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Cologne: Police break up anti-immigration march


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Cologne: Police break up anti-immigration march


COLOGNE: -- Riot police in the German city of Cologne broke up a largely right-wing crowd protesting against the country’s so-called open door migration policy.

Mass sexual assaults in the city on New Year’s Eve have been blamed largely on foreigners.

One banner read: “Merkel is responsible.” Another, “Rapeugees not welcome.”

“I am shaken by the events on New Year’s Eve, but it is not only about New Year’s Eve. It’s been going on for a few months, or probably a bit longer here in Germany,” said pensioner Helmut Erner. “I’m just concerned and worried. To me, this doesn’t feel like my Germany.”

A separate crowd rallied for women’s rights.

“I am here today, because of course we are all very sad about what happened here on New Year’s Eve,” said Seyda, a woman from Cologne. “But what makes us even sadder is that hooligans and people from the neo-Nazi scene are using this for their own purposes, and presenting themselves as defenders of women’s rights.”

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has hardened her stance. She is promising tighter controls, expulsion for foreign criminals and a reduction in migrant numbers over the longer term in Germany.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-11
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Well fancy that. One group runs amok and the police stand sheepishly by. Another group objects and the police are straight there to stick the boot in. Tells us unequivocally about which side of the fence Merkel is really on...

Edited by baboon
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As the old adage goes, No good deed goes unpunished, now Germany and Merkel are being punished here, I predict that if this situation will persist, and it might very well will, as there's a serious discontents among the natives, Markel government will be in a very preciouses position and might have to resign as well over this abysmal refugees fiasco.....

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I predict that if this situation will persist, and it might very well will, as there's a serious discontents

among the natives, Markel government will be in a very preciouses position and might have to resign

as well over this abysmal refugees fiasco.....

Big deal. There will be another one just like her ready to take her place. It's the entire rickety, corrupt system that must be overthrown and dismantled.

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So. If someone protests mass violence against women while rallying for women's rights, he is automatically a right winger. I can live with that since it appears that the left wingers don't give a shit. Helloooooo Merkel.


Yes, not wanting to have an open door policy to a deeply misogynistic rape culture is considered right wing now.

And believing that the EU is undemocratic gets you branded as an extremist.

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So, to summarize, in Cologne on New Year's eve, the police reported a brawl of more than a thousand young men of Arabic or North African origin sexually assaulted dozens of women. 2 were reported raped in the square outside the front of the rail station... Police were powerless to protect the women, only 5 of these brawling animals were arrested.

Meanwhile, a week later, the German government respond with 1,700 police, water cannon and pepper spray to a demonstration against unrestricted immigration.

Thoughts: Is Germany trying to commit cultural suicide? facepalm.gif

No one appears to have thought this through very well - what do they expect 1 million unemployed young men of military age to do? This is what happened last year 2015 bah.gif next year will be worse.

There may be trouble ahead...

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So. If someone protests mass violence against women while rallying for women's rights, he is automatically a right winger. I can live with that since it appears that the left wingers don't give a shit. Helloooooo Merkel.


Giving the Nazi salute in Germany could result in a six-month prison sentence. Now take a look at the OP photo and ask yourself why so many are emulating the Nazi salute with their left arm.

Edited by simple1
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I predict that if this situation will persist, and it might very well will, as there's a serious discontents

among the natives, Markel government will be in a very preciouses position and might have to resign

as well over this abysmal refugees fiasco.....

Big deal. There will be another one just like her ready to take her place. It's the entire rickety, corrupt system that must be overthrown and dismantled.

There is no way you can allow 800,000 people from Syria to come to any country; and not have problems. I agree that the world must try to help these people. But help them in their own country. Build massive tent camps, Feed them, educate them, and protect them. Send in the UN with troops from every country. And I mean every country. If they need a million soldier then so be it. Start at one end of Syria and go through the whole country. Remove every gun, bomb, and bullet. Remove the corrupt government; and start again.

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That's just the beginning.
Social peace is destroyed by this stupid, unprepared, unorganized, unlimited immigration policy.
There are built, in the middle of working life and village communities,

provisionally Container villages for 1,000 of migrants. Ghettoisation at its best.

