem.

So, people that use knives (like cooks) are potential killers?

Same with deerhunters I guess, they even have rifles.

Not to talk about bottles which can be smashed.

All very dangerous indeed. In fact, the whole life is a menace, it usually ends up deadly. Any idea for a solution?

I think you may have missed the point of my post. I wasn't trying to say that people who use knives are potential killers. I suppose that everyone has the potential to kill under the right circumstances. The post by jaywalker was I believe saying to those who call for gun control, why is there no hysterical call for knife control when someone kills using one? There is even one post sarcastically suggesting that food be banned as you could force feed someone until they die. I was merely pointing out that the gun was invented and designed to kill whereas knives, bottles etc. tend to have a legitimate every day use.

You quite rightly point out that deer hunters use guns and there are millions who use guns for work or for recreation and don't go around killing people. I am inclined to support relatively strict gun control but I must say that I enjoy firing guns. I played with air rifles and cross bows as a kid and I've been clay pigeon shooting as an adult and had a great time. I have even fired some heavy weaponry on an army range which was great fun.

The solution to the large number of gun murders in Thailand is not something I am intelligent enough to know. I would suspect that if there were no guns in Thailand then a lot of those murdered would be knifed or beaten to death instead. I think the reason the person committed the murder is more important than the weapon they used but the gun does make it easier to kill more in one go than the knife or the bottle.

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All those gun control laws and....... This.

California has some pretty strict gun laws too.

It ain't the gun that does the killing! No more than it was the knife that did the killing of that guy on Pahonyothin a few weeks ago over the Ipad, or that guy machete that killed that family recently, or the hoe that did the killing on Koh Tao, or the psycho that slit his girlfrinds throat on walking street, or the baseball bat that beat that biker to death recently in Pattaya, or........

Not quite. Guns are fetishistic. Guns have persona. Guns have charisma. They are like a living thing in the pocket whispering "fire me". And Thais are animist.

Mr DD, I think you've read too many novels! a handgun is a very heavy piece of metal that fits into a pocket badly, most Thai's have small hands so that on recoil the pistol can wobble all over the place...most people (victims) are "bushwacked" from only a foot or so, not much "marchismo" in that!! thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifwhistling.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwai.gif

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All those gun control laws and....... This.

California has some pretty strict gun laws too.

It ain't the gun that does the killing! No more than it was the knife that did the killing of that guy on Pahonyothin a few weeks ago over the Ipad, or that guy machete that killed that family recently, or the hoe that did the killing on Koh Tao, or the psycho that slit his girlfrinds throat on walking street, or the baseball bat that beat that biker to death recently in Pattaya, or........

The difference between Thailand and the US is that gun violence with legally obtained firearms in Thailand is much less prevalent in the Thailand than it is in the US. For example nearly all of the mass shootings in the US, including the latest one in San Bernardino, are committed with legally obtained firearms, often assault rifles which are not legally available in Thailand to civilians.

Thai gun licensing laws are stricter than most US states but less strict than a few East Coast states like New York. However, Thailand also has variations across the country with Bangkok having the most liberal, while many other provinces restrict the number and types of guns that private individuals can own. In Thailand you also need an occupation that pays a verifiable income and be able to show at least B50k in the bank. One thing that must prevent legal guns from being bought and

used on impulse, even by wealthy people, is the time it takes to obtain a permit in Thailand which is usually at least 3 weeks and can take several months. That, in my opinion, is a good thing.

It is probably the price of legally obtained guns in Thailand that keeps them out of the hands of criminals and makes them collectors items for wealthy gun enthusiasts. The average handgun in a Thai gunshop costs 5-6 times what it would cost in the US.

Thailand's big problem is that it is awash with cheap, unregistered firearms. Police and lawmakers need to crack down hard on illegal guns. Penalties for illegal possession are too light and police are too lax in searching for illegal weapons and enforcing the law.

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Why are is there never any hysteria over these weapons that kill people all the time?



Line 'em up portray them as the Evil Killing Machines that they are.

I guess guns go "BANG" though, which makes them more scary.

Congratulations on the dumbest question so far. When was the last time you read about someone killing 16 people in a crowd with a machete?

Thai man kills five children in kitchen knife attack

Best ban kitchen knives then - duh?

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All those gun control laws and....... This.

California has some pretty strict gun laws too.

