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Rawai - is it dead at the mo? also whats the situation regarding the new drink driving laws?


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Hey all,

My friend is coming to see me early Jan for 10 days, I have been to Phuket many times in the past but not for some time, it was always quite busy then but reading posts and speaking to friends they are saying Phuket is pretty dead atm generally everywhere?

Not too bothered as my mate just wants a chilled one due to some stress he has been through back home...

Another thing I wanted to ask, when I last visited you would rent a motorbike and drive from bar to bar etc, obviously taking it easy and not drinking too much, if you got caught youd get a 500 bhat fine and on your way, I am told now if you get caught drink driving even on a motorbike your in for a 10-20k fine and a night in prison, if that is the case how do people get around on the night now? Do not get me wrong and before I get a load of flack, I do not agree with getting leathered and driving as your not only putting your own like at risk but others too but I think if you only have a few and go slow and not too far your ok, otherwise your ordering taxi`s from bar to bar or walking back to your hotel?

Is this a load of hype what I am being told becuase if it is true then I would imagine it would damage the trourism quite badly in Phuket? I personally have been driving my car in Thailand for 3 years and have driven since I was 16 (now 32) so I am a safe driver and understand the Thai roads, I dont drink when I am leathered but if I have just had a few I will drive albeit slowly


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Phuket is not the place to bar hop, unless by foot.

If you ride / drive whilst intoxicated - you run the risk of being extorted for a large bribe, or, arrested and put in a cell over night, and then fined.

Or, worse still, you crash and seriously hurt / kill yourself - no travel insurance.

Or hurt / kill a Thai - then you are potentially looking at losing your life savings.

But, worse than all of this, you may have to catch a Phuket tuk-tuk who will charge you 1000 baht to go about 2 kilometers, and if you don't pay, he will break your arm. biggrin.png

Now, can you see why Phuket is struggling to attract western tourists and it's quiet, very quiet? biggrin.png

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I think you'll be fine, don't stress too much about it,give it all a look once you get here.

Good amount of girls waiting for you and your pal at the Banana bars, I can tell you that. Just be careful of the big footed, big Adams apple types. "is that your cel phone in your pocket or are you just happy to see me", followed by a deep voiced "kha,kha"-exit stage left, quickly. "hey man we need to move to a different bar........."

I'm seeing lit up check points but haven't seen them stopping people. I suppose tonight will be different, anyway as NKM says you don't want to be on a bike all trashed anyway, going to hurt yourself, so keep it to a few drinks here a few there, some food, time inbetween and have fun man. Cheers (and HNY to all),GOM

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"I dont drink when I am leathered but if I have just had a few I will drive albeit slowly". You are still a danger on the roads, and risking innocent lives.

You may feel OK to drive but what about your reflexes after you have had, in your own words "a few"?

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The risk level associated with drinking and driving in Thailand means it's not worth it. It's not a matter of tut-tutting, just common sense.

The only positive outcome one can get is getting home unscathed and unchecked.

The negative outcomes can include:

1/ Getting caught by the police. As a falang, you are a prime target for the heftiest fine they can think up. Loss of licence also.

2/ You're in an accident, no-one injured. Police will breath-test you, you will be liable irrespective of whose fault it was, and your insurance company will walk away.

3/ Someone is injured in an accident. You will be paying their hospital bills. See (2) as well.

4/ Someone is killed in an accident. If it's you, your problems have ended. Your next of kin's won't have. If it's someone else, your problems are only just beginning.

If you want to drink, fine. Just do it at your own place, sleep over at a mate's place, or get a taxi if you want to cruise the bars. It's simply not worth the risk.

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The risk level associated with drinking and driving in Thailand means it's not worth it. It's not a matter of tut-tutting, just common sense.

The only positive outcome one can get is getting home unscathed and unchecked.

The negative outcomes can include:

1/ Getting caught by the police. As a falang, you are a prime target for the heftiest fine they can think up. Loss of licence also.

2/ You're in an accident, no-one injured. Police will breath-test you, you will be liable irrespective of whose fault it was, and your insurance company will walk away.

3/ Someone is injured in an accident. You will be paying their hospital bills. See (2) as well.

4/ Someone is killed in an accident. If it's you, your problems have ended. Your next of kin's won't have. If it's someone else, your problems are only just beginning.

If you want to drink, fine. Just do it at your own place, sleep over at a mate's place, or get a taxi if you want to cruise the bars. It's simply not worth the risk.

"or get a taxi if you want to cruise the bars" - and there lays the problem. There are no proper taxis. Hence, the OP's post, and let's be honest, we all know where he's coming from.

It's the reason why the road death toll is huge on Phuket, and we rarely ever hear about those left in a wheelchair for the rest of their lives.

Also, in my opinion, it's the single biggest cause of Phuket's loss of the western tourist market. Basically, criminals controlling the freedom of movement around the island of everyone.

It's a disgrace.

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Phuket is not the place to bar hop, unless by foot.

If you ride / drive whilst intoxicated - you run the risk of being extorted for a large bribe, or, arrested and put in a cell over night, and then fined.

