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Is Thailand really cheap?


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30k is possible but is a very bare minimum IMO, 40-50k is more realistic

All depends on the lifestyle you lead. Bar girls and booze every night plus expensive restaurants, i guess you really do need 40-50.

Expensive restaurants, girls and booze every night.... on 40-50k?

What's with the jokers on here.

40k barely rents a decent place.

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30k is possible but is a very bare minimum IMO, 40-50k is more realistic

All depends on the lifestyle you lead. Bar girls and booze every night plus expensive restaurants, i guess you really do need 40-50.

Expensive restaurants, girls and booze every night.... on 40-50k?

What's with the jokers on here.

40k barely rents a decent place.

I agree, 40k for all that? where? ,Im moving tomorrow!

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It really does depend on where you live. I used to live in Samui, and the prices there were skyrocketing. It got to the point where it became difficult to find a dish at a crappy little local restaurant for under 100 baht. Some charged far more. Fruit was very expensive, and in general there was alot of "island related extortion pricing" going on. On the other hand things like motorbike rentals were cheap. House rentals were a bit high.

On the mainland, it is still reasonable. I do not consider Thailand to be cheap anymore. When Thais tell me it is cheap, I give them an earful. It used to be cheap. Not anymore. It is still reasonable, depending on where one lives. Pattaya and Bangkok are considerably more expensive. The officials who are constantly going on about little or no inflation are living on a different planet than the one I occupy. I see inflation everywhere I look.

Maenam, Noodle soup Bht 40. Kao phat gai,moo, gung 60-80 bht.. I cook at home , just made a Green Curry Gai cost me bht 80. enough to have one meal with rice and freeze another 3 meals. So has been said Up to you !

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Thats my weekly bar bill! So thats me stuffed.The trouble is the Thailand commercial mentality, when there is less customers put the price up. A beer in BKK is the same as Europe, some places are charging 100 -130bht.

100 to 130 baht for a beer in Bangkok?

You must be going to the cheap places.

350+ for a craft beer

300 for a pint of Asahi

350++ for a vodka soda in most places I go.

7000++ for a bottle of Grey Goose.

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Thailand is not cheap anymore, driven up by higher paid salaries in the last few years which has sent inflation rocketing.

Some parts of Thailand are very expensive like Phuket which there is no justification for such over-inflated prices other than pure greed.

30,000 THB is not much these days. Calculate: 15,000 per month for an average rental place, leaving 15,000 THB for Electric, Gas, Water, Food, Petrol. Yearly insurance vehicle policy, periodical visa/immigration runs. Maybe some have to support the family. If children are involved, then 30,000 THB isn't enough. I would say you need at least 60,000 THB to be comfortable per month.

Not very accurate here ! just moved a friend into a brand new brick 2 br bungalow on Koh Samui Bht 6000 per month, water free, so are you talking about Bangkok. coffee1.gif

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Was for over a month in Thailand in many areas. My Wife, who is Thai, said that we have a much higher standard of living and quality of life in Canada compared to what our $$ would get us in Thailand. I have to agree as we were considering on retiring in Thailand, but after being there, we couldn't wait to get back to Canada lol. I use to take many things for granted here, but not any more.

I dreamed that sunshine and beaches would lure me away, but it didn't.

What about heating costs. Does it snow as much in Canada as it does in Thailand. cheesy.gif

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Thailand is not cheap anymore, driven up by higher paid salaries in the last few years which has sent inflation rocketing.

Some parts of Thailand are very expensive like Phuket which there is no justification for such over-inflated prices other than pure greed.

30,000 THB is not much these days. Calculate: 15,000 per month for an average rental place, leaving 15,000 THB for Electric, Gas, Water, Food, Petrol. Yearly insurance vehicle policy, periodical visa/immigration runs. Maybe some have to support the family. If children are involved, then 30,000 THB isn't enough. I would say you need at least 60,000 THB to be comfortable per month.

Not very accurate here ! just moved a friend into a brand new brick 2 br bungalow on Koh Samui Bht 6000 per month, water free, so are you talking about Bangkok. coffee1.gif

He is probably talking about access, or supply. Although there are some deals to be had, I highly doubt that there exist new 6,000 Baht bungalows in a very large supply in Samui.

But then I haven't been there in a while



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I know two male farangs who live together and pool their resources. They each spend no more than B18,000 a month. They live on the North side of Pattaya which is generally cheaper. However, neither are drinkers and they prepare all their own meals. I know many expats that are barely surviving in the USA on the paltry amount they get from Social Security. It's hard to pay rent in the USA unless you live in the southern states. Over all, they live much better in Thailand than they could live in the USA.

Same on Social Security (o/a pension) in oz. If you don't have your own house, it is just about hopeless.

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I really think that trying to convince anyone that living in Thailand is either cheaper or more expensive than where they come from is like telling someone to pick up a ten inch turd by the clean end. Impossible ! They have already made up their own minds

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Back in oz last year ( Qld) it cost me Bht 3000 per week just for a room. On Koh Samui, one of the more expensive places in LOS i can rent a bungalow for Bht 6000 per month.

with running water and connected to the electric grid?? How about sea view?