In many villages and towns, many people no longer dare come out at night!
They are afraid of attacks.
The strangers roaming around in packs, and in many places they outnumber the old-established population living there peacefully for many generations.

The whole situation will escalate further, there will be mass demonstrations, street fights, arsons, robberies, rapes, thefts, drugs, etc.

Uncontrolled immigration has become a little less, but that is only because of cold winter time.
In spring it goes back further, with the uncontrolled mass immigration.

I wonder who has voted in the last election that 1,2,3,4,5 million people invited to move into our houses/villages/citys?

- mostly muslims,
- mostly young men,
- mostly uneducated,
- mostly from unrest and war zones which bring this struggle mentality with them,
- all poor with no money unable to care for themselves long-term,
- mostly with no relationship to our culture,
- 99% do not understand the german language, etc.

Nobody voted for this mess.

Edited by tomacht8
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Who could have imagined that the woman leader of one of the world's most powerful; nations would play a pivotal role in creating the kind of rape culture feminists across the West constantly and unjustifiably complain about?

Anybody who has been outside their own backyard knows that women in places like Britain and the US have far less to fear from their indigenous male counterparts than women anywhere in the world - not least Muslim countries where women are not allowed out without a man to protect them.

Now, thanks to what happened in Cologne, Hamburg and other towns, we can better appreciate the reason for this stricture.

The New Year’s Eve rape fest was revealing in a number of ways. The German police were exposed as tools of the state rather than servants of the people and the local Press - which took three days to get round to reporting the truth about a horrendous event which was making headlines across the social media within hours - are clearly just mouthpieces for government policy.

Today's Euronews story highlighted on ThaiVisa is a another journalistic travesty, seeking to exonerate the police from any blame for the heavy-handed way they dealt with protesters by claiming the crowd was largely "right wing". Of course, no actual evidence is presented to support this knee-jerk assertion.

Personally, I would be happy to be labeled right wing if this is what it takes to defend my homeland against loony lefties, liberals and other so-called progressives determined to inflict the joys of multiculturalism and diversity upon us whether we want them or not.

I would hate my homeland, Britain, to end up in the same multicultural mess as Germany – let alone Sweden, once a model of civilised behavior and now, thanks to the exploits of male Muslim migrant, the official rape capital of Europe.

Edited by Krataiboy
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So, to summarize, in Cologne on New Year's eve, the police reported a brawl of more than a thousand young men of Arabic or North African origin sexually assaulted dozens of women. 2 were reported raped in the square outside the front of the rail station... Police were powerless to protect the women, only 5 of these brawling animals were arrested.

Meanwhile, a week later, the German government respond with 1,700 police, water cannon and pepper spray to a demonstration against unrestricted immigration.

Thoughts: Is Germany trying to commit cultural suicide? facepalm.gif

No one appears to have thought this through very well - what do they expect 1 million unemployed young men of military age to do? This is what happened last year 2015 bah.gif next year will be worse.

There may be trouble ahead...

you are wrong saying "there MAY be trouble ahead" there is trouble ahead for sure 200% and it will not be pleasant and I am afraid it now cannot be resolved,short of sending them all back
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So. If someone protests mass violence against women while rallying for women's rights, he is automatically a right winger. I can live with that since it appears that the left wingers don't give a shit. Helloooooo Merkel.


Giving the Nazi salute in Germany could result in a six-month prison sentence. Now take a look at the OP photo and ask yourself why so many are emulating the Nazi salute with their left arm.

If you are worried by the rise of the far right I would put the blame for this squarely at the feet of the regressive left and their insane policies.
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There were no police to protect german citizens on NYE yet a small army to suppress them when they demonstrated about Muslim attacks, Great to see where our tax dollars are spent governments today are retarded

To the point where they act like Baboons or just plain government goons. This is the new world order police intimidation in the form of breaking up legitimate protests and protecting the guilty. Soon they will be on the front lines protecting the 0.7% that control the world and its talking heads. These are just practice sessions for things to come. If you look at the new Western police forces they are like miniature armies tanks and all. Water cannons might be replaced with something else of a hotter nature. We will all soon be marching to a different drum beat.

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So, to summarize, in Cologne on New Year's eve, the police reported a brawl of more than a thousand young men of Arabic or North African origin sexually assaulted dozens of women. 2 were reported raped in the square outside the front of the rail station... Police were powerless to protect the women, only 5 of these brawling animals were arrested.

