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No irregularities found in fund spending on Rajabhakti Park


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"The committee did not have the legal authority to investigate alleged irregularities."

"Some of them refused to give information and some were not available to cooperate, Gen Chaichan said."

"He said the committee did not have the authority to point out what was right or what was wrong."

Sorry, i do not understand what there was "investigated".


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"...about 866 million baht in total.

Of the total, 816 million baht had been spent on the project."

What happened to the other 50 million baht?

i have it. i am spending on miss Thailand. it is for a good cause.

So 7 statues cost 116 million each, What were they made of? coffee1.gif

the giant grass lawn, huge driveway, mega parking lot, overly elaborate gates and walls around the whole thing...

football stadium lighting that now blinds all the condo owners glaring across the ocean side military golf course.

Edited by NCC1701A
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"chaired by Gen Chaichan Changmongkol, deputy permanent secretary of the Defence Ministry."

Chaichan reports to Permanent Secretary of the Defense Ministry Gen Preechai Chan-o-cha, the younger brother of Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha and who was appointed by Prayut. 2015-08-29

Almost structured like a cartel.

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Rajabhakti probe panel returns empty-handed

Pratch Rujivanarom
The Nation


Fact-finding team points to areas that need to be looked into by other agencies

BANGKOK: -- THE INVESTIGATION into the Rajabhakti Park construction scandal has come up empty-handed, with the fact-finding committee only pointing out areas for other agencies to continue probing.

The suspicious areas include the construction of the statues of seven kings, unclear rules for project funding by donations and the short time for fund-raising.

Yesterday, at the Defence Ministry, the fact-finding committee set up by the ministry released its findings into the controversial project, which cost Bt816 million and has invited allegations of corruption.

Prior to the press conference, Privy Council President Prem Tinsulanonda endorsed Deputy Defence Minister Udomdej Sitabutr, who was allegedly involved in the scandal.

Addressing the military brass who met him to offer best wishes for the New Year, Prem said he believed Udomdej was a good man.

Udomdej chaired the project to set up seven statues of former great kings at Rajabhakti Park in Hua Hin district. He has admitted that somebody took commissions from the project's construction.

General Chaichan Changmon-gkol, deputy permanent secretary for the Defence Ministry and head of the probe committee, told the press conference that the committee has forwarded its findings to Defence Minister Prawit Wongsuwan.

"The committee has examined the documents within the Defence Ministry and invited 23 people related to the project for questioning," he said.

"However, we don't have the authority to conduct the investigation beyond the ministry because we do not have legitimate power to do so and we also don't have the power to pass judgement on the facts," he said. The examination of the documents found that the project was funded from two main sources - the government budget and donations.

The project used Bt63.57 million from the state budget for five construction works and spent Bt732 million from donations on 27 construction works. The Rajabhakti Park project had Bt866 million in income, Bt816 million in expenses and available funds of Bt106 million as of November 30. "This budget spending was found out to be perfectly conforming to government budget-spending procedures.

"And especially the fund-raising from the Rajabhakti Bike and Concert event and the tree-donation campaign was also widely advertised and regulated, so there was no suspicion of corruption on this topic," he said.

The Rajabhakti Bike and Concert and the tree-donation campaign have been the target of corruption allegations because of their high expenses.

However, Chaichan said there were suspicions about the fund-raising, which the committee had mentioned in the report, that the donations might not follow the government's rules.

There were also doubts about the short period of fund-raising.

Another prominent point was the controversy in the construction of the seven statues. Earlier it was exposed that there was corruption in this process.

"The committee has tried to bring the people who were responsible for this task to give information on the process, but the effort largely failed because the committee could not reach most of these people.

"Therefore, the investigation of this issue is still unclear and it needs further investigation by other agencies," he said.

As for Udomdej, a former Army chief and also chairman of the Rajabhakti Park Foundation, he said the committee had no power to judge anyone and this issue had to be looked into further.

Pressured by the press about which agencies would continue the probe, Chaichan seemed unwilling to specify them, saying just that some of them are under the Defence Ministry.

"The information from the investigation is open to the public and any agencies can use this information to investigate further," he said.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Rajabhakti-probe-panel-returns-empty-handed-30275947.html

-- The Nation 2015-12-31

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Following tomacht8's observations (above), I think we are faced with the usual Thai interpretation problems from the broadcaster we can trust. Interpreting fact from fiction, that is!

To demonstrate, committee-chair Chaichan makes two observations in this article that pretty much sum up this whole sorry saga (and how it will be resolved).

First the fact, he says "...the committee did not have the authority to point out what was right or what was wrong".

Then (now, you be the judge), he says, "...those who fled the country were wanted in another legal case...". Fact or fiction?

Edited by waldroj
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This comes of no surprise, and all know it.