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My quality of life living on Australia's Sunshine Coast , was far above anything that i have seen or experienced anywhere in the world. Only problem is i cannot afford to live there anymore. So Thailand for me is the next best.

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30k is possible but is a very bare minimum IMO, 40-50k is more realistic

All depends on the lifestyle you lead. Bar girls and booze every night plus expensive restaurants, i guess you really do need 40-50.

Expensive restaurants, girls and booze every night.... on 40-50k?

What's with the jokers on here.

40k barely rents a decent place.

40K ! come to Samui. My almost new 1b/r bungalow ( can listen to the surf in bed) costs me bht 9000 month, but most are cheaper.

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30,000 baht per month is what you would pay in rent in the west

Nonsense I´m from Denmark 30K is same as 5000-6000DKK closer to the 5000DKK. It´s difficult to find apartment for that money and then you also have to pay electricity green tax telephone license for TV or radio or both. insurance and much more. The cost of a apartment is 12.000-26.000DKK between 63,000,00-136500,00 Baht in Denmark + all they other thing i had say. Denmark is the most expensive country in EU here is a link for that i say but the link is in Danish language.


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I think it depends where you come from. There are for sure some countries which are cheaper than Thailand. But as some already wrote it's not only about cheap.

When i decided first time to make Thailand "Bangkok" my homebase for a few years, it was because in comparision what i become back the price was OK for me.

There were of course places which would be nicer like Singapore, Hongkok.. but this places would also costs much more. Then there would be places which are much cheaper like Cambodia for example.. but there I would miss things.

So for me Bangkok at that time was perfect from price and was this city was offering me (good connection Airport and public transport, reasonable internet) and also other stuff which in my eyes would be nice to have.

I also have to agree, that Thailand has become more expensive in the last few years. But compared to my country Swiss it is still very cheap in most of the things (maybe except cars).

In Swiss you need 100K baht to survive. actually this is the bare minimum to survive.. not to have a life. In Thailand with 100K baht you already have a very good life. I would say in Thailand you need about 50% of the money what you need in Swiss. Maybe even less to have a life which is comparable. There are maybe other countries, which compared to Thailand is different.

Can you life on 30K baht and why would someone to life on that? Well Maybe because this person also had to live on that amount in his homecountry and there he would die because not enough, but in thailand he can survive and still have some money for little bit fun.

I am sure we can find some people here in this forum they would tell you i can not survive in Thailand with less than 200'000 baht.. That is their live style. But the question if they would live in their homecountry and want to live the exact same live.. they would need less ??? I don't think so

Edited by HampiK
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The longer i live here the more it costs me. 30 years ago I could come on a holiday stay in 150 baht air con hot water,tv rooms.Now that room is 750 baht. Noodles were 15 or 20 baht. Now 35 or 40.. Female company 200 baht. Suzuki Caribbean was the vehicle.of choice for those who could afford it. Buy a rai of land 35,000 baht. Good 3 bedroom house 400,000 baht.No bar fines many places and if there was one it was a little 200 baht or so.Meals were served with free rice. Medical services were cheap.

i could come here and spend less than 1000 baht a day and have a good room eat in decent places,travel around,different gf every night,use taxis,and not worry about the costs.This was holiday costs which are far greater than living costs.

Now I live here and I go through 30,000 before the end of the first week of each month. Yes it has got quite a bit more expensive. In the last 5 years pork has doubled in price. House purchasing has gone off the chart. Some will say still cheaper than their home country. that may be true but Thailand is a long ways from as cheap as what I knew it as when I first came,or as enjoyable.

And how much did it cost 30 years ago to live in your country?

Read up on Inflation, Econs 101.

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30k is possible but is a very bare minimum IMO, 40-50k is more realistic

All depends on the lifestyle you lead. Bar girls and booze every night plus expensive restaurants, i guess you really do need 40-50.

Expensive restaurants, girls and booze every night.... on 40-50k?

What's with the jokers on here.

40k barely rents a decent place.

40K ! come to Samui. My almost new 1b/r bungalow ( can listen to the surf in bed) costs me bht 9000 month, but most are cheaper.

? that 25% of shops are pharmacies tells me the danger in living on this island...

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it can be cheap if you want or have to live like a poor Thai person but if you want to live like a real human I don't think its cheap, you win a few and lose a few. l don't live here cos its cheap, the money it cost me to live here I could live anywhere in the world.

Repulsive to suggest that poor Thai people do not live as "real humans". Repulsive.

Quite. A disgusting comment, clearly from a sick mind.

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The issue of 'cheap' is a relative one; i.e. cheap compared to what? We all have different standards of living back home - some live the high-life and other live more frugally on a fixed budget. So the real test is, can you live in LoS more cheaply (with a similar standard of living) than you can 'back home'. The answer of course is yes, on the whole, LoS is much cheaper (at least a third and maybe as much as half-price).

