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Why would anyone want to visit the Philippines?


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One of the best tourist/vacation/expat retirement destination threads I've ever encountered. Years ago I too thought I had to visit The Philippines but rejected it for its high risks. I was not wrong then and now convinced I would not be wrong today. As said above, there are many other places to visit yet. Thanks all.

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Went to the Philippines once. it was 60 peso's to the GBP then.Flew into manila.What a shit hole.Dark,dangerous,and filthy.Young boy's waiting for you outside the hotel asking if you want to screw them.Shit food,and armed guards every where with huge rifles.One of the guard's asked me if i wanted a taxi,as i was going over to Robinsons to eat.The food was even crap in TG Fridays.I got talking to him and asked him if he had ever actually shot anyone with his pump action shot gun,He said "not yet,but the night is young" out next day to Cebu.Stayed in a expat hotel on the Maxilon road.That was ok,but the food still crap.Sober!but fell over in the shower and cracked a rib,which still hurts to this day.Loads of women.Pick em up on Mango square,cheapish but very young.be careful you dont get fitted up for under age sex with a girl.The pimp fits you up and then the police come crashing through the door saying the girl is under age.The consequences are horrendous.I dont go for young'ns so never had a problem.

For the lady boy lover's,There's plenty on the square but the flip's aren't so tolerant,and you will be a spectacle of ridicule from the Flip's but if you dont mind that,then it's ok. every body called me Joe in over exaggerated American accent's.They are convinced that every thing in the world is American,even Rod Stewart.They make a point of telling you they are staunch Catholic's but know absolutely F##k all about the Bible. I used to frequent a bar called the silver Dollar,that was ok,2 for one on a Sunday and the girls were quite reasonable.But some of the bar's wanted 2,800 Peso's in the bar,no wonder they were empty.

All in all,i wouldnt go again. But thats just me.

Thailand is better for food and women,although there are some stunning Phillipa's.I got with one that i met in BO'S coffee in a Robinsons there and she was terrific.I kept her for a week,really good company and never tried to rip me off.

Warning! dont go giving yhem your email or you will never get rid of them asking for money.

Have a good trip.


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It always amazes me to hear about the Philippines, the poverty and despair. Makes me wonder why that country adamantly clings to a strict no birth control or abortion policy to curb the poverty. The Pope (Francis) did advise that country, in his latest tour of that country, not to "breed like rabbits", but the clergy and corresponding legal system refuses to alter laws prohibiting abortion or birth control.

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Anyway everybody,

Thank you all so much for your opinions and views on the Philippines. I am still going yo visit for the experience but I think I will completely miss Manila and fly into Clark and take it from there.

Or fly South to the Britana Island area.....since there are over 7,100 islands to choose from, missing Manila would be in your best interest....IMHO...??



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! I could go on.....and on........and on!

Please do

That's what we are here for

Wearing sunglasses when peeling onions, posting letters in rubbish bins.

My second disaster came home one day complaining about the HK Chinese being racist (pretty accurate but her justification was way off). Basically she had read in a local Filipino magazine that a maid had been fired and she thought it was unfair. I stupidly asked her to translate the article and was told of a maid who worked for a single Chinese lady who had an Alsatian dog that always went to greet the owner when she came home, but one day did not. On looking around the flat she found the maid and dog in the maid's room in 'flagrante delecto'; something which I would have thought provided fairly reasonable grounds for dismissal. But the story didn't end there! I was then regaled with a description of mating dogs that spend some considerable time connected after the act and that the Alsatian could not be removed from the maid. Considering the size differential and the fact that it is the female dog that clings on, incredulity was mounting. But this soon turned to great amusement as the article went on to describe the maid and Alsatian being taken to the nearest hospital where the dog's penis was cut off and he died of blood loss, shock; or perhaps shame. My skepticism was demonstrated as I imagined a gurney being wheeled into casualty with a sheet over the two lovers but an Alsatian's tail sticking out one end and I proceeded to laugh myself onto the floor. Apparently the maid was fired because the dog died and this was ample demonstration of racism!!

I still like the Philippines and the people there but I'm just a serial optimist.

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The murder rate by gunshot is far lower than in Thailand.

UNODC, which is a very credible source, ranks the overall homicide rate of the Philippines as #70 in the world. They put Thailand at #104. The Philippines has always seemed more risky to me, though it's probably not as dangerous as it feels. As always, your real risk depends mainly on behaving yourself and not acting like a knob. Things can get very rough very quickly in the Philippines if you treat people badly.

As for reasons to go . . . well, better mountain climbing and better bars. Those are the two reasons I go there. Though to be fair, the people are very nice. And seeing the scruffiness and sleaze will probably give you a new appreciation for Thailand.

Interesting that with all the guns and armed guards, in the PI any non-citizen is legally unable to buy or possess a gun.