It ain't the gun that does the killing! No more than it was the knife that did the killing of that guy on Pahonyothin a few weeks ago over the Ipad, or that guy machete that killed that family recently, or the hoe that did the killing on Koh Tao, or the psycho that slit his girlfrinds throat on walking street, or the baseball bat that beat that biker to death recently in Pattaya, or........

Not quite. Guns are fetishistic. Guns have persona. Guns have charisma. They are like a living thing in the pocket whispering "fire me". And Thais are animist.

Mr DD, I think you've read too many novels! a handgun is a very heavy piece of metal that fits into a pocket badly, most Thai's have small hands so that on recoil the pistol can wobble all over the place...most people (victims) are "bushwacked" from only a foot or so, not much "marchismo" in that!! thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifwhistling.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwai.gif

When was the last time you fired a pistol? Flintlock or cap and ball perhaps? Or do you still with the good ole' 44 magnum?

9mm modern Pistols are, with practice, easy and accurate to fire. Ever been to a Thai shooting range? One of my young Thai female friends is better than me with a 9mm automatic pistol. Most are very good.

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Not quite. Guns are fetishistic. Guns have persona. Guns have charisma. They are like a living thing in the pocket whispering "fire me". And Thais are animist.

Sheer bunk! Let's take a look some of the nations in Western Europe where the populace can legally own firearms. Germany, for example, has a gun ownership rate of 30.3 guns per 100 residents and a homicide rate of only 0.8 per 100,000 inhabitants. (The United Kingdom’s homicide rate is higher at 1.0) Sweden has a gun ownership rate of 31.6 and a homicide rate of only 0.7 per 100,000. Austria has a gun ownership rate of 30.4 and a homicide rate of only 0.9 per 100,000. Iceland has a gun ownership rate of 30.3 and a homicide rate of only 0.3 per 100,000. Switzerland has a gun ownership rate of 45.7 and a homicide rate of only 0.6 per 100,000.

Draw your own conclusions.

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BTW--two-thirds of gun deaths in the U.S. are suicides and accidents. This little stat is often ignored in the effort to better control guns, but I agree with any effort along those lines. But I never felt unsafe, not even in Houston. I'm from Connecticut, but several years at different times in Houston didn't scare me just because a lot of people supposedly carry them concealed. i never even saw a gun except on police officers' hips.

Edited by Dustdevil
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When was the last time you read about someone killing 16 people in a crowd with a machete?

Well, I'm not sure I've read about one individual killing sixteen people in a crowd with a machete. I did read about 29 people being hacked and stabbed to death in a train station somewhere in China last year. Also, I did read about eight school children being stabbed to death in Japan and a similar number of toddlers being killed the same way in Australia.

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havent you heard that guns increase the size of your pecker, also makes you a man and saves face really well. With a combination of these things no wonder there are so many gun deaths here.

So it's between a gun or a Porsche. Guns are more affordable. Both symbolize a larger package.

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what do you expect when only police and bad guys have guns!!

You implicitly say that the police are the good guys. ----> Oxymoron "good police".

Police is just the internal branch of the biggest gang of a virtual "gang land" aka. "country", "nation", with their own laws in their gang land on their side (being the military the external branch usually having the more sophisticated weapons against external, "foreign" big gangs). This doesn't make them (the police) the morally good guys - or "good police" for that matter. Their only effect is just to have a stabilising effect in their gang land.

They (the state) protect you to tax you. We in the West are taught it the other way around ("they tax you to protect you") which is pure nonsense.

So to put your post in the correct way (in my oppinion, of course): Only the police and the other bad guys have guns.

The police will never have problems to **** you if you don't obey their law.

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One big thing here is the southern insurgency. I'm not sure how much it contributes to this but it skews the average a lot.

the southern insurgency does not equal one night in south central Los Angeles. :)

U.S. Gun violence death rate, by city: no info found.

U.S. Gun violence death rate, by state:


None of these states have big cities. Therefore, LA (2nd biggest city in America) is safer than Thailand.

Get real. Get data (not anecdotes).


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Why are is there never any hysteria over these weapons that kill people all the time?



Line 'em up portray them as the Evil Killing Machines that they are.

I guess guns go "BANG" though, which makes them more scary.

Congratulations on the dumbest question so far. When was the last time you read about someone killing 16 people in a crowd with a machete?

Let's not forget that knives have multiple every day uses. Guns are fun but designed for one thing. To kill. At least with the knife it is harder to kill multiple victims before being stopped.