Meanwhile, a week later, the German government respond with 1,700 police, water cannon and pepper spray to a demonstration against unrestricted immigration.

Thoughts: Is Germany trying to commit cultural suicide? facepalm.gif

No one appears to have thought this through very well - what do they expect 1 million unemployed young men of military age to do? This is what happened last year 2015 bah.gif next year will be worse.

There may be trouble ahead...

Big trouble in little Germany. This whole refugee situation rather reminds me of the running of the bulls.

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So. If someone protests mass violence against women while rallying for women's rights, he is automatically a right winger. I can live with that since it appears that the left wingers don't give a shit. Helloooooo Merkel.


Giving the Nazi salute in Germany could result in a six-month prison sentence. Now take a look at the OP photo and ask yourself why so many are emulating the Nazi salute with their left arm.

If you are worried by the rise of the far right I would put the blame for this squarely at the feet of the regressive left and their insane policies.

I've posted elsewhere on this forum I believe EU countries have made fundamental errors in not enforcing border protection in accordance to the Dublin Agreement, compounded by countries not providing sufficient funding & resources to support UNHCR / NGOs in handling the massive numbers of refugees in places such as Turkey, Lebanon, Iraq etc. I agree refugees should be assessed in situ in such countries, although extremely tough for positively vetted refugees whose lives can be in limbo for years waiting for resettlement.

I totally reject support & sympathy for far right groups who if they gain power are just as liable to destroy the culture of our home countries as those whom we condemn.

To repeat a previous post I am of the opinion governments will put in-place legislation and security measures, as is already occurring, to address the current problems, though the flow on effects will take a number of years for resolution of the current upheaval. Unfortunately I'm fairly sure in the meantime events such as Paris will be repeated.

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I love those pictures with Nazi Salute, it helps a lot to move forward.

You need to realize Pegida are usually very peaceful, they have a great number of middle-aged people and retirees among their number, and when they do their rallies in Dresden they tell their followers to watch the people around them and report things like Nazi-salutes and inappropriate signs to security.

This has been discussed numerous times in German media when the press spotted someone not complying, which they always make a great (as in: disproportionate) deal about it. When they call in a protest with 20k people or even a thousand marchers they are in no position to control who is coming and how they behave apart from the above policies. And YES, obviously some hard-core Nazis will join the fray when Pegida marches; if you try and see things from their side, they'd be stupid not to, even if Pegida only asks for a tiny subset of what they'd want for Germany.

With the Cologne protest Pegida were joined by Hogesa (Hooligans against Salafists), those are simply that: Hooligans who take up every opportunity or excuse (Salafists) to pick a quarrel with police or anyone else. They have a history in Cologne when they more or less overwhelmed police during a 2014 "protest". Those did the violence, and Pegida was in no position to control or exclude them.

What police did when dissolving last weeks protest was well within the law, but it's sort of unfair when you consider how in the past they -not just in Cologne- let leftist "anti-fascist" groups have their way throwing bottles, stones and firecrackers at Pegida marchers or blocking their path with "peaceful" sit-ins police fail to clear up on various excuses. The NPD for example (that's the German Nazi-party, maybe like the BNP) is suing Hamburg police for allowing counter-protesters close enough to throw things at them and completely drown them out sound-wise.

All in all, dissolving that protest was not a wise move considering what happened on NYE.

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So. If someone protests mass violence against women while rallying for women's rights, he is automatically a right winger. I can live with that since it appears that the left wingers don't give a shit. Helloooooo Merkel.


Giving the Nazi salute in Germany could result in a six-month prison sentence. Now take a look at the OP photo and ask yourself why so many are emulating the Nazi salute with their left arm.

They are all left handed ?sad.png

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So. If someone protests mass violence against women while rallying for women's rights, he is automatically a right winger. I can live with that since it appears that the left wingers don't give a shit. Helloooooo Merkel.


I have decided I am going to increasingly point out all the we "told you so" moments regarding the results of the massive invasion of Europe. Generally such behavior is beneath adults but I really implore people to wake up. This is a very real issue and if people who do not perceive the threat begin to see others predicting obvious results then perhaps they will then turn on the "holy crap, this is not immigration, this is an invasion" light-bulb. We are not prophets. If we predict so accurately it must be because we are just correct.

