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Scuffles in Cologne as rival groups hold demonstrations over immigration


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Scuffles in Cologne as rival groups hold demonstrations over immigration
By Seamus Kearney


"All of a sudden these men around us began groping us. They touched our behinds and grabbed between our legs"

COLOGNE: -- Scuffles have broken out between far-right activists and anti-fascist protesters in the German city of Cologne, with police attempting to keep them apart.

The right-wing groups have condemned the government’s welcoming of refugees after the city’s police chief told the media that people of Arab or North African origin were behind New Year’s Eve attacks.

Almost 100 women have reported being robbed, assaulted and sexually molested, but the government has warned against putting foreigners and refugees under what they call “blanket suspicion”.

Increasingly under pressure over immigration policies, even from within her own political fold, the German Chancellor has been attempting to answer her critics.

Today Angela Merkel said it was important to achieve a “noticeable reduction in the flow of refugees”.

She said they had to work on the causes but also look at measures such as improved repatriation of rejected asylum seekers.

Protesters have been condemning violence against women after the New Year’s Eve attacks, while police say three suspects have so far been identified.

One victim of the attack told reporters: “All of a sudden these men around us began groping us.

“They touched our behinds and grabbed between our legs. They touched us everywhere. When I turned around one guy grabbed my bag and ripped it off me.”

Another victim said: “They felt like they had power and could do anything with the women who were out in the street partying.

“They touched us everywhere. It was so horrible.”

As Angela Merkel expressed shock over the attacks, the Mayor of Cologne said there was no reason to believe the perpetrators were refugees.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-07
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Just a thought, but these new germans got so excited by seeing traditional German ladies wearing thick winter clothes, with full body and often even their heads covered by winter hoods, just you wait until spring and summer. This is the time of year the German ladies like to wear their miniskirts and boob tubes. I can't wait to see their reaction. The combo of extreme leftism and Merkel has truly been a joy to behold - thank dickens I am not german, or there would be toys out the pram.

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"As Angela Merkel expressed shock over the attacks..."

Lifelong smoker develops cancer, Angela Merkel expresses shock...

Temperature drops in winter, Angela Merkel expresses shock...

93 year old man found dead in bed, Angela Merkel expresses shock...

I mean, just what <deleted> planet are these people on?

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".....the Mayor of Cologne said there was no reason to believe the perpetrators were refugees...."

Is that the same as saying that there was every reason to believe the perpetrators weren't refugees?

I fear it is too late to slam the border gates closed to Arabic and African immigration Germany is rotting from the inside out.

A nation that loses its founding character WILL NOT survive. A nation that loses its founding character SHOULD NOT survive.

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From the OP:

COLOGNE: -- Scuffles have broken out between far-right activists and anti-fascist protesters in the German city of Cologne, with police attempting to keep them apart.
The right-wing groups have condemned the government’s welcoming of refugees after the city’s police chief told the media that people of Arab or North African origin were behind New Year’s Eve attacks

So people in Cologne protesting against the New Year's Eve attacks are labelled as far right???

"...German counter migration movement the Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West (PEGIDA) have called a mass protest for this Saturday afternoon at the square outside the railway station [in Cololgne] where the attacks happened.
Announced within the past few hours, the march is likely to attract thousands, and not just of long-standing PEGIDA members, but also of ordinary Germans and the citizens of Cologne
Continued http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/01/06/pegida-demonstration-called-follow-spontaneous-protest-migrant-rape-cologne/

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Just a thought, but these new germans got so excited by seeing traditional German ladies wearing thick winter clothes, with full body and often even their heads covered by winter hoods, just you wait until spring and summer. This is the time of year the German ladies like to wear their miniskirts and boob tubes. I can't wait to see their reaction. The combo of extreme leftism and Merkel has truly been a joy to behold - thank dickens I am not german, or there would be toys out the pram.

"This is the time of year the German ladies like to wear their miniskirts and boob tubes".

In the UK it is. Go to any city center on a Friday/Saturday night in January & you'll see 'em, -2C, dressed like hookersgiggle.gif !