But looking at the irreversible bloody mess the USA has got itself into with its domestic 'arms race', why would you want to? Best just not go.

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! I could go on.....and on........and on!

Please do

That's what we are here for

Wearing sunglasses when peeling onions, posting letters in rubbish bins.

My second disaster came home one day complaining about the HK Chinese being racist (pretty accurate but her justification was way off). Basically she had read in a local Filipino magazine that a maid had been fired and she thought it was unfair. I stupidly asked her to translate the article and was told of a maid who worked for a single Chinese lady who had an Alsatian dog that always went to greet the owner when she came home, but one day did not. On looking around the flat she found the maid and dog in the maid's room in 'flagrante delecto'; something which I would have thought provided fairly reasonable grounds for dismissal. But the story didn't end there! I was then regaled with a description of mating dogs that spend some considerable time connected after the act and that the Alsatian could not be removed from the maid. Considering the size differential and the fact that it is the female dog that clings on, incredulity was mounting. But this soon turned to great amusement as the article went on to describe the maid and Alsatian being taken to the nearest hospital where the dog's penis was cut off and he died of blood loss, shock; or perhaps shame. My skepticism was demonstrated as I imagined a gurney being wheeled into casualty with a sheet over the two lovers but an Alsatian's tail sticking out one end and I proceeded to laugh myself onto the floor. Apparently the maid was fired because the dog died and this was ample demonstration of racism!!

I still like the Philippines and the people there but I'm just a serial optimist.

I also imagine, as you said, that a human vagina would not 'cling' to a dog's erect 'bulb', but whatever, sounds like a version of the urban legend Perth birthday girl, who was caught with her dog by surprise party guests. Given their national english daily is as professional as a church newsletter, I'd imagine the story is a mis reported urban legend, but it was fun reading it.

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It always amazes me to hear about the Philippines, the poverty and despair. Makes me wonder why that country adamantly clings to a strict no birth control or abortion policy to curb the poverty. The Pope (Francis) did advise that country, in his latest tour of that country, not to "breed like rabbits", but the clergy and corresponding legal system refuses to alter laws prohibiting abortion or birth control.

Yes and woe betide you there if you say you don't like kids! They'll drop you fast!

Actually one way to ditch a clingy Pinay chick is just tell her you don't want kids! or that you have a vasectomy (if you actually did have a vasectomy.)

Another nasty little 'Catholic-based' law all foreigners would do well to keep front of mind is; that you can go to JAIL for adultery.

Naturally, there is a blackmailing scam to go along with this, whereby the foreign 'mark' is set up to have a 'chance meeting' in a mall with a hot horny wife who is so neglected sexually, she must have sex NOW!

Well, guess who then 'catches' them in the act? The cuckolded 'husband'! The usual trip to an ATM will of course keep it all out of police hands, it's a festering scamhole.

Edited by dhream
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Anyway everybody,

Thank you all so much for your opinions and views on the Philippines. I am still going yo visit for the experience but I think I will completely miss Manila and fly into Clark and take it from there.

I have only seen Manila but slipperylobster confirmed that all the negatives mentioned are found everywhere.

I also have a friend who visits both Pattaya and the AC annually in high season, he swears by Angeles, BTW I don't think you can fly from BKK to CRK anymore, or he would do it!

Bear in mind he is well cashed up, and has a seriously good time as he takes several girls at once!

But, even he admits the ride from MNL to Angeles is a nightmare of haggling and unnecessary bullshit from the driver.

He likes they speak English, and claims the Pinays are more fun than TGs. My milage in that regard, has varied (Manila only).

Anyway, stay safe, personally, I'm in no hurry to go back.

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They drive on the wrong ( American ) side of the road. Too freaking hot. Haven't been there; however, if the food is as bad as other posters say, not interested.

Like Thailand, the Philippines has its share of horror stories about women. Lang Hancock is the most famous example.

Setting aside the fact that almost all of Europe drives on the Right...

It's not notably hotter than Thailand, but the food is shocking considering they were colonised by Spain first...

Also unlike here, you have to lock absolutely everything up, your 'guests' will even steal your aftershave from your wet pack, happened to me, and it's the only place that's ever happened.

I was in a Hong Kong bar at Xmas (Fog Bar in the upmarket part of Kowloon, not a dive) and the Pinay staff tried to rip me off with the Happy Hour menu, not once, but twice, even AFTER i'd rather graciously pointed out their 'error'. When I left, one of the girls tried to sell me a 'massage' no, not her, she thrust a brochure under my nose like the tuk tuks do in Sukhumvit Soi 7 etc. Classy!

I have Filipino friends raised elsewhere, and even they have complained about being scammed 'back home'. It's such a shame, if they could see far enough to clean up their act, they'd be a powerhouse of tourism. Not to mention a wealthy nation, they certainly have the natural resources, which is why they will likely end up being a slave colony to the Chinese a hundred years from now. America simply does not have the tactical resources to prevent that, in the long term.

