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Jail and hefty fines await anyone caught drink driving in Pattaya

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Drivers who pass the breathalyzer test but who still appear to be under the influence will also be detained until authorities are satisfied they are sober.

So even if your innocent, they can treat you as if your guilty.

That makes no sense at all, and as rws85 said gives the authorities latitude once again for tea money extorsion.

If someone passes the breathalyzer and is still suspect then test them for substance/drug abuse.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for these checks if they help saving lives and make the roads safer, but if the authorities haven't got defining guidelines, then IMO this excercise will only result in traffic chaos and potentially innocent people being accused and fined.

They have a device on the end of their torches (flashlights) that detect the presence of alcohol in the air in a vehicle, that gives them probable cause to breathalyse you... I guess if alcohol is detected and you're the only one in the car they will stop you and determine whether or not you are sober...

I got stopped on Thappraya once and was asked if I'd had a drink and how many, I told him 2 beers at football (knocked one off as you do) and the officer said ok and waved me through. Seemed happy that I could speak Thai and appeared responsible

OK, I never realized that the Thai police were using sniffers built into their torches. That is still pretty advanced in SEA.

Regardless, their standard operating procedure to date for these 'notified' breathalyzer clampdowns, is static checkpoints and blanket testing of all drivers. That was what I was commenting on............wink.png


Drunk driving is an objectionable social behaviour, like driving without seat belt or without helmet on a motorcycle. It's plainly stupid, makes no sense to do such things at all. BUT by doing this, there are no victims to claim per se. Thus my longtime "feeling" that this behaviour must not criminalize people who have done no harm to anybody else. Punishing them for something that might happen, is - in my opinion - wrong and dangerous.

As I already said, I had this "feeling" but was not able to explain it until I read this article: Abolish All DUI Laws!

Maybe there are other people here who also have this "feeling" or principle like I, or are maybe just interested to let their longtime conviction be challenged a little bit. For these people the above link to a short article could be very interesting.


Drivers who pass the breathalyzer test but who still appear to be under the influence will also be detained until authorities are satisfied they are sober.

So even if your innocent, they can treat you as if your guilty.

That makes no sense at all, and as rws85 said gives the authorities latitude once again for tea money extorsion.

If someone passes the breathalyzer and is still suspect then test them for substance/drug abuse.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for these checks if they help saving lives and make the roads safer, but if the authorities haven't got defining guidelines, then IMO this excercise will only result in traffic chaos and potentially innocent people being accused and fined.

They have a device on the end of their torches (flashlights) that detect the presence of alcohol in the air in a vehicle, that gives them probable cause to breathalyse you... I guess if alcohol is detected and you're the only one in the car they will stop you and determine whether or not you are sober...

I got stopped on Thappraya once and was asked if I'd had a drink and how many, I told him 2 beers at football (knocked one off as you do) and the officer said ok and waved me through. Seemed happy that I could speak Thai and appeared responsible

OK, I never realized that the Thai police were using sniffers built into their torches. That is still pretty advanced in SEA.

Regardless, their standard operating procedure to date for these 'notified' breathalyzer clampdowns, is static checkpoints and blanket testing of all drivers. That was what I was commenting on............wink.png

I've been thru quite a few admittedly in Bangkok. .. full on check points with pavement tents, usually after a bend or slip road with no turn offs... procedure was always, window down, torch shine looking for contraband I guess, torch reversed ... no beep on your way, beep then pull over - take away car keys, get in line to be breathalyse.

That causes enough of a traffic jam let alone if they tried to breathalyse everyone


This part is frightening:

Drivers who pass the breathalyzer test but who still appear to be under the influence will also be detained until authorities are satisfied they are sober.

It more or less gives police carte blanche and can, WILL be abused. How about elderly that have some balance problems or whatever...guess we'll visit them in jail.

I had a mastoid operation when I was younger which affects my balance, while I agree that anybody drinking over the limit should not be on the roads driving. What happens If I am stopped by the police and the breath test is not positive but the officer deems I am drunk. And why implimented in certain parts of Thailand (Pattaya and BKK). I guess Thainess. I will be walking to my local bar here in Kao Noi, not sure If I will be walking back straight though. Best wishes everyone.

Easily solved. Get a doctor's certificate explaining your condition. The question remains though, are you a safe driver with such a condition?

Also consider, drivers over 65 are more likely to get into crashes because of declining perception and motor skills.
As they grow older drivers are more likely to cause a crash because of a lapse in perception, such as failing to yield or running a red light. Seniors are also more likely to get into crashes while turning to the left, when drivers often must make quick judgments.

At first I thought this post was a wind up. I'm 74 and have had a 'clean' driving license for both car and m/bike for 55 years - the last 9 of which have been in Pattaya and the rest of Thailand.