Mutton dressed as mutton!passifier.gif

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Give them free 500 EUR per month, give them free apartments, give them free insurance. Enrich our poor culture!

Now I think Merkel is doing the double Serbian *** bluff. She wants the last social guy get over to vote for a conservative party and she wants to increase the hate against non-educated Muslim immigration so she can release a bunch of anti citizen laws, exactly like in the US, e.g. Patriot Act.

Personally I was always on the side of the social political parties, e.g. unconditional basic income, free insurances for citizens, high welfare, high taxes for the corps/rich, etc. - but now I want to change the power in favor of a national party, e.g. AFD.

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"...there was no reason to believe the perpetrators were refugees." Right. They were probably native Burmese.

if you read the entire article (on other sites) you would have known that they were Germans of North African descent, the third generation in Germany, the one that grew up with Wurst, Sauerkraut und Bier. They were "imported" to Germany in the seventies during the labour shortage in order to increase the German production and clean their streets. Just like now where Germany with a natality of 1.3 child per women. The Syrian refugees are probably going to be the one changing the diapers of the retired neo-nazis.

So your solution is that everybody that is not named Herbert, Albrecht or Fritz leave the country? Who is going to take care of the aging Müllers? Will they all have to come to Thailand to get a decent care, as it is already happening now?

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"...there was no reason to believe the perpetrators were refugees." Right. They were probably native Burmese.

if you read the entire article (on other sites) you would have known that they were Germans of North African descent, the third generation in Germany, the one that grew up with Wurst, Sauerkraut und Bier. They were "imported" to Germany in the seventies during the labour shortage in order to increase the German production and clean their streets. Just like now where Germany with a natality of 1.3 child per women. The Syrian refugees are probably going to be the one changing the diapers of the retired neo-nazis.

So your solution is that everybody that is not named Herbert, Albrecht or Fritz leave the country? Who is going to take care of the aging Müllers? Will they all have to come to Thailand to get a decent care, as it is already happening now?

You have a link to these articles on other sites that say the perpetrators were "Germans of North African descent" ?

A policeman said all the people he questioned had refugee papers, and a British woman who was there said they spoke neither German or English.

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"...there was no reason to believe the perpetrators were refugees." Right. They were probably native Burmese.

if you read the entire article (on other sites) you would have known that they were Germans of North African descent, the third generation in Germany, the one that grew up with Wurst, Sauerkraut und Bier. They were "imported" to Germany in the seventies during the labour shortage in order to increase the German production and clean their streets. Just like now where Germany with a natality of 1.3 child per women. The Syrian refugees are probably going to be the one changing the diapers of the retired neo-nazis.

So your solution is that everybody that is not named Herbert, Albrecht or Fritz leave the country? Who is going to take care of the aging Müllers? Will they all have to come to Thailand to get a decent care, as it is already happening now?

Really wrong, North African Arabs were never imported to Germany. Those were the Turks.

The rapists were all North African Arab refugees from countries like Algeria, Libya, Tunesia. Even the government controlled German media - normally 100% pro Islam - are saying that those are North African refugees.

Be assured that every uneducated Muslin in Germany will not have a bright future. Because every single job which needs an unskilled worker will be replaced by a robot.

In our future world where every moderate task will be done by robots, I will get my ass cleaned by a robot called Eve instead of a guy named Ahmed.

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"...there was no reason to believe the perpetrators were refugees." Right. They were probably native Burmese.

if you read the entire article (on other sites) you would have known that they were Germans of North African descent, the third generation in Germany, the one that grew up with Wurst, Sauerkraut und Bier. They were "imported" to Germany in the seventies during the labour shortage in order to increase the German production and clean their streets. Just like now where Germany with a natality of 1.3 child per women. The Syrian refugees are probably going to be the one changing the diapers of the retired neo-nazis.

So your solution is that everybody that is not named Herbert, Albrecht or Fritz leave the country? Who is going to take care of the aging Müllers? Will they all have to come to Thailand to get a decent care, as it is already happening now?

Second or third generation? Really? "A British woman visiting Cologne said fireworks had been thrown at her group by men who spoke neither German nor English."