Previous Posts on this OP: With "no responsible central narrative" to address the universal concerns that "islamic jihad does come from islamic _____," but government is working with our muslim neighbors to address _________, what is left is the multitudes in the West coming to the only conclusion they can on their own- Islamic jihad does come from islamic ______. Migration/Hijra jihad does come from massive moments of muslim populations. Masses of unemployed military age men pouring into Europe does not translate into peace and status quo; its not possible. There are no "universal values" as Obama stated. The average age of these men, the commonest areas they are from, reveal most have never worked a day in their lives, and there is no expectation they will now work. A fool's review of history will tell you what happens when you take massive amounts of sexually repressed men and pour them into a target rich environment, provide them money, food, housing, and subculture that operates like a separate culture. Any time a predator is released into an environment without a natural restraining order the predator will be invasive and consume the host.

What will happen is that people will protest the inevitable outrages conducted against their culture- the host. People will protest, rail, complain, organize, bitch, and governments will invest more resources into suppressing the response to the invasion then actually addressing the concerns of the citizenry. This was specifically predicted and this is exactly what is happening, in Cologne and other locales. Western governments will use such pretexts to further limit the Liberties of their own citizens. This specific issue was predicted. We "told you so!"

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I have decided I am going to increasingly point out all the we "told you so" moments regarding the results of the massive invasion of Europe. Generally such behavior is beneath adults but I really implore people to wake up. This is a very real issue and if people who do not perceive the threat begin to see others predicting obvious results then perhaps they will then turn on the "holy crap, this is not immigration, this is an invasion" light-bulb. We are not prophets. If we predict so accurately it must be because we are just correct.

Previous Posts on this OP: With "no responsible central narrative" to address the universal concerns that "islamic jihad does come from islamic _____," but government is working with our muslim neighbors to address _________, what is left is the multitudes in the West coming to the only conclusion they can on their own- Islamic jihad does come from islamic ______. Migration/Hijra jihad does come from massive moments of muslim populations. Masses of unemployed military age men pouring into Europe does not translate into peace and status quo; its not possible. There are no "universal values" as Obama stated. The average age of these men, the commonest areas they are from, reveal most have never worked a day in their lives, and there is no expectation they will now work. A fool's review of history will tell you what happens when you take massive amounts of sexually repressed men and pour them into a target rich environment, provide them money, food, housing, and subculture that operates like a separate culture. Any time a predator is released into an environment without a natural restraining order the predator will be invasive and consume the host.

What will happen is that people will protest the inevitable outrages conducted against their culture- the host. People will protest, rail, complain, organize, bitch, and governments will invest more resources into suppressing the response to the invasion then actually addressing the concerns of the citizenry. This was specifically predicted and this is exactly what is happening, in Cologne and other locales. Western governments will use such pretexts to further limit the Liberties of their own citizens. This specific issue was predicted. We "told you so!"

Can confirm, you told us, I myself told everybody who cared to listen, and some of my fellow Germans were not happy with me.

Well, suit yourselves, I live in Thailand.

I agree that we are no longer talking refugees here, but immigration, and that might well turn into an invasion if the large number of muslim

young men find out, their schooling does not count for anything in German so they won't get the good jobs, won't own a house, might not even

be able to import a bride.

There is an article out there describing exactly the outcome of our so-called refugees heavily skewing to the male side


As to not having worked in their home countries, I would differ. They had to work because there are no social systems in place "down there".

Might turn out a blessing, I met one refugee from Sierra Leone years ago in Germany who made up for everything with motivation. On the

down-side, once those Muslims learn they get fed by the state no matter how many children they produce they couldn't otherwise afford, they

may rely on that to have comfortable living. Has happened in Germany, especially with Arabs.

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Lutz Bachmann of PEGIDA to be charged with Sedition for tee shirt picture.


The leader of the Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident (PEGIDA) street protest movement is facing prosecution for wearing a t-shirt reading, “Rapefugees not welcome” – the slogan of the 4000-strong march in Cologne this weekend.



The tighter the cork on the bottle, the bigger the eventual explosion. Worse is better.

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