I do not drink at all, but have no 'holier than thou' views of people who do, but you are suggesting I could be a bigger danger on the road than the boy racer or young but drunk driver.


This thread is hilarious, I don't think half of the posters know which country they reside in....lol

Seriously, look around - this is Thailand, and it's not going to change anytime soon. Thai culture is what it is - best to try to understand it!

These things come and go and unfortunately have nothing to do with public safety/happiness.

1. Money rules here (all about the tea money)

2. See point #1

3. It is a buddhist culture (u know what I mean), so whatever will be will be - it's up to you.... really... it is ;)

4. 7/11 sell alcohol from 11am, then stop for 3 hours in the afternoon - why do you think that is?

For the good or bad, this country is what it is and I accept that 100%, especially because holding my western expectations here never works.

FWIW - do you guys think that in the US, UK, CAN, AUS, NZ, etc., fines of $5000 US/Pound/EU would be accepted? It seems that's a relative amount to what is being suggested.

And, I do not condone, encourage, or practice drink driving (DUI), and know from first hand that excessive consumption of alcohol impairs ones driving ability to the extent where a crash is highly likely.


This would be OK if they had a good system of public transport. The lack of metered taxis here is a real pain.

Sure but that still does not excuse drinking and driving.. sure you will get gouged for hiring a baht bus but if you can afford to get drunk you can afford that ride too. You might even take a cheap hotel to sleep it off.

Agreed. But 2 beers in an hour or so puts you over the limit and at risk of going to jail. It's been documented these devices are not 100% accurate here. Impossible to get a baht bus near my house. And very difficult to get them if you are away from Central Pattaya. Try finding any sort of transport near the lake after midnight. Very difficult, and no hotels are right next to many of these establishments.

Again, lack of metered taxis, like in Bangkok, is a real problem.

motorbike taxi on every corner.

(Often drunk) motorbike taxi on every corner................................


Would anybody have an true report of how often and how accurately their "Breathalyzers" are calibrated. Yea, accurate enough to show you over the limit whether it is true or not.



IF you are going to drink make arrangements/get a cab/sleep on a bar stool or with a friend.....

But don't drink and drive....

The drunk drivers always seem to survive → pity.....

Because their victims don't...

I speak from experience on this (not as a driver but a secondary victim from a drunk driver that caused two deaths) .....

If you choose to drink and drive I wish you the worst possible consequences and misery → not involving others......


I just can not believe the feeble excuses... this is getting like the Motor bike helmet debate...

I am sure anyone with a bit of intelligence can soon organise a lift home by a sober driver for a lot less the the 20,000THB fine if caught DUI, but that is only a minor amount compared to what it may cost them if they have an accident.

Just hope this crack down is for real and that DUI's will be dealt with as stated and no back door for Xmas Tips.


Would anybody have an true report of how often and how accurately their "Breathalyzers" are calibrated. Yea, accurate enough to show you over the limit whether it is true or not.

I have one from this company... [http://www.alcosafe.co.uk]... Its supposed to be a good one, but I just not sure of the accuracy.

I've been repeatedly under the DUI limits of 0.05 when drinking over an evening.

Yesterday evening I blew 0.04 after drinking steadily all day - Steadily but not a lot...

Regardless, I didn't drive and wouldn't. The fact that I've had more than a couple of beers is enough for me to not drive.

I couldn't care for the Police & Getting arrested part - I simply would never forgive myself if I'd had a few drinks and hurt someone.

So - The point regarding how well calibrated these Breathalyzers are is rather moot in my opinion... If you are drinking and driving you are selfish.. As Robblock mentioned earlier in this thread - If you can afford to drink you can afford to arrange for alternative methods of transport home.

The reason some don't is that they are too lazy, selfish, tightfisted and ultimately don't care if they were to hurt anyone else.


On topic - I hope these DUI stops continue to reduce the number of drunk people on Thailands roads and continue to change the attitudes towards drinking and driving and general culture towards drinking and driving.


I think it's serious. The 7/11s around jomtien where I'm staying for a month have suddenly enforced alcohol trading hours and Pattaya is the same. This regime are making things happen and are not to be <deleted>#$#d with!

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk


Yeah, there are the dangerous drivers who have had a lot to drink.

I'm one of the holier than thou brigade who think you should be hung, drawn and quartered before you kill an innocent person or three.

Try having a bit of perspective!

2 drinks will put you (a trained / licensed and experienced driver) over the drink driving limit, and perhaps impare your judgement slightly. Now compare this to people who have been granted licenses with no previous experience or formal training, and the mental age of a 10yr old, and in many cases the riders of these bikes are that age.

Again, I'm not condoning it, just using reason.