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Intentional cover-up. Lying media was, well, lying through omission. What are they deliberately lying about, now?

The events have since come to dominate German media, but following a barrage of complaints on social media that the New Year’s Eve events were deliberately under-reported amid fears they would encourage anti-immigrant sentiment, Germany’s public broadcaster, ZDF, was forced to apologise for its decision not to report on the attacks until Tuesday, four days after they had occurred.


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Who is going to take care of the aging Müllers? Will they all have to come to Thailand to get a decent care, as it is already happening now?

They are welcome here. Just as long as they leave their N/African haram Bratwurst and beer consuming diaper-changers behind in Germany.

Bon voyage

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"...there was no reason to believe the perpetrators were refugees." Right. They were probably native Burmese.

if you read the entire article (on other sites) you would have known that they were Germans of North African descent, the third generation in Germany, the one that grew up with Wurst, Sauerkraut und Bier. They were "imported" to Germany in the seventies during the labour shortage in order to increase the German production and clean their streets. Just like now where Germany with a natality of 1.3 child per women. The Syrian refugees are probably going to be the one changing the diapers of the retired neo-nazis.

So your solution is that everybody that is not named Herbert, Albrecht or Fritz leave the country? Who is going to take care of the aging Müllers? Will they all have to come to Thailand to get a decent care, as it is already happening now?

Yeah, I am considering asking asylum in Thailand.

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"...there was no reason to believe the perpetrators were refugees." Right. They were probably native Burmese.

if you read the entire article (on other sites) you would have known that they were Germans of North African descent, the third generation in Germany, the one that grew up with Wurst, Sauerkraut und Bier. They were "imported" to Germany in the seventies during the labour shortage in order to increase the German production and clean their streets. Just like now where Germany with a natality of 1.3 child per women. The Syrian refugees are probably going to be the one changing the diapers of the retired neo-nazis.

So your solution is that everybody that is not named Herbert, Albrecht or Fritz leave the country? Who is going to take care of the aging Müllers? Will they all have to come to Thailand to get a decent care, as it is already happening now?

Really wrong, North African Arabs were never imported to Germany. Those were the Turks.

The rapists were all North African Arab refugees from countries like Algeria, Libya, Tunesia. Even the government controlled German media - normally 100% pro Islam - are saying that those are North African refugees.

Be assured that every uneducated Muslin in Germany will not have a bright future. Because every single job which needs an unskilled worker will be replaced by a robot.

In our future world where every moderate task will be done by robots, I will get my ass cleaned by a robot called Eve instead of a guy named Ahmed.

Perhaps you should check your own history. Africans entered Germany from ex German African colonies prior to WW11. Its been mentioned they were targeted by the Nazis for sterilisation. There are reports currently approx 500k African Germans, some of whom live in Cologne & if reports are to believed were 'aggressively drunk'. Have to wait and see how many of the offenders are represented by asylum seekers.

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http://www.rwth-aachen.de/cms/root/Die-RWTH/Aktuell/Pressemitteilungen/Mai/~dtyy/DFG-Foerderung-50-Jahre-marokkanische-Z/lidx/1/ "Following the signing of the recrutiment agreement on May 21, 1963, about 170000 Moroccans came to Germany. And as far as I am aware Morocco is still in North Africa

"...there was no reason to believe the perpetrators were refugees." Right. They were probably native Burmese.

if you read the entire article (on other sites) you would have known that they were Germans of North African descent, the third generation in Germany, the one that grew up with Wurst, Sauerkraut und Bier. They were "imported" to Germany in the seventies during the labour shortage in order to increase the German production and clean their streets. Just like now where Germany with a natality of 1.3 child per women. The Syrian refugees are probably going to be the one changing the diapers of the retired neo-nazis.

So your solution is that everybody that is not named Herbert, Albrecht or Fritz leave the country? Who is going to take care of the aging Müllers? Will they all have to come to Thailand to get a decent care, as it is already happening now?

Really wrong, North African Arabs were never imported to Germany. Those were the Turks.