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Oh yes I seen on TV how the Christianity epidemic is running rampid in the Philippines. It truly is amazing. I bet Emperor Constantine never expected his creation to have lasted so long and have such an impact on the word hundreds of centuries later.

God save us from religion! facepalm.gif

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You guys should not knock it until you have tried it.

Admittedly parts of Manila are an armpit,but so are parts of Pattaya That said Manila is easily avoided.

Fly into one of the other international gateways such Cebu, Iloilo or Clark for a warm welcome from very friendly English speaking people.

Plenty of pristine beaches with NO hawkers or headaches,. Yes, for you cheap Charlies the fast food restaurants all offer

low quality food,( you can blame their past colonial masters - the Americans for introducing that) but if you search there are plenty of local restaurants serving good quality food.

For those of you looking for girls, Yes, there are cheap and most provide an excellent girlfriend type experience.

For those of you resident in CM, have you ever wondered why there is an increasing number of resident westerners living there with a Filipino wife?

I understand there are some westerners here with PI wives, and on that note, it's not so much that they have Pinay wives that is telling, but the fact that they choose to stay here, even with Pinay wives!

To compare the virtues of wives based on nationality alone is... not a comparison worth making.

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Was there less than 6 months ago, food is ummm awful to be polite, the international airport when doing an in eternal flight especially out of Manila often is crowded and runs behind schedule.

Didn't see much of Manila but what i did i thought was pretty good, at least there were blocks and blocks of well looked after buildings and quite a few parks, though at one point the taxi did venture into what looked like a slum so I'm sure there around.

In Palawan not the most modern of place but easy to get around food still awful and the island seem quite except where the mostly filipino vacation crowed were.

I felt safe all the time, the 2 Malls in Manila i visited were full of well dressed shoppers, in fact everywhere i went they were well dressed.

Your buddy couldn't have done his homework well, in BKK beggars to be found in the main areas downtown, never saw one in the Phillipines, traffic, maybe a little worse than BKK in peak hour, away from the main city area didn't look any better or worse than BKK, i thought over all it was cheaper than Thailand, i stayed in 3 different places first was a airbnb condo, small and was pretty good compared to the hotels i had being viewing online for near that price, the other 2 hotels very modern and clean and inexpensive.

There was a guy in TV asking for where to find white skinned asians....well head to Manila and get yourself to the Mall of Asia there everywhere and not Japanese.

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You guys should not knock it until you have tried it.

Admittedly parts of Manila are an armpit,but so are parts of Pattaya That said Manila is easily avoided.

Fly into one of the other international gateways such Cebu, Iloilo or Clark for a warm welcome from very friendly English speaking people.

Plenty of pristine beaches with NO hawkers or headaches,. Yes, for you cheap Charlies the fast food restaurants all offer

low quality food,( you can blame their past colonial masters - the Americans for introducing that) but if you search there are plenty of local restaurants serving good quality food.

For those of you looking for girls, Yes, there are cheap and most provide an excellent girlfriend type experience.

For those of you resident in CM, have you ever wondered why there is an increasing number of resident westerners living there with a Filipino wife?

I understand there are some westerners here with PI wives, and on that note, it's not so much that they have Pinay wives that is telling, but the fact that they choose to stay here, even with Pinay wives!

To compare the virtues of wives based on nationality alone is... not a comparison worth making.


Pinay to foreign guy "You can marry me - I come live with you?"

Thai girl to foreign guy "You can marry me - you come live with me?"

Seems the Pinay girls mostly can't get out of the PI fast enough, given the chance - especially if they have kids already. They want something better for their kids.

Thai girls on the whole though seem less keen to repatriate to a foreign country. Some do, but of the 4 that I know that attempted it, 3 were bitterly miserable and came back to Thailand again.

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Seems the Pinay girls mostly can't get out of the PI fast enough, given the chance - especially if they have kids already. They want something better for their kids.

Thai girls on the whole though seem less keen to repatriate to a foreign country. Some do, but of the 4 that I know that attempted it, 3 were bitterly miserable and came back to Thailand again.

Yes, agree with that, Thai's don't seem to travel as well as the Filipinas...

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Filipinos can always be included in a conversation as they get and understand 90% of what we are saying as opposed to a lot of Thais who, unless ,they have had a great education and travelled widely, do not.They thus then, tend to sit on the sidelines and get bored unless in the company of other Thais.

Thais have one of the best cuisines in the world, even I miss the food when I don't eat it for a week or so. Thais also, much as they have not had it that easy and many are not wealthy material wise, appear (from what I have read on this thread) to have a much easier and happier life than the Filipinos who are constantly plagued by hurricanes and tornados and poor infrastructure, ferry sinkings, as well as grinding poverty.