I have perspective. I'm not singling out drunk drivers. They should all be hung, drawn and quartered. For example, I'm even more anti red-light jumpers and idiots that drive on the wrong side of the road than drunk drivers, and that's saying something.
I'm not looking for an argument, but please stop twisting my words, that's twice you've done it on this thread!

I didn't say, "a lot to drink", and I didn't say, "drunk", I said, "drink".

Let me ask you a question, just playing Devils advocate; who would you trust more being a passenger....being with a friend who's never had an accident on the road, driving sensibly, but had 2 Heineken, or in a minivan doing 140kmh tailgating and weaving in and out of traffic with a driver that may not have had a drink today?

Not hard is it??

I'm merely giving my point of view, just as you are.

There was nothing twisted.

Your statement was: "There are far more dangerous drivers on the road in Thailand than someone who has had a couple of drinks"

To which I replied: "Yeah, there are the dangerous drivers who have had a lot to drink."

Obviously people who have had a lot to drink are more dangerous than people who have had a couple of drinks.

You are trying to justify driving on a couple of drinks by saying there is more dangerous on the road, so it must be OK then. This is illogical reasoning - a non sequitur.

The question you posed is irrelevant, but my answer is I will not be a passenger with a driver drinking any amount AND not ride in the minivan tailgating at 140 km/h. If I happened to be in such a van, I would tell him to stop immediately and let me out. As you said, not hard at all. Your friend who never had an accident may be very lucky and his luck is about to run out. smile.png

You've already acknowledged that you were pulled over and breathalyzed over the limit (and paid a bribe to stay out of jail) so your ability to stop at a few drinks must come into question.


So this action is happening in Pattaya and Bangkok. Does that mean the rest of Thailand can do what it always has done prior to this new strategy. Will they continue this strategy after the holiday season?

They've been doing roadside checks here for some time now. I know many who've been caught. 30k is the new "fine". Pay it and you are on your way. Still drunk.

What they are doing is the right thing. Don't allow the driver back into the car until they sober up.

I've heard this is also happening in Chiang Mai. Can anybody verify that????

It was announced earlier as a national initiative.


Everyone knows the alcohol limits are to low was .15 before in states made more sense then mad mothers against drun driving came in. It's bullshit everyones a criminal if you drink basically . Whats weird is i don't think people really understand drunk and drive anyone who drinks is easily to be locked up that means all you idiots saying lock them up because you drink and drive as well puritans.

Drunk should mean just that drunk not the current alcohol level. By the way been drinkign and driving for over 30 years no problem . Look at the statistics for people who fall asleep at the wheel . Throw the book at them as well right let's be like america 4% of the population and 24% of the incarceration rate. Has that solved anything. ? Man I wish you guy's woul just go back to what ever police state you cam from .


Everyone knows the alcohol limits are to low was .15 before in states made more sense then mad mothers against drun driving came in. It's bullshit everyones a criminal if you drink basically . Whats weird is i don't think people really understand drunk and drive anyone who drinks is easily to be locked up that means all you idiots saying lock them up because you drink and drive as well puritans.

Drunk should mean just that drunk not the current alcohol level. By the way been drinkign and driving for over 30 years no problem . Look at the statistics for people who fall asleep at the wheel . Throw the book at them as well right let's be like america 4% of the population and 24% of the incarceration rate. Has that solved anything. ? Man I wish you guy's woul just go back to what ever police state you cam from .

Its the Thais making the laws and crackdowns. If you don't like it you can leave. Its the Thais who are slowly changing, before things like this were unheard of now there are regular alcohol controls that are getting more strict all the time. This has nothing to do with us foreigners we can discuss all we want but have no influence.

But we don't need drunk drivers here, actually no country on earth needs those selfish ****** who risk the lives of others for their own selfish pleasure. I am all for drinking, doing drugs, whatever you want just don't operate a vehicle under the influence. Then you put others at risk. Doing drugs or drinking loads and other victim-less crimes are ok but not this this you directly put others at risk.


The bar here in China will take persons car keys (or call the cops if you do not give the keys) if they see that you might end driving your car after drinking. Works when they control the parking lot and know most of the punters. In Thailand this could also give bars a business opportunity to team up with responsible flat fee drivers to take you to your home after you finish drinking. They could even arrange pickup for regular guests..


It would be better to have a zero tolerance to any amount of Alcohol whilst driving, Alcohol is a dangerous drug and should be treated as such.

If it wasn't legal (Taxed), it would be in the same drug classification as Heroin,Cocaine and Meth, and rightfully so IMHO.


The bar here in China will take persons car keys (or call the cops if you do not give the keys) if they see that you might end driving your car after drinking. Works when they control the parking lot and know most of the punters. In Thailand this could also give bars a business opportunity to team up with responsible flat fee drivers to take you to your home after you finish drinking. They could even arrange pickup for regular guests..