The rapists were all North African Arab refugees from countries like Algeria, Libya, Tunesia. Even the government controlled German media - normally 100% pro Islam - are saying that those are North African refugees.

Be assured that every uneducated Muslin in Germany will not have a bright future. Because every single job which needs an unskilled worker will be replaced by a robot.

In our future world where every moderate task will be done by robots, I will get my ass cleaned by a robot called Eve instead of a guy named Ahmed.

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"...there was no reason to believe the perpetrators were refugees." Right. They were probably native Burmese.

if you read the entire article (on other sites) you would have known that they were Germans of North African descent, the third generation in Germany, the one that grew up with Wurst, Sauerkraut und Bier. They were "imported" to Germany in the seventies during the labour shortage in order to increase the German production and clean their streets. Just like now where Germany with a natality of 1.3 child per women. The Syrian refugees are probably going to be the one changing the diapers of the retired neo-nazis.

So your solution is that everybody that is not named Herbert, Albrecht or Fritz leave the country? Who is going to take care of the aging Müllers? Will they all have to come to Thailand to get a decent care, as it is already happening now?

Really wrong, North African Arabs were never imported to Germany. Those were the Turks.

The rapists were all North African Arab refugees from countries like Algeria, Libya, Tunesia. Even the government controlled German media - normally 100% pro Islam - are saying that those are North African refugees.

Be assured that every uneducated Muslin in Germany will not have a bright future. Because every single job which needs an unskilled worker will be replaced by a robot.

In our future world where every moderate task will be done by robots, I will get my ass cleaned by a robot called Eve instead of a guy named Ahmed.

Perhaps you should check your own history. Africans entered Germany from ex German African colonies prior to WW11. Its been mentioned they were targeted by the Nazis for sterilisation. There are reports currently approx 500k African Germans, some of whom live in Cologne & if reports are to believed were 'aggressively drunk'. Have to wait and see how many of the offenders are represented by asylum seekers.

Imperial Germany had no colonies in North Africa, all its colonies were in sub-saharan Africa. North Africans are Arab/Berber and sub-saharan Africans are Black, pretty easy to tell the difference.

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Just don't harass them...they're Merkel's guests...

"Though the police questioned dozens of suspects, they made only a handful of arrests, none of which were connected to the sexual assaults. Witnesses reported that some of the assailants shouted &lt;deleted&gt; the police and spat at officers.

In the report, one suspect is quoted as saying: Im Syrian, you have to treat me nicely. Frau Merkel invited me."

Welcome to Eurabia.

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“The officers on the ground couldn’t gain control of all of the events, attacks and crimes – there were simply too many at the same time for that to be possible,” a high-ranking officer wrote, describing the scene to which police arrived. “On the square outside were several thousand mostly male people of a migrant background who were firing all kinds of fireworks and throwing bottles into the crowd at random.

Evidence has emerged that similar attacks had taken place in a total of eight German cities. After Cologne, Hamburg appears to have been the worst affected. Out of 167 complaints of attacks filed with police - around two thirds of them described as sexual assault including two cases of rape - 100 relate to Cologne, and 53 to Hamburg.


Did not take long for the cultural enrichment to begin.

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The officers on the ground couldnt gain control of all of the events, attacks and crimes there were simply too many at the same time for that to be possible, a high-ranking officer wrote, describing the scene to which police arrived. On the square outside were several thousand mostly male people of a migrant background who were firing all kinds of fireworks and throwing bottles into the crowd at random.

Evidence has emerged that similar attacks had taken place in a total of eight German cities. After Cologne, Hamburg appears to have been the worst affected. Out of 167 complaints of attacks filed with police - around two thirds of them described as sexual assault including two cases of rape - 100 relate to Cologne, and 53 to Hamburg.


Did not take long for the cultural enrichment to begin.

I wonder what line the authorities will take next:

They were but a small number of minor incidents perfectly in keeping with the time of year?

They were provoked by nazis and acting in self defence?

It was all a misunderstanding and our fault?

Shut your mouths or you will be the ones locked up for spreading racism/bigotry/misinformation?

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