Accommodation costs are a fraction of what they are in Western countries. Eating out is significantly cheaper. Having a few beers again is cheaper. Diesel/Petrol is around half the price you would pay in the UK (different story in other countries like the US). For smokers, LoS must seem like paradise. Now some things are more expensive. I like nice cars and always drove a (second hand) luxury car - Merc, BMW or Range Rover...at a few years old, a current model can be picked up for 20k GBP (under 1 million THB). Over here, I drive a new pick-up as luxury cars are crazy prices.

I have mates who live very happily on 40-50k THB pm, although personally my budget is twice that...but then again, I tend to lead a life-style that used to cost an awful lot more than that back home.

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Pattaya is Thailand like Los Vegas is the USA.

Vegas is cheaper especially for seniors, and disabled people are respected there. Not to mention the newest/best Veterans hospital in the USA for free medical care if you're a Vet. Bus transport and senior transport is cheaper than Thailand and again Vets are transported across Vegas to the hospital for free. I've had it with this place and am moving back. I'm tired of living on mark down stuff at mini C and Tesco. blink.pngbah.gif I live on the Dark Side, ever try to get a cop or ambulance here. ? 911?

The cops here are completely useless. Why would you ever call one?

But Vegas? Why? I usually have to go there once a decade for a bachelor party, and that is quite enough. I just don't get the place. But I don't gamble, so maybe that is why?

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30k is possible but is a very bare minimum IMO, 40-50k is more realistic

All depends on the lifestyle you lead. Bar girls and booze every night plus expensive restaurants, i guess you really do need 40-50.

Expensive restaurants, girls and booze every night.... on 40-50k?

What's with the jokers on here.

40k barely rents a decent place.

40K ! come to Samui. My almost new 1b/r bungalow ( can listen to the surf in bed) costs me bht 9000 month, but most are cheaper.

But nearly everything else on samui is so overpriced. That island has seen better days. It is not getting any better. The gradual degradation of the place is shameful. And the congestion?

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Was for over a month in Thailand in many areas. My Wife, who is Thai, said that we have a much higher standard of living and quality of life in Canada compared to what our $$ would get us in Thailand. I have to agree as we were considering on retiring in Thailand, but after being there, we couldn't wait to get back to Canada lol. I use to take many things for granted here, but not any more.

I dreamed that sunshine and beaches would lure me away, but it didn't.

I found Canada to be ridiculously priced. Very expensive at least in Calgary it was

I did mention before that if I lived in one of Canada's large cities, Calgary for example, quality of life would not be nearly as good as I have in my small town. Today I got large avocado's at Walmart for 87 cents each which is about 22baht. Health care is free, gas is about 5% cheaper than Thailand and on it goes. Where Thailand has us beat hands down is rent, but we own our house, so not to worry there. I found generally food cheaper here, but we live near an organic farmer who is a friend and if our whole system collapses it would still only cost us $50 a week for two of us to eat really well.

Canadian income tax = $$$ = bah.gif

Thai income tax = zero = thumbsup.gif

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I think it depends where you come from. There are for sure some countries which are cheaper than Thailand. But as some already wrote it's not only about cheap.

When i decided first time to make Thailand "Bangkok" my homebase for a few years, it was because in comparision what i become back the price was OK for me.

There were of course places which would be nicer like Singapore, Hongkok.. but this places would also costs much more. Then there would be places which are much cheaper like Cambodia for example.. but there I would miss things.

So for me Bangkok at that time was perfect from price and was this city was offering me (good connection Airport and public transport, reasonable internet) and also other stuff which in my eyes would be nice to have.

I also have to agree, that Thailand has become more expensive in the last few years. But compared to my country Swiss it is still very cheap in most of the things (maybe except cars).

In Swiss you need 100K baht to survive. actually this is the bare minimum to survive.. not to have a life. In Thailand with 100K baht you already have a very good life. I would say in Thailand you need about 50% of the money what you need in Swiss. Maybe even less to have a life which is comparable. There are maybe other countries, which compared to Thailand is different.

Can you life on 30K baht and why would someone to life on that? Well Maybe because this person also had to live on that amount in his homecountry and there he would die because not enough, but in thailand he can survive and still have some money for little bit fun.

I am sure we can find some people here in this forum they would tell you i can not survive in Thailand with less than 200'000 baht.. That is their live style. But the question if they would live in their homecountry and want to live the exact same live.. they would need less ??? I don't think so

bull's eye! thumbsup.gif

if we lived in my home country Germany we couldn't afford a fraction of our Thai quite comfortable lifestyle... starting with a six-digit income tax (€UR not Baht) which is higher than our total living expenses in Thailand.

30,000 Baht (765 EUR) income means in Germany or Switzerland you live like a pauper! bah.gif

Thailand expensive? gimme a break! coffee1.gif

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