Many people could have suggested that the junta could have shed much greater and favorable light upon themselves to allow an independent investigation, but alas, not to be, but WHY, and the vigorous nature in the shutting down of people that were calling for said investigations? Me thinks they protest to much.

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" Gen Chaichan said his committee was authorised only to compile facts concerning the project by interviewing individuals and examining documents in the possession of personnel in the Defence Ministry only." blink.png

"The committee did not have the legal authority to investigate alleged irregularities. Such power was with other agencies authorised by the law to investigate corruption, he said." Can't make this stuff up! cheesy.gif

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I think I have learned to tell the future…I predicted in this very forum that the armed forces investigating the armed forces for corruption wouldn't find anything corrupt. I think I'll spend all my savings on a bet on a horse in the New Year...

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ummmm....why are the international news agencies reporting the exact opposite of the headline above?

I see you are new here. It is because the international news agencies, The European Parliament, the U.S. Federal government, the Australian government and the Canadian government are all in the pay of Thaksin Shinawatra.

(Any I have missed?)

Yes, taking your medicine.rolleyes.gif

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The committee did not have the legal authority to investigate alleged irregularities.the committee did not have the authority to summonse their owners for interviews about the alleged demands of kick-backs.

Some of them refused to give information and some were not available to cooperate, Gen Chaichan said.

He said the committee did not have the authority to point out what was right or what was wrong.

we don't have the authority to conduct the investigation beyond the ministry because we do not have legitimate power to do so and we also don't have the power to pass judgement on the facts, the committee had no power to judge anyone

It's so sad to see all these generals in their uniforms and with rows upon rows of medals and to have no power at all...have a Red Bull that'll give you some.

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The suspicious areas include the construction of the statues of seven kings, unclear rules for project funding by donations and the short time for fund-raising.

Just curious, in a country where it is illegal to say something derogatory about an ancient Monarch, would ripping off millions, from a project honoring all of them, be considered Lese Majeste?

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The suspicious areas include the construction of the statues of seven kings, unclear rules for project funding by donations and the short time for fund-raising.

Just curious, in a country where it is illegal to say something derogatory about an ancient Monarch, would ripping off millions, from a project honoring all of them, be considered Lese Majeste?

Why do you think military officers involved fled overseas quicksmart?

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Since there was a general in charge of the project, it is no wonder no irregularities were found. So far, I do not believe any top men in this administration have gone down, due to corruption. Why start now? Even in China some pretty influential people are being caught by the current corruption campaign. Not so here. Please, whatever you do, do not upset the status quo. Do not disturb the rich and powerful. Do not shake things up. Do not change anything. Arrest some very small guys, to set an example, and allow up to say we are cleaning things up. But, do not touch the elite and the super rich.

The recent sham trial of the Dark Tao murders in Samui, was absolute proof of this current trend of not upsetting the apple cart.

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What the hell is the point of an investigation if they do not have the power to interview the parties that have already acknowledged that their were irregularities. Would it not all be a lot easier if they just asked General Udomej about the irregularity he noted, who was involved and what the process was for prosecuting wrong doers.

I read in another report that a large amount of the donations came from other Government agencies, which given they are publicly funded, i would presume this also would be tax payers money.

True...but here in Thailand the dog and pony show has to be seen such that it looks like someone of authority and final decision making is diligently doing their job while confirming a predetermined conclusion and the final verdict ....that basically sweeps the bothersome issue under the rug.

Meantime it is a strong signal to NOT question the issue any further while the public media basically drops their coverage of the issue while there is always ( on a daily basis ) some new issue they can report and expose until they have to back off and leave that issue alone...but then easily pick up on another issue to report on.

It goes around and around like that ( sort of like a standard procedure ) and seemingly for ever no matter who is at the helm and orchestrating their authority.


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"The committee did not have the legal authority to investigate alleged irregularities."

"Some of them refused to give information and some were not available to cooperate, Gen Chaichan said."

"He said the committee did not have the authority to point out what was right or what was wrong."

Sorry, i do not understand what there was "investigated".

Seems like they confined themselves to checking if the right forms had been filled out in triplicate and had been signed at the bottom.

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It's not even worth reporting on such a ''probe" by the defence ministry into its bosses. At least let the NACC handle it.

The park is just a large concrete car park with the statues and some Palm trees around the edges. Park is rather a euphemism.

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Never commission an investigative report unless you already know the answer you want - and always make sure the Terms of Reference constrain the investigators to provide the answer you already have... Easy, and saves so much work.

Bob A. Relaxed in Lampang

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The patronage system is alive and well in the Land of Smiles, even though a number of my Thai friends and family members say this particular instance is a can of worms. Even some Thai don't necessarily condone corruption emphatically. But where there is money.....

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