The big question has to be why do so many Thais get to the stage where they kill each other? They don't seem to have the mass shooting problem that the US has but they do have a very big problem.

Guns are also for sport my not so informed friend. Marksmanship, you know--shooting teams are even in the Olympics. When I was in high school I took my .22cal Remington 550 semi-auto rifle to school twice a week; I was in the Shooting Club. Funny, the shooting club had been there since before WWII, and in all those years, not even one gun accident, let alone a shooting death.

A lot of the problems with guns stem from the user’s lack of gun knowledge. Similarly, a lot of the problems with gun laws stem from the lack of gun knowledge of the legislators. A similar lack of gun knowledge is perceived in many gun opponents.

In the early 2000's, my son was expelled from high school for carrying a gun to school. Actually, it was a broken paint ball gun he left in the rear compartment of his Jeep Cherokee the last time he went paint balling. However, the school principal in all his omnipotent splendor said my son was parked on school property, that having even a paint ball gun was bringing a gun to school, and the school had a zero tolerance gun policy.

I'm not one to take it lying down, so I went to the zoning commission and found out my son had parked his Jeep on public property and not on school property. Needless to say when my lawyer cousin represented my son at the school board, my son was allowed to return to school. The school board director ordered an inquiry into the high school’s zero tolerance policy and the principal’s administration of it. The principal sure was nice to my son after that, but I am sure he was glad when my son graduated.

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Is there a breakdown of where gun fatalities occur in Thailand?

If one looks at the US statistics and subtracts 5 high crime cities like Detroit, Philly, DC, East St Louis and one other I forgot then the US has really low fatality rate.

The average American personal safety for traffic and crime is really low..

Maybe too low and it makes them go look for problems to fix all over the world.

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One can cherry-pick statistics to support any argument.

The principal difference seems to be the access to semi-automatic and automatic weapons in the US. These weapons have only one purpose - killing people. To pretend they are hunting weapons is ridiculous. A good roo shooter in Australia will account for 50 roos in a night's hunting, armed only with a bolt-action rifle. I've been hunting with a rabbit shooter using a single shot 0.22 who head-shot 150 rabbits in one night. He would have regarded any automatics as butchery.

I haven't heard of mass shootings in Thailand. I assume that's because semi and full automatics are restricted to the military.

After the Port Arthur massacre in 1992, the ownership of semi-automatic and automatic was severely restricted. Australia hasn't had a mass shooting since.

Switzerland is frequently cited as an example of high gun ownership without gun crime. What the users of this datum neglect to mention is gun owners in Switzerland have to renew their permits once/month.

The Sandy Hook mass shooting proved to me American gun supporters are insane. The response to the shooting of 20 children was an upsurge in gun sales. If anything was going to bring about a rethink of the Second Amendment, that event was it.

Winston Churchill once said Americans usually get to the right solution, after they have tried all other options. Sadly, in the case of American gun ideology, so far he's wrong.

Automatics are not legal in the US! Who told you they were?

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All those gun control laws and....... This.

California has some pretty strict gun laws too.

It ain't the gun that does the killing! No more than it was the knife that did the killing of that guy on Pahonyothin a few weeks ago over the Ipad, or that guy machete that killed that family recently, or the hoe that did the killing on Koh Tao, or the psycho that slit his girlfrinds throat on walking street, or the baseball bat that beat that biker to death recently in Pattaya, or........

Two people with guns are more likely to kill each other than two people without, don`t you think?

Now, let Iran and the rest of the world have their nukes, cause only people are dangerous... passifier.gif

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One big thing here is the southern insurgency. I'm not sure how much it contributes to this but it skews the average a lot.

the southern insurgency does not equal one night in south central Los Angeles. smile.png

U.S. Gun violence death rate, by city: no info found.

U.S. Gun violence death rate, by state:


None of these states have big cities. Therefore, LA (2nd biggest city in America) is safer than Thailand.

Get real. Get data (not anecdotes).


I think the serious carnage is going on in Chi-Town

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Why are is there never any hysteria over these weapons that kill people all the time?



Line 'em up portray them as the Evil Killing Machines that they are.

I guess guns go "BANG" though, which makes them more scary.

Congratulations on the dumbest question so far. When was the last time you read about someone killing 16 people in a crowd with a machete?

You don't remember any attack in China where they Stab a bunch?

Try this one.

"The knife sits on the counter and whispers, let's go Stab some children!"


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