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Swedish 'suicide' at South Pattaya Hotel


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RIP to yet another tourist... Most tradgic for his family, at this time of year, and for Thailand, so let's all hope it's the years last.

That said... " no signs of a struggle"?

Upturned furniture on the balcony he supposedly jumped from, sounds to me like signs of a struggle.... Methinks the police are jumping too... To conclusions.

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Smotherb, I agree but also in our home countries it's a high rate is suicide that never make the headlines as it does in Thailand. The reason can be several incl the ones you mention. I also believe that money and overspending on sex and alcohol is a huge factor. But again this is speculation but it's sad that people have nothing else to make fun of than Thai police and treads like this is not the place.

Yes, money, sex and alcohol play a large part in many suicides here, but most people can handle those issues without suicide. However, that does not answer my question, why are so many farangs here in Thailand so susceptible? It may be that Thailand is a last spot of frivolity for the life-challenged—I see a good bit of data to support such a postulation.

You appear to be saying farang suicide rates in Thailand are no more than they are in their home countries. According to http://www.worldlifeexpectancy.com/cause-of-death/suicide/by-country/ Guyana, which has the highest suicide rate of any country listed, is only .004%. North American and European countries run between .001% and .0005%—ironically, this source rates Islamic countries nearer the bottom. I am not sure what the rate of farangs to farang suicides is here. However, it appears far too high.

We must realize TV and other English language media and forums popularize such issues with farangs here. The ineptitude farangs envision for officials here adds to the caldron so many farangs can enjoy stirring the pot by posting their insincere commiseration or inappropriate jibes; and the media enjoy the correlated increases in circulation and hit counts.

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I for one just don't believe everybody that comes off a building from a high floor is suicide and yet I don't remember any jumper in the last few year that has been determined to be anything other than suicide or an accident only because there were actually witnesses. Look at these two statements.

"...There were no signs of a struggle..."

"...but on the balcony, a small table was upside-down and many cigarette butts were seen on the floor..."

I have to ask why someone would turn a table upside down before jumping. Seems the top of the table is more stable to stand on than the bottom of that table. And the table was obviously turned upside down with zero regard to making a mess, thus the cigarette butts all over the floor. It would seem to have been done quickly or in anger. That description could easily have been the result of a struggle. That's just the way I see it given the limited facts presented and I'm fairly certain the reporter was trying to make that connection by using the word "but" after the word "struggle".

R.I.P. young man.

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Guys, this is not a joking subject, show some respect please.

While I agree this is not funny, especially to the deceased's family and friends; but it is peculiar. Why do so many farangs commit, or are associated with, suicide here in Thailand? Are there really that many unstable farangs who seek the comforts of Thailand to die; or whose instabilities exponentiate here to the point of ending it, or who are so gullible that the temporary relationships with sex or drugs they may encounter overwhelm their senses?

Yes. You explained the phenomenon quite succinctly. I'd say at least a third of the foreigners, both visitors and residents, are dead-enders and looking to end their days in Thailand when the money runs out.

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another dodgy farang death in the los so many seem to come just to commit suicide ? I find it hard to believe heres a man in his prime everything before him obviously a lot on his mind decides to kill himself ? RIP

You gleand all this from reading a news report of a few sentences...amazing.

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On stories like this there are some posts that criticise other posters about commenting on the circumstances etc. Almost as though we are 'ghoulish' about the issue or consider ourselves Sherlock Holmes.

The fact is I wouldn't be inclined to comment at all,were it not for the speed that deaths like this are pronounced 'suicide' by the Thai police,especially if there is no sign of a struggle - as they see it.

I really wish they could simply state that 'investigations into the death are proceeding", or something similar. In the UK, and I assume other countries, if it is not confirmed as murder with a suspect either in custody or at large, then the facts would be given to the coroner who would then pronounce the cause of death, or record an open verdict.

I think that is why many posters get angry at this simplistic approach by the BIB. Howdare they send the immidiate message to the relatives that the guy had topped himself.

It's bad enough for the family he is dead and no doubt brings severe and dreadful anguish to them. However, if someone in your family commits suicide it combines the all the natural tragic feelings and 'guilt".