Or, worse still, you crash and seriously hurt / kill yourself - no travel insurance.

Or hurt / kill a Thai - then you are potentially looking at losing your life savings.

But, worse than all of this, you may have to catch a Phuket tuk-tuk who will charge you 1000 baht to go about 2 kilometers, and if you don't pay, he will break your arm. biggrin.png

Now, can you see why Phuket is struggling to attract western tourists and it's quiet, very quiet? biggrin.png

"If you ride / drive whilst intoxicated - you run the risk of being extorted for a large bribe,"

Extorted? Wherever the money ends ups, I hope you get "extorted" for all your worth for putting others' lives at risk.

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this shows the mentality of the " quality tourists " we are subjected to receiving here in paradise lost.

drink heavily, drive , maybe survive or maybe not.

Maybe pay a bribe & get waved on to maybe make it home because after you step off the plane you can do anything here ( but bet your life they don't behave like that at home - too scared too because the have "real police" there. )

We residents have seen it all a thousand times - i for one have run out of pity when the inevitable happens.

i've had 2 friends drunk driving & kill themselves here.

Don't report the death toll as we all know it is astronomical - but let's not talk about it as it's bad publicity & may stop a few unaware suckers from coming.

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Cheers all... think some of you have got me wrong, I dont plan on getting lashed and driving around, I was talking a few beers but your right... push bike it is lol

" Another thing I wanted to ask, when I last visited you would rent a motorbike and drive from bar to bar etc"

Is that what you do in your own country of origin?

If not, why not ?

Not at all, think you got me wrong mate,

Happy new years to you all you miserable set of ******* (joke)

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Phuket is not the place to bar hop, unless by foot.

If you ride / drive whilst intoxicated - you run the risk of being extorted for a large bribe, or, arrested and put in a cell over night, and then fined.

Or, worse still, you crash and seriously hurt / kill yourself - no travel insurance.

Or hurt / kill a Thai - then you are potentially looking at losing your life savings.

But, worse than all of this, you may have to catch a Phuket tuk-tuk who will charge you 1000 baht to go about 2 kilometers, and if you don't pay, he will break your arm. biggrin.png

Now, can you see why Phuket is struggling to attract western tourists and it's quiet, very quiet? biggrin.png

"If you ride / drive whilst intoxicated - you run the risk of being extorted for a large bribe,"

Extorted? Wherever the money ends ups, I hope you get "extorted" for all your worth for putting others' lives at risk.

There in lay the problem, Suradit69.

The BiB here will take 10,000 baht and let you continue on your way.

A friend of mine was riding drunk a while ago, the BiB asked him for 10k to "fix problem." He was escorted to the nearest ATM, handed over 10k, and rode off.

Makes you wonder the lowly amount a drunk Thai would pay for the same crime and accident waiting to happen.

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In Phuket, approximately 30% of all road accidents are caused by drunk drivers.

Therefore approximately 70% of all road accidents are caused by sober drivers.

I'll let you figure out which is the safest state to drive in.........

Mmmm, and if the 30% of drunk drivers crash into the 70% of sober drivers, that makes more that 50% of accidents on Phuket alcohol related. :)

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In Phuket, approximately 30% of all road accidents are caused by drunk drivers.

Therefore approximately 70% of all road accidents are caused by sober drivers.

I'll let you figure out which is the safest state to drive in.........

I wonder what kind of education you have had. Your numbers are useless without knowing the actual numbers or drivers who drink and drive and who are sober.

Suppose there are 1000 drivers and 100 drink and drive and 900 don't. That would mean your three times more likely to have an accident when you drink and drive then when sober.

Guess its easier to pretend that drinking and driving is OK then actually using ones brain.

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In Phuket, approximately 30% of all road accidents are caused by drunk drivers.

Therefore approximately 70% of all road accidents are caused by sober drivers.

I'll let you figure out which is the safest state to drive in.........

I wonder what kind of education you have had. Your numbers are useless without knowing the actual numbers or drivers who drink and drive and who are sober.

Suppose there are 1000 drivers and 100 drink and drive and 900 don't. That would mean your three times more likely to have an accident when you drink and drive then when sober.

Guess its easier to pretend that drinking and driving is OK then actually using ones brain.

Pretty sure he wasn't being entirely serious.

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In Phuket, approximately 30% of all road accidents are caused by drunk drivers.

Therefore approximately 70% of all road accidents are caused by sober drivers.

I'll let you figure out which is the safest state to drive in.........

I wonder what kind of education you have had. Your numbers are useless without knowing the actual numbers or drivers who drink and drive and who are sober.

Suppose there are 1000 drivers and 100 drink and drive and 900 don't. That would mean your three times more likely to have an accident when you drink and drive then when sober.

Guess its easier to pretend that drinking and driving is OK then actually using ones brain.

Pretty sure he wasn't being entirely serious.

Its hard to be sure, I have never seen so many people defending drinking and driving then on Thaivisa. If he was not serious then I take it all back. Because then I was wrong.

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