Because of the nature of the country and the total refusal to curb the birthrate coupled with there not being enough work for the population, the Philippines appears to be a place with some lovely people unfortunately trapped in a country that many would choose not to be if given that choice.

My other half cannot wait to get home to som tam, Larb moo and village gossip after a trip abroad..!! I have met Filipinos in the UK, who have no intention of returning home. They do worry and send money home or at least, they told me they did.

There are not many Thais in 2016, wherever they live, genuinely hungry or without food like there are in say, Cambodia and by the sounds of it, the Philippines.

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I am new to thaivisa.com and this is my first post (I have never been to Thailand but I will go and teach one day). I live outside of Detroit MI USA but lived in PH for 6 months several years ago. The advantage of going to PH is everyone speaks some English, prices are comparable to Thailand, and its fun!!

The best place to go in Manila is Makati. Makati is the Beverly Hills of the Philippines (No beggars or poverty). Start with the malls since Filipinos love their malls.

Retail shops
Greenbelt Malls 3, 4, 5 in Makati City, Philippines

Greenbelt 1 features mostly appliance and supply stores like ACE Hardware and National Bookstore.

Greenbelt 3 features a mix of international brands such as Calvin Klein, Celio, Diesel S.p.A., Hermès, Kate Spade, Kenneth Cole, Lacoste, Mexx, Nine West, Topman, Topshop, among others.

Greenbelt 4 features high-end boutiques such as Burberry, Bottega Veneta, Bulgari, Charriol, Emporio Armani, Gucci, Hugo Boss, Jimmy Choo, Louis Vuitton, Marc Jacobs, Prada, Salvatore Ferragamo, and Tod's.

Greenbelt 5 has boutiques of Filipino designers, high-end department store Adora, and boutiques of Aldo, Anne Klein, Audemars Piguet, Balenciaga, Bally, Banana Republic, Bang & Olufsen, Bóboli, Chopard, Crocs, DKNY, Escada, International Watch Company, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Juicy Couture, Kenneth Cole, Liz Claiborne, Lucky Brand Jeans, Marc by Marc Jacobs, Marks & Spencer, Massimo Dutti, Michael Kors, Miss Selfridge, Panerai, Patek Philippe, Paul Smith, Rolex, Sergio Rossi (opening soon), St. John, Tommy Hilfiger, Tory Burch, Yves Saint Laurent and Zara.


Restaurants can be found in Greenbelts 1, 2, 3, and 5, with Greenbelt 1 being concentrated more on fast-food, while Greenbelts 2, 3, and 5 feature sit-down restaurants.

In addition to Malls, there plenty of clubs to meet hot Filipinas and cheep hostels to stay in(Less than $10 per night). While in PH try the beaches of Nino, Boracay, or Cebu. Enjoy!!

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I am married to a Filipina. That means I am married to the whole clan. It is true that they are cute and pleasant and outward. Wonderful music and dance and that is the end of the fairy tale. I never felt safe in Manila. My wife does not want us to live there because she is afraid for my safety and from the begging attitute of her impoverished relatives who live in Manila. Ok, no Manila, but where can one go? The infrastructure in the countryside is non-existent. The wonderful scenery is good but one needs reasonable medical facilities and signs of 'civilization' so life can be bearable.You also need to socialize with someone on equal terms. The few affluent people are not to be found.

You cannot go alone on a deserted beach. It is dangerous even in the countryside. Unfortunately the people are not keen in serious work. It is a common practice to hire a maid even if your home is a 30 sqm shack. I do not want to belittle my wife's country but, sadly, my verdict on the Phil is a no, if I can avoid it.

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I was contemplating on going as a tourist just to say I had actually been and its nice when you are in conversation to know exactly what people are talking about. However, holidays are supposed to be about chilling out, taking it easy and generally carefree as long as an individual is taking all the usual precautions when on holiday.

Reading the thread and listening to all those with experience and knowledge, I just cannot see the point in going especially when I am told food is crap and to be constantly alert. I also am on Facebook and started doing a bit of research and met people online through social media. I have not met one online up to now, that, by the second conversation has not either asked me for money or a ticket out of there offering me everything from sexual favours right down to being a house maid. They all seem to want to get out of the place.

It seems to me that the reason i opened this thread (after speaking with my friend who had recently visited, who thinks Thailand is the be all and end all), was right after all.

He said he never felt safe no matter where he went and was constantly getting told to be careful etc etc He said towards the end, he was happy and wishing the days away to go home. Not my idea of a holiday........I think put a bit more money away and get to my lifelong dream choice destination....Japan for a month!

I do feel sorry for the state they are in, but quite a few on here and outside of TV have said that a large number over there are work-shy and want money for nothing, pretty much the same as a few other places in SE Asia.

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