The lad was only in his 40's - no age at all. I accept he could have killed himself but for the family it deserves a bit more investigation

Also, we know that this could be any of us, 'falling off a balcony' or 'drowning in the sea' etc etc. with the immediate conclusion it was suicide and case closed.

I would love to know what procedure the embassies follow after being informed.

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Ha ha, the police and their cigarette butts, their answer to any death. A quick cursory glance at the cigarette butts and their other favourite, "signs of a struggle", allows them to immediately determine the circumstances of death.

Ahhh cigarette butts lets do DNA test, if more than one person see if he Swiss assisting with suicide.

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This year seems to have been a competition between nationalities of who could jump from the highest building.

Quote: There were no signs of a struggle but on the balcony, a small table was upside-down and many cigarette butts were seen on the floor of the balcony area. - This categorically proves that it`s a case of suicide, no need to investigate further and a another victim to add on to the statistics list.

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May he RIP and condolences to his family and loved ones. I am just glad he never got the opportunity to read some of the sick comments here concerning his demise.

But probably relatives or close friends may read this. Normally these insensitive posts are deleted.

I apologize for the Cretins on this forum who consider themselves part of the human race.

Edited by Fookhaht
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Yet another one come all the way here to commit suicide,if he wanted to top himself why would the table be upside down,and also does he smoke? i think if he wanted to die he would have stayed in Sweden,much cheaper than a flight all the way here.

If he plans to kill himself then why would he need to worry about the cost of a flight? He won't have a use for the money after he does it.
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So very young . How about telling all his pals that he was coming out to Los to see the lady from his last visit only to find as happens so often that she was with someone else. Then the thought of going back to a cold winter and his pals laughing ..........................That's how I see it anyway , my saiang's worth.

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So very young . How about telling all his pals that he was coming out to Los to see the lady from his last visit only to find as happens so often that she was with someone else. Then the thought of going back to a cold winter and his pals laughing ..........................That's how I see it anyway , my saiang's worth.

Unfortunately, I believe this sort of thing has happened many times before and will happen many more times in the future. I am consoling a friend now whose "love" dropped him. He just bought her a new bar and as he was checking fb at Swampy on his way back to work; he noticed she had changed her relationship status. Her new boyfriend and she had a great engagement party at her new bar.

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Yet another one? It would be interesting to compare suicide numbers of Thailand tourists to other equivalent tropical tourist destination countries, especially balcony jumping,

to see whether our suspicions are as probable as they seem to us....

Someone already did that, do not have the link handy . The numbers

of course were astronomical for Pattaya versus other tourist destinations.

So while each individual case can be debated, if you look at the

larger numbers the picture becomes very dark indeed. I still say it

is the perfect murder. You are at home with your darling. You a knock

at the door. Upon opening it, six Thai guys rush in and pitch you over

the balcony. They immediately leave. The police are called. The Thai

girls spins a tale of the farang seemed sad, and talked about money

problems. Winks all around, and the case instantly close by the police.....

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So very young . How about telling all his pals that he was coming out to Los to see the lady from his last visit only to find as happens so often that she was with someone else. Then the thought of going back to a cold winter and his pals laughing ..........................That's how I see it anyway , my saiang's worth.

Unfortunately, I believe this sort of thing has happened many times before and will happen many more times in the future. I am consoling a friend now whose "love" dropped him. He just bought her a new bar and as he was checking fb at Swampy on his way back to work; he noticed she had changed her relationship status. Her new boyfriend and she had a great engagement party at her new bar.

Oldest story in Thailand. Just boink a new one each night, and have the time of

your life . As soon as you start buying stuff for them, you have lost the game.....

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Bali used to be a good venue for balcony jumping Australians.... But Australia doesn't really publish suicide incidents in an attempt to avoid a rash of suicides, so I can't offer stats

Also, the Australian government has Thailand listed as a high risk country to visit...... . Don't know how that compares to other countries policies on travel to LOS

Funnily, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam are "normal" risk destinations, so that may say something about balcony assisted suicides... Or a higher percentage of low rise buildings denying jumpers an exit point

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