LMG Insurance do (or used to) a one time a year get you home call out... I'm sure being drunk was covered


The bar here in China will take persons car keys (or call the cops if you do not give the keys) if they see that you might end driving your car after drinking. Works when they control the parking lot and know most of the punters. In Thailand this could also give bars a business opportunity to team up with responsible flat fee drivers to take you to your home after you finish drinking. They could even arrange pickup for regular guests..

LMG Insurance do (or used to) a one time a year get you home call out... I'm sure being drunk was covered

This could be good advertisement for companies etc. but it might take off yet in Thailand because they do not see the business. Yet. I believe it starts after the punishment for drunk driving is severe enough. In Japan they even have a service that they drive your car home if needed. One guy follows to pick the driver up. This way you do not need to leave your car in the city.


The bar here in China will take persons car keys (or call the cops if you do not give the keys) if they see that you might end driving your car after drinking. Works when they control the parking lot and know most of the punters. In Thailand this could also give bars a business opportunity to team up with responsible flat fee drivers to take you to your home after you finish drinking. They could even arrange pickup for regular guests..

LMG Insurance do (or used to) a one time a year get you home call out... I'm sure being drunk was covered
This could be good advertisement for companies etc. but it might take off yet in Thailand because they do not see the business. Yet. I believe it starts after the punishment for drunk driving is severe enough. In Japan they even have a service that they drive your car home if needed. One guy follows to pick the driver up. This way you do not need to leave your car in the city.

I live close to Jomtien, and occasionally enjoy a few too many happy pops in Ban Chang. For only 1000 baht, there are a couple of responsible persons who I have previously used to drive my vehicle and myself home. Not sure how they get back to Ban Chang, nor do I care. But the next morning my vehicle and myself are both home safely. As laws become enforced, This may prove to be a good business opportunity for some enterprising individual.


Everyone knows the alcohol limits are to low was .15 before in states made more sense then mad mothers against drun driving came in. It's bullshit everyones a criminal if you drink basically . Whats weird is i don't think people really understand drunk and drive anyone who drinks is easily to be locked up that means all you idiots saying lock them up because you drink and drive as well puritans.

Drunk should mean just that drunk not the current alcohol level. By the way been drinkign and driving for over 30 years no problem . Look at the statistics for people who fall asleep at the wheel . Throw the book at them as well right let's be like america 4% of the population and 24% of the incarceration rate. Has that solved anything. ? Man I wish you guy's woul just go back to what ever police state you cam from .

I'm unabashedly one of the idiots you describe in your idiotic post.

It's not about driving drunk, it's about being less capable as you tank up.

Let's hope you're one of the first (idiots) to be locked up.


Everyone knows the alcohol limits are to low was .15 before in states made more sense then mad mothers against drun driving came in. It's bullshit everyones a criminal if you drink basically . Whats weird is i don't think people really understand drunk and drive anyone who drinks is easily to be locked up that means all you idiots saying lock them up because you drink and drive as well puritans.

Drunk should mean just that drunk not the current alcohol level. By the way been drinkign and driving for over 30 years no problem . Look at the statistics for people who fall asleep at the wheel . Throw the book at them as well right let's be like america 4% of the population and 24% of the incarceration rate. Has that solved anything. ? Man I wish you guy's woul just go back to what ever police state you cam from .

I'm unabashedly one of the idiots you describe in your idiotic post.

It's not about driving drunk, it's about being less capable as you tank up.

Let's hope you're one of the first (idiots) to be locked up.

Tropo, you have missed the point in every single post that doesn't unequivocally agree with your thoughts!

Everyone knows the alcohol limits are to low was .15 before in states made more sense then mad mothers against drun driving came in. It's bullshit everyones a criminal if you drink basically . Whats weird is i don't think people really understand drunk and drive anyone who drinks is easily to be locked up that means all you idiots saying lock them up because you drink and drive as well puritans.

Drunk should mean just that drunk not the current alcohol level. By the way been drinkign and driving for over 30 years no problem . Look at the statistics for people who fall asleep at the wheel . Throw the book at them as well right let's be like america 4% of the population and 24% of the incarceration rate. Has that solved anything. ? Man I wish you guy's woul just go back to what ever police state you cam from .

I'm unabashedly one of the idiots you describe in your idiotic post.

It's not about driving drunk, it's about being less capable as you tank up.

Let's hope you're one of the first (idiots) to be locked up.

Tropo, you have missed the point in every single post that doesn't unequivocally agree with your thoughts!

Woody - your posts and the one above are the only posts I've disagreed with (replied to) - 2 guys who admittedly drink and drive. Both of you should be locked up.biggrin.png

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