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Those "12 GB and Edge speed afterwards" plans - can you software select between to two?


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Sorry for the confusing title. For the first time in my life here, I bought a DTAC 3G/4G 12GB/mo plan with EDGE speeds (384kb/sec) after you reach the 3G/4G 12GB data cap. I'm wondering if I can pick and choose between the two, like use EDGE speeds for surfing and email, and (by flipping some software switch) go to 3G/4G when I have to upload 500mb files to Dropbox. I'd like to save the 12GB 3G allowance for when I really need the speed.

Thanks in advance :)

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a) you really need 12 GB? I do not believe.

cool.png no.

Lots of people download files larger than 12GB so a 12 GB cap could be gone in a day. Especially if you are using the wireless card to provide internet to a computer. It would be nice to save the high speed access for times when you are streaming, and use the slower speeds for things that can download in the background.

Edited by canuckamuck
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I am pretty sure there is no way to select that. AIS does not allow and I suspect DTAC does not either.

Email is going to use up almost nothing and surfing only a little more....it's streaming media and large file downloads that eat data.

Edited by tonray
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Ok, thanks guys. That's what I thought.

I posed this question as myself to simplify things. It's actually in aid of my son, who just moved here a few days ago and is doing design work ( photoshop) for large projects for his old NYC company where 350mb files are put into the pipe every day. We've been having problems with data corruption on large files going to Dropbox, and debugging that is using a lot of the 12GB so that reserve is dropping fast. I wanted to preserve that data limit for as long as possible by selecting low band width for the small stuff. But no problem. It'll work out. The hotel we stay at is very reasonable but the wifi is dreadful. :) I'll find a "cheaper" way to debug the Dropbox corruption problem.

Again, thanks

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I'm wondering if I can pick and choose between the two, like use EDGE speeds for surfing and email

Think about it again.

Its a volume (!) tariff.

If you surf and email the volume is the same whether speed is high or low.

Mail or website might just come up quicker.

What you really should consider is bringing data volume down by blocking unwanted content like:

Ads, in particular that "video ads" that start unrequested. A pest.

Automatic updates of any kind: switch off or "WiFi only", "notify but download manually" depending on what device you use.

E.g. I have turned off automatic app updates on the smartphone totally (even on WiFi).

Almost daily updates of bloatware/crapware that I neither use nor can uninstall.

Another pest using up bandwidth on the internet in total.

Now I get a notification and can manually decide what is worth updating.

Depending on device: check what resolution you need for videos.

Do you need full HD on a "post stamp" display of a small smartphone?

Probably not because the eyes might not see the difference (a natural limitation).

What you need is: tips for bringing down/controlling the data volume when using the internet.

Edited by KhunBENQ
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The DTAC packages also gives access to their wifi network, so depending on you location you may be able to find a hotspot nearby?

On an iphone you can choose to connect via edge only, but that raises the question of whether, after paying for a 3g/4g volume package, if you only connect via edge, does it still just count as data on your package until the 12Gb is used up

I suspect it does

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if you only connect via edge, does it still just count as data on your package until the 12Gb is used up

Very sure it would. And anyway I never heard that such a user controlled throttling of the data package is possible.

Fully agree with post #4.

As a precaution: switch off mobile data completely whenever you are finished and sure you don't need to be online any further.

I guess there are still species who can stand to be offline for the night etc. biggrin.png

There is always a chance that some (hidden) SW/processes "call home" while internet connection exists.

"Call home": checking for updates, sending status data whatever (like chat programs, Skype?).

Depends on device and SW installed.

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if you only connect via edge, does it still just count as data on your package until the 12Gb is used up

Very sure it would. And anyway I never heard that such a user controlled throttling of the data package is possible.

I agree that it almost certainly would, but it is possible to select your connection:


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I suggest testing the lower speed connection as suggested above and checking to see if bandwidth comes off your current allocation.

Once the 12 GB does run out you can still top it up by purchasing additional bandwidth by the Gigabyte. The last time this happened to me was some time ago (about a year) so prices and packages have probably changed but back then you could only purchase additional bandwidth in blocks of 1 GB and I seem to remember it was more expensive than the monthly charge divided by 12 GB. There was no option to buy something like an extra 6 GB on top of the previous 12 GB.

Edited by ukrules
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I suggest testing the lower speed connection as suggested above and checking to see if bandwidth comes off your current allocation.

Once the 12 GB does run out you can still top it up by purchasing additional bandwidth by the Gigabyte. The last time this happened to me was some time ago (about a year) so prices and packages have probably changed but back then you could only purchase additional bandwidth in blocks of 1 GB and I seem to remember it was more expensive than the monthly charge divided by 12 GB. There was no option to buy something like an extra 6 GB on top of the previous 12 GB.

Certainly on AIS you could just add another few hundred Baht and ring them to turn on whatever package you're on (I use the 12Gb one, valid for a month, but I have extended it within the same month just by using that process).

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